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salt production
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2022 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 101739
Nugroho Agung Pambudi ◽  
Jamiatul Yusafiadi ◽  
Muhammad Kunta Biddinika ◽  
Yuyun Estriyanto ◽  
Alfan Sarifudin

Desalination ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 522 ◽  
pp. 115399
Xu Ma ◽  
Xinyi Wan ◽  
Zhou Fang ◽  
Zhuoyi Li ◽  
Xiaobin Wang ◽  

Mukhamad N. Malawani ◽  
Muh Aris Marfai ◽  
Aldhila G. H. Yoga ◽  
Tiara Handayani ◽  
Ahmad Cahyadi ◽  

The government of Indonesia has faced several challenges to its goal of achieving salt self-sufficiency, necessitating the formulation and implementation of strategic steps to increase salt production. Among its islands, Java has a great deal of potential for salt production, as does the Special Region of Yogyakarta, where the government has initiated salt farming development as part of its coastal community empowerment program. This study aimed to (1) evaluate the land suitability of existing salt farms and (2) identify potential sites and make a productivity estimation of salt farms in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, with the broad objective of demonstrating a rapid land assessment for salt farming development using the combination GIS and field survey. The approach was carried out in three phases; i.e., the analyses of land availability, land characteristics, and land recommendations. On-screen digitizing using GIS was applied to identify land availability through several data sources (satellite imagery and a land-use map from the Indonesian topographic map). This process led to the discovery of 19 sites. Land characteristics and land recommendations analysis were carried out in those sites, resulting in multiple land suitability classes, mostly in the S2 class (moderately suitable). Several impediment factors, such as wind, material texture, and temperature, were also identified, along with other obstacles including high tide and tsunami exposure. In terms of supporting the Indonesian salt self-sufficiency program, these results are significant, with salt productivity estimations of the potential sites meeting the target set by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-188
Esti Renatalia Tanaem ◽  
Puguh Toko Arisanto

The trade liberalization of the domestic salt sector in Indonesia indicated by tariff reduction faced pros and cons. By using the concept of two-level games and governmental process, the authors found that there was a political upheaval of actors both from bureaucrats and interest groups adorning the political process in salt liberalization in Indonesia. Political upheaval occurred due to the tug of war between the two opposing parties. The pros, represented by the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, importers, and mafias supported imports of salt to meet domestic needs that cannot be fulfilled by domestic salt productions, both in quality and quantity. While the cons represented by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and salt farmers - both from associations and from non-associations - demanded salt import reduction to support the domestic salt production program and the sustainability of the domestic salt industries. Keywords: liberalization, salt, two level games, political upheaval, tug of war

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012024
M Gozan ◽  
M I Alhamid ◽  
N Amir ◽  
M Efendy

Abstract Salt farmers in Indonesia generally carry out simple land processing to produce NaCl levels below 90% and productivity below 80 tons/ha. Several separate efforts have been made to increase the quantity and quality of salt in traditional salt production systems. This work examines the threaded system, additive addition, and geomembrane to increase salt production in Ambulu Village, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. The result showed that the quality of salt increases compared to the traditional process. The quality of the salt can be improved. The traditional method of observation contains 91% NaCl. Using a combination of Threaded applications and additives increases the NaCl content by up to 94%. Adding Geomembrane technology from the two previous technologies resulted in salt with a NaCl content of 96%. At the same time, the amount of salt production from Indonesia has also increased to 155 tons/ha, compared to the traditional method, which is 80-90 tons/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-85
Julieta A. Delos Reyes ◽  
Abigail T. Lat ◽  
Tyrone Jasper I. Reodica ◽  
Christine Joy B. Manalo

Abstract The study analyzed the profitability of small and medium scale salt enterprises in Alubijid and El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines. It determined salt production practices; assessed the profitability of salt production; and identified the problems encountered in salt production. Forty-two salt producers in the area were personally interviewed using a pre-tested interview schedule. Descriptive and cost and returns analysis, rate of return on investment (ROI), and ANOVA were employed. Results revealed that the production practices of the salt producers are dictated by the flooring materials of salt beds and the type and volume of salt produced were highly dependent on the flooring materials and on weather. It was concluded that salt production is a profitable enterprise and the salt beds with transparent polyethylene plastic as flooring material were the most profitable, despite having the most labor-intensive production process. Recommendations include usage of transparent polyethylene plastic as flooring material and teaching appropriate technology for seawater filtration to address the problem on degraded quality of seawater with the local government unit (LGU) taking the lead. Also, a soft loan program be put up for buying flooring materials so that more members of the lakeshore community can engage in the salt making.

2021 ◽  
Vol 927 (1) ◽  
pp. 012021
Kunaifi ◽  
Liliana ◽  
Harris Simaremare ◽  
Mulyono ◽  
Wahyu Anjarjati

Abstract Salt production farmers in Patutrejo Village, Purworejo Regency, spend nearly Rp. 10 million per year for diesel water pump operational costs. The cost of fuel is the heaviest financial burden for the farmers. Not only is it expensive, but fuel scarcity is also a serious issue causing the salt production capacity target cannot be assured, and the increasing demand for salt cannot be met. This study proposes using a solar water pump system (SWPS) as an alternative solution for the farmers to ensure and increase salt production. For a group of farmers in Patutrejo who require pumping around 35 m3 of seawater each day, a photovoltaic (PV) panel of 900 Wp and a DC pump of 700 Watt can perform the task sufficiently. The total capital cost of the SWPS is Rp. 90 million, with a simple payback period (SPP) of 9.5 years. The SPP would be shorter if future fuel price increases were taken into account. With a lifetime of up to 25 years, SWPS promises a long-term, practical, reliable, and sustainable solution for salt farmers in Patutrejo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 930 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
R K Warist ◽  
W Wilopo ◽  
N I Setiawan

Abstract Gapura sub-district is located in the Sumenep Regency, Madura Island, that also recognized as the center of salt production. Due to not availability of a clean water network from the municipal water network (PDAM), the daily water need of the community is provided by groundwater. Local people have reported several brackish waters in the wells since a few years ago. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify seawater intrusion potential in this area. The seawater intrusion is analyzed based on the value of electrical conductivity (EC) and groundwater hydrochemistry. From the analysis of EC values, it can be concluded that there are two out of thirty groundwater samples classified as moderately saline water, while in the study of groundwater ion values, both two samples have chloride values that are more than 240 mg/L. However, the Cl and HCO3 ratio show that the two samples will only have a small effect on seawater. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Gapura sub-district does not have seawater intrusion. High salinity in some wells is mostly coming from salt production in this area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (12) ◽  
Budi Sasongko ◽  
Eny Lestari Widarni ◽  
Suryaning Bawono

The purpose of this study was to identify the transaction costs of salt farming in Pesanggrahan village, Kwanyar district, Bangkalan district. This study uses a qualitative method to identify the transaction costs of salt farming in Pesanggrahan village, Kwanyar district, Bangkalan district. We found that there are three types of transaction costs in salt cultivation in Pesanggrahan village, Kwanyar district, Bangkalan district, namely asymmetric information, contract costs, and negotiation costs. There are transaction costs in the process of buying and selling salt production between farmers and salt factories. This is identified by the emergence of Asymmetric Information in "Salt Price" and "Making Sorat Jelen" Between Farmers and Salt Factory. Negotiations between Farmers and Se Andi' Sorat (Quantity and Time of Sales) and Se Andi' Sorat with Salt Factory (Quantity and Price of Salt). The Farmer Contract Provisions Must Have Sorat Jelen become a system that makes the transaction costs of salt farmers and salt factories high. Having a travel permit is very difficult for salt farmers, this is because there are several requirements that must be carried out by them. This requirement then led to a contract between the salt farmer and the salt factory.

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