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creative role
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-57
Adam Krzymowski

The presented manuscript deals with three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) that are part of the Three Seas Initiative in the context of cooperation with the United Arab Emirates. The research’s goal is analysis the larger dimension of Three Seas Initiative and its creative role and importance in the international arena, including the Middle East. In this sense, this paper asks a research question of whether the relations between Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the United Arab Emirates have the potential for deeper and broader creative dynamics of their cooperation. The presented article is the first research work of this type. Thus, it fills a gap in the literature and analyses concerning relations between the Baltic states and the United Arab Emirates. This work is primarily base on empirical research conducted for ten years. In addition, the author used his own creative experience, including as an Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (2011–2015) or Senior advisor at Expo 2020 (2016–2018), responsible for strategies and creative development of relations the United Arab Emirates with all the Three Seas Initiative countries, including Baltic states. As a result of the research, the author argues that Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, as a part of the Three Seas Initiative, should make this concept more creative in its external dimension, with the United Arab Emirates. Expo 2020 (1 October, 2021–31 March, 2022) provides an opportunity for creative diplomacy. This event is an occasion to demonstrate joint projects, also in global aspects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2020 (15 n.s.) ◽  
pp. 73-92
Giovanni Gobber

The paper focusses on Vittore Pisani’s considerations about the nature of language and speech. A renowned scholar in historical linguistics, Pisani made nospecific contribution to theoretical topics. Nevertheless, in a series of passages from some of his papers the creative role of speakers and hearers is emphasized, and the observation is made that the products of their linguistic activity can be the models for new speech acts. For Pisani speech acts within a given social aggregate can be investigated to describe what they have in common at the various levels of analysis, and the results of this investigation can be organized into a “system of isoglosses”, which represent what is called a language. So, language is not an ideal entity with an autonomous existence and is organized regardless of the individual speech acts, but it is the result of a reconstruction that can vary according to the data on which it is based. Such a conception is in line with contemporary sociolinguistic and pragmatic research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 709-720
Jerzy Pogonowski

Abstract Certain mathematical objects bear the name “pathological” (or “paradoxical”). They either occur as unexpected and (temporarily) unwilling in mathematical research practice, or are constructed deliberately, for instance in order to delimit the scope of application of a theorem. I discuss examples of mathematical pathologies and the circumstances of their emergence. I focus my attention on the creative role of pathologies in the development of mathematics. Finally, I propose a few reflections concerning the degree of cognitive accessibility of mathematical objects. I believe that the problems discussed in the paper may attract the attention of philosophers interested in concept formation and the development of mathematical ideas.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 491-508
Svetlana A. Bezklubaya

The modern universal significance of the all-human creative experience updates the scientific interest in phenomena of culture which concentrate and disseminate the theories, ideas and beliefs that claim universal significance and cause epochal changes over vast territories. Religion, as a way of spiritual and practical mastery of the world by man, is that part of culture that constantly changes its forms, throws off some and clothes itself in others, fixing itself in cultural systems and actively influencing the processes of their self-organization and selfregulation. Therefore, the object of this study is religious syncretism as a way of transforming components of different order of being into a powerful culturecreative potential. The purpose of the work is to study religious syncretism as a complex multilevel process of mutual influence of various types of religions, sacred ideological images and cultural archetypes (ethical, aesthetic, artistic). The parameters of openness, and the mixing and blurring of boundaries make it possible to consider religious syncretism as a creative factor of culture, giving it the necessary integrity and actual meaning. Analysis of traditional forms of reflection and regulation of socio-cultural processes (myth, ritual, religion, art) reveals syncretism as a way of filling the sacred and religious with a powerful cultural-creative force. The author reveals the entropic essence of religious syncretism and its creative role in overcoming fragmentation, simplification and monism by culture (especially in the interpretation of the concepts of life and death, being and nothing, beautiful and ugly, space and time, virtue, soul, faith). The methodological basis of the research was formed by a transdisciplinary approach establishing a systemic life stance interaction of structurally functional and historical analysis with cultural and philosophical reflection. The theoretical conclusions contained in the work open up new opportunities for further study of the influence of religions on the creativity of cultural systems. The study of the culture-creative potential of religious syncretism clearly demonstrates the unity of the primary causes of being and thus allows one to practically reduce the degree of modern interfaith tension.

2021 ◽  
К.Е. Горелов

Приводимые в статье данные об организационной структуре, методиках (направлениях) и основополагающих принципах психотерапевтического метода Терапии творческим самовыражением М.Е.Бурно (ТТСБ), как части Клинической классической психотерапии, Терапии духовной культурой, позволяют получить более точные представления о ТТСБ и овладеть навыками использования данного метода в лечении и реабилитации пациентов с психиатрическим профилем заболевания. Рассказывается о показаниях и противопоказаниях к использованию метода ТТСБ. О непосредственных алгоритмах и психотерапевтических методиках осуществления помощи. Затрагивается вопрос значимости личной — творческой роли специалиста в ТТСБ, осуществляющего Психосоциальную терапию и реабилитацию. Рассматривается феномен особого психотерапевтического эмоционального интимного контакта с шизофреническими, шизотипическими пациентами, являющегося существенным компонентом продуктивного терапевтического взаимодействия с данной группой обратившихся за помощью. Рассказывается об особой терапевтической среде психотерапевтического метода ТТСБ в Психосоциальной терапии и реабилитации. The data presented in the article on the organizational structure, methodologies and fundamental principles of psychotherapy method of Therapy by means of creative self-expression by M.Ye.Burno (TCSEB), as a part of Clinical classical psychotherapy, Therapy by intellectual culture, allows us to get more accurate understanding of TCSEB and master the skills of using this method in treatment and rehabilitation of psychiatric disease profile patients. The indications and contraindications for using the TCSEB method are explained. The direct algorithms and psychotherapy methodologies of helping mentally ill patients are mentioned here. We also talk about special personal and creative role of a TCSEB specialist who performs Psychosocial therapy and rehabilitation. We emphasise the importance of psychotherapeutic deep emotional contact, working with schizophrenic and schizotypal patients as an essential component of productive therapeutic interaction with this group of patients. The special therapeutic environment of the psychotherapeutic method of TCSEB in Psychosocial therapy and rehabilitation is described.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (10) ◽  
pp. 150-156
E. O. Frantcuzskaia ◽  
N. A. Semenenko ◽  
N. A. Medova ◽  
E. A. Gordeyeva

The paper provides some results of the library reader survey which allowed establishing the new role and place of the research library of a pedagogical university. The creative role of the research library determines the possible options of interaction between the library and scientific and educational departments of the pedagogical university. In the educational environment, the library becomes a “third place” between home and classroom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 167-174
Anna Foschi Ciampolini

Adriana Monti is an Italian-Canadian independent producer, feminist filmmaker and author. She started her career in Italy in the late 1970s by developing a collaborative and experimental style that allowed the women object of her research to take an active and creative role in her films. This interview centers around her two recent documentaries. Family 001 and Family 005 are two shorts exploring the lives of several influential Torontonians and Montrealers of Italian origin through a series of informal interviews with women, men and members of the same family from diverse age groups. This brings a captivating and often touching perspective of the Italian-Canadian immigrant experience. In the course of this interview, Monti explores the deeper issues of identity, integration, acculturation, shifting gender roles, generational lifestyles and career choices. She also talks about the influence/interference of government in people’s lives and in respect to creativity and cultural life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (3) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Tuleutai Suleimenov ◽  

Kazakhstan at the present stage has the status of a large regional state in the Eurasian space, plays an active role in the system of international relations, occupying a worthy place on the political map of the world. The strategy of independence of N. A. Nazarbayev formed the basis for the vision of modernizing modern Kazakhstani society and strengthening the independence of our country in the new world. The values ​​of our independence: multinationality of a single people, common national interests, education and science, demarcation of state borders, peaceful foreign policy.

Татьяна Кирилловна Щеглова

В статье на основе полевых исследований с опорой на социальную память, с использованием методов и источников устной истории определяется значение традиционной культуры в поддержании жизнедеятельности сельского общества сибирского тыла в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Анализируется востребованность и мобильность народных традиций в повседневной жизни, описываются жизнесохранительные практики и их связь с традиционными умениями и навыками, определяется место этих практик в процессах социальной и хозяйственно-бытовой адаптации русских крестьян к военному времени. Делается вывод, что в основе сформированной системы преодоления трудностей лежали заместительные технологии обеспечения семьи питанием, жилищем, одеждой. Созидательность традиционной культуры и ее гибкость рассматриваются на примере огородничества и домашнего скотоводства. Отмечены тенденции их реструктуризации с целью замены традиционных базовых компонентов культуры жизнеобеспечения и перемещением их в группу второстепенных. Доказывается, что критерием адаптационных замещений служили многофункциональность и универсальность. Большое внимание уделяется половозрастному перераспределению трудовых обязанностей в сельской семье, связанному с историческим опытом воспитания и семейными традициями. В завершение исследования автор предлагает рассматривать традиционную культуру как фактор победы в Великой Отечественной войне, а опыт выживания крестьянского общества в трудных условиях считать составной частью подвига населения сибирской тыловой деревни This article discusses the importance of traditional culture in maintaining the life of rural society in the Siberian rear during the Great Patriotic War. It is based on field research using methods and sources of oral history to explore social memory. The article analyzes the relevance and mobility of folk traditions in everyday life, describes life-saving practices and their relationship with traditional skills, and determines the place of these practices in helping Russian peasants adapt to wartime social and economic needs. The author asserts that the adaptive system for overcoming difficulty was based on substitute technologies for providing food, housing, and clothing for the family. She considers the creative role of traditional culture and its flexibility in the sphere of kitchen gardening and domestic livestock. The article notes the tendency of their restructuring in order to replace basic components of the traditional culture of life support and to consider them secondary. Multifunctionality and versatility now serve as the criterion for adaptive substitution. Attention is paid to the gender and age redistribution of work responsibilities in the rural family, associated with the historical experience of raising children and family traditions. At the end of the study, the author proposes that traditional culture be considered a factor in Russia’s victory in the Great Patriotic War, and that the survival of peasant society in the difficult conditions of the rear be appreciated as an integral part of the population’s achievement.

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