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shallow marine
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Jean-David Moreau ◽  
Romain Vullo ◽  
Sylvain Charbonnier ◽  
Romain Jattiot ◽  
Vincent Trincal ◽  

Abstract Since the 1980s, the Upper Jurassic lithographic limestone of the Causse Méjean (southern France) has been known by local naturalists to yield fossils. However, until the beginning of the 21st century, this plattenkalk remained largely undersampled and scientifically underestimated. Here, we present the results of two decades of prospection and sampling in the Drigas and the Nivoliers quarries. We provide the first palaeontological inventory of the fossil flora, the fauna and the ichnofauna for these localities. The fossil assemblages show the co-occurrence of marine and terrestrial organisms. Marine organisms include algae, bivalves, brachiopods, cephalopods (ammonites, belemnites and coleoids such as Trachyteuthis), echinoderms, decapod crustaceans (ghost shrimps, penaeoid shrimps and glypheoid lobsters) and fishes (including several actinopterygians and a coelacanth). Terrestrial organisms consist of plant remains (conifers, bennettitaleans, pteridosperms) and a single rhynchocephalian (Kallimodon cerinensis). Ichnofossils comprise traces of marine invertebrates (e.g. limulid trackways, ammonite touch mark) as well as coprolites and regurgitalites. Given the exquisite preservation of these fossils, the two quarries can be considered as Konservat-Lagerstätten. Both lithological features and fossil content suggest a calm, protected and shallow-marine environment such as a lagoon partially or occasionally open to the sea. Most fossils are allochthonous to parautochthonous and document diverse ecological habitats. Similarly to other famous Upper Jurassic plattenkalks of western Europe such as Solnhofen, Cerin or Canjuers, the Causse Méjean is a key landmark for our understanding of coastal/lagoonal palaeoecosystems during the Kimmeridgian–Tithonian interval.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Chantel Elston ◽  
Paul D. Cowley ◽  
Rainer G. von Brandis ◽  
James Lea

Abiotic factors often have a large influence on the habitat use of animals in shallow marine environments. Specifically, tides may alter the physical and biological characteristics of an ecosystem while changes in temperature can cause ectothermic species to behaviorally thermoregulate. Understanding the contextual and relative influences of these abiotic factors is important in prioritizing management plans, particularly for vulnerable faunal groups like stingrays. Passive acoustic telemetry was used to track the movements of 60 stingrays at a remote and environmentally heterogeneous atoll in Seychelles. This was to determine if habitat use varied over daily, diel and tidal cycles and to investigate the environmental drivers behind these potential temporal patterns. Individuals were detected in the atoll year-round, but the extent of their movement and use of multiple habitats increased in the warmer NW-monsoon season. Habitat use varied over the diel cycle, but was inconsistent between individuals. Temperature was also found to influence stingray movements, with individuals preferring the deeper and more thermally stable lagoon habitat when extreme (hot or cold) temperature events were observed on the flats. Habitat use also varied over the tidal cycle with stingrays spending a higher proportion of time in the lagoon during the lowest tides, when movement on the flats were constrained due to shallow waters. The interplay of tides and temperature, and how these varied across diel and daily scales, dynamically influenced stingray habitat use consistently between three species in an offshore atoll.

2022 ◽  
pp. 106077
M. Poyatos-Moré ◽  
F. García-García ◽  
F.J. Rodríguez-Tovar ◽  
J. Soria ◽  
C. Viseras ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Eun Je Jeong ◽  
Daekyo Cheong ◽  
Jin Cheul Kim ◽  
Hyoun Soo Lim ◽  
Seungwon Shin

The Nakdong River delta, located in southeastern Korea, preserves thick and wide sediments, which are suitable for the high-resolution study of the evolution of depositional environments in the lower delta plain area. This study traces the Holocene evolution of the Nakdong River delta using deep drill core (ND-3; 46.60 m thick) sediments from the present delta plain. Sedimentary units of the sediments were classified based on grain size compositions and sedimentary structures: (A) alluvial zone, (B) estuarine zone, (C) shallow marine, (D) prodelta, (E) delta front, and (F) delta plain. The weathered sediment, paleosol, was observed at 43.16 m below the surface. There is an unconformity (43.10 m) to separate a Pleistocene sediment layer in the lowermost part differentiating from a Holocene sediment layer in the upper part of the core. The shallow marine sedimentary unit (32.20~23.50 m), in which grain size decreases upward is overlain by the prodelta unit (23.50~15.10 m), which consists of fine-grained sediments and relatively homogeneous sedimentary facies. The boundary between the delta front unit (15.10~8.00 m) and the delta plain unit (8.00~0.00 m) appears to lie at 8.0 m, and the variation in grain size is different; coarsening upward in the delta front unit and fining upward in the delta front unit, respectively. These sediments are characterized by a lot of sand–mud couplets and mica flakes aligned along with cross-stratification, which may be deposited in relatively high-energy environments. Until 13 cal ka BP, the sea level was 70 m below the present level and the drilling site might be located onshore. At 10 cal ka BP, the sea level was located 50 m below the present level and the drilling site might be moved to an estuarine environment. From 8 to 6 cal ka BP, a transgression phase occurred as a result of coastline invasion by the rapid rise of the sea level. Thus, the drilling site was drowned in a shallow marine environment. After 6 cal ka BP, the sea level reached the present level, and, since then, progradation might begin to form, primarily by more sediment input. After this period, the progradation phase continues as the sediments have advanced and the delta grows.

2021 ◽  
Torsten Seelig ◽  
Felix Müller ◽  
Matthias Tesche

<p>Die Wolkenverfolgung ist die einzige Möglichkeit zur Beobachtung der zeitlichen Entwicklung von Wolken und zur Quantifizierung der Veränderung ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften während ihrer Lebensdauer (Seelig et al., 2021). Der Schlüssel dazu sind zeitaufgelöste Messungen von Instrumenten an Bord geostationärer Satelliten. Experimente mit atmosphärenähnlicher Konfiguration treiben die Entwicklung von Messmethoden und Alghoritmen unter Laborbedingungen voran. Heutzutage ist es z.B. möglich zweidimensionale, zeitlich und räumlich hochaufgelöste Geschwindigkeitsfelder auf Basis der Verschiebung kleinster Partikel zu messen (Seelig and Harlander, 2015; Seelig et al., 2018). Die Methodik der Partikelgeschwindigkeitsmessung dient als Anfangsbedingung zum Verfolgen dieser Partikel und kann auf troposphärische Wolken angewendet werden. Diese Präsentation stellt die Analogie von Experiment zur Realität vor, beschreibt das Verfahren der Partikelgeschwindigkeitsmessung und die Anwendung auf Daten geostationärer Satelliten.</p> <p><strong>Literatur:</strong></p> <p>Seelig, T., Deneke, H., Quaas, J., and Tesche, M.: Life cycle of shallow marine cumulus clouds from geostationary satellite observations, J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 126(22), e2021JD035577, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD035577, 2021.</p> <p>Seelig, T., Harlander, U., and Gellert, M.: Experimental investigation of stratorotational instability using a thermally stratified system: instability, waves and associated momentum flux, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 112, 239-264, https://doi.org/10.1080/03091929.2018.1488971, 2018.</p> <p>Seelig, T. and Harlander, U.: Can zonally symmetric inertial waves drive an oscillating zonal mean flow?, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 109, 541-566, https://doi.org/10.1080/03091929.2015.1094064, 2015.</p>

2021 ◽  
Reza Satria Nugraha ◽  
Oliver Esteva Tumbarinu

Abstract Stratigraphic correlation is crucial for reservoir characterization; therefore, it requires more advanced methods and techniques to reduce the stratigraphic correlation uncertainty, especially when variation in lateral facies is high. The studied formations from bottom to top consist of fluvial to marginal marine X Formation, shallow marine Y Formation, and fluvial distributary channels to estuarine Z Formation. Spectral gamma-ray logs give additional consistent information on lithological composition that can support identification of boundary between formations within the stratigraphic framework. Wells with a full section of Y Formation, core, palynology, and spectral gamma-ray were selected as key wells. The top and base of the Y Formation were picked using conventional logs refined by a thorium/potassium (Th/K) ratio log and cross plot with core and palynology data as validations. The internal Y Formation markers were also picked with the aid of the Th/K cross plots. The top picking criteria from the key wells was implemented to the rest of the wells across the field with consistency. The uniform low Th/K ratio log (<3.5) across the Y Formation indicates illite as the dominant clay type, confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) data with an average of more than 80%. The character is consistent with the interpreted depositional environment. This character makes the Y Formation stand out from the overlying Z and the underlying X formations. The change from X to Y Formation is defined by the decrease of the Th/K ratio log, from high kaolinite content to illite dominated environment. Inversely, the top of the Y Formation (base of Z) is indicated by the increase of the Th/K ratio log moving from shallow marine Y Formation to the fluvial-influenced Z Formation. The Th/K cross plot indicates different clusters amongst the studied formations and the internal Y zonation. The X Formation is located in the high Th and low K area where kaolinite is predominant, related to fluvial environment. The case is similar for the Z Formation but with more influence of mixed-clay type. The Y Formation shows clear clustering along the mixed-clay and illite window. Internal Y zonation displays, from bottom to top, an increasing K value within the clusters. This method provides a semi-quantitative interpretation to define the studied formations boundaries and the Y Formation internal zonation. This study has increased the consistency of the studied formations’ stratigraphic and structural framework. This consistency has, in turn, fine-tuned the structural framework and aided field development through better geosteering and lateral well placements. These results are a valuable starting point to refine and extend the work to other areas.

2021 ◽  
pp. SP523-2021-57
Rebecca J. Dorsey ◽  
Juan Carlos Braga ◽  
Kevin Gardner ◽  
Kristin McDougall ◽  
Brennan O'Connell

AbstractMarine straits and seaways are known to host a wide range of sedimentary processes and products, but the role of marine connections in the development of large river systems remains little studied. This study explores a hypothesis that shallow marine waters flooded the lower Colorado River valley at ∼ 5 Ma along a fault-controlled former tidal straight, soon after the river was first integrated to the northern Gulf of California. The upper bioclastic member of the southern Bouse Formation provides a critical test of this hypothesis. The upper bioclastic member contains wave ripple-laminated bioclastic grainstone with minor red mudstone, pebbly grainstone with HCS-like stratification and symmetrical gravelly ripples, and calcareous-matrix conglomerate. Fossils include upward-branching segmented coralline-like red algae with no known modern relatives but confirmed as marine calcareous algae, echinoid spines, barnacles, shallow marine foraminifers, clams, and serpulid worm tubes. These results provide evidence for deposition in a shallow marine bay or estuary seaward of the transgressive backstepping Colorado River delta. Tsunamis generated by seismic and meteorologic sources likely produced the HCS-like and wave-ripple cross-bedding in poorly-sorted gravelly grainstone. Marine waters inundated a former tidal strait within a fault-bounded tectonic lowland that connected the lower Colorado River to the Gulf of California. Delta backstepping and transgression resulted from a decrease in sediment output due to sediment trapping in upstream basins and relative sea-level rise produced by regional tectonic subsidence.Supplementary material at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5740426

PalZ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Andrej Martyshyn ◽  
Alfred Uchman

AbstractSack-like body fossils Finkoella ukrainica gen. et sp. nov. and F. oblonga sp. nov., and reticulate fossil Pharyngomorpha reticulata gen. et sp. nov. are described from the upper Ediacaran shallow-marine deposits of Ukraine, which are no younger than 557 Ma. The first two resemble the flattened bodies of tunicates showing mainly the outline of tunica, while the third is considered as a fragment of the pharyngeal basket of a tunicate. F. ukrainica is represented by smaller individuals interpreted as juveniles, which may occur in clusters together with less numerous larger individuals. The larger forms are interpreted as adults, some of which show the preserved oral/atrial syphons and possible traces of internal organs bulging through the tunica. Moreover, Burykhia sp. from the uppermost Ediacaran of the same region is presented. This is the second and younger occurrence of the genus Burykhia, which is preserved as a possible fragment of the pharyngeal basket. All the fossils are preserved as the “death masks” between microbial mats, and their appearance depends partly on the relation to the parting surface on which they are observed. The presented new taxa along with the literature data reinforce the possibility that tunicates originated already in late Ediacaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1372
Syed Kamran Ali ◽  
Hammad Tariq Janjuhah ◽  
Syed Muzyan Shahzad ◽  
George Kontakiotis ◽  
Muhammad Hussain Saleem ◽  

The Upper Indus Basin, in Pakistan’s western Salt Range, is home to the Zaluch Gorge. The sedimentary rocks found in this Gorge, belonging to the Chhidru Formation, were studied in terms of sedimentology and stratigraphy, and provide new insights into the basin paleogeographic evolution from the Precambrian to the Jurassic period. Facies analysis in the Chhidru Formation deposits allowed the recognition of three lithofacies (the limestone facies—CF1, the limestone with clay interbeds facies—CF2, and the sandy limestone facies—CF3) with five microfacies types (mudstone biomicrite—MF-1, wackestone-biomicrite—MF-2, wackestone-biosparite—MF-3, pack-stone-biomicrite—MF-4, and packstone-biosparite—MF-5), as well as their depositional characteristics. The identified carbonate and siliciclastic formations display various facies in a shallow marine environment, with different lithologies, sedimentary features, and energy conditions. It is thought that the depositional characteristics of these microfacies are closer to those of the middle to outer shelf. Because of the progressively coarsening outcrop sequence, this formation seems to be at the very top of the high stand system tract (HST). A modified dynamic depositional model of the Chhidru Formation is further built using outcrop data, facies information, and stratigraphy. According to this concept, the formation was deposited in the middle to inner shelf area of the shallow marine environment, during the Late-Permian period. The Permo-Triassic Boundary (PTB), which is the end of the type-1 series, is marked by this formation’s top.

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