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outdoor activities
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2022 ◽  
pp. 132-144
Sue Parkinson

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 1390-1396
Su-yeon Seo

The purpose of this study was to analyze the mediated effects of home training between wellness and stress in three areas. Recently, the number of people who do home training has increased rapidly due to lack of outdoor activities in the aftermath of COVID-19. Thus, in this study, we understand the effect of three types of wellness on home training and stress and conducted an analysis focusing on the mediated effects of home training between wellness and stress. In order to obtain the above results, this study surveyed a total of 389 students and officials related to physical education at S University from July 5 to July 23, 2021. First, among the three types of wellness, physical and emotional wellness have a positive effect on home training, but social wellness has no significant effect on home training. Second, all three types of wellness have been shown to have a positive effect on stress. Third, home training has been shown to serve as a partial mediator between the other two types (physical wellness, emotional wellness) and stress, excluding social wellness. The implications of this study are to determine the role of the mediated effects of home training in the relationship between wellness and stress. Through this, it was found that higher physical and emotional wellness has a positive effect on trying home training, and more home training has a positive effect on stress. It also found that social wellness has a positive effect on stress, but not on trying to train flaws.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Meheli Basu ◽  
Vanitha Swaminathan

Purpose This paper aims to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed consumers’ perceptions of outdoor consumption categories, such as retail shopping, eating out, public events and travel and how these perceptions may impact businesses in these domains in the long term. Further, this research aims to understand demographic effects on outdoor consumption inhibition during the current pandemic and discuss how businesses can use these insights to rebrand their offerings and evolve after the pandemic. Design/methodology/approach Data collected by CivicScience, a survey-based consumer intelligence research platform, during April–July 2020 forms the basis of the preliminary analysis, where the chi-square test has been used to examine significant differences in consumer attitudes between different age groups, income groups and genders. Further, a social media analysis of conversations around outdoor consumption activities is undertaken to understand the rationale behind these demographics-based attitude differences. Findings Results lend varying degrees of support to the hypothesized consumer attitudes toward outdoor consumption activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. As the pandemic wore on, older (vs younger), female (vs male) consumers and lower (vs higher) income-group consumers had reportedly higher inhibition toward different outdoor activities. Older individuals were significantly less likely to shop, dine and attend public events than younger individuals. Lower-income consumers were significantly less likely to dine and travel than higher-income consumer consumers. Female consumers were significantly less likely to shop and travel than male consumers. Social media scan of conversations suggests that differences in perceived health and financial risks may have resulted in demographics-based differences in outdoor consumption activities. Research limitations/implications This study contributes to the literature by understanding demographic differences in consumer participation in outdoor activities. One limitation is that due to the time-sensitive nature of the pandemic research, further studies could not be conducted to understand the implications of other variables, beyond demographics that influence consumer behavior during a crisis. A future research direction is to understand how other psychological variables or traits, influence health and financial risk-taking behavior during a similar crisis. Originality/value The principal contribution of the present research is that it tests the risk-taking theory in the context of outdoor consumption during the Covid-19 pandemic. The present research has implications for businesses as they continue to evolve during and post Covid-19.

Aleksandr V. Timushkin ◽  
Andrey V. Popov ◽  

The objective of the research is to study the influence of restorative motor mode at the high altitude on functional condition of the sportsmen body during their stay in the mountains and the subsequent readaptation period. Materials and methods. Ten male sportsmen, whose specialization was medium and long-distance running took part in the research. The research was conducted in Bishkek during the 3-week stay in highlands (2350 m) and after their return to the foothills. During their stay in the mountains the sportsmen followed a specific motional mode in the form of outdoor activities. At the high altitude (2nd, 7th, 12th and 22nd days) and during the readaptation period (5th–6th and 18th–19st days) the condition of the respiratory function, cardio respiratory system and the maximum level of oxygen intake of sportsmen were evaluated. Results. During their stay in the mountains the increase of external expiration reserves and optimization of cardiovascular activity were observed. The level of maximum oxygen consumption after a decrease increased during the period of readaptation by 9,8% (P < 0,05). Conclusions. Outdoor activities at the high altitude conditions allow you to preserve and expand the functional reserves of the body of sportsmen during the transient period of the oneyear training macrocycle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1172-1181
Annisa Dwi Lestari ◽  
Neti Mustikawati

AbstractThe developmentof technology causeschildren to spend time withgadgets. Meanwhile, their outdoor activities are reduced. The use ofgadget with close distances and long durations results in the eyes being continuously accommodated so that it can cause myopia. This Study aimed to analyze the correlation betweengadget useand myopia in children. The research uses a quantitative descriptive correlation study with a literature review approach. The databases used are PubMed, Garba Garuda, and Google Scholar. Articles are selected based on the suitability of keywords, topics and inclusion and exclusion criteria that have been determined. The articles used in researching five articles from 2011-2021. The critical research instrument used is the JBI (The Joanna Briggs Institute) instrument. The results of the literature review of 5 articles showed that duration ofgadgets use wasmostly more than 2 hours (60.0% or 136 respondents). The distance of gadgets use was mostly less than30cm (59.5% or 176 respondents). The position of gadget use was mostly in the sleeping position (64.3% or 146 respondents). Myopiarefractive disorderswere 176 (31,3%). Three articles showed a correlation between viewing distanceusing gadgets and myopia with a p-value <0.05. There was no correlationbetween duration and position ofgadget use with myopia with p-value >0.05. Of the five articles, there are three articles that have a relationship between the distance between gadget use and myopia with a p-value <0.05.Keywords: Children; gadgets; myopia AbstrakSemakin berkembangnya teknologi menyebabkan anak menghabiskan waktu dengan gadget, sementara aktivitas di luar ruangan menjadi berkurang. Penggunaan gadget dengan jarak yang dekat dan durasi yang lama berakibat pada mata yang terus menerus berakomodasi sehingga dapat menyebabkan terjadinya miopia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan penggunaan gadget terhadap miopia pada anak secara literature review. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif jenis studi deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan literature review. Database yang digunakan PubMed, Garba Garuda, dan Google Scholar. Artikel diseleksi berdasarkan kesesuaian kata kunci, topik serta kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang tekah ditentukan. Artikel yang digunakan dalam penelitian berjumlah lima artikel rentang waktu 2011-2021. Instrumen telaah kritis yang digunakan adalah instrumen JBI (The Joanna Briggs Institute). Hasil penelitian literature review dari ke lima artikel menunjukan durasi penggunaan gadget sebagian besar >2 jam sebanyak 136 (60,0%), jarak penggunaan gadget sebagian besar <30cm sebanyak 176 (59,5%), dan posisi penggunaan gadget sebagian besar pada posisi tidur sebanyak 146 (64,3%). Gangguan refraksi miopia sebanyak 176 (31,3%). Dari kelima artikel terdapat tiga artikel yang ada hubungan antara jarak pandang penggunaan gadget dengan miopia dengan p-value <0,05. Dari kelima artikel terdapat tiga artikel yang tidak ada hubungan durasi dan dari ketiga artikel terdapat dua artikel yang tidak ada hubungan posisi penggunaan gadget dengan miopia dengan p-value >0,05. Dari kelima artikel terdapat tiga artikel yang ada hubungan antara jarak penggunaan gadget terhadap miopia dengan p-value <0,05.Kata kunci: Anak; gadget; miopia

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-50
U. G. D. Maduranga ◽  
Mahesh Edirisinghe

This study reported lightning climatology and human vulnerability to lightning in a 20 km × 20 km high-density school area in Colombo city in Sri Lanka from 1998 to 2014 using Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) flash data of NASA’s Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). An average annual flash density recorded over the study area was 9.43 flashes km-2 year-1. A maximum of 49% lightning flashes happened during the first inter-monsoon season. There were only 4% lightning flashes that occurred during 06.00-12.00 LT and during 18.00-24.00 LT, it was 67%, whereas 94% of lightning flashes within a day had occurred after 14.00 LT. It is recommended that, without having proper lightning hazard preventive measures, schools in the study area should avoid or minimalize scheduling their outdoor activities in high lightning risk months of April and November. Especially, after-school outdoor activities should be planned with proper safety measures during the aforementioned months as per the diurnal analysis. Moreover, May to September and December to February were the months with the least lightning risk levels. It is recommended to follow the proposed five-level lightning safety guideline which includes, schedule outdoor activities by considering the variation of lightning activities, follow the 30-30 rule whenever required, avoid staying at the most hazardous locations which are vulnerable to lightning accidents, crouching action if required and providing first-aid whenever necessary. Not only for the Sri Lankan context but also the study is crucial and highly applicable for all schools and other institutes especially in other tropical countries.

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 1131
Daniela Dibello ◽  
Marcella Salvemini ◽  
Carlo Amati ◽  
Antonio Colella ◽  
Giusi Graziano ◽  

Purpose: The national lockdown established by the Italian government began on the 11th of March 2020 as a means to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections. The purpose of this brief report is to evaluate the effect of the national lockdown on the occurrence and characteristics of trauma in children during lockdown. Methods: All children admitted to our paediatric orthopaedic unit with a diagnosis of fracture or trauma, including sprains and contusions, between 11 March 2020 and 11 April 2020, were retrospectively reviewed. Their demographic data, type of injury, anatomical location and need for hospitalisation were compared with the equivalent data of children admitted for trauma in the same period of 2018 and 2019. Results: Sixty-nine patients with trauma were admitted in 2020, with a significant decrease in comparison with 2019 (n = 261) and 2018 (n = 289) (p < 0.01). The patients were significantly younger, and the rate of fractures significantly increased in 2020 (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Home confinement decreased admissions to the emergency department for trauma by shutting down outdoor activities, schools and sports activities. However, the rate of fractures increased in comparison with minor trauma, involved younger children and had a worse prognosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 585-586
Martha Coates ◽  
Sarah Wetzel ◽  
Janvi Patel ◽  
Keyanna Bynum ◽  
K Linh Pham ◽  

Abstract Information is lacking on how older adults are coping during the pandemic. We explored coping strategies including outdoor activities among community-dwelling older adults (N = 115) 65 and older (mean age 76.45, 71.3% female). Using conventional content analysis, we analyzed responses to: 1) How are you coping with COVID-19? and 2) How often are you going outside during the pandemic and for what reasons? Most common activities are connecting with family and friends (some in person, others on the phone or virtually), reading, tv, game playing, and learning something new (e.g. webinars, online classes). The majority are going outside every day, with walking being the most common activity. Only a few are restricting their out of home activities to essential tasks (e.g. going to the doctors, pharmacy, getting groceries). Findings suggest that many older adults are engaging in positive coping activities. Assessing coping strategies can give insight into wellbeing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 102-109
Ibrahim et al. ◽  

Parks improve people's physical and mental well-being, strengthen communities, and make towns and neighborhoods more appealing places to live and work. Many reasons discourage frequent park visitations, such as poor park characteristics, poor management system, and the lack of programs to encourage park visitation. Participation in different outdoor activities has become a necessity for many people nowadays. However, many residents are not engaged in recreational activities in Khartoum, making parks an important element. Therefore, the study aimed at investigating parks characteristics and different patterns of users based on societal needs. The study concentrates on the residents' characteristics such as age, gender, income, education level; these characteristics are tested against park visitation patterns such as type of visitation, the best day for visitation, and visit frequency. A two hundred and fifty (250) participant questionnaire survey was carried out in Al Tifl Park to assess the park's visitation pattern based on the purposive sampling technique. The result shows that most of the visitation patterns were not frequent regardless of the visitors' characteristics. It proves that the visitation pattern was not based on the visitors' characteristics but rather on the park characteristics. The study recommends that the park's features be redesigned based on user affinity to improve visitation, visitor benefits, and income generation.

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