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israeli education
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Eitan Simon

The Dovrat Committee (2004) in Israel, pointed up the need for radical change in teacher training programs and recommended introducing school reform programs, such as the New Horizons and the Courage to Change reforms, implemented in the Israeli education system over recent years. The article reviews future teachers’ needs that necessitate changes in the education provided by teacher training colleges. It describes research examining teachers’ professional identity development and desirable characteristics for the future teacher. Participants were 23 student-teachers studying in an M.Teach degree course. The research investigated their attitudes and perceptions concerning the image of the future teacher.

Kurios ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
Sonny Eli Zaluchu

This paper examines the practice of teaching and learning in the education system in Israel and its central role in shaping students' national insight. The method used is a characteristic-thinking analysis which is reported qualitatively descriptively. The analysis results show that the Israeli education system based on religious teachings has succeeded in forming the national insight and spirit of nationalism of students, which is then referred to as religious nationalism. Through the Havruta system or learning in pairs, each student is guided to find the meaning of the text and apply the text in the practice of living within the framework of national identity. This study proposes that the Indonesian theological education system needs to develop a similar model within the Indonesian context. Further research is needed to develop typical Indonesian models to produce Christian theologians integrated as salt and light in maintaining Indonesian identity.AbstrakPaper ini mengkaji praktik belajar mengajar di dalam sistem pendidikan di Israel dan peran sentralnya di dalam membentuk wawasan kebangsaan peserta didik. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah cirical-thinking analysis yang dilaporkan secara kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa sistem pendidikan Israel yang berbasis pada ajaran agama berhasil membentuk wawasan kebangsaan dan semangat nasionalisme peserta didik yang kemudian disebut sebagai nasionalisme-religius. Melalui sistem Havruta atau belajar berpasangan, setiap siswa dituntun menemukan makna teks dan menerapkan teks tersebut di dalma praktik kehidupan dalam kerangka identitas nasional. Penelitian ini mengusulkan bahwa sistem pendidikan teologi Indonesia perlu mengembangkan model serupa tetapi di dalam konteks keindonesiaan. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan untuk mengembangkan model-model khas Indonesia untuk menghasilkan teolog Kristen yang terintegrasi sebagai garam dan terang di dalam mempertahankan identitas keindonesiaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 214-222
Shirly COHEN

"Abstract. There is a crisis of many years in Israel in the subject of mathematics learning. In the last PISA tests, conducted by the OECD during the last ten years, Israel is placed 39-41 among all the countries participated the research. It was also found that all the years Israel ""won"" to be one of the first three countries with the highest grade distribution among all the countries and economic entities participating in general and among OECD countries in particular. In addition, it was found that rate of Israeli students who fail the mathematics test is one of the highest in the organization countries. The goal of this research is comparing students’ achievements in the Israeli education system and in the Finnish education system, which is considered a system with excellent achievements in mathematics and low-grade distribution rate in general and in mathematics grades in particular. This comparison is aimed to identify the Israeli education system's problems and learn the lessons to improve it. This article discusses the question what is the main success factor in mathematics in Israel compared to Finland according to the 2015 PISA test results and what can be learned from this difference? In this paper I have based on my research findings in which I analyzed the correlation between the PISA questionnaires and student achievement in mathematics."

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 323-340 ◽  
Randa Khair Abbas

This article discusses the contribution of school-based ceremonies in two Israeli Druze schools to shaping identity and deepening the sense of citizenship among Druze students. The Druze have a unique position in Israel as opposed to other Arabic-speaking Israelis, serving in the army and generally maintaining high levels of patriotism. State ceremonies, especially the memorial ceremonies of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), have gradually come to occupy a central place in the Israeli education system since 1948. The memorial ceremonies combine the cognitive and emotional dimensions. The historical information conveyed through them is combined with feelings of bereavement and loss and with stories of heroism and sacrifice. The study found that great emphasis is placed on these activities in the two Druze schools studied and that they strengthen the students’ Druze Israeli identity and sense of civic pride and responsibility, together with their unique Druze identity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. p146
Usama Heib

Youth dropout is a worldwide phenomenon, that needs to be addressed extensively. Due to a lot of reasons especially within the family; teens tend to dropout from schools. Israel is one of these societies where children dropout from school in a worrisome percentage. So, the awareness on the youth dropout from school problem has increased in the last decade. Dealing with this phenomenon poses a challenge to the Israeli society and to the authorities responsible for educational services. Findings showed that certain groups among the Israeli population are at a higher risk of dropping out from school compared to other groups. Many teenagers from these groups do not complete their high school studies and are unable to integrate in a qualitative and significant manner in the army and the labour market. With no doubt, the consequences of dropping out of the education system have a significant impact of the young generations of citizens. Therefore, preventing the problem of dropout and helping the youths to get back into the loop is a tremendous challenge to the Israeli education system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 68
Aml Amer ◽  
Nitza Davidovitch

In this work, we elaborate on the changes and transformations in the Israeli education system (including higher education) from Israel’s independence in 1948 to 2019. Specifically, the study places special emphasis on developments commencing in 1976 in response to the establishment of a separate administrative division for Druze and Circassian Education in the Ministry of Education, and division’s impact on the rate of youngsters who earn matriculation certificates and the number of Druze students attending higher education institutions. of the study analyzes the administrative separation of Druze education in the education system and its effect on the integration of Druze youngsters in higher education in Israel. The current study contributes to our understanding of the development of the Druze education system as a distinct unit in the Israeli Ministry of Education. The findings of this study and its conclusions will contribute to policymakers in the Ministry of Education in general, and policymakers concerning Druze education specifically, seeking to improve educational achievements and apply the insights of the current study to other minority groups to which higher education has become increasingly accessible in recent years.

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