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snake river
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Lydia M. Staisch ◽  
Jim E. O’Connor ◽  
Charles M. Cannon ◽  
Chris Holm-Denoma ◽  
Paul K. Link ◽  

The details and mechanisms for Neogene river reorganization in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and northern Rocky Mountains have been debated for over a century with key implications for how tectonic and volcanic systems modulate topographic development. To evaluate paleo-drainage networks, we produced an expansive data set and provenance analysis of detrital zircon U-Pb ages from Miocene to Pleistocene fluvial strata along proposed proto-Snake and Columbia River pathways. Statistical comparisons of Miocene-Pliocene detrital zircon spectra do not support previously hypothesized drainage routes of the Snake River. We use detrital zircon unmixing models to test prior Snake River routes against a newly hypothesized route, in which the Snake River circumnavigated the northern Rocky Mountains and entered the Columbia Basin from the northeast prior to incision of Hells Canyon. Our proposed ancestral Snake River route best matches detrital zircon age spectra throughout the region. Furthermore, this northerly Snake River route satisfies and provides context for shifts in the sedimentology and fish faunal assemblages of the western Snake River Plain and Columbia Basin through Miocene−Pliocene time. We posit that eastward migration of the Yellowstone Hotspot and its effect on thermally induced buoyancy and topographic uplift, coupled with volcanic densification of the eastern Snake River Plain lithosphere, are the primary mechanisms for drainage reorganization and that the eastern and western Snake River Plain were isolated from one another until the early Pliocene. Following this basin integration, the substantial increase in drainage area to the western Snake River Plain likely overtopped a bedrock threshold that previously contained Lake Idaho, which led to incision of Hells Canyon and establishment of the modern Snake and Columbia River drainage network.

2021 ◽  
Kelsey F. Wetzel ◽  
Jessica R. Stanley

Table S1: Calculations of footwall exhumation and basin extension magnitudes in the western Snake River Plain. Figure S1: Figure illustrating regions of high-elevation, low-relief topography in the southern Idaho batholith.

2021 ◽  
Kelsey F. Wetzel ◽  
Jessica R. Stanley

Table S1: Calculations of footwall exhumation and basin extension magnitudes in the western Snake River Plain. Figure S1: Figure illustrating regions of high-elevation, low-relief topography in the southern Idaho batholith.

2021 ◽  
Lydia M. Staisch ◽  
et al.

Figure S1: Detrital zircon age spectra from modern rivers.; Figure S2: Detrital zircon age spectra from fluvial and lacustrine sandstones; Figure S3: Shepard plots from Multi-Dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis comparing distance and disparity for four metrics of detrital zircon similarity; Figure S4: DZmix results for three hypothesized river networks; Figure S5: SRP sample location map and detrital unmixing results; Table S1: Modern and ancestral river detrital zircon sample locations, ages, and references; Table S2: U-Pb zircon age results for new modern and ancestral river sands; Table S3: Intercomparison results between modern and ancestral river sediments; Table S4: Best-fit DZmix results estimating the relative contribution of hypothesized sources to measured detrital zircon age spectra of ancestral river sands; Table S5: Best-fit DZMix results that estimate the relative contribution of Snake River Plain tributaries to Miocene-Pliocene Lake Idaho strata.

2021 ◽  
Lydia M. Staisch ◽  
et al.

Figure S1: Detrital zircon age spectra from modern rivers.; Figure S2: Detrital zircon age spectra from fluvial and lacustrine sandstones; Figure S3: Shepard plots from Multi-Dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis comparing distance and disparity for four metrics of detrital zircon similarity; Figure S4: DZmix results for three hypothesized river networks; Figure S5: SRP sample location map and detrital unmixing results; Table S1: Modern and ancestral river detrital zircon sample locations, ages, and references; Table S2: U-Pb zircon age results for new modern and ancestral river sands; Table S3: Intercomparison results between modern and ancestral river sediments; Table S4: Best-fit DZmix results estimating the relative contribution of hypothesized sources to measured detrital zircon age spectra of ancestral river sands; Table S5: Best-fit DZMix results that estimate the relative contribution of Snake River Plain tributaries to Miocene-Pliocene Lake Idaho strata.

Daphnee Tuzlak ◽  
Joel Pederson ◽  
Aaron Bufe ◽  
Tammy Rittenour

Understanding the dynamics of the greater Yellowstone region requires constraints on deformation spanning million year to decadal timescales, but intermediate-scale (Quaternary) records of erosion and deformation are lacking. The Upper Snake River drainage crosses from the uplifting region that encompasses the Yellowstone Plateau into the subsiding Snake River Plain and provides an opportunity to investigate a transect across the trailing margin of the hotspot. Here, we present a new chronostratigraphy of fluvial terraces along the lower Hoback and Upper Snake Rivers and measure drainage characteristics through Alpine Canyon interpreted in the context of bedrock erodibility. We attempt to evaluate whether incision is driven by uplift of the Yellowstone system, subsidence of the Snake River Plain, or individual faults along the river’s path. The Upper Snake River in our study area is incising at roughly 0.3 m/k.y. (300 m/m.y.), which is similar to estimates from drainages at the leading eastern margin of the Yellowstone system. The pattern of terrace incision, however, is not consistent with widely hypothesized headwater uplift from the hotspot but instead is consistent with downstream baselevel fall as well as localized deformation along normal faults. Both the Astoria and Hoback faults are documented as active in the late Quaternary, and an offset terrace indicates a slip rate of 0.25−0.5 m/k.y. (250−500 m/m.y.) for the Hoback fault. Although tributary channel steepness corresponds with bedrock strength, patterns of χ across divides support baselevel fall to the west. Subsidence of the Snake River Plain may be a source of this baselevel fall, but we suggest that the closer Grand Valley fault system could be more active than previously thought.

2021 ◽  
Jana Cram ◽  
Mary Levandowski ◽  
Kaci Fitzgibbon ◽  
Andrew Ray

This report summarizes discharge and water quality monitoring data for the Snake River and Jackson Lake reservoir levels in Grand Teton National Park and John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway for calendar year 2016. Annual and long-term discharge summaries and an evaluation of chemical conditions relative to state and federal water quality standards are presented. These results are considered provisional, and may be subject to change. River Discharge: Hydrographs for the Snake River at Flagg Ranch, WY, and Moose, WY, exhibit a general pattern of high early summer flows and lower baseflows occurring in late summer and fall. During much of 2016, flows at the Flagg Ranch monitoring location were similar to the 25th percentile of daily flows at that site. Peak flows at Flagg Ranch were similar to average peak flow from 1983 to 2015 but occurred eleven days earlier in the year compared to the long-term average. Peak flows and daily flows at the Moose monitoring station were below the long-term average. Peak flows occurred four days later than the long-term average. During summer months, the unnatural hydro-graph at the Moose monitoring location exhibited signs of flow regulation associated with the management of Jackson Lake. Water Quality Monitoring in the Snake River: Water quality in the Snake River exhibited seasonal variability over the sampling period. Specifically, total iron peaked during high flows. In contrast, chloride, sulfate, sodium, magnesium, and calcium levels were at their annual minimum during high flows. Jackson Lake Reservoir: Reservoir storage dynamics in Jackson Lake exhibit a pattern of spring filling associated with early snowmelt runoff reaching maximum storage in mid-summer (on or near July 1). During 2016, filling water levels and reservoir storage began to increase in Jackson Lake nearly two weeks earlier than the long-term average and coincident with increases in runoff-driven flows in the Snake River. Although peak storage in Jackson Lake was larger and occurred earlier than the long-term average, minimum storage levels were similar to the long-term average.

Grace Windler ◽  
J. Renée Brooks ◽  
Henry M. Johnson ◽  
Randy L. Comeleo ◽  
Rob Coulombe ◽  

2021 ◽  
Rachael Nicole Haggen

Terroir is the set of factors including climate, soil, and management practices that influence the character of a wine. Of these factors, soil texture and chemistry is a major determinant in wine grape quality (van Leeuwen et al., 2009). Understanding the characteristics of the soil is key to making decisions that support the production of the highest possible quality grapes from the resources available. Few studies have been conducted in the Snake River Valley AVA (SRVAVA). This study seeks to build upon the data already available and provide analysis of vineyard-scale terroir in a leading grape growing district of the SRVAVA. Nine vineyards from the Sunnyslope wine grape growing district of southwestern Idaho were selected for their diversity of geographic location and growing environment. Soil pit locations in each vineyard were determined using a stratified-random sampling technique and normalized difference vegetation indices (NDVI) calculated from aerial imagery. This study combines field collection, sampling and analyses of soil texture and chemistry to characterize the soils in the selected vineyards. The results show the majority of vineyards contain aeolian or colluvium-derived soils composed of coarse silts and fine sands. Only two vineyards, those located closest to the Snake River, contain basalt gravels and lithic sands not observed in the other vineyards. Geochemical data show an increase in Ca with elevation and a decrease in Fe and Mn with elevation, which may be the result of varying soil parent materials or recent deposition of sediments. The results of my study support the presence of vineyard-scale terroir and the assertion that intra- and inter-vineyard heterogeneity is inherent. Further, my results show recent sediment deposition and agricultural practices have overprinted the original soil profiles. Understanding vineyard-specific soil characteristics like those investigated in this study will allow vineyard owners to manage for specific soil traits and promote the unique terroir of their product. Management of vineyards in this way can support the growth of high-quality grapes and the production of desirable wines that reflect the unique conditions under which they were grown, their terroir.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Surya Darma ◽  
Saaduddin Saaduddin

The fictional film "Behind the Snake River" is presented with a small child and his family's theme. As the main character who is innocent can reach the deepest emotions, the relationship between the characters as the driving force of the plot becomes the focus of this film with the application of a non-linear plot in directing. This pattern manipulates the time sequence of events by changing the sequence of the plots so that the causality relationship is unclear. The purpose of using a non-linear plot approach is to attract the eye of the audience to continue watching this film until it's finished. The method used in the creation of the film "Behind the Snake River" starts with Pre Production starting from (developing ideas/ideas, collecting data from literature studies, interviews, observation, documentation, film production and post-production (editing/finishing). The results of the application of the non-linear plot in the film "Behind the Snake River" are in all aspects of the film-forming from the narrative (script), cinematic (use of handheld cameras), mise-en-scene (background, costumes, and makeup, lighting and actors and movements) to the editing process uses the jump cut method The use of a non-linear plot approach makes the spectacle interesting and forces the audience to follow the film until the end.Keywords: fiction film, method, audience.AbstrakFilm fiksi “Dibalik Sungai Ular” disajikan dengan mengusung tema tentang  seorang anak kecil dan keluarganya. Sebagai karakter utama yang polos dapat menjangkau emosi terdalam, maka hubungan antar tokoh  sebagai penggerak alur menjadi fokus film ini dengan penerapan alur nonlinear dalam penyutradaraan. Pola ini memanipulasi urutan waktu kejadian dengan mengubah urutan plotnya sehingga membuat hubungan kausalitas menjadi tidak jelas. Tujuan digunakannya pendekatan alur nonlinear agar menarik mata penonton untuk tetap menyaksikan film ini hingga selesai. Metode  yang  digunakan  dalam  penciptaan  film  “Dibalik  Sungai  Ular”  yaitu dimulai dari  Pra  Produksi yang  dimulai  dari  (pengembangan  ide/gagasan, pengumpulan  data  dari  hasil  studi  pustaka, wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, produksi film dan pasca-produksi (editing/finishing). Hasil penerapan alur nonlinear pada film “Dibalik Sungai Ular” berada pada seluruh aspek pembentuk film mulai dari naratif (naskah),  sinematik (penggunaan kamera handheald), mise-en-scene (latar, kostum dan makeup, pencahayaan dan pemain dan pergerakannya) hingga proses penyuntingan yang menggunakan metode jump cut. Penggunaan pendekatan alur nonlinear menjadikan tontonan yang menarik dan memaksa penonton untuk mengikuti film hingga akhir.Kata Kunci: film fiksi, metode, penonton. Authors: Sri Wahyuni : Universitas Potensi UtamaSurya Darma : Universitas Potensi UtamaSaaduddin : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang References: Alfathoni, M. A. M. (2019). Mise En Scene dalam Film Lamaran Sutradara Monty Tiwa. PROPORSI: Jurnal Desain, Multimedia dan Industri Kreatif, 1(2), 165-178.Sugiharti, A. (2016). PERANCANGAN BUKU MENGENAL DUNIA SENI RUPA UNTUK ANAK USIA DINI (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia).Andhika, Y. L. (2018). Film Bagurau; Representasi Citra Perempuan Minangkabau. Ekspresi Seni, 20(1), 56. https://doi.org/10.26887/ekse.v20i1.387.Cheng, T. (2014). Public Relations and Promotion in Film: How It’s Done and Why It’s Important. _______ : ________ .Darmawan, H., & Pramayoza, D. (2020). Abstrak. Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa, 09(1), 138–144. https://doi.org/10.24114/gr.v9i1.18359.Ediantes, E. (2016). Ritual Sebagai Sumber Penciptaan Film Basafa Di Ulakan. Ekspresi Seni: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, 18(1), 20-38.Mawar Kembaren, M., Azharie Nasution, A., & Husnan Lubis, M. (2020). Cerita Rakyat Melayu Sumatra Utara Berupa Mitos dan Legenda Dalam Membentuk kearifan Lokal Masyarakat. Rumpun Jurnal Persuratan Melayu, 8(1), 1–12. http://rumpunjurnal.com/jurnal/index.php/rumpun/article/view/117.Peransi, D. A. (2005). Film/media/seni. Fakultas Film dan Televisi, Institut Kesenian Jakarta.Pertiwi, G., & Yusril, Y. (2019). Penciptaan Film Fiksi “Siriah Jadi Karakok” Dengan Fenomena Lesbian Di Sumatera Barat. Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa, 8(1), 192. https://doi.org/10.24114/gr.v8i1.13140.Pratista, H. (2008). Memahami film. _______: Homerian Pustaka.Si, N., Lajang, P., Cinta, C., Eks, P., Lajang, P., &Utami, K. A. Y. U. (2017). UPT Perpustakaan ISI Yogyakarta. 1–22.Sugiyono, P. (2011). Metodologi penelitian kuantitatif kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alpabeta. 

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