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density dependent
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Javier Lobon-Cervia

I explored the hypothesis that recruitment may stabilize the numerical dynamics of stream-dwelling salmonids by triggering density-dependent feedback loops through the operation of recruitment-dependence on individual growth, mortality, life span and maximum size and their effects on fecundity. I examined 98 cohorts of two Salmo trutta populations of northern Spain and a population of Jutland (Denmark) located 2400 km apart Recruitment, growth, mortality, life span and maximum size were inter-related, were recruitment-dependent and described negative power trajectories. In the Spanish populations, faster growing individuals of weakly recruited cohorts with lower mortality attain longer life span and larger size. Hence, larger females spawning more abundant, larger eggs that, in turn, induce stronger cohorts of higher spawners’ abundance, recruitment and mortality. The mortality patterns match the self-thinning patterns, an ultimate expression of competition. Significant relationships among self-thinning slopes and mortalities rates with increasing recruitment demonstrate that the rate at which density-driven mortality is higher, the stronger the intensity of intraspecific competition. Space-limited habitat and size-dependent resource availability underpinning site-specific carrying capacities suggest that interference competition is the primary mechanism underpinning population regulation.

2022 ◽  
Maxime Dahirel ◽  
Chloe Guicharnaud ◽  
Elodie Vercken

Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of range expansions are shaped by both dispersal and population growth. Accordingly, density-dependence in either dispersal or growth can determine whether expansions are pulled or pushed, i.e. whether expansion velocities and genetic diversity are mainly driven by recent, low-density edge populations, or by older populations closer to the core. Despite this and despite abundant evidence of dispersal evolution during expansions, the impact of density-dependent dispersal and its evolution on expansion dynamics remains understudied. Here, we used simulation models to examine the influence of individual trait variation in both dispersal capacity and dispersal density-dependence on expansions, and how it impacts the position of expansions on the pulled-pushed continuum. First, we found that knowing about the evolution of density-dependent dispersal at the range edge can greatly improve our ability to predict whether an expansion is (more) pushed or (more) pulled. Second, we found that both dispersal costs and the sources of variation in dispersal (genetic or non-genetic, in dispersal capacity versus in density-dependence) greatly influence how expansion dynamics evolve. Among other scenarios, pushed expansions tended to become more pulled with time only when density-dependence was highly heritable, dispersal costs were low and dispersal capacity could not evolve. When, on the other hand, variation in density-dependence had no genetic basis, but dispersal capacity could evolve, then pushed expansions tended to become more pushed with time, and pulled expansions more pulled. More generally, our results show that trying to predict expansion velocities and dynamics using trait information from non-expanding regions only may be problematic, that both dispersal variation and its sources play a key role in determining whether an expansion is and stays pushed, and that environmental context (here dispersal costs) cannot be neglected. Those simulations suggest new avenues of research to explore, both in terms of theoretical studies and regarding ways to empirically study pushed vs. pulled range expansions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Huai-Min Chen ◽  
Cheng-Jun Xia ◽  
Guang-Xiong Peng

Courtney Collins ◽  
Sarah Elmendorf ◽  
Jane Smith ◽  
Lauren Shoemaker ◽  
Megan Szojka ◽  

Global change is altering patterns of community assembly, with net outcomes dependent on species’ responses to the environment, both directly and mediated through biotic interactions. Here, we assess alpine plant community responses in a 15-year factorial nitrogen addition, warming and snow manipulation experiment. We used a dynamic competition model to estimate the density-dependent and independent processes underlying changes in species-group abundances over time. Density-dependent shifts in competitive interactions drove long-term changes in abundance of species-groups under global change. Density-independent processes were important when counteracting environmental drivers limited the growth response of the dominant species. Furthermore, competitive interactions shifted with environmental change, primarily with nitrogen, and drove non-linear abundance responses across environmental gradients. Our results highlight that global change can either reshuffle species hierarchies or further favor already dominant species; predicting which outcome will occur requires incorporating both density-dependent and independent mechanisms and how they interact across multiple global change factors.

Joseph A. Langan ◽  
Jeremy S. Collie ◽  
Cóilín Minto

Year-class size of marine fish is thought to be determined during the first year of life, with density-dependent mortality during the larval or juvenile stages. However, investigations of such dynamics are often limited by data availability. To test this paradigm for winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, the abundances of 29 year classes moving through seven life stages were analyzed with a novel extension of key-factor analysis. Evidence of density dependence was identified between the egg and July young-of-the-year stages and high process-error variance was detected throughout the life cycle, suggesting year-class size is not fully determined until age-2. However, the first summer appeared to be a critical life stage for winter flounder, during which high temperatures, hypoxia, and predator abundance contributed to increased mortality rates behind a long-term population decline. Due to its general data requirements, the key-factor analysis method developed here may be applied to other marine populations to identify the impacts of external stressors at particular life stages and the degree to which they are compensated by density-dependent processes.

2022 ◽  
Paresh Nath Das ◽  
Aabeer Kumar Basu ◽  
Nagaraj Guru Prasad

The density-dependent prophylaxis hypothesis predicts that risk of pathogen transmission increases with increase in population density, and in response to this, organisms mount a prophylactic immune response when exposed to high density. This prophylactic response is expected to help organisms improve their chances of survival when exposed to pathogens. Alternatively, organisms living at high densities can exhibit compromised defense against pathogens due to lack of resources and density associated physiological stress; the density stress hypothesis. We housed adult Drosophila melanogaster flies at different densities and measured the effect this has on their post-infection survival and resistance to starvation. We find that flies housed at higher densities show greater mortality after being infected with bacterial pathogens, while also exhibiting increased resistance to starvation. Our results are more in line with the density-stress hypothesis that postulates a compromised immune system when hosts are subjected to high densities.

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