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situational context
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Ferdinand Kosak ◽  
Lisa Kugler ◽  
Sven Hilbert ◽  
Steffi Rettinger ◽  
Nils Bloom

Abstract Previous literature suggested that different countries and regions are associated with different temporal cultures resulting in according scheduling styles: people in anglo-european countries supposedly plan and structure their life predominantly according to the clock (clock time orientation) while people in some other parts of the world are more prone to live their lives in disregard of clock time but follow inner needs and/or the structure given by the events that happen in their lives (event time orientation). However, recent research shows that scheduling styles are also adaptive responses to situational demands and event and clock timing are associated with different experiences of control. Transferring these findings to a cross-cultural setting, we investigated whether situational context is the predominant factor explaining the application of different scheduling styles. To this end, we used a mixed-methods approach with semi-structured interviews exploring whether participants from Uganda and Germany (employees with fixed working hours) differ in the level to which they structure their narratives of daily routines of time associated with work primarily in reference to the clock while recounting free time predominantly in reference to events and/or inner needs. Our data, processed using qualitative content analysis, show this pattern for the participants from both countries. Overall interviewees from Germany do not refer to the clock more often than their Ugandan counterparts. This suggests that individuals’ scheduling styles reflect intersituational adaptations to a given demand for synchronization rather than being kind of a strong cultural imprint on individuals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 401-420
Bilal Khalid Khalaf ◽  
Zuhana Mohamed Zin ◽  
Linda S. Al-Abbas ◽  

Servais Dieu-DonnéYédia Dadjo

This paper investigates the importance of context in the analysis and interpretation of Ogundimu’sA Silly Season. It aims to describe, analyse and interpret linguistic context, situational context, and cultural context of the production of speech events in A Silly Season. Basing on a descriptive survey method relevant passages that require the clarification of contexts for their full understanding have been selected. It has been contended that the description of the linguistic context of the highlighted lexical items has helped determine who the speakers and hearers are in terms of the roles they have played either individually or collectively. In the same way, the description of the situational context clarifies the circumstances in which the speech events take root and even helps disambiguate ambiguous sentences. The description of the cultural context of words and expressions used has helped contend that the author values Yoruba culture and tradition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-242
Lilik Ummi Kaltsum ◽  
Fitriatul Anita

This study reveals verses about the house with the aim of finding the concept of the house from the perspective of the Qur’an. The mention of the word house in the Qur’an is mentioned in various ways, namely al-bait, al-maskan, al-ma’wa and al-dar. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the home is the focus of all activities. The whole concept of the house from the perspective of the Qur’an is very necessary to maximize the function of the house according to the instructions of the Qur’an. The method used in this study is the thematic method, namely the method of interpreting the Qur’an which seeks to explain the verses of the Qur’an by referring to a particular subject so that it can produce a more systematic understanding. The thematic method was chosen because it was considered more appropriate to comprehensively build the Qur’anic concept on a particular theme. In revealing certain meanings, this research uses a semantic approach. The semantic approach is used to understand reality through language correctly, while at the same time linking meaning to the fact of using language in a situational context. This study concludes that house ownership in the Qur’an is attributed to Allah swt., to humans and to animals. While the function of the house in the Qur’an is mentioned as a place to live, a place of worship, a prison for adulterers and as a place to get security. Manners related to the house in the Qur’an have special details. The Qur’an regulates the etiquette of visiting both in an inhabited house and an uninhabited house. In particular, the Qur’an also regulates the etiquette of visiting the house of the Prophet Muhammad, and regulates eating etiquette at the house of close relatives.   Penelitian ini mengungkap ayat-ayat tentang rumah dengan tujuan untuk menemukan konsep rumah perspektif al-Qur’an. Penyebutan kata rumah dalam al-Qur’an disebutkan dalam berbagai macam, yaitu al-bait, al-maskan, al-ma’wa dan al-dar. Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, rumah menjadi tumpuan segala kegiatan. Konsep utuh tentang rumah perspektif al-Qur’an sangat diperlukan untuk memaksimalkan fungsi rumah sesuai petunjuk al-Qur’an. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode tematik yaitu metode penafsiran al-Qur’an yang berusaha menjelaskan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dengan mengacu pada satu pokok bahasan tertentu sehingga dapat menghasilkan pemahaman yang lebih sistematis. Metode tematik dipilih karena dinilai lebih tepat untuk membangun konsep al-Qur’an tentang tema tertentu secara komprehensif. Dalam mengungkap makna tertentu, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan semantik. Pendekatan semantik digunakan untuk memahami realitas lewat bahasa secara benar, sekaligus mengaitkan makna dengan fakta pemakaian bahasa dalam konteks situasional. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kepemilikan rumah dalam al-Qur’an dinisbahkan pada Allah swt., pada manusia dan pada binatang. Sedangkan fungsi rumah dalam al-Qur’an disebutkan sebagai tempat tinggal, tempat peribadatan, tempat penjara bagi wanita penzina serta sebagai tempat memperoleh keamanan. Tata krama terkait rumah dalam al-Qur’an memiliki perincian yang khusus. Al-Qur’an mengatur tata krama bertamu baik dalam rumah yang berpenghuni maupun rumah yang tidak berpenghuni. Secara khusus al-Qur’an juga mengatur tata krama bertamu di rumah Nabi Muhammad saw., serta mengatur tata krama makan di rumah karib kerabat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-60
Neil Evan Jon Anthony Bowen

This paper explores how hybrid discourse, instantiated in talk and interaction, can be shaped not only by a situational context (TV panel show) and cultural context (TV’s increasing democratisation of laity), but also by human volition in pursuit of recognizable to others and allowed within the confi nes of the setting. It does this by examining the emergence of context in light of a non-mainstream hybrid and refl exive activity. Specifically, it examines a non-normative interview format that has arisen in contemporary broadcasting through the analysis of three transcribed segments which were taken from two key episodes of the BBC’s fl agship political program: Question Time. Using a range of analytical concepts from symbolic interactionism, pragmatics, and conversational analysis, such as frames and footings, activity types, discourse types, and turn-taking, the analysis shows how institutional (political) and non-institutional (normative) practices can come together in the pursuit of individual goals and contemporary media’s goal for increasingly partisan journalism and confrontainment. Overall, the paper highlights the importance of a multidimensional approach to context, whereby meaning both emerges from and is constitutive of the forms and functions of an activity’s discourse, whilst further highlighting the role of hybridity in contemporary discourse.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
K.M. Tri Sutrisna Agustia

This paper aimed at investigating the use of the advertisement text in Instagram caption of hotels during the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper is analyzed under the three dimensions of Critical Discourse Analysis theory proposed by Fairclough (1989). The descriptive qualitative approach used to obtain and explain the secondary data. The result of description dimension showed: the used of significant meaning, active-passive sentences, positive-negative sentences, and description-persuasion structures. The interpretation dimension showed that the content, subject, relations, and connections were referred to as the situational context. The explanation dimension showed, the relation of situational, institutional, and social contexts. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan teks iklan pada takarir Instagram di hotel-hotel selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Tulisan ini dianalisis dengan teori tiga dimensi analisis wacana kritis yang diajukan oleh Fairclough pada tahun 1989. Pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk memperoleh dan menjelaskan data sekunder. Hasil dari dimensi deskripsi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan makna signifikan, kalimat aktif-pasif, kalimat positif-negatif, dan struktur deskripsi-persuasi. Dimensi interpretasi menunjukkan bahwa isi, subjek, hubungan, dan koneksi mengacu kepada konteks situasional. Dimensi penjelasan menunjukkan bahwa hubungan pada konteks situasional, kelembagaan, dan praktik sosial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Carlos Lemonde ◽  
Elisabete Arsenio ◽  
Rui Henriques

AbstractWorldwide cities are establishing efforts to collect urban traffic data from various modes and sources. Integrating traffic data, together with their situational context, offers more comprehensive views on the ongoing mobility changes and supports enhanced management decisions accordingly. Hence, cities are becoming sensorized and heterogeneous sources of urban data are being consolidated with the aim of monitoring multimodal traffic patterns, encompassing all major transport modes—road, railway, inland waterway—, and active transport modes such as walking and cycling. The research reported in this paper aims at bridging the existing literature gap on the integrative analysis of multimodal traffic data and its situational urban context. The reported work is anchored on the major findings and contributions from the research and innovation project Integrative Learning from Urban Data and Situational Context for City Mobility Optimization (ILU), a multi-disciplinary project on the field of artificial intelligence applied to urban mobility, joining the Lisbon city Council, public carriers, and national research institutes. The manuscript is focused on the context-aware analysis of multimodal traffic data with a focus on public transportation, offering four major contributions. First, it provides a structured view on the scientific and technical challenges and opportunities for data-centric multimodal mobility decisions. Second, rooted on existing literature and empirical evidence, we outline principles for the context-aware discovery of multimodal patterns from heterogeneous sources of urban data. Third, Lisbon is introduced as a case study to show how these principles can be enacted in practice, together with some essential findings. Finally, we instantiate some principles by conducting a spatiotemporal analysis of multimodality indices in the city against available context. Concluding, this work offers a structured view on the opportunities offered by cross-modal and context-enriched analysis of traffic data, motivating the role of Big Data to support more transparent and inclusive mobility planning decisions, promote coordination among public transport operators, and dynamically align transport supply with the emerging urban traffic dynamics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Sofia Cerqueira ◽  
Elisabete Arsenio ◽  
Rui Henriques

Abstract Background European cities are placing a larger emphasis on urban data consolidation and analysis for optimizing public transport in response to changing urban mobility dynamics. Despite the existing efforts, traffic data analysis often disregards vital situational context, including large-scale events, weather factors, traffic generation poles, social distancing norms, or traffic interdictions. Some of these sources of context data are still private, dispersed, or unavailable for the purpose of planning or managing urban mobility. Addressing the above observation, the Lisbon city Council has already established efforts for gathering historic and prospective sources of situational context in standardized semi-structured repositories, triggering new opportunities for context-aware traffic data analysis. Research questions The work presented in this paper aims at tackling the following main research question: How to incorporate historical and prospective sources of situational context into descriptive and predictive models of urban traffic data? Methodology We propose a methodology anchored in data science methods to integrate situational context in the descriptive and predictive models of traffic data, with a focus on the three following major spatiotemporal traffic data structures: i) georeferenced time series data; ii) origin-destination tensor data; iii) raw traffic event data. Second, we introduce additional principles for the online consolidation and labelling of heterogeneous sources of situational context from public repositories. Third, we quantify the impact produced by situational context aspects on public passenger transport data gathered from smart card validations along the bus (CARRIS), subway (METRO) and bike sharing (GIRA) modes in the city of Lisbon. Results The gathered results stress the importance of incorporating historical and prospective context data for a guided description and prediction of urban mobility dynamics, irrespective of the underlying data representation. Overall, the research offers the following major contributions: A novel methodology on how to acquire, consolidate and incorporate different sources of context for the context-enriched analysis of traffic data; The instantiation of the proposed methodology in the city of Lisbon, discussing the role of recent initiatives for the ongoing monitoring of relevant context data sources within semi-structured repositories, and further showing how these initiatives can be extended for the context-sensitive modelling of traffic data for descriptive and predictive ends; A roadmap of practical illustrations quantifying impact of different context factors (including weather, traffic interdictions and public events) on different transportation modes using different spatiotemporal traffic data structures; and A review of state-of-the-art contributions on context-enriched traffic data analysis. The contributions reported in this work are anchored in the empirical observations gathered along the first stage of the ILU project (see footnote 1), providing a study case of interest to be followed by other European cities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (11) ◽  
Manzura Jamolovna Isroilova ◽  

The actualization of phraseological units, mainly the creation of humor or humor in a particular text, is based on a general stylistic need. This type of actualization is distinguished by the fact that the compound is understood simultaneously, in the same text in the sense of a phrase and in the sense of a free compound. There are two ways to understand and use a compound in a person's speech. The main condition for two different understandings is the situational context, extra-linguistic factors. The media is rich in such contextual contexts.

2021 ◽  
Mark Harris

<p>In this research paper the role of followers in a leader's development is explored. The research findings show that leadership development remains a “slippery” subject and in spite of all the commitment made by organisations to develop leadership, the return on this investment, as viewed by followers is poor. Even though followers are the indirect recipients of leadership development and without them the role of leader does not exist, they are largely excluded from the process. Leaders see the important contribution they could have if provided the opportunity. Moreover, the development of followership is not evident even though both followers and leaders alike see the critical role of followership in a leader's success. The focus of leadership and followership is dominated by the leader's views. While not researching sensemaking in depth, this research presents evidence that the sensemaking of followers is accurate, insightful and meaningful. The research begins to explore the reasons for the low return on leadership development and highlights harmful aspects that can arise where care is not taken to consider a leader's maturity and situational context. The research shows how organisations are not actively encouraging authenticity and inner development of followers. Where this occurs it is largely a passive process and takes place through mimicry. Given the imbalance of resource allocation to be almost totally to the benefit of leadership, authenticity awareness and development is seen to be reserved for those that desire the title of leader. Finally, the research suggests that implementing followership development in a similar way to that which occurs in leadership would be positive although limiting. The current commoditisation of leadership results from the way mainstream thinking considers the leader's role and encourages a relational and dualistic view between the leader and follower. This view does not align to the everyday experience of people who share conversation, who create meaning together and who together help construct the leader role.</p>

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