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leaf colour
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2021 ◽  
Ignatius Jeppe Menzies

<p>Anthocyanin pigments are synthesised in the leaves of many plants, however the adaptive significance of these pigments is not entirely understood. It has been postulated that their red colours may function as visual signals through coevolution between herbivorous insects and their host tree species, though the hypothesis lacks solid empirical evidence. I investigated the leaf signalling hypothesis using Pseudowintera colorata, focusing on five areas:  1) I exploited the natural polymorphism in leaf colour of P. colorata to test the predictions that (i) bright leaf colour is a reliable signal of a plant’s defensive commitment; (ii) insects in the field avoid trees that are brightly coloured; and (iii) the trees with the brightest leaves will have higher fitness. Relative to green leaves, redder foliage contained higher concentrations of polygodial, a sesquiterpene dialdehyde known to have strong antifeedant properties, and incurred less insect feeding damage. Redder trees hosted fewer Ctenopseustis spp. leafroller larvae than neighbouring matched green trees. Contrary to the predictions of the leaf signalling hypothesis, there was no difference in any of the measured fitness parameters between red and green trees, indicating that the leaf colour polymorphism in P. colorata is stable.  2) Many insects are sensitive to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), however the role of VOCs in plant-herbivore signalling has not been investigated. I analysed VOCs released from undamaged, herbivore- and mechanically-damaged red and green leaves of P. colorata, and the olfactory preferences of brownheaded leafroller (C. obliquana) larvae. While the VOC profiles of browsed and unbrowsed leaves were statistically distinguishable, the VOC profiles released from intact, herbivore-, and mechanically-damaged P. colorata leaves did not reliably identify leaf colour. Moreover, naïve and experienced C. obliquana larvae displayed no preference for the volatiles from mechanically-damaged red or green leaves. Therefore, I concluded that VOC compounds are not likely to play a large role in mediating insect herbivore-plant interactions in P. colorata.  3) Studies of leaf signalling rarely consider the influence of the light-absorbing properties of non-green pigments upon photosynthesis. I compared the photosynthetic and photoinhibitory responses of red and green leaves from matched, neighbouring pairs of P. colorata of contrasting colour. Redder P. colorata leaves in the field had a lower maximum photosynthetic assimilation rate than matched green leaves from neighbouring trees. However, I was unable to detect any measurable advantage in terms of photoprotection in the red P. colorata leaves as indicated by chlorophyll fluorescence profiles. My results indicate that the presence of anthocyanin pigments within non-senescing leaves may impose a slight photosynthetic cost to the plant.  4) I used literature searches, field surveys and laboratory bioassays to identify which invertebrate herbivores are most likely to participate in leaf-signalling interactions with P. colorata. Feeding preference bioassays showed that brownheaded leafrollers (C. obliquana and C. herana) and Auckland tree weta (Hemideina thoracica) preferentially consumed leaf material from green than red P. colorata leaves. Results from these bioassays, combined with my field surveys suggest that Ctenopseustis spp. leafroller larvae are the most likely coevolution partners for P. colorata.  5) There is a well-established link between nitrogen deficiency and leaf reddening. Additionally, leaf nutrients can influence foraging behaviour and performance of insect herbivores. I measured N and C contents of leaves from neighbouring matched pairs of red and green P. colorata. There were no significant differences in the amounts of, or ratio between, N and C between matched red and green leaves. This result indicates that differences in colour and herbivory among P. colorata leaves are not attributable to differences in leaf nutrients. Taken together, my results suggest that foliar anthocyanins in P. colorata do function as visual signals, however their effect on herbivory is small. Additionally, interindividual variation in non-senescing leaf colour in P. colorata may be stable due to a trade off between signalling and photosynthesis. Discussions of leaf signalling need to follow the examples of other fields studying the interactions between plants and insects and move from overly simple models to those that incorporate more of the complexity that is observed in the natural world.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ignatius Jeppe Menzies

<p>Anthocyanin pigments are synthesised in the leaves of many plants, however the adaptive significance of these pigments is not entirely understood. It has been postulated that their red colours may function as visual signals through coevolution between herbivorous insects and their host tree species, though the hypothesis lacks solid empirical evidence. I investigated the leaf signalling hypothesis using Pseudowintera colorata, focusing on five areas:  1) I exploited the natural polymorphism in leaf colour of P. colorata to test the predictions that (i) bright leaf colour is a reliable signal of a plant’s defensive commitment; (ii) insects in the field avoid trees that are brightly coloured; and (iii) the trees with the brightest leaves will have higher fitness. Relative to green leaves, redder foliage contained higher concentrations of polygodial, a sesquiterpene dialdehyde known to have strong antifeedant properties, and incurred less insect feeding damage. Redder trees hosted fewer Ctenopseustis spp. leafroller larvae than neighbouring matched green trees. Contrary to the predictions of the leaf signalling hypothesis, there was no difference in any of the measured fitness parameters between red and green trees, indicating that the leaf colour polymorphism in P. colorata is stable.  2) Many insects are sensitive to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), however the role of VOCs in plant-herbivore signalling has not been investigated. I analysed VOCs released from undamaged, herbivore- and mechanically-damaged red and green leaves of P. colorata, and the olfactory preferences of brownheaded leafroller (C. obliquana) larvae. While the VOC profiles of browsed and unbrowsed leaves were statistically distinguishable, the VOC profiles released from intact, herbivore-, and mechanically-damaged P. colorata leaves did not reliably identify leaf colour. Moreover, naïve and experienced C. obliquana larvae displayed no preference for the volatiles from mechanically-damaged red or green leaves. Therefore, I concluded that VOC compounds are not likely to play a large role in mediating insect herbivore-plant interactions in P. colorata.  3) Studies of leaf signalling rarely consider the influence of the light-absorbing properties of non-green pigments upon photosynthesis. I compared the photosynthetic and photoinhibitory responses of red and green leaves from matched, neighbouring pairs of P. colorata of contrasting colour. Redder P. colorata leaves in the field had a lower maximum photosynthetic assimilation rate than matched green leaves from neighbouring trees. However, I was unable to detect any measurable advantage in terms of photoprotection in the red P. colorata leaves as indicated by chlorophyll fluorescence profiles. My results indicate that the presence of anthocyanin pigments within non-senescing leaves may impose a slight photosynthetic cost to the plant.  4) I used literature searches, field surveys and laboratory bioassays to identify which invertebrate herbivores are most likely to participate in leaf-signalling interactions with P. colorata. Feeding preference bioassays showed that brownheaded leafrollers (C. obliquana and C. herana) and Auckland tree weta (Hemideina thoracica) preferentially consumed leaf material from green than red P. colorata leaves. Results from these bioassays, combined with my field surveys suggest that Ctenopseustis spp. leafroller larvae are the most likely coevolution partners for P. colorata.  5) There is a well-established link between nitrogen deficiency and leaf reddening. Additionally, leaf nutrients can influence foraging behaviour and performance of insect herbivores. I measured N and C contents of leaves from neighbouring matched pairs of red and green P. colorata. There were no significant differences in the amounts of, or ratio between, N and C between matched red and green leaves. This result indicates that differences in colour and herbivory among P. colorata leaves are not attributable to differences in leaf nutrients. Taken together, my results suggest that foliar anthocyanins in P. colorata do function as visual signals, however their effect on herbivory is small. Additionally, interindividual variation in non-senescing leaf colour in P. colorata may be stable due to a trade off between signalling and photosynthesis. Discussions of leaf signalling need to follow the examples of other fields studying the interactions between plants and insects and move from overly simple models to those that incorporate more of the complexity that is observed in the natural world.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 310 ◽  
pp. 108661
Diego Gómez ◽  
Pablo Salvador ◽  
Julia Sanz ◽  
Jorge Gil ◽  
Juan Fernando Rodrigo ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Ali M. Ali ◽  
Sherif M. Ibrahim ◽  
Wahby M. Hassany ◽  
Ashraf N. El-Sadek ◽  

Abstract Fertilizer nitrogen (N) management in any region following standard general recommendations discount the fact that crop response to N varies between sites and seasons. To devise field-specific N management in wheat at jointing stage (Feekes 6 growth stage) using atLeaf meter and leaf colour chart (LCC), eight field experiments were conducted in three wheat seasons during 2017–2020 in the West Delta of Egypt. In the first two seasons, four experiments consisted of treatments with a range of fertilizer N application levels from 0 to 320 kg N ha−1. Monitoring atLeaf and LCC measurements at Feekes 6 growth stage in plots with different yield potentials allowed formulation of different criteria to apply field-specific and crop need-based fertilizer N doses. In the four experiments conducted in the third season in 2019/20, different field-specific N management strategies formulated in 2017/18 and 2018/19 wheat seasons were evaluated. In the atLeaf-based fertilizer N management experiment, prescriptive application of 40 kg N ha−1 at 10 days after seeding (DAS) and 60 kg N ha−1 at 30 DAS followed by application of an adjustable dose at Feekes 6 stage computed by multiplying the difference of atLeaf measurements of the test plot and the N-sufficient plot with 42.25 (as derived from the functional model developed in this study), resulted in grain yield similar or higher to that obtained by following the standard treatment. The LCC-based strategy to apply field-specific fertilizer N at Feekes 6 stage consisted of applying 150, 100 or 0 kg N ha−1 based on LCC shade equal to or less than 4, between 4 and 5 or equal to or more than 5, respectively. Both atLeaf- and LCC-based fertilizer N management strategies not only recorded the highest grain yield levels but also resulted in higher use efficiency with 57–60 kg N ha−1 in average less fertilizer use than the standard treatment.

2021 ◽  
Jawahar Vishnu M.V. ◽  
Parthiban K.T. ◽  
Umesh Kanna S ◽  
Radhakrishnan S

Abstract Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) plantations in India has been intensified in the recent past yet, morphological descriptors for teak is still lacking. Hence, this study aimed to develop descriptors using morphological traits. Among 30 seed sources collected from different states of India, 24 morphological descriptors viz., leaf length, leaf width, presence of petiole, petiole length, leaf shape, shape of leaf apex, shape of leaf base, leaf texture, phyllotaxy, leaf attitude, leaf margin, leaf margin undulation, leaf brightness, leaf venation, leaf main vein, leaf veins, leaf vein colour, leaf colour, leaf pubescence, young leaf colour, number of internodes, internodal length, trunk spots and trunk colour were developed based on leaf and stem characteristics. Subsequently, genetic similarity among the sources were estimated by Jaccard similarity index and cluster analysis was performed by Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA) method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 12071
Mingyue FU ◽  
Shuiyuan CHENG ◽  
Feng XU ◽  
Zexiong CHEN ◽  
Zhongbing LIU ◽  

As a common mutation trait in plants, leaf colour mutation is related to the degree of chlorophyll and anthocyanin changes and the destruction of chloroplast structure. This study summarizes the latest research progress in leaf colour mutation mechanism, including the metabolic basis of plant leaf colour mutation, leaf colour mutation caused by gene mutation in the chlorophyll metabolism pathway, leaf colour mutation caused by blocked chloroplast development, leaf colour mutation controlled by key transcription factors and non-coding RNAs, leaf colour mutation caused by environmental factors, and leaf colour mutation due to the involvement of the mevalonate pathway. These results will lay a theoretical foundation for leaf colour development, leaf colour improvement, and molecular breeding for leaf colour among tree species.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 963
Maria Pobożniak ◽  
Marta Olczyk ◽  
Tomasz Wójtowicz

Thrips tabaci Lindeman is a global pest and also represents a serious threat to onion production in Poland. In 2 years (2015–2016) of field studies, 8 onion cultivars were evaluated to characterize their susceptibility to onion thrips and to determine if leaf colour is associated with thrips preference. The actual count and the proportional abundance of adult thrips collected from onion leaves during plant colonization by insects were both used to express the preference of thrips for different onion cultivars. At the same time, the colour measurements were analysed by considering the CIELAB (CIE 1976 L*a*b*) and CIE L*C*h* colour spaces. There were distinct differences in the susceptibility of onion cultivars to colonization by onion thrips. Leaf colour coordinate values were correlated with attractiveness to thrips; typically, higher lightness (L*), yellowness (b*), chroma (C*), hue (h*), and lower redness (a*) attracted more thrips. We concluded that the vivid, intense green-yellowish leaf colour of susceptible varieties might have been the cause of the thrips preference observed. We also identified useful genotypes, Tęcza and Wenta, for host plant resistance to thrips and suggest a link between colour and antixenotic resistance. The resistant cultivars had darker, green-grey-yellowish leaves.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 483 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8

Sansevieria pfennigii, which to date has been a doubtful species, is confirmed as extant by a recent collection from the Lindi Region in southern Tanzania. The original description of the species, which is based on herbarium material only, is here emended based on additional observations recorded from living plants, including fruits that were previously unknown. Sansevieria pfennigii distinguishes from S. canaliculata, to which it was repeatedly assigned, by its capitate instead of elongate inflorescence, rough rather than smooth leaves, non-pungent instead of pungent leaf tips, dull green leaf colour, more delicate overall appearance, alongside other traits. The difference in inflorescence architecture indicates that these species belong to different groups within Sansevieria and are not closely related; the closest relatives of S. pfennigii are probably S. fischeri and S. stuckyi. Sansevieria pfennigii occurs on well-drained soil in forests, close to S. canaliculata populations. According to the extent of the population seen and the species’ overall rarity, it is tentatively assessed as critically endangered.

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