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farm women
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2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 196-198
S. P. Tripathi ◽  
G. S. Chundawat ◽  
Shashi Gour ◽  
S. P. S. Somvanshi ◽  
Kinjulck C. Singh

The study was undertaken to assess ergonomically efficiency of hanging type wheat graincleaner, carried out in adopted villages under On Farm Testing (OFT) and Front LineDemonstration (FLD) program conducted by KVK, Mandsaur (M.P.). Total Fifteen farmwomen were selected to assess the physiological workload to compare the impact ofimproved technology over conventional practice for hanging type grain cleaner. Physiologicalparameters i.e. HR, energy expenditure, cardiac cost reduction and physiological costreduction etc., were measured during operations. The results revealed that hanging typegrain cleaner has proved proficient on time and output parameters. The average cardiaccost of work was decreased by 82.29 per cent while using hanging type grain cleaner forwheat. Drudgery reduction was found 83.96 per cent and it saved time by 89.10 per centwhen compared to traditional practice. The physiological cost of work and energyexpenditure in terms of heart rate were observed to be lower while performing activitieswith hanging type grain cleaner as compared to the traditional practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-31
Neelam Basera ◽  
Neelam Bhardwaj

The use of social network theories dates back to 1930s with the pioneering works of psycho-sociologist Moreno. With the advent of advanced technologies, there has been an explosion of its applications to various disciplines. The study applies social network theory to analyze agricultural knowledge exchange and decision-making network of farm women. The analysis identifies farm women who occupy central and strategic positions and acts as opinion leaders in the network. The study was carried out in the Himalayan regions of Uttarakhand, India. Descriptive research design and multi-stage sampling were adopted. A total of 298 respondents were selected purposively from the two villages of Uttarakhand. Data were collected through survey sociometric method. UCINET and SPSS were used for data analysis and interpretations. The findings showed that high in degree and Out degree centrality was recorded by 24 (12, 12) and 48 (26, 22) farm women in the two study villages. Total 24 opinion leaders were identified within the agricultural knowledge exchange and decision-making network. Their extent of opinion leadership was influenced by age, marital status, farming experience, socio-economic status, innovativeness, achievement motivation, decision making ability, risk preference, economic motivation, information seeking behaviour, cosmopoliteness and social participation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 118-122
N. Leela Krishna ◽  

An investigation was conducted to study the involvement of farm women in decision making of different dairy farm activities in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh .A total of 225 farm women were selected based on their land holding capacity. The study revealed that majority of the women in the study area took part in decision making on most of the dairy farm activities such as choosing the breed of the animal (68%), taking loans (79.11), purchase/ sale of animals (81.33), insurance of animals (77.77%), culling of animals (69.33%), construction of sheds (70.22%), farm expansion (72%), feeding of animals (77.33%), breeding practices ( 66.22%) health care of animals (87.55%), management of new born calves ( 88%), pregnant (87.11%) and sick (86.22%) animals, utility of dung(59.11%), adoption of scientific management practices( 55.55%) and sale of milk(73.33%), whereas majority (69.33%) of the women in study area were taking self decision regarding preparation of milk products. The study showed that among the landless, small and medium farmer categories the participation in decision making regarding choosing the breed of animal(74.66%), purchase or sale of animals(86.66%),insurance of animals (86.65%), culling of uneconomic animals (81.33%), construction of sheds (82.66%), farm expansion (76%), purchase of roughages and feeding of animals (86.66%), breeding practices (81.33%), utility of dung (69.33%) and adoption of scientific management practices (62.66%) was more in landless women compared to small and medium farmer categories.

2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-145
A. Shamna ◽  
S. K. Jha ◽  
N. M. Alam ◽  
R. K.Naikand G. Kar

Women play an important role in agriculture. There is a need to empower these farm womento improve their overall wellbeing. An attempt was made to assess the impact oftechnological interventions in terms of participation of farm women in farming activities,change in drudgery involved, involvement in decision making and other attributes relatedto empowerment in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal involving 110 farm families.The results reveal that there is significant increase in participation in all the selected farmingactivities in post intervention period. Majority of the farm women participated in decisionmaking always in activities like drying (95%), weeding (70%) and storing (70%) in thepost intervention period. The mean drudgery score had also decreased for all the activities,the higher decrease was observed in case of retting (1.525) followed by sowing (1.225).Among the personal attributes studied, the highest difference level in mean was attained incase of self-confidence (2.45) followed by decision making ability (2.15). The present studyclearly indicate that special emphasis on women friendly technologies can make a hugechange in their existing status in agriculture by improving their participation in farmingactivities, decision making ability and self-confidence.

N. Leela Krishna ◽  
A. Anitha ◽  
S. Jagadeeswara Rao ◽  
M. Muralidhar

A study was conducted to investigate the involvement of women in dairying activities in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. The study involved a total of 225 respondents covering 75 villages. The result revealed that small farm women possessed significantly (P≤0.05) more graded Murrah buffaloes (3.68±0.28), whereas women under medium farm category possessed significantly (P≤0.05) more number of local cows (0.28±0.07), Murrah buffaloes (0.45±0.21) as well as more (P≤0.01) buffalo heifers (1.22±0.14). The milk production (litres per day) (13.25±0.80), consumption (1.48±0.06) and milk consumption by women (0.16±0.07) was observed to be high in medium women dairy farmers in the study area. Milk sale per day was observed to be significantly (P≤0.05) high in small farmers (14.20±1.90). Small farm women (587.00±81.70) obtained more income (rupees/day) through dairying followed by medium (516.34±54.35) and landless (385.66±32.39) farm women. It was observed that women are spending more time on dairy activities in the study area compared to men. The time spent was more on feeding activities.

P. Saikia

The present study was undertaken to study the decision making pattern of  farm Women in different farm and non-farm activities with following objectives i) to study the selected personal and socio personal and socio-economic characteristic of rural women and ii) to analyze the decision making pattern of rural women in different farm and non farm activities The study was conducted in Six Districts of Assam. A purposive cum simple random sampling technique was adopted for selecting the respective samples for the study. Altogether 1200 farm women were selected for the present study. Data was collected personally by interview method. The findings reveals  that farm women belonged to low socio-economic status, less than fifty per cent of farm women took independent decision in maintenance of house (35.25%), followed by buying food items for family consumption (34.17%) and  crop harvesting and transporting (33.75%). majority (78.75%) of farm women took joint decision in purchase of household items, purchase of implements (73.66%) followed by selling of  crops and where to sell (72.42%), buying of clothes for family members (67.25%).

Srujana Medithi ◽  
Yogeswar Dayal Kasa ◽  
Rajanna Ajumeera ◽  
Babban Jee ◽  
Venkaiah Kodali ◽  

Poree Saikia

With the global concerns of safe foods, the concept of organic manure was introduced to the farmers. Organic manure provides a solution to the alarming environmental damage caused by chemical fertilizers. The residues of chemical fertilizer are not only percolating into the soil but have moved into the reservoirs of water, rivers and streams. Among various sources of organic manure, vermicompost have been recognized as having considerable potential as soil amendments and also source of generating additional income along with the already known environmental benefits. Farm women play an important role in farm enterprises. Since immemorial women support to the family by earning and undertaking various type of work. Farm women are considered as invisible works force in various agricultural operations. And by looking to the benefit of organic manure, most of the farm women of Jorhat District started producing vermicompost in their homes. Thus the study was undertaken to see the Level of knowledge of farm women in production of vermicompost. The present study was conducted in Jorhat District of Assam. A total of 100 farm women were selected who were engaged in production of vermicompost. Data collection was done by using interview cum questionnaire. The study revealed that majority 67 per cent had medium level of knowledge in production of vermicompost. The findings also revealed that education and organisational membership had close association with knowledge of vermicompost.

A. Monika ◽  
M. Nirmala Devi ◽  
. Kalaivani ◽  
Patil Santosh Ganapathi

Women farmers are engaged in both production and processing of turmeric. Majority of the women have been involved in decision-making process. During COVID–19 pandemic situation women were more affected than men by means of economical aspects. During COVID-19 pandemic situation, farm women’s decision making process has been changed hence the study “Analysis of Changes in Decision Making Behaviour of Turmeric Farm Women during COVID-19 Pandemic Situation” has been taken up. The study was conducted in Kodumudi block of Erode district. Based on proportionate random sampling method, six villages were selected with the sample of 120 farm women. From the result it was observed that before COVID-19, majority of the farm women had not been involved in decision making process like crop production, fertilizer application, pest management, disease management, Nematode management, harvesting and post harvest activities while during COVID-19 farm women took decision either with the family members or with the help of their spouse in turmeric farming. To overcome this situation there must be more number of training programmes conducted to the farm women in turmeric farming techniques which inturn help them to take right decision by their own.

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