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complex concept
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2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-93
T. V. Timofeeva ◽  
N. N. Petrishchev ◽  
M. S. Zainulina ◽  
I. N. Mukhina

Liver disease andpregnancy usually aggravates each other. Its rather difficult to differentiate pregnant womens cholestasis from gestosis accompanied with chronic liver disease preceding pregnancy. 60 pregnant women were examined, the first group with cholestatic hepatosis, the second group with gestosis and liver disease. The practical aim o f the study was to choose righttactics o f pregnancy management, method and date o f confinement.Pregnant womens hepatosis turned out to be a complex concept: it may embrace different types o f pathological pregnancy under the single clinical diagnosis.

Петро Перерва ◽  
Вікторія Черепанова ◽  
Ірина Новік ◽  
Сергій Погорєлов ◽  
Ольга Синіговець

International competitiveness is an integrative concept that unites the whole range of key issues related to the sustainable growth of national welfare and living standards.The aim of the work is to determine the essence of modern understanding of economic competitiveness, features and factors influencing it both externally - from the world economy and internal, directions of competitiveness theory, as well as to develop an author's concept of assessing competitive business advantages of developing economy. natural resources, and determining the most effective strategy to increase the level of competitiveness of the economy and business.The article systematizes historical and modern theoretical approaches to the analysis of competitiveness at the macro level and the existing applied methods of calculating international competitiveness. The priority models of the European concept of innovative business development are considered in detail: business model №1 - creation of investment institutions that stimulate the subjects of international financial, scientific and industrial activities to innovate; business model №2 - creating a favorable environment for an innovative economy; business model №3 - development of humanitarian capital and formation of a general innovation culture in society.It is proved that competitiveness is a complex concept that is determined by many factors, the most acceptable way to assess the level of competitiveness is to use multidimensional or composite indicators of competitiveness.

Оксана Алексеевна Владимирова

Статья посвящена изучению понятия стрессоустойчивости и ее структурных элементов исходя из специфики данного качества у соответствующей категории - курсантов ведомственных вузов. Такое изучение необходимо, поскольку формирование стрессоустойчивости у будущих сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы имеет крайне важное значение, а эффективное формирование возможно только при уяснении специфической системы компонентов этой стрессоустойчивости. В данном исследовании автор анализирует стрессовые факторы профессиональной деятельности сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы и делает вывод, что их можно сгруппировать в два блока: общие и специальные. Понимание стрессовых факторов и их характера позволяет более точно определить ключевое понятие «стрессоустойчивость», отразив его специфичность. Автор берет за основу понимание стрессоустойчивости как комплексного понятия и в процессе изучения специфических стрессоров приходит к заключению, что в комплекс элементов, образующих понятие стрессоустойчивость курсанта вуза ФСИН России, должны входить такие компоненты, как: коммуникативный, регулятивный, мотивационный, когнитивный. Выделяя компоненты стрессоустойчивости, автор дает понятие стрессоустойчивости сотрудника уголовно-исполнительной системы, а также предлагает алгоритм формирования данного свойства в процессе профессионального обучения. Тhe article is devoted to the study of the concept of stress resistance and its structural elements, based on the specifics of this quality in the corresponding category - cadets of departmental universities. Such a study is necessary because the formation of stress resistance in future employees of the penal system is extremely important, and effective formation is possible only if the specific system of components of this stress resistance is understood. In this study, the author sets himself the task of analyzing the stressful factors of the professional activity of employees of the penitentiary system and comes to the conclusion that they can be grouped into two blocks: general and special. Understanding stress factors and their nature allows us to more accurately define the key concept of «stress tolerance», reflecting its specificity. The author takes as a basis the understanding of stress resistance as a complex concept and in the process of studying specific stressors comes to the conclusion that the complex of elements forming the concept of stress resistance of a cadet of a departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service should include such components as: communicative, regulatory, motivational, cognitive. Highlighting the components of stress resistance, the author gives the concept of stress resistance of an employee of penal systems, and also offers an algorithm for the formation of this property in the process of vocational training.

2021 ◽  
pp. 93-100
O. V. Haran

The article is devoted to the disclosure of certain issues concerning the understanding of the essence of the category “factoring” as an important component of financial services through the prism of today’s challenges. It is determined that the concept of factoring (financing under the assignment of the right of monetary claim) is not enshrined in civil law. It was stressed that the economic crisis has exacerbated the problem of limiting financial resources and providing quality financial services, which leads to the search and implementation of innovative types of financial services and needs to improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, development of credit operations of banks and financial companies standards of the European Union, improving trade conditions in Ukraine. And here, factoring comes in handy, which is an effective tool to accelerate money circulation and increase business efficiency. However, due to the rapid development of factoring in the financial services market – regulations in this area need to be updated and there is a need to introduce new scientific recommendations for its practical application. In the article the essence of factoring is covered in the plane of theory, and also, in the plane of judicial practice. It is noted that among researchers of this issue there is no generalizing concept of this category and understanding the essence of this legal phenomenon through the prism of today’s challenges. Emphasis is placed on the existence of four main concepts of factoring, namely: the assignment of the right of claim; it is a banking operation; this is a type of financial services; this is a separate independent contract type. It is proposed to consider factoring as a complex concept. Particular attention is paid to the indication of the characteristics of financial services, which allows through their prism to highlight factoring transactions.

Jurnal Qiroah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-99
Nor Rochmatul Wachidah

In Tahfiz Al-Qur’an education, education should have a very complex concept and require a variety of approaches, techniques and the required intelligence. Through a theoretical approach with a qualitative descriptive analytical method with the concept of library research. The author tries to examine books, journals, to get information related to the issues discussed, especially to describe the theoretical studies that have been determined.The result is that the memorizers of AlAl-Qur’an who have practiced Akhlaqul Karimah are aware that they are able to face all kinds of problems that exist very easily. This is because the level of spiritual and emotional intelligence has exceeded the standard of ordinary humans (non-memorizers of Al-Qur’an). This is one part of the miracle of the Qur'an that the long process of memorizing Al-Al-Qur’an is able to make the memorizer have intelligence and a strong memory if in the science of hadith it is referred to as dha> bit and tsiqah. In the end, spiritual and emotional intelligence in the education of Tahfiz al-AlQur’an is a unity that needs each other and is very closely related, and even has a high significance.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13702
Juliana Marcal ◽  
Blanca Antizar-Ladislao ◽  
Jan Hofman

For the last two decades, water security has been in the spotlight as a key concept for sustainable development. However, due to its wide interpretation range, the understanding of what water security is and what it encompasses can change considerably with different perspectives. By means of a review of both academic and grey literature, this paper presents an in-depth global overview of what water security means and how assessment is being carried out. These aspects are put together in the present work with the aim to facilitate access to this complex concept for academics but also policymakers and other stakeholders involved in water management and governance. Aiming to provide a groundwork for water security understanding, we examine definitions, scales of application, frequent approaches and methodologies used to study water security. We also present indicators and aspects being included in water security frameworks. A summary of important actions towards water security improvement is also presented. As a dynamic and multi-faceted concept, water security requires an equally multi-dimensional and flexible interpretation. Understanding and measuring are key to improving water security levels. Bringing attention to how climate change, environmental needs, demographics, economics and governance are linked to water security can boost impact by prompting science, policies and innovation to come together.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Evgeniy Barishevskiy

The article compares indicators characterizing the achievement of sustainable development goals in the framework of national projects for two regions - Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions, which differ in the degree of urbanization. The Nizhny Novgorod region is inferior to indicators, both in the Russian Federation and in the Moscow region. Lagging behind the Nizhny Novgorod region in the main targets will require more efforts in achieving development goals. Analysis of changes in the administrative structure of rural territories of the regions for 2011-2020 showed that the enlargement of municipalities and the creation of urban and municipal districts accelerates the formation of rural-urban territories. In the Moscow region, rural settlements were completely eliminated, urban districts were created. Sustainability of rural development is defined as a complex concept, stable state and balanced harmless use of resources in each of the interconnected areas of development. There are an organization, an environment, a territory.

2021 ◽  
Helene Colineaux ◽  
Alexandra Soulier ◽  
Benoit Lepage ◽  
Michelle Kelly-Irving

Abstract BackgroundEpidemiologists need tools to measure effects of gender, a complex concept originating in the humanities and social sciences which is not easily operationalized in the discipline. MethodsWe conducted a conceptual analysis and applied causal and mediation analysis methodology to standard questions in order to propose a methodologically appropriate strategy for measuring sex and gender effects in health.ResultsWe define gender as a set of norms prescribed to individuals according to their attributed-at-birth sex. Gender pressure creates a systemic gap, at population level, in behaviors, activities, experiences, etc. between men and women. A pragmatic individual measure of gender would correspond to the level at which an individual complies with a set of elements constituting femininity or masculinity in a given population, place and time. However, defining and measuring gender is not sufficient to isolate the effects of sex and gender on a health outcome. We should also think in terms of pathways to define appropriate analysis strategies. Gender could also be examined as a mechanism rather than through its realization in the individual, by considering it as an interaction between sex and environment. ConclusionsBoth analytical strategies have limitations relative to the impossibility of reducing a complex concept to a single or a few measures, and of capturing the entire effect of the phenomenon. However, these strategies could lead to more accurate and rigorous analyses of the mechanisms underlying health differences between men and women, and ultimately limit the sex and/or gender bias encountered in epidemiological and clinical research studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 109-117
Yury B. Nadtochiy ◽  

The presented material discusses the issues of competitiveness in education, the competitiveness of an educational organization, its components. Currently, one of the topical issues is the question of the competitiveness of modern Russian education. Also, the topic of the development of competition in Russian education is constantly discussed by the world community. In discourses about the competitiveness of an educational organization in the modern educational market, such a problem as identifying/determining the factors of its increase is brought to the fore. According to various studies, the competitiveness of an educational organization is influenced by a variety of external and internal factors. In this regard, the main attention is paid to the identification of factors that ensure the competitiveness of Russian educational organizations in the educational services market. Now there is an increase in the competitiveness of Russian higher education in the international market, and therefore the competitiveness of education is considered on a global scale as the ability of the national education system to compete in the global scientific and educational market. It is worth noting that competitiveness is rightfully recognized as a complex concept, the meanings of which are considered in the broad and narrow senses of the word. When studying various aspects of the competitiveness of an educational organization, it is proposed to focus on the general definition of the concept of “competitiveness”, set out in the article. The competitiveness of an educational organization (like any other organization) is determined by the competitiveness of its personnel, and the competitiveness of personnel largely depends on the motivation of personnel to work, therefore, the article focuses on the factors that affect the competitiveness of an educational organization as a whole and in particular on the motivation of one of the categories of the main personnel of an educational organization (teaching staff) as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of an educational organization. The results of the research described in the article allow us to conclude that the constant study/monitoring of factors affecting the competitiveness of an educational organization is an important component of improving its competitiveness, which determines the need for further research and development in this area.

2021 ◽  
Stewart David Namoori Sinclair

<p>Sustainability in fisheries is a complex concept and one that has attracted a rich history of research over time. The basic concerns of sustainability are how to reconcile ecological, economic and social requirements within the perspectives of intra- and inter-generational equity. Therefore, maintaining these requirements simultaneously is critical to achieving a perennial system and avoiding so-called “crisis” situations. It is contended that viability theory, which is a relatively new area of mathematics, rigorously captures the essence of sustainability. Using viability theory, this thesis develops two viability models based on different direct conservation measures (i.e. input and output controls) to examine the feasibility conditions under which a regulator can achieve sustainability in a fishery characterised by a “by-catch process”, whereby one species is targeted and another species is incidentally caught as by-catch. The first model considers a by-catch fishery where fishing input is controlled by a regulator. The second model considers two interrelated fisheries managed using a dual quantity-price system, which is based on New Zealand’s Quota Management System (QMS). For each model, the set of constraints representing the “good health” of the system are characterised using managerial priorities identified in the literature. Then, the viability kernel, which is the largest set of initial states for which there are controls that result in inter-temporal trajectories satisfying all the constraints, is approximated numerically. This is achieved by employing VIKAASA, which is a computer application capable of generating kernel approximations. The viability kernel provides the regulator with meaningful reference values and indicators for desirable or undesirable states of the fishery, which serve as important inputs into policy decisions. This study also shows the potential for viability theory to provide policy makers with a better insight of how to integrate ecosystem considerations into the QMS.</p>

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