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2022 ◽  
Vol 163 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
R. Dodson ◽  
E. Momjian ◽  
D. J. Pisano ◽  
N. Luber ◽  
J. Blue Bird ◽  

Abstract Radio astronomy is undergoing a renaissance, as the next generation of instruments provides a massive leap forward in collecting area and therefore raw sensitivity. However, to achieve this theoretical level of sensitivity in the science data products, we need to address the much more pernicious systematic effects, which are the true limitation. These become all the more significant when we consider that much of the time used by survey instruments, such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), will be dedicated to deep surveys. CHILES is a deep H i survey of the COSMOS field, with 1000 hr of Very Large Array time. We present our approach for creating the image cubes from the first epoch, with discussions of the methods and quantification of the data quality from 946 to 1420 MHz—a redshift range of 0.5−0. We lay out the problems we had to solve and describe how we tackled them. These are important because CHILES is the first deep wide-band multiepoch H i survey and has relevance for ongoing and future surveys. We focus on the accumulated systematic errors in the imaging, as the goal is to deliver a high-fidelity image that is only limited by the random thermal errors. To understand and correct these systematic effects, we ideally manage them in the domain in which they arise, and that is predominately the visibility domain. CHILES is a perfect test bed for many of the issues we can expect for deep imaging with the SKA or ngVLA, and we discuss the lessons we have learned.

2022 ◽  
Vol 163 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Paul E. Barrett

Abstract AE Aqr was until recently the only known magnetic cataclysmic variable (MCV) containing a rapidly spinning (33.08 s) white dwarf (WD). Its radio emission is believed to be a superposition of synchrotron-emitting plasmoids, because it has a positive spectral index spanning three orders of magnitude (≈2–2000 GHz) and is unpolarized. Both characteristics are unusual for MCVs. Recently, Thorstensen has suggested that the cataclysmic variable LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9 (henceforth, J0240+19) is a twin of AE Aqr based on its optical spectra. Optical photometry shows the star to be a high-inclination eclipsing binary with a spin period of 24.93 s, making it the fastest spinning WD. This paper presents three hours of Very Large Array radio observations of J0240+19. These observations show that the persistent radio emission from J0240+19 is dissimilar to that of AE Aqr in that it shows high circular polarization and a negative spectral index. The emission is most similar to that from the nova-like CV V603 Aql. We argue that the radio emission is caused by a superposition of plasmoids emitting plasma radiation or electron cyclotron maser emission from the lower corona of the donor star and not from the magnetosphere near the WD, because the latter site is expected to be modulated at the orbital period of the binary and to show eclipses—of which there is no evidence. The radio source J0240+19, although weak (≲ 1 mJy), is a persistent source in a high-inclination eclipsing binary, making it a good laboratory for studying radio emission from CVs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 163 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
N. Luber ◽  
Sarah Pearson ◽  
Mary E. Putman ◽  
Gurtina Besla ◽  
Sabrina Stierwalt ◽  

Abstract We present resolved H i synthesis maps from the Very Large Array of three interacting dwarf systems: the NGC 3664 dwarf pair, the NGC 3264 dwarf pair, and the UGC 4638 dwarf triplet. All three dwarf systems are captured at various stages of interaction and span a range of environments. We detect clear hallmarks of tidal interactions through the presence of H i bridges and diffuse H i extensions that surround the dwarfs. We overlay the H i data on Pan-STARRS r-band images and find further evidence of tidal interactions through coincident distorted H i and tidal stellar features in NGC 3264 and UGC 4638, and an unwound spiral arm pointing toward its smaller companion in NGC 3264. In UGC 4638, both the gas and diffuse stars are extended to similar radii east of the primary, which could indicate that the smaller dwarf in the system has already completed one pass through the primary. We additionally find that our three systems, and those from the Local Volume TiNy Titans survey, are not H i deficient and thus the interaction has not resulted in a loss of gas from the systems. A comparison with noninteracting dwarf galaxies shows that the interactions have a significant impact on the kinematics of the systems. Our new resolved H i kinematics, combined with detailed stellar and H i morphologies, provide crucial constraints for future dynamical modeling of hierarchical mergers and the baryon cycle at the low-mass scale.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
K. P. Mooley ◽  
B. Margalit ◽  
C. J. Law ◽  
D. A. Perley ◽  
A. T. Deller ◽  

Abstract We present new radio and optical data, including very-long-baseline interferometry, as well as archival data analysis, for the luminous, decades-long radio transient FIRST J141918.9+394036. The radio data reveal a synchrotron self-absorption peak around 0.3 GHz and a radius of around 1.3 mas (0.5 pc) 26 yr post-discovery, indicating a blastwave energy ∼5 × 1050 erg. The optical spectrum shows a broad [O iii]λ4959,5007 emission line that may indicate collisional excitation in the host galaxy, but its association with the transient cannot be ruled out. The properties of the host galaxy are suggestive of a massive stellar progenitor that formed at low metallicity. Based on the radio light curve, blastwave velocity, energetics, nature of the host galaxy and transient rates, we find that the properties of J1419+3940 are most consistent with long gamma-ray burst (LGRB) afterglows. Other classes of (optically discovered) stellar explosions as well as neutron star mergers are disfavored, and invoking any exotic scenario may not be necessary. It is therefore likely that J1419+3940 is an off-axis LGRB afterglow (as suggested by Law et al. and Marcote et al.), and under this premise the inverse beaming fraction is found to be f b − 1 ≃ 280 − 200 + 700 , corresponding to an average jet half-opening angle < θ j > ≃ 5 − 2 + 4 degrees (68% confidence), consistent with previous estimates. From the volumetric rate we predict that surveys with the Very Large Array, Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, and MeerKAT will find a handful of J1419+3940-like events over the coming years.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Alessandro Ignesti ◽  
Benedetta Vulcani ◽  
Bianca M. Poggianti ◽  
Rosita Paladino ◽  
Timothy Shimwell ◽  

Abstract Ram pressure stripping is a crucial evolutionary driver for cluster galaxies. It is thought to be able to accelerate the evolution of their star formation, trigger the activity of their central active galactic nucleus (AGN) and the interplay between galactic and environmental gas, and eventually dissipate their gas reservoirs. We explored the outcomes of ram pressure stripping by studying the nonthermal radio emission of the jellyfish galaxy JW100 in the cluster A2626 (z = 0.055), by combining LOw Frequency Array, MeerKAT, and Very Large Array observations from 0.144 to 5.5 GHz. We studied the integrated spectra of the stellar disk, the stripped tail, and the AGN; mapped the spectral index over the galaxy; and constrained the magnetic field intensity to between 11 and 18 μG in the disk and <10 μG in the tail. The stellar disk radio emission is dominated by a radiatively old plasma, likely related to an older phase of a high star formation rate. This suggests that the star formation was quickly quenched by a factor of 4 in a few 107 yr. The radio emission in the tail is consistent with the stripping scenario, where the radio plasma that originally accelerated in the disk is subsequently displaced in the tail. The morphology of the radio and X-ray emissions supports the scenario of the accretion of magnetized environmental plasma onto the galaxy. The AGN nonthermal spectrum indicates that relativistic electron acceleration may have occurred simultaneously with a central ionized gas outflow, thus suggesting a physical connection between the two processes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Hiddo S. B. Algera ◽  
Jacqueline A. Hodge ◽  
Dominik A. Riechers ◽  
Sarah K. Leslie ◽  
Ian Smail ◽  

Abstract Radio free–free emission is considered to be one of the most reliable tracers of star formation in galaxies. However, as it constitutes the faintest part of the radio spectrum—being roughly an order of magnitude less luminous than radio synchrotron emission at the GHz frequencies typically targeted in radio surveys—the usage of free–free emission as a star formation rate tracer has mostly remained limited to the local universe. Here, we perform a multifrequency radio stacking analysis using deep Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array observations at 1.4, 3, 5, 10, and 34 GHz in the COSMOS and GOODS-North fields to probe free–free emission in typical galaxies at the peak of cosmic star formation. We find that z ∼ 0.5–3 star-forming galaxies exhibit radio emission at rest-frame frequencies of ∼65–90 GHz that is ∼1.5–2 times fainter than would be expected from a simple combination of free–free and synchrotron emission, as in the prototypical starburst galaxy M82. We interpret this as a deficit in high-frequency synchrotron emission, while the level of free–free emission is as expected from M82. We additionally provide the first constraints on the cosmic star formation history using free–free emission at 0.5 ≲ z ≲ 3, which are in good agreement with more established tracers at high redshift. In the future, deep multifrequency radio surveys will be crucial in order to accurately determine the shape of the radio spectrum of faint star-forming galaxies, and to further establish radio free–free emission as a tracer of high-redshift star formation.

Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Gülay Gürkan ◽  
Judith Croston ◽  
Martin J. Hardcastle ◽  
Vijay Mahatma ◽  
Beatriz Mingo ◽  

The radiative and jet power in active galactic nuclei is generated by accretion of material on to supermassive galactic-centre black holes. For quasars, where the radiative power is by definition very high, objects with high radio luminosities form ∼10 per cent of the population, although it is not clear whether this is a stable phase. Traditionally, quasars with high radio luminosities have been thought to present jets with edge-brightened morphology (Fanaroff-Riley II−FR II) due to the limitations of previous radio surveys (i.e., FRIs were not observed as part of the quasar population). The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) with its unprecedented sensitivity and resolution covering wide sky areas has enabled the first systematic selection and investigation of quasars with core-brightened morphology (Fanaroff-Riley I−FR). We carried out a Very Large Array (VLA) snapshot survey to reveal inner structures of jets in selected quasar candidates; 15 (25 per cent) out of 60 sources show clear inner jet structures that are diagnostic of FRI jets and 13 quasars (∼22 per cent) show extended structures similar to those of FRI jets. Black hole masses and Eddington ratios do not show a clear difference between FRI and FRII quasars. FRII quasars tend to have higher jet powers than FRI quasars. Our results show that the occurrence of FRI jets in powerful radiatively efficient systems is not common, probably mainly due to two factors: galaxy environment and jet power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Y. Cendes ◽  
P. K. G. Williams ◽  
E. Berger

Abstract We present the first systematic search for GHz frequency radio emission from directly imaged exoplanets using Very Large Array observations of sufficient angular resolution to separate the planets from their host stars. We obtained results for five systems and eight exoplanets located at ≲50 pc through new observations (Ross 458, GU Psc, and 51 Eri) and archival data (GJ 504 and HR 8799). We do not detect radio emission from any of the exoplanets, with 3σ luminosity upper limits of (0.9–23) × 1021 erg s−1. These limits are comparable to the level of radio emission detected in several ultracool dwarfs, including T dwarfs, whose masses are only a factor of two times higher than those of the directly imaged exoplanets. Despite the lack of detections in this pilot study, we highlight the need for continued GHz frequency radio observations of nearby exoplanets at μJy-level sensitivity.

Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 112
Valentina Vacca ◽  
Federica Govoni ◽  
Richard A. Perley ◽  
Matteo Murgia ◽  
Ettore Carretti ◽  

The galaxy cluster Abell 523 hosts a radio halo characterized by the presence of two filaments transversely located with respect to the cluster merger axis. In this paper, we present a spectral index image of these filaments between 1.410 and 1.782 GHz obtained with Jansky Very Large Array observations. We find a steepening of the spectral index of the filaments at frequencies ≳1.4 GHz and an indication that bright patches are characterized by flat spectral indices. Our results are consistent with a scenario of highly-efficient turbulence induced by merger phenomena.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Amruta D. Jaodand ◽  
Adam T. Deller ◽  
Nina Gusinskaia ◽  
Jason W. T. Hessels ◽  
James C. A. Miller-Jones ◽  

Abstract 3FGL J1544.6−1125 is a candidate transitional millisecond pulsar (tMSP). Similar to the well-established tMSPs—PSR J1023+0038, IGR J18245−2452, and XSS J12270−4859—3FGL J1544.6−1125 shows γ-ray emission and discrete X-ray “low” and “high” modes during its low-luminosity accretion-disk state. Coordinated radio/X-ray observations of PSR J1023+0038 in its current low-luminosity accretion-disk state showed rapidly variable radio continuum emission—possibly originating from a compact, self-absorbed jet, the “propellering” of accretion material, and/or pulsar moding. 3FGL J1544.6−1125 is currently the only other (candidate) tMSP system in this state, and can be studied to see whether tMSPs are typically radio-loud compared to other neutron star binaries. In this work, we present a quasi-simultaneous Very Large Array and Swift radio/X-ray campaign on 3FGL J1544.6−1125. We detect 10 GHz radio emission varying in flux density from 47.7 ± 6.0 μJy down to ≲15 μJy (3σ upper limit) at four epochs spanning three weeks. At the brightest epoch, the radio luminosity is L 5 GHz = (2.17 ± 0.17) × 1027 erg s−1 for a quasi-simultaneous X-ray luminosity L 2–10 keV = (4.32 ± 0.23) × 1033 erg s−1 (for an assumed distance of 3.8 kpc). These luminosities are close to those of PSR J1023+0038, and the results strengthen the case that 3FGL J1544.6−1125 is a tMSP showing similar phenomenology to PSR J1023+0038.

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