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physical dimensions
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2021 ◽  
pp. 119-130
Rachelle Gilmour

In dialogue with the thought of Martha Nussbaum, divine emotions point to God’s cherished projects and are relevant for the ethical evaluation of divine violence. There is complexity in analysing ancient concepts broadly labelled ‘emotions’ that hold emotive, cognitive, and physical dimensions, including regret and favour. Divine regret suggests that the divine violence against Saul is not a repayment of Saul’s guilt but a repayment of God’s own prior action in making Saul king. Divine regret is an emotion/cognition that is not based on an attempt to determine good and evil but on divine attachments and values, the need to remove Saul, and God’s favour for his neighbour. God’s characterisation is also described through the phrase ‘according to [God’s] own heart,’ and divine presence indicated the divine spirits upon Saul and David.

2021 ◽  
K.L.K.T.B. Sandaruwan ◽  
C. Hewawasam ◽  

In 1990s, the decrement of non-built-up areas due to urbanization directly cause a reduction in the quality of life of the people & the occurrence of social issues in Sri Lanka due to monotonous lifestyles. Therefore, to overcome these issues with a sustainable Sri Lankan vision by 2030 urban beautification projects like urban public spaces, parks concept was introduced to Sri Lanka especially in suburban areas. Recently, the urban recreational spaces concept came to urban fabric with common characteristics that were developed as social spaces for community gathering and interactions with a variety of physical activities. Although with the emerging public space concept, there is no such consideration on research regarding an evaluation on publicness of urban public spaces by using physical dimensions; Specific Reference to Galle Fort (sea bath area), Forest Park area, Mahamodara Marine walk and Ocean Pathway in Galle. Further, there is no proper regulatory framework in public space monitoring & evaluation to improve the infrastructure of public space. The research aim is to evaluate the level of publicness of urban public spaces based on physical dimensions which are owned by public administration in Sri Lanka. Also, it focused to identify what parameters, need to evaluate the level of publicness and understand satisfaction levels of urban public spaces and key indicators, to assess how contributing indicators, influence to achieve the effectiveness of public spaces among users and to provide recommendations based on the experts’ and users’ views for future improvements of urban public spaces to enhance the publicness level in Sri Lanka. This study was focused on four urban public spaces with the dissimilarity of the availability of design characteristics in Galle. The methodology of the research was comprised of onsite observations, questionnaire surveys, semi-structured interviews, and photographic documentation. The data were quantitatively analysed by using the VIKOR model which is a democratic model to evaluate the publicness level, AHP analysis, and descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS and EXCEL. Qualitative analysis was based on content analysis and photographic documentation. According to the findings of the research, it proved that based on key physical dimensions, criteria, and indicators publicness level, effectiveness, and truly public or not in four case studies. The highest publicness level and satisfaction level occurred in Forest Park which proved the hypothesis of the study. Additionally, by providing more shady areas, proper waste management, proper sitting opportunities, provide proper security system and monitoring system for control spaces, provide diverse activities for all age categories are some of the comments based on respondents which need to be considered in planning & designing urban spaces for increase attraction levels which are benefited for urban planners and designer.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nor Azmi Ramli ◽  
Ainul Mohsein Abdul Mohsin ◽  
Arfah Salleh ◽  
Noor Shakirah Mat Akhir

Purpose Corruption is a global phenomenon. The 2016 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Report and the 2019 Malaysia National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) Report stated that the government sector most prone to corruption is procurement. The purpose of this study is to explore what drives the government procurement practitioners to commit corruption or uphold integrity. The novelty of this research is it focusses on the human aspect based on a human model which comprises both the physical and non-physical dimensions. It incorporated four theories which are the virtue theory, transaction cost theory (TCT), human governance (HG) philosophy and Al-Ghazali theory of the soul to design the research framework. Design/methodology/approach This approach to counteract corruption is through the inner “Self” (spirituality) and is not limited or bound to processes, procedures, rules, regulations, systems and structures. Findings The findings obtained through the phenomenological method suggest that the Inciting Soul is the driver behind corruption. This happens when intellect (‘Aql) becomes submissive to appetition (Shahwa) and self-assertion (Ghadab) resulting in vice characters. In upholding integrity, Soul-at-Peace is the driver where intellect dominates appetition and self-assertion leading to virtue characters. The HG philosophy is what encapsulates the taxonomy of virtue character. Research limitations/implications This research concentrates only on understanding why corruption happens among those with authority. Nevertheless, this research did not delve into the inculcation of HG. Therefore, the authors would suggest for future research is to explore techniques to inculcate the ability of an individual to exercise all the necessary inner “Self” functions (to curb corruption) without having intervention from an external authority. Practical implications Corruption is a global phenomenon. The 2016 OECD Report and the 2019 Malaysia NACP Report found that procurement is the government sector most prone to corruption. Originality/value The novelty of this research is its focus on the human aspect based on the model of a human comprising both the physical and non-physical dimensions. The theoretical framework integrates the virtue theory, TCT, HG philosophy and Al-Ghazali theory of the Soul.

2021 ◽  
Wenjia Wang ◽  
Jinchun Gao ◽  
George T. Flowers ◽  
Ziren Wang ◽  
Junyu Luo ◽  

Diagnostics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1471
Alvaro Mateos-Angulo ◽  
Alejandro Galán-Mercant ◽  
Antonio Ignacio Cuesta-Vargas

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the associations between muscle thickness and echo intensity with cognitive and physical dimensions like functional capacity measured in older people. This cross-sectional study involved 20 older adults (15 women and 5 men, mean age ± SD: 85 ± 7 years, body mass index: 25 ± 3 kg/m2) from a geriatric centre in Malaga (Spain). Anthropometric measurements, cognitive assessment with Pfeiffer Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire and Motor Memory test, Physical Performance with Short Physical Performance Battery, and muscle strength were tested. Additionally, using B-mode ultrasonography, images of wrist flexors, biceps brachii, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, medial gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior were captured, and muscle thickness and echo intensity variables were extracted. An association between muscle parameters assessed by ultrasonography and cognitive and physical dimensions were found in older people. Echo intensity was the best predictor in a set of regression models with different muscle parameters and a battery of cognitive and physical tests in older people. Echo intensity adjusted by handgrip strength could be a low cost and ambulatory index and an indirect and reversible indicator of functional capacity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Mahesh M. Shrestha

The Cosmos we live in consists of Invisible Prakriti and Visible World. In Visible World, we do live. All the galaxies, Milky Ways, nebulas and planets, stars, and physical bodies belong to this world are governed by the physical and mathematical laws of nature. Prakriti which is invisible spiritually governed and wave-formed existed even before the Big-Bang. Purush holds the Visible World and Prakriti around makes entire Cosmos in existence. Purush which is an absolutely positively charged and quality less with no traces of negative portions always existed, neither being created nor destroyed. A fraction of a Purush known as Omega Point appears into the portion of Prakriti due to some causal effect for further expansion of the Visible World. Purush is situated in the middle of the cylindrical universe surrounded by the Prakriti and Visible World. Theories proposed by different scientists and philosophers to verify the Purush seem to be incomplete trial and error of the zigzag puzzle show. Today, our scientists, cosmologists, and mathematicians are trying to explain the function of the universe through only four physical dimensions of science, which seems to be incomplete without explaining the transcendental factors while dealing with the living bodies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-36
Philip Igbo

The Song of Songs is a love poem (or a collection of poems), full of sensuous symbols. The central theme of the book is love; it celebrates human love in all its physical dimensions. Its language is love, a language which seems daring and sometimes even shocking, considering its seeming erotic feature. The author provides a teaching on the place of love and marriage in God’s plan of creation. It focuses on fidelity and mutuality in love between the sexes. The author offers a perspective of love not found elsewhere in the biblical writings. The climax of his teaching on love is contained in Sg 8:6-7. Here the poet emphasizes the power and energy of love. He compares the consuming power of love to “a raging flame” (rišpê ’ēš) which no water can quench. He specifies the value of love: love is so priceless that no material wealth can match it.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 3416
Gheorghe Dumitrașcu ◽  
Michel Feidt ◽  
Ştefan Grigorean

This paper develops simplifying entropic models of irreversible closed cycles. The entropic models involve the irreversible connections between external and internal main operational parameters with finite physical dimensions. The external parameters are the mean temperatures of external heat reservoirs, the heat transfers thermal conductance, and the heat transfer mean log temperatures differences. The internal involved parameters are the reference entropy of the cycle and the internal irreversibility number. The cycle’s design might use four possible operational constraints in order to find out the reference entropy. The internal irreversibility number allows the evaluation of the reversible heat output function of the reversible heat input. Thus the cycle entropy balance equation to design the trigeneration cycles only through external operational parameters might be involved. In designing trigeneration systems, they must know the requirements of all consumers of the useful energies delivered by the trigeneration system. The conclusions emphasize the complexity in designing and/or optimizing the irreversible trigeneration systems.

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