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personal freedom
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (16) ◽  
pp. 122-138
Nataliia Andriivna Savinova

The article proves the need to determine human dignity as a generic object of violence against a person. The article describes the state of the description of criminal offenses against human dignity under the Criminal Code of 2001 (as of 2021). According to the author, the author considers the presence of violence against a person to be an act of "crime against dignity" in the actions of the group "crime against dignity". The article proves the need to determine human dignity as a generic object of violence against a person. The article describes the state of the description of criminal offenses against human dignity under the Criminal Code of 2001 (as of 2021). According to the author, the author considers the presence of violence against a person to be an act of "crime against dignity" in the actions of the group "crime against dignity". In the content of the article, the author argues that crimes against human dignity include: all forms of domestic violence, discrimination, bullying and stalking. Under these conditions, the main unprecedented objects of these acts is the dignity of man in its psychological sense. It is this dignity that suffers in the case of abusive actions against the individual. The author, however, does not combine the understanding of mental safety and human dignity, because he considers these phenomena not identical. This approach is due to the understanding of the understanding of human dignity as a unity of components: self-assessment of their own qualities, abilities, worldview, their behavior and social significance. The text of the article provides proposals for the prospects of correct inclusion of such acts in the draft Criminal Code in the process of developing Section 4.5. "Crimes against personal freedom and human dignity."

IFLA Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 034003522110571
Catherine Smith

Anxieties over automation and personal freedom are challenging libraries’ role as havens of intellectual freedom. The introduction of artificial intelligence into the resource description process creates an opportunity to reshape the digital information landscape—and loss of trust by library users. Resource description necessarily manipulates a library’s presentation of information, which influences the ways users perceive and interact with that information. Human catalogers inevitably introduce personal and cultural biases into their work, but artificial intelligence may perpetrate biases on a previously unseen scale. The automation of this process may be perceived as a greater threat than the manipulation produced by human operators. Librarians must understand the risks of artificial intelligence and consider what oversight and countermeasures are necessary to mitigate the harm to libraries and their users before ceding resource description to artificial intelligence in place of the “professional considerations” the IFLA Statement on Libraries and Intellectual Freedom calls for in providing access to library materials.

Serha O.O.

The purpose of this article is a theoretical study and empirical study of the criteria and signs of harmonious family upbringing of adolescents. Scientists have always been interested in establishing criteria for determining the success of raising children. But most of the research was devoted to the study of education in educational institutions. In addition, there is a need to define certain criteria for assessing the results of the upbringing of adolescents, given the significant psychological features of this age period.Methods. To achieve the goal of the study, methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization of scientific sources, comparison and generalization were used. Questionnaires were also conducted to study this issue with the involvement of two groups of experts – parents and professionals.Results. In the course of the study of the criteria and signs of success of family upbringing of adolescents, the opinion of experts on the indicators of upbringing of adolescents and criteria for assessing upbringing was studied. Based on the results of studying the opinions of parents and experts, important indicators of adolescent upbringing were identified, including responsibility, respect for the dignity of others and personal freedom, respect for all forms of life and cultural values, self-control, optimism. A similar humanistic orientation of these indicators has been found, which, according to all experts, is important and worthy of attention. The study of the criteria for assessing the upbringing of adolescents also showed the similarity of the positions of parents and professionals in the education of adolescents. Differences of opinion were also found between the two groups of experts on the importance of individual criteria.Conclusions. Understanding the results of the study allows us to conclude that family upbringing is a process of encouraging, supporting and developing a child through the efforts of parents and relatives from birth to adulthood. Adolescence is characterized by the development and formation of personality, finding one's place in the society, emotional vulnerability and significantly affects the behavior of children. The result of harmonious family upbringing of adolescents is responsibility, respect for the dignity of others and personal freedom, respect for all forms of life and cultural values, self-control, optimism.Key words: family upbringing, parents, teenagers, adolescence age, manners. Мета статті полягає в теоретичному вивченні та емпіричному дослідженні критеріїв і ознак гармонійного сімейного виховання дітей підліткового віку. Встановлення критеріїв для визначення успішності виховання дітей цікавило вчених завжди. Проте більшість досліджень було присвячено вивченню процесу виховання дітей не в сім’ях, а в умовах навчальних закладів. Крім того, існує потреба у визначенні окремих критеріїв щодо оцінки результатів виховання дітей підліткового віку, зважаючи на значні психологічні особливості цього вікового періоду. Методи. Для досягнення мети дослідження використовувались методи аналізу та синтезу, систематизації наукових джерел, порівняння та узагальнення. Також проводилось анкетування з метою вивчення даного питання із залученням двох груп експертів – батьків та фахівців.Результати. Під час дослідження критеріїв та ознак гармонійного сімейного виховання дітей підліткового віку вивчалася думка експертів щодо показників вихованості підлітків та критеріїв оцінки виховання. За результатами вивчення думок експертів-батьків та експертів-фахівців визначено вагомі показники вихованості підлітків, зокрема відповідальність, повага гідності інших людей та свободи волі особистості, повага до всіх форм життя та культурних цінностей, самоконтроль, оптимізм. З’я-совано схожу гуманістичну спрямованість цих показників, які, на думку всіх експертів, є вагомими і вартими уваги. Дослідження критеріїв оцінки вихованості підлітків також показало схожість позицій батьків та фахівців у питаннях виховання підлітків. Також було знайдено відмінності в думках двох груп експертів із приводу вагомості окремих критеріїв. Висновки. Осмислення результатів дослідження дозволяє дійти висновку, що сімейне виховання – це процес заохочення, підтримки та розвитку дитини зусиллями батьків і родичів від її народження до дорослості. Підлітковий вік характеризується розвитком та становленням особистості, пошуком свого місця в соціумі, емоційною вразливістю і суттєво впливає на поведінку дітей. Результатом гармонійного сімейного виховання дітей підліткового віку є відповідальність, повага гідності інших людей та свободи волі особистості, повага до всіх форм життя та культурних цінностей, самоконтроль, оптимізм. Ключові слова: сімейне виховання, батьки, підлітки, підлітковий вік, вихованість.

2021 ◽  
pp. 144-167
Melanie C. Ross

Chapter 6 introduces Wayfarers Collective, an “emerging church” that decries what it perceives as the superficiality and entertainment-centeredness of mainstream evangelicalism. The Collective meets in a temporary rental spaces, eschews categories of formal membership, and brands itself as a “last stop” for people who are considering leaving the church forever. The Collective faces significant evangelistic hurdles: residents of the Pacific Northwest tend to be fiercely independent, and hostile towards institutions that seek to limit their personal freedom, creativity, or identity. The Collective’s anti-authoritarian ethos both helps and hinders its practices of corporate worship. Positively speaking, sermons at the Collective are a back-and-forth conversation between preacher and congregation: all participants are on equal ground. Musical worship—where the congregation must follow the directions of an authority figure—is more problematic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-146
Richard J. Cebula

Effectively no scholarly research has been published in peer-reviewed journals on the potential migration impacts of environments that are more conducive to entrepreneurship. Similarly, the potential migration impact of personal freedom also is essentially ignored in the literature. This study seeks to add to the literature by investigating the impacts of both entrepreneurial activity and personal freedom on state in-migration patterns. Using a panel dataset for the post-Great Recession period 2010-2017, the empirical analysis reveals that all three of the Kauffman indices of entrepreneurial activity are found to exercise a positive and statistically significant impact on both net in-migration and gross in-migration. In addition, the index of overall personal freedom is found to exercise a positive and statistically significant impact on both of these in-migration measures. Thus, it appears that there may be good reason for future migration studies to take such variables into account when seeking to explain, understand, and predict migration patterns in the U.S..

2021 ◽  
Giovanni Spitale ◽  
Nikola Biller-Andorno ◽  
Federico Germani

BACKGROUND The recent introduction of COVID-19 certificates in several countries, including the introduction of a European Green Pass, has been met with protests and concerns by a fraction of the population. In Italy, the Green Pass has been used as a nudging measure to incentivize vaccinations, since unvaccinated people are not allowed to enter restaurants and bars, museums, or stadiums. OBJECTIVE This study aims to understand and describe the concerns of anti-green pass individuals in Italy, the main arguments of discussion, and their characterization. METHODS We collected data from Telegram chats and analyzed with a mixed-methods approach the arguments and the concerns that were raised by the users. RESULTS Most individuals opposing the green pass share anti-vaccine views, but that doubts and concerns about vaccines are not often among the arguments raised to oppose the green pass. Instead, the discussion revolves around legal aspects and the definition of personal freedom. Further, we explain the nature of the dichotomy and similarity between anti-vaccine and anti-green pass discourse, and we discuss the ethical ramifications of our research, focusing on the use of Telegram chats as a social listening tool for public health. CONCLUSIONS A large fraction of anti-green pass individuals share anti-vaccine views. We suggest public health and political institutions to provide a legal explanation and a context for the use of the green pass, as well as to continue focusing on vaccine communication to inform hesitant individuals. Further work is needed to define a consensual ethical framework for social listening for public health.

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