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pet birds
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2023 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
T. Sadaf ◽  
A. Javid ◽  
A. Hussain ◽  
S. M. Bukhari ◽  
S. M. Hussain ◽  

Abstract During this one year study, blood and fecal samples of doves (Zenaida asiatica), ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), pigeons (Columba livia), partridges (Alectoris chukar), turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and goose (Chen caerulescens) were collected to assess the parasitic prevalence in these birds. The birds were kept at Avian Conservation and Research Center, Department of Wildlife and Ecology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. All these avian species were kept in separate cages and their entire body was inspected on regularly basis to record external parasites. For internal parasites, 100 blood and 100 fecal samples for each species were analyzed. During present study, two species of ectoparasites i.e. fowl ticks (Args persicus) and mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) while 17 species of endoparasites; three from blood and 14 from fecal samples were identified. Prevalence of blood parasites was Plasmodium juxtanucleare 29.3%, Aegyptinella pullorum 15% and Leucoctoyzoon simond 13%. Parasitic species recorded from fecal samples included 6 species of nematodes viz. Syngamus trachea with parasitic prevalence of 50%, Capillaria anatis 40%, Capillaria annulata 37.5%, Heterakis gallinarum 28.3%, Ascardia galli 24% and Allodpa suctoria 2%. Similarly, two species of trematodes viz. Prosthogonimus ovatus having parasitic prevalence of 12.1% and Prosthogonimus macrorchis 9.1% were also recorded from fecal samples of the birds. Single cestode species Raillietina echinobothrida having parasitic prevalence of 27% and 3 protozoan species i.e. Eimeria maxima having prevalence 20.1%, Histomonas meleagridis 8% and Giardia lamblia 5.3% were recorded. In our recommendation, proper medication and sanitation of the bird’s houses and cages is recommended to avoid parasites.

Z.M. Reznichenko ◽  
G.A. Fedorova ◽  
L.V. Tkachenko ◽  

The analysis of data on the actual prevalence of chla-mydiosisand thedamage to human health, poultry and livestock farming proves that the disease is a noteworthy problem for public health and farming. The spread of chla-mydia infection often leads to large scale damage to pet birds, as well as to humans, so its diagnosis and control measures are important. In Russia, in recent decade, the number of contaminated sites regarding ornithosis annually ranges from 30 to 53. The number of contaminated sites changes slightly but the number of sick birds noticeably changes from 131 to 2390 heads. According to the Veteri-nary Department, 9 contaminated sites were registered in the Altai Region from 2010 through 2020, i.e. 1-3 sites per year. The infectiousness of Clamydia psittaci is very high which leads to inapparent, chronic infection and long-term carriage, intense chlamydial release; that is an important epizootological prerequisite for a consistent continuous and latent infection in the animal population. Therefore, the main sources of the causative agent are sick birds and asymptomatic chlamydia carriers. Of the 145 examined individuals, inclusion bodies were found in 52, or 36%. In 2008, similar studies were carried out on 11 parrots; 6 birds were infected with the causative agent of psittacosis, or 54.5%. The autopsy of parrots revealed characteristic signs of psittacosis in 19 (82.6%) cases: pneumonia, exudate and fibrosis depositions in the air sacs, enlarged spleen and liver, in 5 cases -hemorrhages on the epicardium.

BMC Genomics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Si-Hyeon Kim ◽  
Yong-Kuk Kwon ◽  
Choi-Kyu Park ◽  
Hye-Ryoung Kim

Abstract Background In July 2015, the carcasses of 11 cockatiels were submitted for disease diagnosis to the Avian Disease Division of the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency of Korea. The cockatiels, which appeared dehydrated and underweight, had exhibited severe diarrhea and 22 % mortality over 2 weeks. Traditional diagnosis did not reveal the causes of these symptoms. Methods We conducted metagenomics analysis on intestines and livers from the dead cockatiels using Illumina high-throughput sequencing. To obtain more accurate and longer contigs, which are required for further genetic characterization, we compared the results of three de novo assembly tools (metaSPAdes, MEGAHIT, and IDBA-UD). Results Sequence reads of Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) and Chlamydia psittaci (C. psittaci) were present in most of the cockatiel samples. Either of these bacteria could cause the reported symptoms in psittaciformes. metaSPAdes (ver.3.14.1) identified the 1152 bp flaA gene of C. jejuni and the 1096 bp ompA gene of C. psittaci. Genetic analysis revealed that flaA of C. jejuni was recombinant between C. jejuni and Campylobacter coli, and that ompA of C. psittaci isolated from cockatiel was closely related to strains isolated from humans. Conclusions C. jejuni and C. psittaci were detected in cockatiels in the Republic of Korea using metagenomic analysis. This approach is useful for understanding pathogens of pet birds. Three de novo assemblers were compared to obtain accurate contigs from large quantities of reads, and sequences of C. jejuni and C. psittaci generated by metaSPAdes were analyzed.

M Hochleithner ◽  
C Hochleithner

The aim of this clinical retrospective study was to analyse the prevalence of Trichomonas gallinae in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). The role of T. gallinae in budgerigars as the cause of a typical clinical picture (young vomiting budgerigars) is clear; however, the frequency of latent and subclinical diseases in pet birds is unclear. Over the period of 20 years (2000–2019), 16 759 birds were examined, of which 5 256 (31.36%) belonged to the genus Melopsittacus (budgerigars). Within the 5 256 presented budgerigars, 2 547 (48.45%) were examined for trichomonads using a microscopic examination of a crop wash, and, of those, 978 birds (38.39%) were found to be positive for T. gallinae. Only 96 (9.8%) of the positive budgerigars showed typical signs of the disease, such as loss of appetite, vomiting, weight loss or anorexia. Unspecific clinical signs were seen in 312 (31.9%), while 570 birds (58.3%) did not show any clinical signs and had been presented for a routine check or other medical problems. Treatment using metronidazole (Anaerobex, Flagyl) was successful in 82–85% of these diseased birds. Trichomonads can be detected in over a third of budgerigars, even if less than 10% of the positive ones show clinical symptoms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
Adelekan Oluseyi Okunlade ◽  
Oluwaseun Olanrewaju Esan ◽  
Akinlabi Oladele Ogunleye

Abstract Background Pet birds are housed and reared exclusively for ornamental use. These include psittaciformes (parrots, parakeets, budgerigars, love birds) and passeriformes (e.g. canaries, finches, sparrows, also called songbirds). E. coli is a Gram negative bacterium. In birds, it is called Avian Pathogenic E. coli and is a causative agent of avian colibacillosis. Antimicrobial resistance is the process through which bacteria evade the activity of antibiotics. According to WHO (World Health Organization), antibiotic resistance is the result of indiscriminate use of these drugs which are used both in Veterinary and human medicine. Case presentation A one and half year old yellow female budgerigar pet bird (Melopsittacus undulatus) with patches of black and white on wings and back, kept as companion (one out of four) was presented dead at the avian clinic section of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. It was reported to have presented signs of anorexia and diarrhea for two days before death. Provisional diagnosis was colibacillosis. Intestinal samples were sent for microbial culture and sensitivity. The samples yielded growth of E. coli. Antimicrobial susceptibility revealed that the organism showed resistance to all tested antibiotics. Conclusions Multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli constitutes a major public health concern. The constant interaction between household companion birds and humans gives room for disease transmission. Wild birds kept as pets or companions harbor pathogenic and zoonotic pathogens, hence a threat to public health.

Oryx ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Anuj Jain ◽  
Scott Li Meng Aloysius ◽  
Heather Lim ◽  
Tim Plowden ◽  
Ding Li Yong ◽  

Abstract Singapore is prominent in the global trade of pet birds, primarily parrots. This includes its role as a key international transit hub, and also its growing domestic market, including for threatened species. There is a need to understand the trade beyond volumes and flows, including consumer knowledge, preferences and behaviours, and interactions with vendors, hobbyist groups and supporting industries. We used three methods to examine this: (1) a questionnaire with stakeholders (including parrot owners, hobbyist group members, breeders and supporting industry professionals), about the motivations for parrot ownership and interest in sustainable trade, (2) semi-structured interviews with key informants about trade dynamics, and (3) a review of online hobbyist groups. Based on our findings, we provide an initial mapping of the country's parrot trade ecosystem. Fifty-one per cent of respondents claimed to be a member of a parrot hobbyist group and 64% agreed their participation in such groups had encouraged them to purchase more parrots. The majority (71%) of parrot owners reported a preference for captive-bred rather than wild-caught parrots, and 72% were concerned about the illegal hunting of parrots for commercial trade. Most were willing to pay more (70%) and wait longer (73%) to procure a sustainably sourced parrot. Our approach presents the wildlife trade as a complex social phenomenon, with multiple physical and online channels, regulatory challenges, social networks, and evolving consumer preferences. We also document the pivotal role of hobbyist groups and their untapped potential to leverage these networks to improve sustainable trade.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-24
Zulhisyam A.K. ◽  
Lee S.W. ◽  
Nur Afikah M.D.

Pycnonotus jocosus is known as red-whiskered bulbul or known by local Malaysian as songbird or burung candik. Burung candik is one of the favourite pet birds’. Generally, it comes from Bangladesh, southern China, India, Nepal, north Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam (Animal Pest Alert: Red-whiskered Bulbul). Burung candik is favoured because of their ability in singing in east-coast region of Malaysia specifically. In this research, the caring practices are observed. All the result were recorded and documented through interview and experiment research. The caring practices concerned are housing and cage, bathing and grooming, singing feature and diet and feeding. The results showed that one cage equipped with one bird for comfort and to avoid fighting. The birds were needed to be bathed once in a week at least according to the bird’s willingness. General singing functions are to attract the mate and territorial defense. Feed given were insects, fruits and pellet.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. e0254007
Oliver C. Stringham ◽  
Stephanie Moncayo ◽  
Katherine G. W. Hill ◽  
Adam Toomes ◽  
Lewis Mitchell ◽  

Automated monitoring of websites that trade wildlife is increasingly necessary to inform conservation and biosecurity efforts. However, e-commerce and wildlife trading websites can contain a vast number of advertisements, an unknown proportion of which may be irrelevant to researchers and practitioners. Given that many wildlife-trade advertisements have an unstructured text format, automated identification of relevant listings has not traditionally been possible, nor attempted. Other scientific disciplines have solved similar problems using machine learning and natural language processing models, such as text classifiers. Here, we test the ability of a suite of text classifiers to extract relevant advertisements from wildlife trade occurring on the Internet. We collected data from an Australian classifieds website where people can post advertisements of their pet birds (n = 16.5k advertisements). We found that text classifiers can predict, with a high degree of accuracy, which listings are relevant (ROC AUC ≥ 0.98, F1 score ≥ 0.77). Furthermore, in an attempt to answer the question ‘how much data is required to have an adequately performing model?’, we conducted a sensitivity analysis by simulating decreases in sample sizes to measure the subsequent change in model performance. From our sensitivity analysis, we found that text classifiers required a minimum sample size of 33% (c. 5.5k listings) to accurately identify relevant listings (for our dataset), providing a reference point for future applications of this sort. Our results suggest that text classification is a viable tool that can be applied to the online trade of wildlife to reduce time dedicated to data cleaning. However, the success of text classifiers will vary depending on the advertisements and websites, and will therefore be context dependent. Further work to integrate other machine learning tools, such as image classification, may provide better predictive abilities in the context of streamlining data processing for wildlife trade related online data.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104063872110214
Viviana Gonzalez-Astudillo ◽  
Aslı Mete ◽  
Mauricio A. Navarro ◽  
Francisco A. Uzal ◽  
Javier Asin

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which is a neoplasm that usually arises from the integument, is reported uncommonly in pet birds. Only a few reports of SCCs in the alimentary tract of birds, including psittacines, have been published, and a detailed description of the pathology is not available in the literature. We present here 12 cases of alimentary SCC in psittacines. The average age of the birds was 22.2 y (range: 15–29 y), and affected species included 4 Amazon parrots ( Amazona sp.), 3 cockatiels ( Nymphicus hollandicus), 3 macaws ( Ara sp.), 1 conure ( Eupsittula sp.), and 1 Senegal parrot ( Poicephalus sp.). Frequent clinical complaints included regurgitation, dysphagia, dyspnea, lethargy, and/or weight loss. SCC primarily affected the oral cavity in 6 of 12 cases, the crop alone in 2 of 12 cases, the crop and esophagus in 1 of 12 cases, the proventriculus alone in 1 of 12 cases, and the crop, esophagus, and proventriculus in 2 of 12 cases. Histologically, alimentary SCCs were locally invasive and often resulted in mucosal ulceration. Although there were no metastases in any of our cases, poor clinical outcomes were frequent and associated most commonly with complete effacement of the alimentary segment and severe inflammation with opportunistic bacterial infection. Our review of the literature records commonly affected species, variability of gross presentations and clinical signs, plausible etiologies, and current diagnostic developments.

2021 ◽  
Si-Hyeon Kim ◽  
Yong-Kuk Kwon ◽  
Choi-Kyu Park ◽  
Hye-Ryoung Kim

Abstract BackgroundIn July 2015, the carcasses of 11 cockatiels were submitted for disease diagnosis to the Avian Disease Division of the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency of Korea. The cockatiels, which appeared dehydrated and underweight, had exhibited severe diarrhea and 22% mortality over 2 weeks. Traditional diagnosis did not reveal the causes of these symptoms. MethodsWe conducted metagenomics analysis on intestines and livers from the dead cockatiels using Illumina high-throughput sequencing. To obtain more accurate and longer contigs, which are required for further genetic characterization, we compared the results of three de novo assembly tools (metaSPAdes, MEGAHIT, and IDBA-UD).ResultsSequence reads of Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) and Chlamydia psittaci (C. psittaci) were present in most of the cockatiel samples. Either of these bacteria could cause the reported symptoms in psittaciformes. metaSPAdes (ver.3.14.1) identified the 1152 bp flaA gene of C. jejuni and the 1096 bp ompA gene of C. psittaci. Genetic analysis revealed that flaA of C. jejuni was recombinant between C. jejuni and Campylobacter coli, and that ompA of C. psittaci isolated from cockatiel was closely related to strains isolated from humans. ConclusionC. jejuni and C. psittaci were detected in cockatiels in the Republic of Korea using metagenomic analysis. This approach is useful for understanding pathogens of pet birds. Three de novo assemblers were compared to obtain accurate contigs from large quantities of reads, and sequences of C. jejuni and C. psittaci generated by metaSPAdes were analyzed.

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