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augmented reality system
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Johannes Damarowsky ◽  
Stephan Kühnel ◽  
Tobias Seyffarth ◽  
Stefan Sackmann

ZusammenfassungDie Ausführung von Workflows ist in vielen Anwendungsfeldern zunehmend mit einer Verarbeitung von Kontextinformationen verbunden. Dies ermöglicht es, den Nutzern die richtige Information zur richtigen Zeit zur Verfügung zu stellen, um die Workflow-Ausführung optimal zu unterstützen. Ein aktueller Ansatz, um eine kontextsensitive Unterstützung zu realisieren sind Augmented Reality-Systeme. Diese verarbeiten Kontextinformationen und liefern notwendige und hilfreiche Workflow-Informationen immersiv und intuitiv, um den Nutzer zu unterstützen und zu entlasten. Da sich die technischen Implementierungen in diesem Feld sehr unterschiedlich ausgestalten, wird in diesem Beitrag eine Taxonomie entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, Augmented Reality-Systeme einheitlich zu systematisieren. Mit dem resultierenden einheitlichen Vokabular bietet die Taxonomie eine praktisch nutzbare Grundlage, um state-of-the-art Augmented Reality-Systeme zu klassifizieren, Trends und Forschungslücken in der Literatur zu identifizieren sowie die Entwicklung neuer Augmented Reality-Systeme methodisch zu unterstützen. Für die Entwicklung der Taxonomie wurden insgesamt 142 Augmented Reality-Systeme analysiert, mit speziellem Hinblick auf die bereitgestellte Workflow-Unterstützung. Die wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit der Taxonomie wurde durch eine Befragung von Augmented Reality-System und Workflow-Management-Experten evaluiert. Zudem werden zwei neuartige Augmented Reality-Systeme, die innovative Ansätze für die Unterstützung der Workflow-Ausführung darstellen, als praktische Beispiele der Anwendung der Taxonomie vorgestellt.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 200-221
Azhar Mohd Ibrahim ◽  
Muhammad Arif Kamaruddin ◽  
Azni Nabela Wahid

Every year, many disasters occur to buildings causing their destruction and leading to huge casualties. One way of preventing casualties is by evacuation drill activity. Although accurate evacuation drills could enhance the efficiency of the process during the real event, these drills are not fully effective because participants miss the sense of being stressed or under pressure while in action. Several gaming concepts have been introduced to train the participants on how to cope with and evacuate effectively during an emergency. For instance, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) interfaces could provide virtual content to enhance the effectiveness of evacuation drills. However, accurate representation of different evacuation scenarios and its impact analysis during emergency using the above technologies are still debatable, mainly due to immersion quality. Thus, this study proposes an Immersive Augmented Reality (IAR) application that is mainly the amalgamation of AR and VR in realizing fast and safe evacuation during on-site building emergencies. A virtual dynamic exit signage system is also developed in the proposed “Smart Evacuation application“. This work evaluated the efficiency of a virtual dynamic exit signage and also a proposed “Smart Evacuation“ system by analysing on-site emergency evacuation processes. By setting up various scenarios imitating real life disasters, this research analysed the time taken and level of stress of the occupants during the evacuation of a chosen site. The proposed “Smart Evacution“ achieved 33.82% better perfomance compared to normal evacuation thus indicating a faster and safer evacuation. ABSTRAK: Secara statistik, kebanyakan bencana kemusnahan bangunan yang berlaku setiap tahun telah menyebabkan kerugian besar. Salah satu cara bagi mengelak kejadian ini adalah melalui aktiviti latih tubi evakuasi. Walaupun latih tubi evakuasi ini dapat menambah proses kecekapan semasa kejadian sebenar, latih tubi ini tidak benar-benar berkesan kerana peserta kurang mendalami perasaan tertekan atau di bawah tekanan semasa kejadian. Pelbagai konsep permainan telah diperkenalkan bagi melatih peserta bagaimana perlu bertindak dan evakuasi secara efektif semasa kecemasan. Sebagai contoh, antarmuka Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR) mungkin dapat menghasilkan simulasi secara maya bagi menambah keberkesanan latih tubi evakuasi. Walau bagaimanapun, ketepatan representasi pelbagai senario evakuasi dan analisis tekanan semasa kecemasan menggunakan teknik-teknik di atas adalah masih boleh dipertikaikan terutama kerana kualiti kedalamannya. Oleh itu, kajian ini mencadangkan aplikasi Realiti Terimbuh Mendalam (IAR) di mana tumpuan adalah pada kombinasi AR dan VR dibuat dengan secara evakuasi pantas dan selamat semasa kecemasan pada bangunan kejadian. Sistem maya penunjuk arah keluar dinamik turut dicipta dalam “Aplikasi Evakuasi Pintar” yang dicadangkan ini. Kajian ini menilai keberkesanan sistem maya penunjuk arah keluar secara dinamik dan juga sistem “Evakuasi Pintar” dengan menganalisa proses evakuasi kecemasan pada tempat kejadian. Dengan mengadakan pelbagai jenis senario dan meniru bencana sebenar, kajian ini menganalisa masa yang diambil dan tahap tekanan penghuni bangunan semasa proses evakuasi berlaku pada tapak pilihan. “Evakuasi Pintar” ini mencapai 33.82% keberkesanan pada prestasi berbanding evakuasi biasa. Ia membuktikan proses evakuasi ini lebih pantas dan selamat.

2021 ◽  
Yihuan Gao ◽  
Xuezhen Chen ◽  
Xiaoding Cheng ◽  
Chao Zhang ◽  
Zhigang Su ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Raabid Hussain ◽  
Caroline Guigou ◽  
Alain Lalande ◽  
Alexis Bozorg Grayeli

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (22) ◽  
pp. 7667
Javier Maldonado-Romo ◽  
Mario Aldape-Pérez ◽  
Alejandro Rodríguez-Molina

Increasingly, robotic systems require a level of perception of the scenario to interact in real-time, but they also require specialized equipment such as sensors to reach high performance standards adequately. Therefore, it is essential to explore alternatives to reduce the costs for these systems. For example, a common problem attempted by intelligent robotic systems is path planning. This problem contains different subsystems such as perception, location, control, and planning, and demands a quick response time. Consequently, the design of the solutions is limited and requires specialized elements, increasing the cost and time development. Secondly, virtual reality is employed to train and evaluate algorithms, generating virtual data. For this reason, the virtual dataset can be connected with the authentic world through Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), reducing time development and employing limited samples of the physical world. To describe the performance, metadata information details the properties of the agents in an environment. The metadata approach is tested with an augmented reality system and a micro aerial vehicle (MAV), where both systems are executed in an authentic environment and implemented in embedded devices. This development helps to guide alternatives to reduce resources and costs, but external factors limit these implementations, such as the illumination variation, because the system depends on only a conventional camera.

2021 ◽  
Yan Sun ◽  
Chang Wang ◽  
Qin Xie ◽  
Jinlei Zhang ◽  
Xinyu Liu ◽  

Mohammed Safayet Arefin ◽  
Nate Phillips ◽  
Alexander Plopski ◽  
J. Edward Swan

2021 ◽  
Jose Miguel Mota ◽  
Ruben Baena-Perez ◽  
Ivan Ruiz-Rube ◽  
M. Jesus Paredes Duarte ◽  
Antonio Ruiz-Castellanos ◽  

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