Current NCCN guidelines recommend 1 of 3 first-line (1L) regimens for stage III or IV classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL): ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine), A+AVD (brentuximab vedotin, doxorubicin, vinblastine, dacarbazine), or escalated BEACOPP (bleomycin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone); preferred regimens vary by region (e.g., North America vs Europe). The NCCN recommends positron emission tomography/computerized tomography (PET/CT) imaging after cycle 2 (interim PET2) to guide ABVD escalation or de-escalation. We surveyed physicians on their cHL treatment decision-making process and how PET/CT scan access, reimbursement, and comprehension influence their choices as part of CONNECT, the first real-world survey of physicians, patients, and caregivers in cHL.
Medical oncologists, hematologist/oncologists, or hematologists who treat cHL were invited to participate in an Institutional Review Board-approved, 30-minute online anonymous survey. Eligible participants had ≥2 years of practice experience in the United States (US) and treated ≥1 adult (aged ≥18 years) with stage III or IV cHL and ≥1 adult with cHL in the 1L setting within the prior 12 months. Surveys were completed from October 19, 2020-November 16, 2020.
Of 301 participating physicians, 80% were hematologist/oncologists with a median practice duration of 15 years; 62% practiced in community and 38% in academic settings. Participants were located in the US (South, 34%; Northeast, 26%; West, 21%; Midwest, 20%) and spent 90% of their professional time in direct patient care. In the preceding 12 months, participants treated a median (interquartile range) of 16 (7-40) patients with active cHL (stage III [median], 4; stage IV, 5) and 15 (8-40) cHL survivors. When treating cHL, 88% of participants reported giving NCCN guidelines somewhat/significant consideration. Overall, 94% of participants (n=284) reported using a PET/CT combined scan to diagnose/stage cHL, in line with current guideline recommendations. Of these participants, 97% reported typically getting an interim PET/CT scan for stage III or IV cHL with 65% typically getting the scan after cycle 2 (Figure A). Participants reported both escalating and de-escalating treatment based on interim PET/CT results (Figure B) with 61% making decisions after cycle 2. Of participants using a PET/CT scan, 42% reported receiving both a Deauville score and a standardized uptake value (SUV; Figure C) with 62% of participants noting that the Deauville score was the primary system used for reviewing PET/CT results (Figure D). However, 19% of participants reported challenges interpreting PET/CT results. Among participants using a Deauville score (n=209), consensus was limited on what defined a positive scan (≥3, 44%; ≥4, 37%).
Challenges obtaining PET/CT scans were reported by 16% of participants using PET/CT scans. However, despite not reporting challenges 55% of participants on average were unable to obtain a PET/CT scan 20% of the time. Of participants using PET/CT scans, 86% reported typically receiving results within 2 business days and 14% within 3-5 business days. Twenty-one percent of participants reported that delays in PET/CT results affected their ability to use a PET-adaptive approach. Forty-nine percent of those using PET/CT scans reported increased difficulty in PET/CT access for stage III or IV cHL due to lack of insurance coverage. In absence of a PET/CT scan, 36% of participants reported using an interim biopsy and 63% an interim CT scan to inform treatment choices. Among all participants, 36% reported increased difficulty in getting patients with cHL access to PET/CT scans due to COVID-19.
Although participants consider NCCN guidelines when treating cHL, interim PET scans are not universally obtained after cycle 2 for stage III or IV cHL, with 65% of participants who use PET/CT scans obtaining an interim PET scan after cycle 2 for stage III or IV cHL. When PET/CT scans are obtained, Deauville scores are commonly provided; however, there is variability in what is termed a positive or negative Deauville score. Challenges in obtaining PET/CT scans, with increased difficulty during COVID-19, were reported. Also, there are other barriers, such as lack of insurance, that may prohibit the optimal adherence to guidelines on interim PET/CT utilization.
Figure 1 Figure 1.
Parsons: SeaGen: Consultancy. Yu: Seagen, Inc: Current Employment, Current equity holder in publicly-traded company. Liu: Seagen, Inc: Current Employment, Current equity holder in publicly-traded company. Kumar: Seagen, Inc: Consultancy. Fanale: Seagen, Inc: Current Employment, Current equity holder in publicly-traded company. Flora: Seagen, Inc: Research Funding.