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cultural space
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2022 ◽  
Fernando Vidal

Performing Brains on Screen deals with film enactments and representations of the belief that human beings are essentially their brains, a belief that embodies one of the most influential modern ways of understanding the human. Films have performed brains in two chief ways: by turning physical brains into protagonists, as in the “brain movies” of the 1950, which show terrestrial or extra-terrestrial disembodied brains carrying out their evil intentions; or by giving brains that remain unseen inside someone’s head an explicitly major role, as in brain transplantation films or their successors since the 1980s, in which brain contents are transferred and manipulated by means of information technology. Through an analysis of filmic genres and particular movies, Performing Brains on Screen documents this neglected filmic universe, and demonstrates how the cinema has functioned as a cultural space where a core notion of the contemporary world has been rehearsed and problematized.

Олег Владимирович Сорокин

В статье анализируются смысловые значения отношения к Родине в культурном пространстве российской молодёжи. Большая часть смысловых компонентов отношения к Родине связаны с историей российского народа и находят своё выражение в национальном характере в форме духовно-нравственных ценностей. Данные базовые компоненты отражены в нормативных документах, регулирующих процесс воспитания подрастающего поколения. В роли таких ценностей выступает исполнение нравственного долга перед Отечеством в форме служения ему и готовности его защищать. Другая часть смысловых компонентов отношения к Родине формируется в рамках молодёжных субкультур. Данные смыслы рождаются в процессе переосмысления молодыми людьми своего отношения к феномену «Родина». Результатом этого процесса становится переконструирование социальной реальности молодёжными группами в соответствии с их символическими универсумами. Анализируются данные, полученные в ходе проведенного социологического исследования, о связи ментальных и современных черт национального характера с отклоняющимся смыслом образа Родины в культурном пространстве молодёжи. Отмечается, что современные черты в большей степени связаны с отклоняющимся смыслом формирования отношения к Родине, чем с ментальными чертами. The paper analyses the meanings of attitudes towards the Homeland in the cultural space of Russian youth. Some of the semantic components of the relationship to the Motherland are largely associated with the history of the Russian people and find their expression in the national character in the form of spiritual and moral values. These basic components are reflected in the normative documents governing the upbringing of the younger generation. The role of such values is the fulfillment of moral duty to the Motherland in the form of service to it and readiness to defend it. Another part of the semantic components of attitudes towards the Motherland is formed within the framework of youth subcultures. These meanings are born in the process of young people's reconsideration of their attitude to this phenomenon. The result of this process is a reconstruction of social reality by youth groups according to their symbolic universes. The publication analyzes the data obtained during sociological study on the relationship between mental and modern traits of national character with the deviant meaning of the image of the Motherland in the cultural space of young people. The research shows that contemporary traits are connected with the deviant meaning of forming attitudes towards the Homeland rather than with mental traits.

2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-207
X. Antón Castro-Fernández ◽  
Yolanda Herranz Pascual ◽  
Jesús Pastor-Bravo

La Isla de Esculturas fue concebida como una construcción cultural de la naturaleza y revertida a paisaje estético, teniendo en cuenta la singularidad etnográfica, histórica y antropológica del lugar donde se enclava: la Xunqueira del Lérez de Pontevedra. Constituye igualmente un homenaje al granito, material identitario de la escultura de todas las épocas y una referencia de la cultura y el arte que sus autores entroncan con la conciencia mítica y el simbolismo del The Waste Land (La tierra baldía) de T. S. Eliot. Como La tierra baldía, que reunifica pasado y presente, entre metáforas y símbolos, los escultores que intervienen en el espacio contorneado por el río Lérez acogen, en un todo, una pluralidad de alusiones culturales, lenguajes y conceptos, referencias clásicas y experiencias más contemporáneas. Fueron invitados a intervenir doce artistas: Giovanni Anselmo, Fernando Casás, José Pedro Croft, Dan Graham, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Jenny Holzer, Francisco Leiro, Richard Long, Robert Morris, Anne & Patrick Poirier, Ulrich Rückriem y Enrique Velasco.


La semiótica, que, desde sus orígenes griegos, estuvo asociada a la salud, dentro de sus ramificaciones actuales se ha centrado en el estudio de la semiótica de la cultura, en general, y de la semiótica teatral, en particular, en relación con las pandemias. En este estudio se examinan las diferentes plagas que han azotado a la humanidad; así como las diversas y eminentes producciones, tanto en el ámbito literario como en el teatral, que han generado. Por último, dedicamos la parte final del trabajo al estudio de lo acaecido en España desde la implantación del estado de alarma por el COVID-19 (marzo-junio de 2020) en el espacio cultural del teatro.   Abstract: Semiotics, which, since its Greek origins, was associated with health, within its current ramifications has focused on the study of semiotics of culture, in general, and of theatrical semiotics, in particular, in relation to pandemics. This study examines the different plagues that have plagued humanity; as well as the diverse and eminent productions, both in the literary and theatrical fields, that they have generated. We will address the final part of the work to the study of what happened in Spain in the cultural space of the theater with the implementation of the state of alarm for COVID-19 (March-June 2020).

Ніна Арая Берріос ◽  
Валерія Шульгіна

The purpose of the article. Identify the background of social and cultural project aspects in modern European cultural integration in Ukraine based on the activities of the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts; to outline the European integration vectors of performative cultural creation in Ukraine of the XXI century; to consider culture as a condition and a term of solving problems and tasks that are in other planes of social and individual life. The aim of the article is to analyze the musical and circus art project "Circle", which aims to combine and interact with traditional and innovative artistic trends by integrating them into a common and integral cultural area. The aim of the article is to analyze the music and circus art project "Circle", which aims is to combine and interact with traditional and innovative artistic trends by integrating them into a common and integral cultural space. The peculiarity of the work is the analysis of the phenomenon of "social and cultural project aspects", how it is reflected in the artistic area and how it affects culture in general. It is proved that in this context the starting point of cultural creation and formation of cultural norms and values ​​is the activity of the educational institution, which affects the development of infrastructure and improvement of social and cultural space. Tasks: to identify the roots of social and cultural project aspects of modern European integration culture in Ukraine based on the activities of the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts; to outline the European integration vectors of performative cultural creation in Ukraine of the XXI century; to consider culture as a condition and a means of solving problems and tasks that are in other planes of social and individual life. Methodology. The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach using the methods of historicism, scientific retrospection, personology, source study approach, and the method of theoretical generalization. The scientific novelty of the research is that the historical facts concerning the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts, about its cultural and creative activity on the example of the music and circus art project "Circle" are collected and systematized. The significance of international collaboration for the further development of European integration processes in Ukraine of the XXI century is proved, the European integration cultural creation in Ukraine is investigated on the example of the music and circus art project "Circle". Conclusions. All-Ukrainian and international creative projects in the context of social and cultural project aspects are aimed at reproducing and preserving culture by internalizing cultural values, replicating the best ideas, attracting new technologies for cultural development in general as a basis for interpersonal and international communication. Creating and supporting art projects is one of the main tasks of cultural policy in educating the next generation of citizens with a clear cultural and national identity, which will further increase the cultural potential of the nation and the presentation of art projects in the international arena. Keywords: European integration, social and cultural project aspects, musical and circus art project "Circle", international collaboration, Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts, musical art, circus art.

Volodymyr Antonenko ◽  
Volodymyr Khutkyi

The paper highlights and analyzes the world and domestic experience in the implementation of cultural and educational museum projects in the modern cultural space of tourist destinations. The introduction of cultural and educational projects based on museum activities contributes to the profits of museums and meet the needs of society in the pursuit of knowledge. Also, the cultural and educational project improves the basic functions of museums (educational and upbringing), strengthens the resonance through the mass promotion of museum activities. Common cultural museum projects include scientific and educational museum conferences, International Museum Day, Museum Night, thematic intercultural festivals, biennials, etc. It has been proved that in recent decades various cultural museum projects have become widespread, which radically change the cultural space of a tourist destination. An example is a successful project of placing museums in abandoned industrial buildings, which gives impetus to the development not only of the museum, but also the area itself, sometimes depressed. The article considers examples of such projects in the world and Ukraine. For many museum institutions, the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for the cultural sphere as a whole is a challenge that needs to be used to rethink its activities, to introduce new methods of communication with potential museum visitors.

2021 ◽  
pp. 471-488
Orest Krasivskyy ◽  
Nadiia Pidberezhnyk

Condition and problems of ensuring the cultural security of Ukraine were analyzed. Hypothesis that ensuring development and sustainability of the cultural sphere, formation of a single Ukrainian socio-cultural space based on Ukrainian language, historical memory, spiritual values, cultural traditions is one of priority national interests of the Ukrainian state at the present stage was put forward. Research methodology is based on the principles of objectivity and systematicity. During the research, methods of scientific learning of socio-political phenomena and processes were used, in particular: analysis, synthesis, systematization, empirical, and system-structural methods. The authors prove that cultural traditions, historical memory, self-consciousness and language are key factors that constitute and consolidate a nation, and threats to the nation’s cultural interests can jeopardize its existence. It was found that the centuries-old policy of de-ethnicization and assimilation of Ukrainian ethnos by foreign states has led to deformation and russification of the national linguistic and cultural space of Ukraine, loss of ethnic identity based on the language factor of the titular Ukrainian ethnos, deepening the spiritual crisis of Ukrainian society. It is determined that the key threats in the field of cultural security of Ukraine today are the following: Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine, formation of information and cultural space of Ukraine under the influence of foreign information flows, imperfection of humanitarian policy in the context of cultivating Ukrainian national values, low level of development of cultural industries, dominance of foreign cultural and artistic products, control over Ukrainian media by financial and industrial groups that often take an anti-Ukrainian position. It was proved that the measures to assert and popularize Ukrainian language as the state language, ensure intercultural communication and interethnic socialization of ethnic subjects of Ukrainian society, formation of national-patriotic education, creation of competitive innovative cultural products and their popularization in the world should be priority directions of the state policy of ensuring cultural security of Ukraine.

Oksana Z. KLYMENKO ◽  
Olena L. SOKUR

Objective. To represent library communication in the socio-cultural space of modern society. Methods. The methodology of the article was based on a set of general and special methods of scientific knowledge. Results. We substantiated the essence and content of the term "library communication" as a pre-planned activity in the socio-cultural space of modern society. There are presented the structural content elements of library communication:, goal, objective, essence, driving mechanism, purpose, implementation, basic tools, main communication product, indifferent components, sources, environment and specifics of functioning, levels and result. We established that library practice today is constantly enriched with new phenomena and concepts to denote them, for which library science as a science should formulate appropriate terms, provide theoretical and methodological justification. Conclusions. It is argued that in the context of the theory of social communications, the institutionalization of the term "library communication" as a separate type of professional communication and the driving force of the transformation of the library business is relevant.

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