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stellar feedback
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Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Pierre Boldrini

This review deals with the inconsistency of inner dark matter density profiles in dwarf galaxies, known as the cusp–core problem. In particular, we aim to focus on gas-poor dwarf galaxies. One of the most promising solutions to this cold dark matter small-scale issue is the stellar feedback, but it seems to be only designed for gas-rich dwarfs. However, in the regime of classical dwarfs, this core mechanism becomes negligible. Therefore, it is required to find solutions without invoking these baryonic processes as dark matter cores tend to persist even for these dwarfs, which are rather dark-matter-dominated. Here, we have presented two categories of solutions. One consists of creating dark matter cores from cusps within cold dark matter by altering the dark matter potential via perturbers. The second category gathers solutions that depict the natural emergence of dark matter cores in alternative theories. Given the wide variety of solutions, it becomes necessary to identify which mechanism dominates in the central region of galaxies by finding observational signatures left by them in order to highlight the true nature of dark matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 366 (12) ◽  
Volker Heesen

AbstractRadio continuum observations of external galaxies provide us with an excellent outside view on the distribution of cosmic-ray electrons in the disc and halo. In this review, we summarise the current state of what we have learned from modelling such observations with cosmic-ray transport, paying particular attention to the question to what extent we can exploit radio haloes when studying galactic winds. We have developed the user-friendly framework spinnaker to model radio haloes with either pure advection or diffusion, allowing us to study both diffusion coefficients and advection speeds in nearby galaxies. Using these models, we show that we can identify galaxies with winds using both morphology and radio spectral indices of radio haloes. Advective radio haloes are ubiquitous, indicating that already fairly low values of the star formation rate (SFR) surface density ($\Sigma_{ \mathrm{SFR}}$ Σ SFR ) can trigger galactic winds. The advection speeds scale with SFR, $\Sigma_{\mathrm{SFR}}$ Σ SFR , and rotation speed as expected for stellar feedback-driven winds. Accelerating winds are in agreement with our radio spectral index data, but this is sensitive to the magnetic field parametrisation, so that constant wind speeds cannot be ruled out either. The question to what extent cosmic rays can be a driving force behind winds is still an open issue and we discuss only in passing how a simple iso-thermal wind model could fit our data. Nevertheless, the comparison with inferences from observations and theory looks promising with radio continuum offering a complementary view on galactic winds. We finish with a perspective on future observations and challenges lying ahead.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 267
Scott G. Carlsten ◽  
Jenny E. Greene ◽  
Johnny P. Greco ◽  
Rachael L. Beaton ◽  
Erin Kado-Fong

Abstract The structure of a dwarf galaxy is an important probe of the effects of stellar feedback and environment. Using an unprecedented sample of 223 low-mass satellites from the ongoing Exploration of Local Volume Satellites survey, we explore the structures of dwarf satellites in the mass range 105.5 < M ⋆ < 108.5 M ⊙. We survey satellites around 80% of the massive, M K < − 22.4 mag, hosts in the Local Volume (LV). Our sample of dwarf satellites is complete to luminosities of M V <−9 mag and surface brightness μ 0,V < 26.5 mag arcsec−2 within at least ∼200 projected kpc of the hosts. For this sample, we find a median satellite luminosity of M V = −12.4 mag, median size of r e = 560 pc, median ellipticity of ϵ = 0.30, and median Sérsic index of n = 0.72. We separate the satellites into late- and early-type (29.6% and 70.4%, respectively). The mass–size relations are very similar between them within ∼5%, which indicates that the quenching and transformation of a late-type dwarf into an early-type one involves only very mild size evolution. Considering the distribution of apparent ellipticities, we infer the intrinsic shapes of the early- and late-type samples. Combining with literature samples, we find that both types of dwarfs are described roughly as oblate spheroids that get more spherical at fainter luminosities, but early-types are always rounder at fixed luminosity. Finally, we compare the LV satellites with dwarf samples from the cores of the Virgo and Fornax clusters. We find that the cluster satellites show similar scaling relations to the LV early-type dwarfs but are roughly 10% larger at fixed mass, which we interpret as being due to tidal heating in the cluster environments. The dwarf structure results presented here are a useful reference for simulations of dwarf galaxy formation and the transformation of dwarf irregulars into spheroidals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Najmeh Emami ◽  
Brian Siana ◽  
Kareem El-Badry ◽  
David Cook ◽  
Xiangcheng Ma ◽  

Abstract Stellar feedback in dwarf galaxies plays a critical role in regulating star formation via galaxy-scale winds. Recent hydrodynamical zoom-in simulations of dwarf galaxies predict that the periodic outward flow of gas can change the gravitational potential sufficiently to cause radial migration of stars. To test the effect of bursty star formation on stellar migration, we examine star formation observables and sizes of 86 local dwarf galaxies. We find a correlation between the R-band half-light radius (R e ) and far-UV luminosity (L FUV) for stellar masses below 108 M ⊙ and a weak correlation between the R e and Hα luminosity (L Hα ). We produce mock observations of eight low-mass galaxies from the FIRE-2 cosmological simulations and measure the similarity of the time sequences of R e and a number of star formation indicators with different timescales. Major episodes of R e time sequence align very well with the major episodes of star formation, with a delay of ∼50 Myr. This correlation decreases toward star formation rate indicators of shorter timescales such that R e is weakly correlated with L FUV (10–100 Myr timescale) and is completely uncorrelated with L Hα (a few Myr timescale), in agreement with the observations. Our findings based on FIRE-2 suggest that the R-band size of a galaxy reacts to star formation variations on a ∼50 Myr timescale. With the advent of a new generation of large space telescopes (e.g., JWST), this effect can be examined explicitly in galaxies at higher redshifts, where bursty star formation is more prominent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
S. K. Betti ◽  
R. Gutermuth ◽  
S. Offner ◽  
G. Wilson ◽  
A. Sokol ◽  

Abstract We use hydrodynamical simulations of star-forming gas with stellar feedback and sink particles—proxies for young stellar objects (YSOs)—to produce and analyze synthetic 1.1 mm continuum observations at different distances (150–1000 pc) and ages (0.49–1.27 Myr). We characterize how the inferred core properties, including mass, size, and clustering with respect to diffuse natal gas structure, change with distance, cloud evolution, and the presence of YSOs. We find that atmospheric filtering and core segmentation treatments have distance-dependent impacts on the resulting core properties for d < 300 pc and 500 pc, respectively, which dominate over evolutionary differences. Concentrating on synthetic observations at further distances (650–1000 pc), we find a growing separation between the inferred sizes and masses of cores with and without YSOs in the simulations, which is not seen in recent observations of the Monoceros R2 (Mon R2) cloud at 860 pc. We find that the synthetic cores cluster in smaller groups, and that their mass densities are correlated with gas column density over a much narrower range, than those in the Mon R2 observations. Such differences limit the applicability of the evolutionary predictions we report here, but will motivate our future efforts to adapt our synthetic observation and analysis framework to next generation simulations, such as Star Formation in Gaseous Environments (STARFORGE). These predictions and systematic characterizations will help to guide the analysis of cores on the upcoming TolTEC Clouds to Cores Legacy Survey on the Large Millimeter Telescope Alfonso Serrano.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 275
Serena Perrotta ◽  
Erin R. George ◽  
Alison L. Coil ◽  
Christy A. Tremonti ◽  
David S. N. Rupke ◽  

Abstract We present results on the nature of extreme ejective feedback episodes and the physical conditions of a population of massive (M * ∼ 1011 M ⊙), compact starburst galaxies at z = 0.4–0.7. We use data from Keck/NIRSPEC, SDSS, Gemini/GMOS, MMT, and Magellan/MagE to measure rest-frame optical and near-IR spectra of 14 starburst galaxies with extremely high star formation rate surface densities (mean ΣSFR ∼ 2000 M ⊙ yr−1 kpc−2) and powerful galactic outflows (maximum speeds v 98 ∼ 1000–3000 km s−1). Our unique data set includes an ensemble of both emission ([O ii] λλ3726,3729, Hβ, [O iii] λλ4959,5007, Hα, [N ii] λλ6549,6585, and [S ii] λλ6716,6731) and absorption (Mg ii λλ2796,2803, and Fe ii λ2586) lines that allow us to investigate the kinematics of the cool gas phase (T ∼ 104 K) in the outflows. Employing a suite of line ratio diagnostic diagrams, we find that the central starbursts are characterized by high electron densities (median n e ∼ 530 cm−3), and high metallicity (solar or supersolar). We show that the outflows are most likely driven by stellar feedback emerging from the extreme central starburst, rather than by an AGN. We also present multiple intriguing observational signatures suggesting that these galaxies may have substantial Lyman continuum (LyC) photon leakage, including weak [S ii] nebular emission lines. Our results imply that these galaxies may be captured in a short-lived phase of extreme star formation and feedback where much of their gas is violently blown out by powerful outflows that open up channels for LyC photons to escape.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Xiaoying Pang ◽  
Zeqiu Yu ◽  
Shih-Yun Tang ◽  
Jongsuk Hong ◽  
Zhen Yuan ◽  

Abstract We identify hierarchical structures in the Vela OB2 complex and the cluster pair Collinder 135 and UBC 7 with Gaia EDR3 using the neural network machine-learning algorithm StarGO. Five second-level substructures are disentangled in Vela OB2, which are referred to as Huluwa 1 (Gamma Velorum), Huluwa 2, Huluwa 3, Huluwa 4, and Huluwa 5. For the first time, Collinder 135 and UBC 7 are simultaneously identified as constituent clusters of the pair with minimal manual intervention. We propose an alternative scenario in which Huluwa 1–5 have originated from sequential star formation. The older clusters Huluwa 1–3, with an age of 10–22 Myr, generated stellar feedback to cause turbulence that fostered the formation of the younger-generation Huluwa 4–5 (7–20 Myr). A supernova explosion located inside the Vela IRAS shell quenched star formation in Huluwa 4–5 and rapidly expelled the remaining gas from the clusters. This resulted in global mass stratification across the shell, which is confirmed by the regression discontinuity method. The stellar mass in the lower rim of the shell is 0.32 ± 0.14 M ⊙ higher than in the upper rim. Local, cluster-scale mass segregation is observed in the lowest-mass cluster Huluwa 5. Huluwa 1–5 (in Vela OB2) are experiencing significant expansion, while the cluster pair suffers from moderate expansion. The velocity dispersions suggest that all five groups (including Huluwa 1A and Huluwa 1B) in Vela OB2 and the cluster pair are supervirial and are undergoing disruption, and also that Huluwa 1A and Huluwa 1B may be a coeval young cluster pair. N-body simulations predict that Huluwa 1–5 in Vela OB2 and the cluster pair will continue to expand in the future 100 Myr and eventually dissolve.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Cassandra Lochhaas ◽  
Jason Tumlinson ◽  
Brian W. O’Shea ◽  
Molly S. Peeples ◽  
Britton D. Smith ◽  

Abstract The classical definition of the virial temperature of a galaxy halo excludes a fundamental contribution to the energy partition of the halo: the kinetic energy of nonthermal gas motions. Using simulations of low-redshift, ∼L* galaxies from the Figuring Out Gas & Galaxies In Enzo (FOGGIE) project that are optimized to resolve low-density gas, we show that the kinetic energy of nonthermal motions is roughly equal to the energy of thermal motions. The simulated FOGGIE halos have ∼2× lower bulk temperatures than expected from a classical virial equilibrium, owing to significant nonthermal kinetic energy that is formally excluded from the definition of T vir. We explicitly derive a modified virial temperature including nonthermal gas motions that provides a more accurate description of gas temperatures for simulated halos in virial equilibrium. Strong bursts of stellar feedback drive the simulated FOGGIE halos out of virial equilibrium, but the halo gas cannot be accurately described by the standard virial temperature even when in virial equilibrium. Compared to the standard virial temperature, the cooler modified virial temperature implies other effects on halo gas: (i) the thermal gas pressure is lower, (ii) radiative cooling is more efficient, (iii) O vi absorbing gas that traces the virial temperature may be prevalent in halos of a higher mass than expected, (iv) gas mass estimates from X-ray surface brightness profiles may be incorrect, and (v) turbulent motions make an important contribution to the energy balance of a galaxy halo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 225
Amanda Lue ◽  
Dávid Guszejnov ◽  
Stella S. R. Offner ◽  
Michael Y. Grudić

A Morales-Vargas ◽  
J P Torres-Papaqui ◽  
F F Rosales-Ortega ◽  
M Chow-Martínez ◽  
J J Trejo-Alonso ◽  

Abstract Galaxy evolution is generally affected by tidal interactions. Firstly, in this series, we reported several effects which suggest that tidal interactions contribute to regulating star formation (SF). To confirm that so, we now compare stellar mass assembly histories and SF look-back time annular profiles between CALIFA survey tidally and non-tidally perturbed galaxies. We pair their respective star-forming regions at the closest stellar mass surface densities to reduce the influence of stellar mass. The assembly histories and annular profiles show statistically significant differences so that higher star formation rates characterize regions in tidally perturbed galaxies. These regions underwent a more intense (re)activation of SF in the last 1 Gyr. Varying shapes of the annular profiles also reflect fluctuations between suppression and (re)activation of SF. Since gas-phase abundances use to be lower in more actively than in less actively star-forming galaxies, we further explore the plausible presence of metal-poor gas inflows able to dilute such abundances. The resolved relations of oxygen (O) abundance, with stellar mass density and with total gas fraction, show slightly lower O abundances for regions in tidally perturbed galaxies. The single distributions of O abundances statistically validate that so. Moreover, from a metallicity model based on stellar feedback, the mass rate differentials (inflows−outflows) show statistically valid higher values for regions in tidally perturbed galaxies. These differentials, and the metal fractions from the population synthesis, suggest dominant gas inflows in these galaxies. This dominance, and the differences in SF through time, confirm the previously reported effects of tidal interactions on SF.

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