Despite the widespread concepts of “civic journalism”, “social journalism”, “community-centered journalism”, “citizens journalism”, social projects implemented by the local media remain insufficiently studied. Journalists initiate and organize public discussions on hot issues, defend the rights of low-income families and World War II veterans, raise money for operations. The current research conducted at the School of Journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University examined the phenomenon of journalists’ participation in solving social issues of local communities. We analyzed the descriptions of 126 social projects by local media and 25 questionnaires. The article discusses the factors that influence decision-making on the implementation of social projects. The authors present the themes, aims of social projects, and 15 types of initiation of social projects, give examples of constructive and nonconstructive relations between journalists and representatives of authorities, business, NGOs in initiation and implementation of social projects. The authors noted that journalists and citizens, to a greater extent than representatives of local authorities, business, NGOs, are initiators of solving social problems and developing the local community. The findings appear to demonstrate that by initiating and realizing social projects, local media are fulfilling the meta-function of the development of civil society. The authors highlight the necessity of supporting journalistic initiatives.