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property wealth
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Phillip Caldwell II ◽  
Jed T. Richardson ◽  
Rajah E. Smart ◽  
Meaghan Polega

This research investigates Michigan’s system for funding public schools, particularly for Black students, via critical race theory, focusing on structural racism and discrimination embedded in education finance laws, housing policies, and residential and educational segregation. Our research questions are (i) How does district per-pupil funding in Michigan vary by race and income? (ii) Does variation by race and income depend on whether funding is from state or local sources? (iii) How does district property wealth in Michigan vary by race and income? and (iv) How does the proportion of property wealth Michigan districts commit to local education funding vary by race and income? We find that the average Black student receiving free or reduced-price lunch (FRL) receives $411 less per pupil than the average White student receiving FRL and $783 less per pupil than the average White student who does not receive FRL. These disparities stem entirely from differences in locally sourced district revenues that are the result of vast differences in property wealth. On average, a one-percentage-point increase in a district’s proportion of Black students receiving FRL is associated with a $2,354 decrease in taxable value of property per pupil, implying that a district with all Black students receiving FRL would have $235,400 less taxable value per pupil than a district with no Black students receiving FRL. Through its continued reliance on local property taxation, the school finance system in Michigan is just another example of how laws and policies reinforce structural racism and discrimination against Black students. This study can discern a self-reinforcing system that relegates Blacks to a subordinate socioeconomic status regarding school finance, segregation and housing policy, and discrimination.

Andrey N. Maslovsky ◽  
Alexander P. Minaev ◽  
Nikita I. Iudin ◽  

The article describes the development of the rural district of Azak, the mutual interaction between the city and its rural settlements. The subject of consideration is the ceramic complex of rural settlements, its structure, and the peculiarities of the pottery craft development in small towns and villages. The intensity of contacts of rural settlements with the center and the property wealth of the population of the periphery are also estimated. These data complement the numismatic findings, which allow us to determine the degree of retail trade development in rural settlements, as well as to clarify the important question of the time of disappearance of the rural district of Azak by the end of the 1st quarter of the 15th century. Other categories of materials (weapons, jewelry and costume parts, agricultural equipment, sphragistics) are briefly described. The data of archaeology and written sources are also compared in this research. Conclusions are drawn about the cultural proximity of the rural and ordinary urban population of Azak, about the free population living in the territory of the rural district of Azak with average property wealth, about the synchronicity of the city and its district disappearance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-261
Ahmed Fathi Ramadan Abdelgayed

At present, there have been some calls for the wife to share the property acquired by the husband during the marriage period, claiming that these efforts are the result of the effort of both spouses, whether through the woman's work in the home, where that husband helped to work quietly outside the home, or through the couple's work outside the home. In this research, I discussed the evidence of the wife's participation in all the property acquired by the husband. In this research, it concluded that the spouses in matters of property, wealth, income and conduct are completely independent, that the marriage contract does not give rise to any right to the other's property or income other than Islamic rights, The financial dealings between spouses were governed by the Islamic provisions on financial transactions, and if the spouses disagreed in the ownership of something, each one must provide evidence of the validity of his claim.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-52
Eric Brunner ◽  
David Schwegman ◽  
Jeffrey M. Vincent

Abstract We examine how funding for public school facilities varies with school district property wealth and household income. Using data on school facility (i.e., capital) funding in California from fiscal years 1986-87 to 2015-16, we find that funding for school construction and modernization varies widely across districts. Disparities in funding are driven primarily by inter-district differences in property wealth with the highest property wealth districts raising significantly more funding for school facilities. Assessed value per-pupil in California is also negatively correlated with the share of disadvantaged students and students of color. As a result, school facility funding tends to be substantially lower in districts with the highest concentrations of disadvantaged students and students of color.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51
Mike Savage ◽  
Nora Waitkus

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6 (104)) ◽  
pp. 0
Ilya Ilyin

Capitalist relations in Russia emerged and developed in the 17th — 19th centuries. These relations were superimposed on the specific features of the public consensus that was achieved in 16th century and predetermined the particularities of the national socio-economic model. The origins of this model goes back to the religious and ethical discourse of the 15th century, as well as to the understanding of the foundations and nature of Russian statehood of the 15th — 16th centuries. All these features led to the formation of certain attributes of national consciousness and had a significant impact on the nature of socio-economic institutions. The humanistic values of the Russian Middle Ages had arisen out of Orthodoxy. The collective humanism of the state and its religious and ethical mission gave a minor role to the development of individualistic principles, which, on the contrary, were of great significance in Western Europe. This article shows a set of historical and spiritual factors that have played an important role in the formation of specific national consciousness characteristics. The authors make an attempt to analyze the influence of such factors on the nature of the national socio-economic model and its development in Russia in the 16th — 19th centuries. The article proposes an original concept according to which, in the course of the historical development of Russia, the most important economic categories (property, wealth, labor, capital, economic activity) obtained not only an economic, but also a kind of ethical interpretation, that is, they can be considered both as economic concepts and as cultural and moral phenomena. The methods of identifying historical and spiritual dominant factors that influenced the formation of the Russian socio-economic model give new opportunities to study national peculiarities. These methods allow clarifying the historical and cultural institutional potential for creating an effective economic policy in Russia and other countries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Muhtadin Mubin ◽  
Teddy Rustandy ◽  
Muhammad Arya Lokamandala ◽  
Ihsan Nasihin

To be able to manage and manage company assets efficient, then management requires the function or role of checking diamonds or more known as internal audit. In addition, to get company property / wealth from cheating. Fraud is something that must be prevented by the company so that it does not happen, for that role is needed internal audit in saving company assets from fraud. This research tries to Knowing the implementation of internal audits, overcoming fraud (fraud), and the role of the audit internal fraud preven/tion efforts (Fraud) at PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Office Center of Bandung. The method used in this research is survey method. Analysis Descriptive data of research results using continuum analysis. Data analysis using contrary to Product Moment. Hypothesis testing using t test. Based on test results Obtained from the conclusion that the implementation of internal audit is good, and the conclusion cheating (fraud) is good. The results of the audit assessment coefficient values when internal with variables overcoming fraud (fraud) of 0.583, included in the category of "moderate" (0.4 - 0.599). T test results indicate that tcount> t table (4,054> 2,037) or hypothesis is accepted. With thus it can be concluded that "Internal Audit has a significant role Fraud prevention efforts (fraud) at PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-118
Eko Febri Lusiono

The initial findings of this research problem began with the 2016 and 2017 Semata Village Ownership Wealth Reports which were reported to be not in accordance with the Realization of the Semata Village Revenue and Expenditure (APB) for the year concerned, namely in Fixed Asset Valuation. Permendagri number 113 of 2014 concerning Village Financial Management and Permendagri number 1 of 2016 concerning Village Asset Management as the basis of applied theory to solve research problems. This applied research was conducted with triangulation data collection techniques and data analysis methods from Miles and Hubermann. The results of the study revealed that the 2016 and 2017 Semata Village Ownership Wealth Reports were not in accordance with regulations related to Village Financial Management and Village Asset Management in force in Indonesia. Based on interviews, the parties related to village financial management, namely the Village Head, Village Secretary, and Village Treasurer are still imperfect in understanding the technicalities of Village Property Wealth Reports, these factors being one of the causes of the Village Property Report. Applied recommendations for solving problems have been presented in the analysis of this research data.

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