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mutual recognition
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2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-27
Alan Keller Gomes ◽  
Kaique Matheus Rodrigues Cunha ◽  
Guilherme Augusto da Silva Ferreira

We present in this paper a novel approach for measuring Bourdieusian Social Capital (BSC) within  Institutional Pages and Profiles. We analyse Facebook's Institutional Pages and Twitter's Institutional Profiles. Supported by Pierre Bourdie's theory, we search for directions to identify and capture data related to sociability practices, i. e. actions performed such as Like, Comment and Share. The system of symbolic exchanges and mutual recognition treated by Pierre Bourdieu is represented and extracted automatically from these data in the form of generalized sequential patterns. In this format, the social interactions captured from each page are represented as sequences of actions. Next, we also use such data to measure the frequency of occurrence of each sequence. From such frequencies, we compute the effective mobilization capacity. Finally, the volume of BSC is computed based on the capacity of effective mobilization, the number of social interactions captured and the number of followers on each page. The results are aligned with Bourdieu's theory. The approach can be generalized to institutional pages or profiles in Online Social Networks.

Management ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-113
Pavlo Dudko

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. The marketing practices of companies over the past two decades have increasingly been based on co-marketing, or inter-firm marketing alliances. The mutual recognition and understanding that each firm's success depends in part on the other firm forms the foundation underlying co-marketing activities. Firms move from trying to win alone to forming networks of partner firms. Corporations understand the need for alliances to acquire and maintain competitive advantage.METHODS. We used general scientific and special research methods: abstract-logical – to summarize theoretical and methodological foundations of co-branding as an integrative marketing tool for joint development of companies; economic-statistical – to analyze the level of development of poultry companies; monographic – to study the experience of individual companies with horizontal form of co-branding; analysis and synthesis – to study the components of co-branding companies; sociological research – to identify key success factors of co-branding.FINDINGS. The structural and logical model of co-branding alliances of poultry companies, the use of which is based on a co-branding strategy, creates the necessary basis for its further development within the framework of modern marketing theory, will increase the effectiveness of co-branding.CONCLUSION. Co-branding, which is a form of strategic collaboration between two brands that involves bringing them together to create a new product or service, makes the marketing alliances of companies visible to the consumer. In doing so, companies imply recognition of the fact that their prominence represents added value. Closer collaboration with retailers, more focused promotion, and co-branding are becoming ways for many consumer companies to control costs and keep prices down. An example of such cooperation is the use of a co-branding strategy for poultry companies.

Marvin T. Brown

AbstractWe bring forth a civic realm with the mutual recognition of our shared humanity that allows us to repair violations of human dignity and to restore social coherence. Given our social inequalities, this takes the form of those who have resources (citizens) responding to the rightful demands of those do not (civilians). The paradigmatic model for civic engagement is the Civilian Review Board, where citizens listen and respond to civilian claims for justice and limits of the use of force. The civilian call for limits can be applied to the other three parts of the four-part framework: the Earth, humanity, and the social. This gives us permission to recognize that we have only one Earth, that death is a natural limit to human life, and that social trends, such as American Prosperity, should not be treated as limitless. Acknowledging these limitations is a necessary condition for creating a climate of justice.

Ivan Yakovyuk ◽  
Oleksii Zhytynskyi

Problem setting. The new coronavirus pandemic is one of the greatest challenges in contemporary history, especially in the face of unprecedented globalization. Mankind has been waiting for almost a year since the beginning of the pandemic for the most effective way to fight against the virus – vaccines. Over the last two years, such concepts as “vaccine races”, “vaccine nationalism”, “vaccine diplomacy” have been spread in the international political and scientific discourse. However, in Ukraine these concepts have not become the subject of research yet. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The researched issues have not attracted the attention of Ukrainian scientific community yet, so the basis of our work consists of foreign scientists’ publications, which were, inter alia, done by L. Gruszczynski (Lukasz Gruszczynski), A. Filipovich (Aleksa Filipović), P. Hotez (Peter J. Hotez), I. Yanqiu Rachel Zhou, A. Kobieriecka, M. M. Kobieriecki, Z. Mammedyarov and some others. In addition to that, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S. Komisarenko has studied the problems and prospects of creating Ukrainian vaccine against COVID-19, rightly noting that it is a matter of national security. The target of the research. The target of this research is to examine the content, the scope and genesis of “vaccine nationalism” concept, practical manifestations of this phenomenon as well as the relationship between vaccine diplomacy and vaccine nationalism. Article’s main body. Over the past two years, nation-states have resorted to policies of economic protectionism, and then to so-called “vaccine nationalism”, which we inclined to analyze in three guises: 1) “vaccine races” – at the stage of development and testing; 2) “vaccine egoism” – at the stage of contracting and use of vaccines; 3) the issue of mutual recognition of vaccines. Thus, the article examines the meaning of the concept of vaccine nationalism in its broadest sense. It has been emphasized, however, that vaccine nationalism is not a new phenomenon in international relations as a similar situation was observed, in particular, during the H1N1 pandemic. It has been also illustrated that vaccine nationalism usually characterizes the most economically developed states. Vaccine-producing countries to carry out their foreign policy tasks, as well as recipient countries to ensure their biological security resort to “vaccine diplomacy”. However, there is no unanimous scientific approach to the definition of both “vaccine diplomacy” and “vaccine nationalism” around the globe. It has been established that with the spread of COVID-19, protection of state sovereignty and national security has come to the fore in comparison with the obligation to cooperate and the principle of sovereign equality, which are jus cogens and erga omnes. On the other hand, “my nation first” policy is not directly prohibited by the letter of international law. Conclusions. In the modern world, there are simultaneous phenomena of globalization and deglobalization. Actually, to denote the trend of deglobalization in the field of countering COVID-19 such a concept as “vaccine nationalism” is used. The “vaccine race” can be seen as a rivalry between two political regimes: on the one hand, liberal democracy in the face of the United States and its allies, and on the other hand – states with authoritarian political regimes (China and Russia). However, geopolitical rivalry, the struggle for extension of spheres of influence can be an effective means of combating the pandemic in practice. The concept of vaccine nationalism is closely linked to “vaccine diplomacy”, which is used by vaccine donor countries as a method of achieving their national interests. It was concluded that it is important to ensure sovereignty and biological security of Ukraine by launching the production of vaccines against infectious diseases. That will also strengthen the position of Ukrainian diplomacy.

Vaccines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Li Du ◽  
Meng Wang ◽  
Vera Lúcia Raposo

Equitable and efficient distribution of COVID-19 vaccines continues to be a key issue in global health, and a targeted approach is needed to meet the World Health Organization’s world vaccination targets. Although some low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are developing their own vaccines to address the distribution problem, legal and technical challenges have had a negative impact on productivity. This article explores relevant international legal instruments that can enable faster research and development of COVID-19 vaccines in LMICs, focusing on the role of biosafety standards, biological materials transfer, and key knowledge sharing. Our analysis has established that the potential of existing global health legal instruments has yet to be realized in order to close the productivity gap in LMICs and strengthen their vaccine manufacturing capacity. Additionally, mutual recognition of vaccine efficacy has become a new challenge for achieving global vaccination targets. We argue that the World Health Organization should continue its leading position by developing a more practical and targeted framework to help LMICs overcome challenges arising from technology transfer, knowledge sharing, and politics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 398-412
I. L. Vershok

The article is devoted to the study of legal relationship as a phenomenon that exists in two modes of being of law: legal reality and legal validity. Classical approaches to the definition of a legal relationship as a social relationship regulated by law are criticized. The understanding of the legal relationship as a result of the implementation of legal norm is also criticized. It is recognized that these approaches do not fully provide a scientific characteristic of legal relationships as a social and legal phenomenon. Instead of the usually distinguished elements of a legal relationship in the form of a subject, object and content, it is proposed to study its dynamic parameters. The dynamics of a legal relationship is considered as a result of the intentionality of the legal consciousness of its subject. In legal reality, a legal relationship is studied as a social action in the conditions of adaptation of the subject to the environment. This legal relationship is due to the general normativity of biological, social and technical origin. The vital normativity of legal reality is considered as a determinant of legal relations. The locus of control in this legal relationship is focused on the subject exercising its rights and fulfilling its obligations. In legal validity, the legal relationship is due to the intentionality of the legal consciousness of the subject to implement legal norms through legal interaction with other participants in the legal relationship. The normativity of legal reality is based on legal regulation through legal acts (individual and general). In such a legal relationship, the subjects exercise their legal capabilities to the fulfillment of the legal duties assigned to other subjects. The locus of control is shifted to other participants in the legal relationship who exercise their rights and perform legal duties. In legal interaction, mutual recognition of the right is provided by the instance and/or the party of the legal relationship. In the legal validity, the physical, social and value, as well as vital normativity are supplemented by legal normativity. It is designed to neutralize social contradictions caused by the limitations of space, as well as the irreversibility of time. It is proved that the proposed concept of legal relations contributes to the solution of practical issues of the primacy of the legal norm or legal relationship, the revision of the criteria for differentiation of the legal system, the determination of the ratio of legal relations and offenses, the scientific consideration of some sectoral problems of the classification of legal relations. It is noted that the proposed concept of a legal relationship as a social action or legal interaction is quite conditional and applicable for cognitive purposes. In practice, quite often there is an intersection or mutual overlap of one type with another, a transition from legal reality to legal reality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 248-255
Yi Yang

The state council meeting strongly supports the establishment of vocational schools and promotes the integration and mutual recognition of academic results between vocational education and general education. By analyzing the dilemmas and problems in the development of higher vocational schools in China, it is found that higher vocational education has long been in an awkward situation. On one hand is to provide the supply of talents for enterprises, on the other hand is to break the obstacles in the development of higher vocational schools. To put vocational schools play active role in educational field and job market is the key objective of this study.

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