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mutual relations
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2022 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Maria Pasztor

This article deals with the visit of the Belgian Queen Elisabeth to Poland in 1955. The monarch was to be the honorary guest of the Fifth International Chopin Competition. The queen used the opportunity to carry out a diplomatic mission, attempting to resolve issues that negotiations between Brussels and Warsaw failed to disentangle. This article analyses the mission and its political consequences for mutual relations between the two countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  

Kazakhstan has an important position as the EU´s main trading partner in Central Asia and the EU has been its largest trade partner as well as the largest source of foreign direct investment. The importance of China as trade and investment partner is rising, on the contrary, the EU’s share is declining. Even though there remains plenty of scope for further growth, mutual relations and cooperation are influenced by increased geopolitical tensions and geo-economic changes in the wider region. The paper evaluates the position of the EU and its strategic interests in Kazakhstan in the context of geopolitical and geo-economic changes in the region based on the assessment of the trade and investment position of the EU in comparison with the position of China.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 835-845
Jolanta Korkosz-Gębska

Motivation: In accordance with the Law on Higher Education, the mission of the Polish education and science system is to provide top quality education and scientific activity, develop civic attitudes, and be involved in social development and creation of an innovation-based economy. The third mission of an academy focusing on social responsibility is to build mutual relations with the community in order to popularise and implement research results. In recent years, university social responsibility (USR) has turned into one of the priorities for Polish academic authorities, although research shows this to be a new matter in this area, which often leads to incorrect classification of activities resulting from regular obedience of the law as activities confirming the social responsibility of the organisation. Aim: The main objective of this article is to identify examples of socially responsible activity assumed by Polish academies and demonstrate the similarities with such activities conducted by other foreign academies. The author also wanted to associate the name of Professor Karol Adamiecki with social responsibility affairs what is usually overlooked in studies on this subject. Results: The conducted analyses confirmed that Polish academies are assuming socially responsible activity voluntarily and not just in order to fulfil the criterion of conformity with the currently effective laws. Furthermore, these results also confirm that — in comparison with academies abroad — the involvement of Polish academies in implementation of the concept of social responsibility is on the right path of development, although not as popularised, which only confirms the genuine and non-marketing approach to the matter of social responsibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 193-236
Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski

Josep Borrell’s visit to Moscow was a substantial political failure of the EU’s diplomacy still it was not an accident neither a surprise. The EU’ policy towards Russia has been based on illusions and the European wishful thinking since the very beginning of the mutual relations that started in 1991-1993. The Borrell’s visit to Moscow rather showed the nature of the Russian attitude towards the EU than produced it. Russia prefers to act within the “great powers concerto” i.e. to deal with both - the leading EU member states (Germany, France) and the non-EU great powers (UK, USA) and not with the EU institutions and representatives who are not respected neither treated seriously in Moscow. There is a deep division within the EU between the Eastern flank member states whose perception of Russian threat is strong and well founded and the western and southern countries the political interests and priorities are focused on other problems. Russian capacity to corrupt the numerous prominent members of the European political class makes the EU policy vis a vis Russia even less coherent and realistic. The article shows the history of the EU-Russia relations in the last 30 years and proves the fiasco of the Borrell’s visit to Moscow was not just an accident still a logical consequence of the ill based EU policy towards Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-316
Jacek Bielas

The crux of the dispute on the mutual relations between attention and consciousness, and to which I have referred in this paper, lies in the question of what can be attended in spatial attention that obviously resonates with the phenomenological issue of intentionality (e.g., the noesis-noema structure). The discussion has been initiated by Christopher Mole. He began by calling for a commonsense psychology, according to which one is conscious of everything that one pays attention to, but one does not pay attention to all the things that one is conscious of. In other words, attention is supposed to be a condition which is sufficient but not necessary for consciousness, i.e., consciousness is a necessary concomitant of attention, but attention is not a necessary concomitant of consciousness. Mole seeks to validate his stance with data from psychology labs. His view is, however, partly confronted, for instance, by Robert Kentridge, Lee de-Wit and Charles Heywood, who used their experimental research on a neurological condition called blindsight as evidence of a dissociation between attention and consciousness, i.e., that visual attention is not a sufficient precondition for visual awareness. In this meta-theoretical state of affairs, I would like to focus on the cognitive phenomenon most often referred to as Inhibition of Return (IOR) and suggest that, following its micro dynamics from the perspective of micro-phenomenology, it can be used to actually showcase all of the options on both sides of the argument. One of my leading goals would be also to follow Mole’s attempt to link attention with agency but where we differ is that I wish to heuristically articulate the matter in terms of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological notion of embodied pre-reflective intentionality.

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 623-638
Tomasz Kałużny

Arbitration judiciary, often referred to as arbitration, is commonly presented in the literature as one of the alternative methods of dispute resolution. The objections to the irregularities of the judicial state system and legitimate expectations in terms of reducing the time and costs of the proceedings guarantee the parties real access to court and protection of their rights by drawing up an arbitration clause. As part of the mutual relations of arbitration with respect to alternative dispute resolution methods, it should be emphasized that arbitration is a real alternative to the state justice administered by the common courts. It is also worth pointing to the possibilities and the need for disputes resolution by arbitration constituting as an important addition to the course of justice made by courts. The consistent intention to resolve the conflict reflected in the arbitration agreement and the exceptional opportunities for the parties to participate in the arbitration proceedings constitute a new content of the culture and legal awareness of citizens and the creation of modern mutual relations between the parties of broadly understood civil law relations. An arbitration clause, the implementation of arbitration proceedings and the resolution of a dispute within the framework of arbitration may and should therefore constitute a new quality in the administration of justice.

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 317-330
Zbigniew Góral

The study presents the assumptions of the general legal regulation concerning persons employed in local self-government, confronted with the purpose and principles of the civil service. The first part shows the mutual relations between the legislation concerning the status of local self-government employees and the acts on the civil service from a historical perspective. The second part comprises comments on the legislation in force at present, including constitutional regulations. It was emphasised that the similarities between the regulations on local self-government and civil service are significant. This also applies to the principles on which employment in local self-government and civil service is based. In the case of regulations concerning local self-government, only the principle of political neutrality was not included, which may raise doubts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 393-403
Lidia Dakowicz

Within the understanding of psychotransgressionism, personality is a network of five equipollent psychons: cognitive, instrumental, motivational, emotional and personal. The strength of the individual psychons lies at the basis of the tendency to undertake transgressive actions of a pro-development nature. In the presented research, we focused on the affective sphere of spouses as a manifestation of the functioning of one of the psychons – emotional. The analysis of the results obtained confirmed the assumed hypothesis. Spouses with a higher level of transgression were characterized by a greater positive affective shift than spouses with a lower level of transgression. The emotional climate brought into mutual relations by spouses with a higher level of transgression may foster building satisfying and stable marital relationships.

2021 ◽  
pp. 178-184

Ukrainian homeland pedagogy has deprived the whole of the vikhovna system, the basis of which is laid down by the family, the values and traditions, the spiritually-moral qualities of the children are formed, the cognitive interest, the addictiveness of thinness. The lucky quick development of the suspension is significantly infused into the spiritual device of the present day. There is a great number of native values and traditions, without which the Zhodna Ukrainian family could not do without, at the same time. Suchasnі naukovtsі tse pov’yazuyut іz vtratoyu tsіnnostі Laws shlyubnih stosunkіv, great kіlkіstyu rozluchen that nepovnih sіmey negatively tendentsіyami in rozvitku protsesіv narodzhuvanostі, smertnostі, malodіtnostі sіmey, їh konflіktogennostі, devіantnіy povedіntsі dіtey, zmіnoyu traditsіynih roles cholovіka that zhіnki in sіm’ї, from the daytime to the interest of young people to the history of their own kind is too small.In addition to the warehouse state educational policy in Ukraine, the modernization of the system of preschool education based on the principles of the unity of the suspension and family development, the recognition of the priority of the harmonious development (of children) of the first With the head method of national preschool education є the establishment of friendly minds for the special development and creative self-realization of the skin child, the development of life competence, development in a sense of sainthood, self-culture, self-culture.In connection with the world, it is important to borrow the knowledge of the whole system of the Ukrainian native vikhovannya, prompted by folk ambushes and scientific knowledge of pedagogical wisdom. Even among the skin people, as meaning K. Ushinsky, “its own particular national system of vikhovannya, its own particular meta and its own particulars in order to reach the goal” (Ushinsky K., 1983) For the solution of the problem posed, it is necessary to persuade for all the modernization of the family of values and traditions of the Ukrainian people, which is rich and original culture, overpowered by numerous generations.Everything is laid down in Ukrainian zvichy, saints, rituals, folklore. Ukrainian traditions to explain and to rim in mutual relations between people, between people and nature, spiritual value of the skin environment of people, and the people in love. Maybut of Ukraine to lay aside the preservation and revival of traditional Christian moral values, behind its zmist spivzuchny zalnoludskim. The culture of the Ukrainian people was shaped by the flow of thousands of years. With a glance at the whole successful teacher, he is guilty of being spiritually rich, professionally competent, erudite, intelligent, cultural and creative.

Bożena Gierat-Bieroń ◽  

The EU is promoting cultural relations with Asian countries. While building interpersonal and institutional connections, the EU pays special attention to Japan. The image of the EU and its mutual relations with Japan are generally recognised as predominantly good and trustworthy. This paper will examine the process of building creative/progressive cultural relations between the EU and Japan based on two hypotheses; fi rst: despite the fact that the EU tried to develop cultural relations within Japan, the embassies of the EU Member States are far more active in cultural programs than the EU Delegation; and secondly: the reception of the EU as a historic and cultural project is rather fragmented (as opposed to being holistic) in Japan. The aim of this research is to analyse, compare, and evaluate both the effort and achievements made by the EU and Japan in the process of building creative cultural relations. The research will demonstrate an analytical approach in the political sciences discipline.

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