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colliding winds
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Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Amit Kashi ◽  
Amir Michaelis

We run a numerical experiment ejecting stellar winds in a very massive binary system measuring the properties of the resulting colliding wind structure and accreted mass onto the companion under different conditions. Colliding massive binaries interact and create a colliding wind structure with a shape that depends on the momentum ratio, orbital motion, distance between the stars, and other factors. We run simulations of a static LBV-WR binary and in each simulation abruptly varying the mass loss rate of the LBV from the fiducial value. The modified wind front propagates and interacts with the previous colliding wind structure, and modifies its shape. We calculate the emitted X-ray from the interaction and investigate the proprieties of the new shape. We derive the mass accretion rate onto the secondary, and find that it depends on the momentum ratio of the winds. We then add orbital velocity that reduces the mass accretion rate, a similar behaviour as the analytical estimates based on modified Bondi–Hoyle–Lyttleton. Creating a large set of simulations like those presented here can allow constraining parameters for specific colliding wind binaries and derive their stellar parameters and orbital solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 915 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Pragati Pradhan ◽  
David P. Huenemoerder ◽  
Richard Ignace ◽  
A. M. T. Pollock ◽  
Joy S. Nichols

Yaël Nazé ◽  
Eric Gosset ◽  
Quentin Marechal

Abstract Using xmm-Newton, we undertook a dedicated project to search for X-ray bright wind-wind collisions in 18 WR+OB systems. We complemented these observations with Swift and Chandra datasets, allowing for the study of two additional systems. We also improved the ephemerides, for these systems displaying photometric changes, using TESS, Kepler, and ASAS-SN data. Five systems displayed a very faint X-ray emission (log [LX/LBOL] < −8) and three a faint one (log [LX/LBOL] ∼ −7), incompatible with typical colliding wind emission: not all WR binaries are thus X-ray bright. In a few other systems, X-rays from the O-star companion cannot be excluded as being the true source of X-rays (or a large contributor). In two additional cases, the emission appears faint but the observations were taken with the WR wind obscuring the line-of-sight, which could hide a colliding wind emission. Clear evidence of colliding winds was however found in the remaining six systems (WR 19, 21, 31, 97, 105, 127). In WR 19, increased absorption and larger emission at periastron are even detected, in line with expectations of adiabatic collisions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 637 ◽  
pp. A64
J. C. Morford ◽  
D. M. Fenech ◽  
R. K. Prinja ◽  
R. Blomme ◽  
J. A. Yates ◽  

Context. The role of massive stars is central to an understanding of galactic ecology. It is important to establish the details of how massive stars provide radiative, chemical, and mechanical feedback in galaxies. Central to these issues is an understanding of the evolution of massive stars, and the critical role of mass loss via strongly structured winds and stellar binarity. Ultimately, and acting collectively, massive stellar clusters shape the structure and energetics of galaxies. Aims. We aim to conduct high-resolution, deep field mapping at 21 cm of the core of the massive Cygnus OB2 association and to characterise the properties of the massive stars and colliding winds at this waveband. Methods. We used seven stations of the e-MERLIN radio facility, with its upgraded bandwidth and enhanced sensitivity to conduct a 21 cm census of Cygnus OB2. Based on 42 hours of observations, seven overlapping pointings were employed over multiple epochs during 2014 resulting in 1σ sensitivities down to ∼21 μJy and a resolution of ∼180 mas. Results. A total of 61 sources are detected at 21 cm over a ∼0.48° × 0.48° region centred on the heart of the Cyg OB2 association. Of these 61 sources, 33 are detected for the first time. We detect a number of previously identified sources including four massive stellar binary systems, two YSOs, and several known X-ray and radio sources. We also detect the LBV candidate (possible binary system) and blue hypergiant star of Cyg OB2 #12. Conclusions. The 21 cm observations secured in the COBRaS Legacy project provide data to constrain conditions in the outer wind regions of massive stars; determine the non-thermal properties of massive interacting binaries; examine evidence for transient sources, including those associated with young stellar objects; and provide unidentified sources that merit follow-up observations. The 21 cm data are of lasting value and will serve in combination with other key surveys of Cyg OB2, including Chandra and Spitzer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 636 ◽  
pp. A109 ◽  
E. Mossoux ◽  
J. M. Pittard ◽  
G. Rauw ◽  
Y. Nazé

Aims. Cyg OB2 #8A is a massive O-type binary displaying strong non-thermal radio emission. Owing to the compactness of this binary, emission of non-thermal X-ray photons via inverse Compton scattering is expected. Methods. We first revised the orbital solution for Cyg OB2 #8A using new optical spectra. We then reduced and analysed X-ray spectra obtained with XMM-Newton, Swift, INTEGRAL, and NuSTAR. Results. The analysis of the XMM-Newton and Swift data allows us to better characterise the X-ray emission from the stellar winds and colliding winds region at energies below 10 keV. We confirm the variation of the broad-band light curve of Cyg OB2 #8A along the orbit with, for the first time, the observation of the maximum emission around phase 0.8. The minimum ratio of the X-ray to bolometric flux of Cyg OB2 #8A remains well above the level expected for single O-type stars, indicating that the colliding wind region is not disrupted during the periastron passage. The analysis of the full set of publicly available INTEGRAL observations allows us to refine the upper limit on the non-thermal X-ray flux of the Cyg OB2 region between 20 and 200 keV. Two NuSTAR observations (phases 0.028 and 0.085) allow us to study the Cyg OB2 #8A spectrum up to 30 keV. These data do not provide evidence of the presence of non-thermal X-rays, but bring more stringent constraints on the flux of a putative non-thermal component. Finally, we computed, thanks to a new dedicated model, the anisotropic inverse Compton emission generated in the wind shock region. The theoretical non-thermal emission appears to be compatible with observational limits and the kinetic luminosity computed from these models is in good agreement with the unabsorbed flux observed below 10 keV.

2020 ◽  
Vol 492 (4) ◽  
pp. 5607-5619 ◽  
D de Martino ◽  
A Papitto ◽  
M Burgay ◽  
A Possenti ◽  
F Coti Zelati ◽  

ABSTRACT We report on the first NuSTAR observation of the transitional millisecond pulsar binary XSS J12270–4859 during its current rotation-powered state, complemented with a 2.5 yr-long radio monitoring at Parkes telescope and archival XMM–Newton and Swift X-ray and optical data. The radio pulsar is mainly detected at 1.4 GHz displaying eclipses over $\sim 40{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ of the 6.91 h orbital cycle. We derive a new updated radio ephemeris to study the 3–79 keV light curve that displays a significant orbital modulation with fractional amplitude of $28\pm 3{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$, a structured maximum centred at the inferior conjunction of the pulsar and no cycle-to-cycle or low–high-flaring mode variabilities. The average X-ray spectrum, extending up to ∼70 keV without a spectral break, is well described by a simple power law with photon index Γ = 1.17 ± 0.08 giving a 3–79 keV luminosity of $\rm 7.6_{-0.8}^{+3.8} \times 10^{32}\, erg\, s^{-1}$ for a distance of 1.37$_{-0.15}^{+0.69}$ kpc. Energy resolved orbital light curves reveal that the modulation is not energy dependent from 3 to 25 keV and is undetected with an upper limit of ${\sim} 10{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ above 25 keV. Comparison with previous X-ray XMM–Newton observations in common energy ranges confirms that the modulation amplitudes vary on time-scales of a few months, indicative of a non-stationary contribution of the intrabinary shock (IBS) formed by the colliding winds of the pulsar and the companion. A more detailed inspection of energy resolved modulations than previously reported gives hints of a mild softening at superior conjunction of the pulsar below 3 keV, likely due to the contribution of the thermal emission from the neutron star. The IBS emission, if extending into the MeV range, would be energetically capable alone to irradiate the donor star.

2019 ◽  
Vol 492 (2) ◽  
pp. 2481-2496 ◽  
Q Daniel Wang ◽  
Jun Li ◽  
Christopher M P Russell ◽  
Jorge Cuadra

ABSTRACT IRS 13E is an enigmatic compact group of massive stars located in projection only 3.6 arcsec away from Sgr A*. This group has been suggested to be bounded by an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH). We present a multiwavelength study of the group and its interplay with the environment. Based on Chandra observations, we find the X-ray spectrum of IRS 13E can be well characterized by an optically thin thermal plasma. The emission peaks between two strongly mass-losing Wolf–Rayet stars of the group. These properties can be reasonably well reproduced by simulated colliding winds of these two stars. However, this scenario underpredicts the X-ray intensity in outer regions. The residual emission likely results from the ram-pressure confinement of the IRS 13E group wind by the ambient medium and is apparently associated with a shell-like warm gas structure seen in Pa α and in ALMA observations. These latter observations also show strongly peaked thermal emission with unusually large velocity spread between the two stars. These results indicate that the group is colliding with the bar of the dense cool gas mini-spiral around Sgr A*. The extended X-ray morphology of IRS 13E and its association with the bar further suggest that the group is physically much farther away than the projected distance from Sgr A*. The presence of an IMBH, while favourable to keep the stars bound together, is not necessary to explain the observed stellar and gas properties of IRS 13E.

2019 ◽  
Vol 487 (2) ◽  
pp. 2624-2638 ◽  
Bharti Arora ◽  
J C Pandey ◽  
M De Becker

ABSTRACT We investigated the long-term behaviour in X-rays of the colliding wind binary WR 25, using archival data obtained with Suzaku, Swift, XMM–Newton, and NuSTAR spanning over ∼16 yr. Our analysis reveals phase-locked variations repeating consistently over many consecutive orbits, in agreement with an X-ray emission fully explained by thermal emission from the colliding winds in the 208-d orbit. We report on a significant deviation of the X-ray flux with respect to the 1/D trend (expected for adiabatic shocked winds) close to periastron passage. The absence of a drop in post-shock plasma temperature close to periastron suggests this break in trend cannot be explained in terms of reduced pre-shock velocities in this part of the orbit. Finally, NuSTAR data reveal a lack of hard X-ray emission (above 10.0 keV) above the background level. Upper limits on a putative non-thermal emission strongly suggest that the sensitivity of present hard X-ray observatories is not sufficient to detect non-thermal emission from massive binaries above 10 keV, unless the wind kinetic power is large enough to significantly feed particle acceleration in the wind–wind interaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (S1) ◽  
pp. 115-118 ◽  
Gustavo E. Romero

2017 ◽  
Vol 471 (3) ◽  
pp. 2715-2729 ◽  
Noel D. Richardson ◽  
Christopher M. P. Russell ◽  
Lucas St-Jean ◽  
Anthony F. J. Moffat ◽  
Nicole St-Louis ◽  

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