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Animals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Sven Götz ◽  
Camille M. C. Raoult ◽  
Klaus Reiter ◽  
Monika Wensch-Dorendorf ◽  
Eberhard von Borell

Little is known on the effect of light on pig behaviour. The choice behaviour of weaned piglets kept under two different light-emitting diode (LED) illuminance levels was investigated: 32 piglets (in two batches) were housed in a preference test room composed of two identical double pen units. One side of the pen unit was permanently illuminated with 600 lux, while the other was darkened to almost 0 lux (~0 lx); by using a passageway, piglets could move between the two sides. The “lying”, “eating” and “activity” behaviours were evaluated during three days in the first, third and fifth experimental week based on video recordings and a 5-min time sampling method. At first, piglets preferred to stay in the 600 lux illuminated compartments. Then, this preference decreased for the “eating” and “activity” behaviours and reversed for the “lying” behaviour, with the darkened compartments being preferred. The results also show that pen soiling was higher under 600 lux, but feed consumption was not affected by the illuminance. Since pigs choose between the two illuminance levels to perform specific behaviours, illuminance could be used to divide the pens into functional areas and, thus, help in meeting pigs’ behavioural needs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Felix Sebastian Nettersheim ◽  
Felix Simon Ruben Picard ◽  
Friedrich Felix Hoyer ◽  
Holger Winkels

The development and clinical approval of immunotherapies has revolutionized cancer therapy. Although the role of adaptive immunity in atherogenesis is now well-established and several immunomodulatory strategies have proven beneficial in preclinical studies, anti-atherosclerotic immunotherapies available for clinical application are not available. Considering that adaptive immune responses are critically involved in both carcinogenesis and atherogenesis, immunotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of cancer and atherosclerosis may exert undesirable but also desirable side effects on the other condition, respectively. For example, the high antineoplastic efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors, which enhance effector immune responses against tumor cells by blocking co-inhibitory molecules, was recently shown to be constrained by substantial proatherogenic properties. In this review, we outline the specific role of immune responses in the development of cancer and atherosclerosis. Furthermore, we delineate how current cancer immunotherapies affect atherogenesis and discuss whether anti-atherosclerotic immunotherapies may similarly have an impact on carcinogenesis.

Semantic Web ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Jan Portisch ◽  
Nicolas Heist ◽  
Heiko Paulheim

Knowledge Graph Embeddings, i.e., projections of entities and relations to lower dimensional spaces, have been proposed for two purposes: (1) providing an encoding for data mining tasks, and (2) predicting links in a knowledge graph. Both lines of research have been pursued rather in isolation from each other so far, each with their own benchmarks and evaluation methodologies. In this paper, we argue that both tasks are actually related, and we show that the first family of approaches can also be used for the second task and vice versa. In two series of experiments, we provide a comparison of both families of approaches on both tasks, which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been done so far. Furthermore, we discuss the differences in the similarity functions evoked by the different embedding approaches.

2022 ◽  
Uramogi Wang

Continuous persist activity of the competitive network is related to many functions, such as working memory, oculomotor integrator and decision making. Many competition models with mutual inhibition structures achieve activity maintenance via positive feedback, which requires meticulous fine tuning of the network parameters strictly. Negative derivative feedback, according to recent research, might represent a novel mechanism for sustaining neural activity that is more resistant to multiple neural perturbations than positive feedback. Many classic models with only mutual inhibition structure are not capable of providing negative derivative feedback because double-inhibition acts as a positive feedback loop, and lack of negative feedback loop that is indispensable for negative derivative feedback. Here in the proposal, we aim to derive a new competition network with negative derivative feedback. The network is made up of two symmetric pairs of EI populations that the four population are completely connected. We conclude that the negative derivative occurs in two circumstances, in which one the activity of the two sides is synchronous but push-pull-like in the other, as well as the switch of two conditions in mathematical analysis and numerical simulation.

2022 ◽  
Farrukh Najmi ◽  
Wenxian Sheng ◽  
Zhongyang Cheng

Abstract Most of electrocaloric devices reported so far can be simplified as a multilayer structure in which thermal source and sink are different materials at two ends. The thermal conduction in the multilayer structure is the key for the performance of the devices. In this paper, the analytical solutions for the thermal conduction in a multilayer structure with four layers are introduced. The middle two layers are electrocaloric materials. The analytical solutions are also simplified for a hot/cold plate with two sides being different media - a typical case for thermal treatment of materials. The analytical solutions include series with infinite terms. It is proved that these series are convergent so the sum of a series can be calculated using the first N terms. The equation for calculating the N is introduced. Based on the case study, it is found that the N is usually a small number, mostly less than 40 and rarely more than 100. The issues related to the application of the analytical solutions for the simulation of real electrocaloric devices are discussed, which includes the usage of multilayer ceramic capacitor, influence of electrodes, and characterization of thin film.

Davide Di Ruscio ◽  
Dimitris Kolovos ◽  
Juan de Lara ◽  
Alfonso Pierantonio ◽  
Massimo Tisi ◽  

AbstractThe last few years have witnessed a significant growth of so-called low-code development platforms (LCDPs) both in gaining traction on the market and attracting interest from academia. LCDPs are advertised as visual development platforms, typically running on the cloud, reducing the need for manual coding and also targeting non-professional programmers. Since LCDPs share many of the goals and features of model-driven engineering approaches, it is a common point of debate whether low-code is just a new buzzword for model-driven technologies, or whether the two terms refer to genuinely distinct approaches. To contribute to this discussion, in this expert-voice paper, we compare and contrast low-code and model-driven approaches, identifying their differences and commonalities, analysing their strong and weak points, and proposing directions for cross-pollination.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Kandaswamy Paramasivan ◽  
Nandan Sudarsanam ◽  
Sivapriya Vellaichamy ◽  
Karysa K. Norris ◽  
Rahul Subburaj

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Camila Vantini Capasso Palamim ◽  
Matheus Negri Boschiero ◽  
Aléthea Guimarães Faria ◽  
Felipe Eduardo Valencise ◽  
Fernando Augusto Lima Marson

Introduction: The treatment of most severe COVID-19 patients included the large-scale use of sedatives and analgesics–possibly in higher doses than usual–which was reported in the literature. The use of drugs that decrease mortality is necessary and opioids are important agents in procedures such as orotracheal intubation. However, these drugs seem to have been overestimated in the COVID-19 pandemic. We performed a review of the PubMed-Medline database to evaluate the use of opioids during this period. The following descriptors were used to enhance the search for papers: “Opioids”, “COVID-19,” “COVID-19 pandemic,” “SARS-CoV-2,” “Opioid use disorder,” “Opioid dependence” and the names of the drugs used. We also evaluated the distribution of COVID-19 patients in Brazil and the applicability of opioids in our country during the COVID-19 pandemic.Results: Several positive points were found in the use of opioids in the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, they can be used for analgesia in orotracheal intubation, for chronic pain management, and as coadjutant in the management of acute intensification of pain. However, high doses of opioids might exacerbate the respiratory depression found in COVID-19 patients, their chronic use can trigger opioid tolerance and the higher doses used during the pandemic might result in greater adverse effects. Unfortunately, the pandemic also affected individuals with opioid use disorder, not only those individuals are at higher risk of mortality, hospitalization and need for ventilatory support, but measures taken to decrease the SARS-CoV-2 spread such as social isolation, might negatively affect the treatment for opioid use disorder. In Brazil, only morphine, remifentanil and fentanyl are available in the basic health care system for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Out of the 5,273,598 opioid units used in this period all over the country, morphine, fentanyl, and remifentanil, accounted for, respectively, 559,270 (10.6%), 4,624,328 (87.6%), and 90,000 (1.8%) units. Many Brazilian regions with high number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 had few units of opioids available, as the Southeast region, with a 0.23 units of opioids per confirmed COVID-19 case, and the South region, with 0.05 units. In the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, positive points related to opioids were mainly the occurrence of analgesia, to facilitate intubation and their use as coadjutants in the management of acute intensification of pain, whereas the negative points were indiscriminate use, the presence of human immunosuppressor response and increased adverse effects due to higher doses of the drug.Conclusion: The importance of rational and individualized use of analgesic hypnotics and sedative anesthetics should be considered at all times, especially in situations of high demand such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 135-147
A. V. Krasyukov

The subject. The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of tax obligation fulfillment. The author established that there are several points of view in understanding the legal essence of the fulfillment of an obligation in Russia and abroad: 1) contractual theories (the general contractual theory, the theory of a real contract, the limited contractual theory); 2) the theory of target impact; 3) the theory of real impact.The purpose of the article is to determine the legal essence of tax obligation fulfillment, to study the concept of the tax obligation fulfillment, the mechanism for exercising subjective rights and obligations, and the criteria for the proper fulfillment of a tax obligation.The methodology. The author uses general and specific scientific methods of scientific research: observation, systemic-structural, dialectical, analysis, comparative jurisprudence and others.The main results, scope of application. There are two sides of the tax obligation fulfillment: legal and factual. From an actual point of view, the tax obligation fulfillment is a set of operations by its parties with the object of the obligation. As a result, the object of the obligation must pass from one owner to another. From a legal point of view, the tax obligation fulfillment always represents the realization of its content through the exercise of rights and the fulfillment of obligations.The author believes that the tax obligation fulfillment should not be equated with the fulfillment of the obligation to pay tax, since not every obligation is executed through the payment of tax. In this regard, a situation may arise when the obligation is properly fulfilled by the debtor, and the creditor does not receive the property grant (for example, if a loss is received at the end of the tax period).The mechanism of the implementation of subjective tax rights and the fulfillment of obligations is a certain system of legal means and algorithms of behavior that allow to determine the appropriate size of the claim of a public law entity on the taxpayer's property and ensuring the transfer of the monetary is equivalent to this economic benefit to the budget system. This mechanism is a set of algorithms for the behavior of subjects of tax liability, defined by law, using specific legal means. As such means, depending on the party of the tax obligation, the law provides, for example, a tax return, a requirement to pay tax, etc. The mechanism of exercising subjective rights and fulfilling obligations includes the following stages: 1) pre-implementation; 2) procedural implementation; 3) actual implementation; 4) protection of the violated right.The author identifies five criteria for the proper fulfillment of a tax obligation: 1) the proper subjects of execution; 2) the proper place; 3) the proper time; 4) the proper object; 5) the proper way.Conclusions. The legal essence of the tax obligation fulfillment can be characterized as a transaction between its parties, aimed to mutual termination and the emergence of the rights of its parties. In order to protect the rights of bona fide taxpayers the author proposes to enshrine in tax legislation a ban on contradictory behavior in the process of fulfilling a tax obligation.

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