The aim of the study was to develop a score scale for assessing the high risk of establishing chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), based on echocardiography (EchoCG) evidence.Materials and methods. A clinical and instrumental study of 175 patients, of which 108 (61.7%) women and 67 (38.3%) men, aged 71 [64; 78] years was performed in the 1st City Clinical Hospital in Minsk in 2017–2018. In order to validate the score scale for assessing the risk of HFpEF establishment in 2019–2020 a reproductive clinical and instrumental study of 129 patients was performed at the Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology, of which 55 (42.6%) were men and 74 (57.4%) women aged 65 [58; 70] years. Inclusion criteria: sinus rhythm, essential arterial hypertension, chronic coronary heart disease: atherosclerotic heart disease, past myocardial infarction of left ventricle (LV), after which at least six months have passed, necessary to stabilize the structural and functional parameters of the LV, HFpEF, informed consent of the patient. Exclusion criteria: primary mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, mitral valve repair or prosthetics, congenital heart defects, acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys, lungs. EchoCG was performed on ultrasound machines Siemens Acuson S1000 (Germany) and Vivid E9 (GE Healthcare, USA).Results. The developed scale for assessing the risk of establishing HFpEF in a patient with sinus rhythm including the criteria: LV diastolic dysfunction type II – 47 points, deceleration time of peak E of the transmitral blood flow DTE ≤171 ms – 25 points, the speed of early diastolic movement of the septal part of the mitral fibrous ring e'septal ≤7 cm/s – 25 points, LV early diastolic filling index E/е'septal >7.72 – 20 points, index of the end-systolic volume of the left atrium >34.3 ml/m2 – 24 points, has high diagnostic reliability (AUC 0.96, sensitivity (S) 96.6%, specificity (Sp) 83.2%) and reproducibility of results in an examination cohort of patients (AUC 0.99, S 98.8%, Sp 98.0%). A total score > 45 indicates a high probability of HFpEF. If the total score is ≤45, it is recommended to perform 2D Speckle Tracking EchoCG. The leading patho-functional mechanisms for the development of HFpEF are a decrease of LV global systolic longitudinal strain GLSAVG > −18.9% (S 94.9%, Sp 98.0%), GLS of the right ventricle (RV) > −19.9% (S 76.5%, Sp 88.5%), mechanical dispersion with LV mechanical dispersion index > 54.69 ms (S 70.7%, Sp 90.2%), RV mechanical dispersion index > 50.29 msec (S 78.1%, Sp 73.9%) and ventricular dyssynergy with LV global post systolic index >5.59% (S 82.6%, Sp 87.5%), RV global post systolic index > 2.17% (S 84.5%, Sp 69.9%).Conclusions. The use of the developed scale will improve the efficiency of ultrasound imaging of HFpEF.