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business culture
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 250-261
Tatiana Terekhova ◽  
Elena Trofimova ◽  
Natalia Terekhova

The article considers the attitude to entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurs as a social group in society, which is one of the factors of formation of economic self-determination of entrepreneurs at the present time, from the position of interdisciplinary approach in the context of historical, cultural, psychological analyses. The values of Chinese and Russian business culture were influenced by traditional religious attitudes in these countries. Theoretical analysis showed that in Chinese culture the attitude to entrepreneurship was more stable and positive, the basis of entrepreneurship is rationality, pragmatism, compliance with social hierarchy. Incoherent images are rather inherent for the Russian culture; thus, the stereotype of the entrepreneur was endowed with negative qualities, both in pre-revolutionary times, and in the Soviet period, changes towards positive side emerged only in the 2000s. The article summarizes the empirical data on the prevailing value judgments regarding such economic categories as wealth, poverty, money, as well as the formed stereotypical images of the entrepreneur. According to Russian respondents, a positive and rational attitude to money dominates, but along with positive associations, the negative ones are vividly expressed, such as: dependence, cynicism, conflict, hopelessness, retrenchment, need, quarrels, crisis, etc. From the Chinese respondents’ point of view, money and wealth are values, on which status and credibility depend, and are associated with nobility and humanity. According to Russian and Chinese respondents, the stereotype of the mo­dern entrepreneur is characterized by the following qualities: respectful for people, communicative, cooperative, critical thinking, selective, rather independent, serious, intelligent.

Л.С. Пастухова

Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью изучения основных характеристик дидактического сопровождения молодежной проектной деятельности и социальных инициатив в контексте возможностей повышения эффективности данной педагогической категории. Цель статьи состоит в рассмотрении основных компонентов дидактики учебной проектной деятельности и социальных инициатив молодежи в единстве целей, организационных принципов, содержания, форм, методов, педагогических условий и алгоритма реализации. Обозначен ресурсный потенциал метода проектов для работы с молодежью, заключающейся в более широком включении студентов в социально-значимую для регионов деятельность в рамках «третьей миссии» университетов. Данные обстоятельства будут содействовать более эффективному раскрытию их образовательно-поискового, научного и творческого потенциала, интеллектуальных и профессионально-деловых личностных качеств (ответственность, инициативность, коммуникабельность, исполнительность, лидерские качества и т.п.). В статье обосновано, что молодежная проектная деятельность предполагает прохождение ее участниками определенного образовательного маршрута, в котором они применяют имеющиеся у них компетенции и навыки проектной деятельности, необходимые для решения реальных прикладных задач проекта. Раскрывается сущность гипотезы: образовательная и социально-проектная деятельность молодежи эффективна, если начинается со студенческих проектов, привязанных к реальным социально-экономическим проблемам территорий их постоянного места проживания (малой Родины), и выступающих в данном аспекте как личностно-познавательный и социально-воспитательный фактор развития профессиональных компетенций, навыков проектной деятельности и коммуникативно-деловой культуры. The relevance of the article is due to the need to study the main characteristics of didactic support of youth project activities and social initiatives in the context of opportunities to increase the effectiveness of this pedagogical category. The purpose of the article is to consider the main components of didactics of educational project activities and social initiatives of youth in the unity of goals, organizational principles, content, forms, methods, pedagogical conditions and implementation algorithm. The resource potential of the project method for working with young people is indicated, which consists in a wider inclusion of students in socially significant activities for the regions within the framework of the "third mission" of universities. These circumstances will contribute to a more effective disclosure of their educational and search, scientific and creative potential, intellectual and professional-business personal qualities. (responsibility, initiative, sociability, performance, leadership qualities, etc.). The article substantiates that youth project activity involves the passage of a certain educational route by its participants, in which they apply their existing competencies and skills of project activity necessary to solve real applied tasks of the project. The essence of the hypothesis is revealed: the educational and socio-project activity of young people is effective if it begins with student projects tied to the real socio-economic problems of the territories of their permanent residence (small homeland), and acting in this aspect as a personal-cognitive and socio-educational factor in the development of professional competencies, project skills and communicative and business culture.

Ida Hindarsah ◽  
Bulan Prabawani ◽  
Sulistia Suwondo

Indonesia is a developing country in Asia, whose economic development still depends on foreign investment. MSME is an alternative business unit that can encourage domestic economic growth that can be released from the dependence of foreign investment. The low number of MSMEs compared to other countries in Asia and the vulnerability of MSMEs unable to compete in the market in the era of globalization. Make the government fund various stakeholders to be established and develop business incubators, including universities. With the adoption of this policy, universities in West Java began to create and build business incubators. This article is intended to describe the process of establishing and developing a university business incubator in West Java. The method used in this research is qualitative research with data collection techniques through data observation and literature study. The results of the study that discussed the establishment of a university business incubator in West Java were carried out in collaboration with lecturers with international non-profit organizations.

Quaestum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Izabela Lopes ◽  
João Carlos Boyadjian

Globalization exerts a significant impact on project management processes by adding the complexity to operate across borders and in multicultural environments. For that reason, international collaborations require cultural affairs to be at the center of business strategies to avoid conflicts with the host country practices. For instance, Japan has unique business practices compared to most Western countries, and those must be considered in an eventual organizational culture change. This paper aims to demonstrate the importance of respecting national culture's boundaries in organizational culture change of international projects. Therefore, it will describe some peculiarities of Japanese business culture and how they were formed while making a parallel comparison with western business practices. A case study of the first project of the Renault-Nissan Alliance was applied to highlight the contrasts of Japanese and Western business practices. To understand the complexities of culture from different angles, this paper divided the research into different phases, each exploring the different cultural aspects of Japanese and French business practices in the context of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, using a mix of different theories. The theoretical approach was reinforced with interviews with two high-level executives of Renault and Nissan. The study was able to identify several cultural disparities between Japan and France that impacted the Alliance in the long run while offering an alternative solution to help project managers to improve strategies for inter-cultural collaborations.

Eleonora D. Suleimenova ◽  
Dana Kh. Akanova ◽  
Malika M. Aimagambetova

The criteria for pluricentric languages, generalized by the Working Group on NonDominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages (WGNDV), as well as our earlier condition of tightness, opacity, incomprehensibility of Kazakh Russian were used to discuss the possibility of its gradual formation. Two main conclusions were made: a) the Russian language of the post-Soviet space currently meets the criteria for pluricentric languages; b) the Russian language in Kazakhstan is going through rapid and noticeable diversification processes. The arguments of Kazakhstani linguists who assert (B.Kh. Khasanov, E.A. Zhuravleva, D.D. Shaibakova, etc.) or deny (Z.K. Sabitova, A.K. Kazkenova, etc.) the qualifications of the Russian language as variant in Kazakhstan - a country of long-term and massive Kazakh-Russian bilingualism. Generations of Russian speakers (monolinguals - ethnic Russians, Koreans, Ukrainians and others and bilinguals - Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Uighurs and others) with a dominant Russian or a dominant ethnic language - are involved in the processes of Soviet Russification and modern Kazakhization with different effects. Nowadays the diversification of the Russian language in Kazakhstan is taking place against the background of a fundamental change in the status and functional state of the Kazakh and Russian languages; reducing the number of native Russian speakers; fundamental changes in Kazakh-Russian bilingualism, reflected in the crisis of the linguistic identity of a part of Kazakhstanis, in a linguistic shift towards the Russian language (Koreans, part of Kazakhs, Ukrainians, small ethnic groups, etc.) and a turn of the linguistic shift of Kazakhs; strengthening the position of the Kazakh language in business, culture, education, mass media, interethnic communication; the changed vector of influence of languages (Kazakh Russian) and the openness of the Russian language for oral and written borrowings, especially in media texts; finally, new communication needs of Kazakhstanis. The long-term linguistic and cultural borderland, which forms the internalized conceptual-mental picture of the world inherent in Kazakhstanis, has become a fundamental factor stimulating the diversification processes of the Russian language in Kazakhstan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-177
Karina Adalessa Bañuelos Torrontegui ◽  
Belem Avendaño Ruiz ◽  
Federico Martinez-Carrasco Pleite

This work presents the results of a survey, following the Delphi methodology, to experts from the horticultural sector of Mexico and Spain. Interactions with experts have made it possible to identify relevant aspects where the level of consensus is high about the proliferation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives in the export sector of both countries, standing out: the horticultural sector's leadership in the implementation of standards, which responds to the demand for destination supermarkets in the US and Europe, which despite their particularities, have similar dynamics. Not implementing is considered a risk factor; the implementations are positive actions, which enhance the reputation of companies. Agricultural companies that have a lack of business culture, ignorance, and high administrative burden limit their development, especially among smaller production companies. The greatest progress has been made in the area of labor and environmental practices, areas where consumer concern is growing. Despite CRS initiatives are not providing an immediate benefit to companies, strategic spending is valued. The research is completed with a SWOT analysis (Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths and Opportunities), providing a valuable ranking of great interest for the design of competitive improvements. Highlights Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) measures in the horticultural activity are driven mainly for the Supermarkets Chains. There are other factors to implement it: gain competitive advantage, improve the reputation of the sector, stay in the market. The Delphi Method is a useful instrument to identify advantages, limitations, and barriers to adopt food safety and Social Responsibility Standards in the global value chain in the agricultural sector. The horticultural activity is adopting several CRS standards in order to stay in the market such as: GRASP, FAIR TRADE, SEDEX, SA 8000. The Delphi Panel considers that the CRS standards and measures implemented improve the labor, environmental and human rights in the horticultural activity in Mexico and Spain.

Génesis PAYRÓ-GARCÍA ◽  
Emeterio PAYRÓ–DE LA CRUZ ◽  
Manuela de Jesús MONTEJO-ZAMUDIO

The objective of this research was to analyze the productivity of the beekeeping sector of the municipality of Comalcalco, Tabasco for the design of an improvement proposal, which was approached by studying the behavior of the context variables (environmental, cultural, economic, political, social and technological) and its influence on the dependent variable, (productivity). For this, a design of the Likert scale tool was carried out, which is composed of sections that include the context variables, through this tool the results were analyzed, then SWOT matrices (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) were generated. for each context variable, from which the following improvement proposals were obtained according to each variable respectively; characterize natural flowering, foster a business culture, create income control, manage political support, disseminate the benefits of bees to eradicate fear from society, and manage genetic improvement programs.


Today’s requirements for the implementation of logistics activities require the formation and revision of appropriate strategies. The article considers the practical and theoretical experience of developing strategies for logistic activity and logistics consumer service. The strategy of quality of logistics customer service is implemented in the management of logistics business processes of the enterprise and is a set of solutions, plans and measures aimed at continuous improvement and ensuring effective organized activities of staff in a certain material environment related to offering and providing logistics services that meet specific needs and requirements of customers. When forming quality strategies of logistics services, special attention should be paid to the culture of quality (formation of the worldview of the whole team in the field of quality – motivating each employee to acquire new knowledge and skills) and business culture of logistics. The latter acts as a certain unity of interests of all groups of persons interested in logistics processes; provided with appropriate ways of making management decisions, etc. The article proposes an approach to the formation of logistics service quality strategies, which is based on determining the levels of efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability of logistics customer service, and involves the development and selection of options for appropriate alternative solutions. The following strategies are determined as typical: strategy of logistics outsourcing, concentrated improvement, reengineering of the logistics service process, purposeful quality improvement, application of “kaizen” technologies, minimization of logistics costs, quality management, continuous improvement of the quality of logistics services. The choice of priority alternative solutions is based on the maximum values of their integrated assessment, taking into account the importance of implementing a particular strategy.

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