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belo horizonte
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Ana Maria Nogales Vasconcelos ◽  
Lenice Ishitani ◽  
Daisy Maria Xavier Abreu ◽  
Elisabeth França

ObjectiveThis study aimed to analyze the chain of events and contributing causes associated with COVID-19 adult mortality (30–69 years old), based on qualified data on CoD from three Brazilian capitals cities, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, and Natal, in 2020.MethodsData of all deaths among residents in the three capitals in 2020 were provided by these municipalities' routine Mortality Information System (SIM). Mentions B34.2 with the markers U07.1 and U07.2 in the death certificate identified COVID-19 deaths. We used a multiple-cause-of-death approach better to understand the complexity of the morbid process of COVID-19. Conditions that appeared more frequently in the same line or above the COVID-19 mentions in the death certificate were considered a chain-of-event. Conditions that occurred more often after the codes for COVID-19 were considered as contributing.ResultsIn 2020, 7,029 records from COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death were registered in SIM in the three capitals. Among these, 2,921 (41.6%) were deceased between 30 and 69 years old, representing 17.0% of deaths in this age group. As chain-of-events, the most frequent conditions mentioned were sepsis (33.4%), SARS (32.0%), acute respiratory failure (31.9%), unspecified lower respiratory infections (unspecified pneumonia) (20.1%), and other specified respiratory disorders (14.1%). Hypertension (33.3%), diabetes unspecified type (21.7%), renal failure (12.7%), obesity (9.8%), other chronic kidney diseases (4.9%), and diabetes mellitus type 2 (4.7%) were the most frequent contributing conditions. On average, 3.04 conditions were mentioned in the death certificate besides COVID-19. This average varied according to age, place of death, and capital.ConclusionThe multiple-cause analysis is a powerful tool to better understand the morbid process due to COVID-19 and highlight the importance of chronic non-communicable diseases as contributing conditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e4711124531
Bárbara Taíny Barbosa Niquini ◽  
Aline de Freitas Fernandes ◽  
Fernanda Capurucho Horta Bouchardet ◽  
Flávio Ricardo Manzi

The knowledge of an individual age, especially children and young people, is  important in civil and criminal cases, such as adoption and when is important determining criminal imputability. To estimate this age, when there are no suitable documents to prove it, body development factors are used, especially those that show the stages of mineralization of the teeth. To this estimation, numerous tables have been developed in the most diverse regions. The aim of this study was to analyze the accuracy of the Chronological Table of Mineralization of Permanent Teeth among Brazilians in a region different from that in which the method was developed, namely, Vale do Paraíba (SP - Brazil). For this purpose, 442 panoramic radiographs of individuals aged 5 years to 20 years and 4 months, taken in the central region of the city of Belo Horizonte (MG), were used. After applying the table, with the determination of the stages of each tooth present in the radiograph and an average between them, using the data developed by the authors, the total average percentage of correct answers was 63.5%, showing a low number, especially in the age range of 14 to 17 years. When the estimate was analyzed for sexual dimorphism, no significant differences were found. Through this study, one can perceive a need for standardization and detailing in the methodology, besides its updating and complementation with data that encompass dental development in the different regions of the country.

Internext ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-21
Gislene Cordeiro da Silva Diniz ◽  
Liliane de Oliveira Guimarães ◽  
Roberto Pessoa de Queiroz Falcão ◽  
Eduardo Picanço Cruz

Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como redes étnicas apoiam e influenciam na criação de novos negócios. Método: Pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e método estudo de casos múltiplos. Entrevistas em profundidade com 24 refugiados sírios, estabelecidos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte e região metropolitana. As entrevistas foram realizadas entre agosto de 2017 a maio de 2019. Principais resultados: Os resultados apontam que as redes étnicas influenciaram e disponibilizaram recursos que contribuíram com o processo empreendedor. Constatou-se a importância da atividade empreendedora para a geração de renda dos refugiados, principalmente em negócios relacionados à sua cultura de origem. Os achados confirmaram que as estruturas sociais, são detentoras de um volume significativo de capital social, que permite o acesso a diversos tipos de recursos que promovem o processo empreendedor. Relevância/originalidade: Este artigo contribui para o debate do empreendedorismo imigrante realizado por refugiados em solo brasileiro, apontando para a importância e os efeitos das redes sociais e do capital social no desenvolvimento de novos negócios Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Maior compreensão sobre dinâmica local do empreendedorismo imigrante, redes sociais e capital social. Amplia os modelos conceituais e teóricos estabelecidos no estudo do processo empreendedor Imigrante. Contribuições sociais: Importância da atividade empreendedora de imigrantes na geração de renda e no desenvolvimento da economia local. Os achados revelam a necessidade de políticas públicas que apoiem o empreendedorismo imigrante no Brasil.

2022 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
Vinícius Henrique Ferreira Pereira de Oliveira ◽  
Millena Barroso Oliveira ◽  
Cauane Blumenberg ◽  
Álex Moreira Herval ◽  
Luiz Renato Paranhos

This study aimed to analyze part of the financial resources used to fund public health actions in the 26-Brazilian capitals, from 2008 to 2018. This is a time-trend ecological study involving revenue and expenditure indicators provided by the Information System on Public Budget for Health (SIOPS). The values were deflated based on the Extended National Consumer Price Index of 2018 in Brazil to allow the comparison over the years. The mean annual variation of health investments, in Brazilian Reais (BRL) was assessed using linear regressions. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were estimated between federal revenues and expenditures with the capitals’ resources. All capitals presented statistically significant positive correlations for the origin of the budget resource invested in health. The lowest coefficient was found in the capital city of Macapá (Amapá State) (r = 0.860) and the highest, in Fortaleza (Ceará State) (r = 0.997). Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais State) was the capital with the highest annual increase in federal transfers (about BRL 67.91 per year) and Teresina (Piauí State) presented the highest annual increase in health expenditures among the capitals (about BRL 55.42 per year). We found a increase in the transfers of the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) and municipal resources in almost all capitals, but there are still inequalities in the distribution of financial resources among Brazilian capitals from different regions. Health funding is affected by the municipalization of SUS and it is not the single factor affecting the access and quality of health services.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 5
Bernardo de Souza Guimarães ◽  
Lucas Farias ◽  
Delly Oliveira Filho ◽  
Lawrence Kazmerski ◽  
Antonia Sônia A. Cardoso Diniz

This paper examines the performance of solar photovoltaic generators on roofs of residential buildings. The primary focus is the loss of performance due to temperature increase as function of roof material and the distance from the photovoltaic (PV) generator to the roof. A heat transfer model has been developed to predict PV module temperature, and the equations of the model were solved using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software. The research modeling correlates the distance of the solar generator to the roof and the roofing material with the temperature variations in the PV generator. There are many models to predict PV module temperature, but this study refines the prediction by the distance from PV module to roof and the roofing material as variables. Optimal combinations of distance and materials that minimize the heating loss in the solar generator leading to increased electrical power generation. Results show an average error of 3%–4% from the temperature predicted by the model to the temperature measured under experimental conditions in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The minimum roof-module separation required to ensure minimal PV performance loss from heating from the roof is ∼10 cm for red ceramic and cement fiber roofs. For galvanized steel, the optimal distance is between 20 cm and 30 cm. Cement fiber shows the best predicted and measured characteristics for PV-panel roof mounting among the 3-common commercial roofs evaluated in these studies. These investigations were based on roof installations and local materials in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Arnaldo Leite de Alvarenga

RESUMO O artigo discute quatro criações coreográficas de Klauss Vianna, entre os anos de 1958 e 1962, ao elaborar uma estética própria, moderna, para o balé brasileiro. Metodologicamente são analisadas as imagens de quatro capas de programas do Ballet Klauss Vianna (BKV), fotografias de quatro obras que integraram esses programas, depoimentos orais, matérias e crítica jornalística da época, escritos de Vianna, autores ligados à Nouvelle Histoire, à crítica de Arte, entre outros, relacionando-os. Pretende-se destacar o potencial das imagens como ferramenta metodológica relevante para uma possível compreensão das produções coreográficas de Klauss Vianna na historiografia da dança no Brasil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Ana Cristina Santos Matos Rocha

Este artigo procura examinar a trajetória de Alda Lodi, enfocando o modo como sua atuação, no campo do ensino de matemática, consolidou seu papel de expert da educação em Minas Gerais. Formada na Escola Normal de Belo Horizonte, Lodi viajou aos Estados Unidos em 1927 como parte de uma missão pedagógica vinculada à reforma Francisco Campos. Sua viagem de estudos ao Teachers College funcionou como elemento de ascensão profissional, ao mesmo tempo em que fundamentou as discussões que ela desenvolveu com as professoras-alunas da Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de Belo Horizonte, onde foi professora de Metodologia da Aritmética. Neste artigo, procuramos explorar suas contribuições para o ensino de matemática a partir dos programas de Aritmética e Geometria do ensino primário – escritos por ela para a Secretaria de Educação de Minas Gerais entre os anos de 1941 e 1953. Com isso, procuramos contribuir para os estudos que investigam o papel que os experts desempenharam na sistematização de saberes a e para ensinar matemática no Brasil.Cultural exchange, teacher training and school programs: Alda Lodi, expertThis article aims to examine Alda Lodi’s career, focused on the way her work in the field of mathematics education helped to place her as an education expert in Minas Gerais. Alda Lodi graduated at the Belo Horizonte Normal School in 1915. In 1927, she travelled to the United States to study education as part of a pedagogical mission organized by Francisco Campos, who was reforming the education system of Minas Gerais state. Her time at the Teachers College, Columbia University was very important to her career. It also played a central role in the discussions developed by her at the Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de Belo Horizonte (Belo Horizonte Teacher Training School, in free translation), in the field of Methodology of Arithmetic. In this article we are going to explore her contributions to the teaching of mathematics using two Arithmetic and Geometry programs she wrote between the 1940’s and 1950’s for the Minas Gerais Department of Education. Thus, we aim to contribute to the studies that deal with the role played by experts in the systematization of the knowledge to teach and for teaching in the field of mathematics education in Brazil.Keywords: History of mathematics education; Alda Lodi; Experts; Teaching programs.

Fernando Bonadia de Oliveira

Resenha da tradução Correspondência entre Espinosa e Oldenburg. Tradução, apresentação, estudo, preparação do texto latino e notas: Samuel Thimounier Ferreira. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica. Coleção: Filô: Espinosa (2021). 

2021 ◽  
Taylor De Aguiar

“De mim, o senhor não sabe nada”. A impressão desta frase de Caboclo Zé Raimundo na contracapa do livro O Sacerdote e o aprendiz: antropologia de um terreiro amazônico, de Hermes de Sousa Veras, poderia causar ao/à leitor/a duas sortes de reação: uma primeira associaríamos a um escândalo; uma segunda, a uma empolgação. É sabido que os humores de leitura, articulados no contato com qualquer gênero literário, dependem muito da ultrapassagem das primeiras páginas ou da contracapa de um livro. Suspeito, no entanto, que muitos antropólogos, notadamente clássicos, se escandalizariam ao se deparar com a frase aparentemente cabal: “o senhor não sabe nada”. Por meio dela, Caboclo Zé Raimundo estaria desafiando a objetividade científica da antropologia? Obviamente, qualquer resposta a essa pergunta depende de convicções teóricas e epistemológicas. Mas as duas possibilidades de reação à afirmação, ainda que sejam caricaturais, refletem posições históricas e bem definidas em relação à prática etnográfica.

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