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gneiss complex
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2022 ◽  
Vol 369 ◽  
pp. 106523
George L. Guice ◽  
Sophie R. Miocevich ◽  
Hannah S.R. Hughes ◽  
Iain McDonald ◽  
Kathryn M. Goodenough ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 42-75
S.V. Мychak ◽  
М.І. Bakarzhieva ◽  
A.V. Marchenko ◽  
M.M. Reshetnyk ◽  
L.V. Farfuliak ◽  

In the article according to the geological and geophysical data of the well-exposed areas of development of Archean rocks of the Ukrainian Shield, two alternative approaches to establishing the structure and stratigraphy of the oldest granulite complexes are discuss. The outcrops of the enderbite-gneiss complex up to 3.6—3.8 billion years old are located along the Southern Bug River between the Gaivoron town and the Zavallia village. The first, «stratigenic-metamorphogenic» approach assumes that the main features of the composition and structure of the Lower Archean complexes are inherited from the original stratotypic strata. These strata are transformed in the conditions of quasi-isochemical metamorphism with preservation of the sequence of formation in section and the primary constitution in the form of stratification, rhythmicity, direction of change of their composition vertically and laterally. On the structural-formation map and geological section of the Gaivoron—Zavallia section, the Archean granulite complex is shown in the form of a synclinorium composed of four adjacent formations, which are equated to the world of metamorphosed volcanic-sedimentary rocks. The second, «deformation-metamorphogenic» approach, which is supported by the authors of this article, is based on the idea that the granulite complex of Pobuzhzhіa is a subvertically layered medium formed by tangential tectonic forces. The latter lead to shear deformations and displacement of matter at the atomic-molecular (with mineral transformation of rocks) and rock masses at the regional level. This creates structural and textural elements that are superimposed on the primary structure of rocks and often erase it. Field structural-tectonophysical, tectonofacial and magnetometric studies, its results are presented in the article. It was performed specifically to compare these two concepts. Magnetometric studies have shown that the enderbite-gneiss complex of the district by its magnetic characteristics belongs to the middle and lower crust of the Ukrainian Shield.

Gaurav Kumar ◽  
Dewashish Kumar ◽  
Pratibha Warwade

Integrated study combining electrical resistivity tomography, geology, hydrogeomorphology, and weighted overlay analysis of various surface and subsurface thematic layers proved to be a very useful tool for evaluating the heterogeneous hard aquifer systems for groundwater assessment and development. A comprehensive study was carried out at representative and varied geological settings viz., Chotanagpur Granite-Gneiss Complex (CGGC), Ranchi has been accomplished from geology and geophysical datasets. The electrical resistivity tomography results revealed potential target zones at three sites in the study area up to a maximum of 170 m depth with a large variation in aquifer resistivity ranging from 80 to 800 Ω.m. These significant findings depicted a good correlation and are validated with the lithology in the surrounding of the resistivity tomography results. Nevertheless, the weighted overlay technique act as an essential tool for spatial analysis and interpretation of potential groundwater zones in the study area as well as validated the geophysical depth models whereas in-depth study on geology and hydrogeomorphology provides a detailed hydrogeological scenario throughout the study area for the long-term sustainability of the groundwater resources both at a local and in regional scale in the typical hard rock aquifer system.

Chidiebere Charles Agoha ◽  
Tochukwu Innocent Mgbeojedo ◽  
Eze Martins Okoro ◽  
Francis Begianpuye Akiang ◽  
Chukwuebuka Nnamdi Onwubuariri ◽  

AbstractOutcrop mapping as well as electromagnetic and ground magnetic surveys was carried out within Auchi and Igarra localities in order to attempt an interpretation of the geology of the areas and to delineate the boundary between basement and sedimentary terrains. Geologic mapping was done by collecting samples of outcrops at five different locations within the areas. Three lithofacies were identified within Auchi area and they are the basal shale unit, tabular cross-bedded sandstone unit and ferruginized sandstone unit. The pebbly shale is greyish black in colour; the cross-bedded sandstone unit is greyish white, coarse-grained at the base and finer at the top with pockets of clay, while the ferruginized sandstone is dark red. Rocks of the Precambrian basement complex underlie Igarra area. The area is underlain by metasediments that have been intruded by igneous rocks. Results show the presence of three major groups of igneous and metamorphic rocks within the area, and they are the migmatite–gneiss complex, metasediments and porphyritic granites. The electromagnetic and ground magnetic data acquired along Profile X located along Auchi–Igarra–Ibillo road were processed using Microsoft Excel Software and the resulting plots delineated areas with lower electrical conductivities and higher magnetic susceptibilities, as well as areas with higher electrical conductivities and lower magnetic susceptibilities. The areas with lower electrical conductivities and higher magnetic susceptibilities are interpreted to be underlain by basement rocks, while the areas with higher electrical conductivities and lower magnetic susceptibilities are underlain by sedimentary rocks. The plots also delineated the most likely basement–sedimentary boundary in the area.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Mansoor Ahmad ◽  
Abdul Qayoom Paul ◽  
Priyanka Negi ◽  
Salim Akhtar ◽  
Bibhuti Gogoi ◽  

Abstract The Proterozoic Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex (CGGC) at the northern boundary of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) of the eastern Indian shield preserves relics of fossilized oceanic back-arc crust. We describe the field, petrographical and geochemical characteristics of the mafic rocks comprising pillow basalts and dolerites from the Bathani area of the northern fringe of the CGGC, eastern India. The basalts consist of plagioclase feldspar, hornblende, opaque minerals (Fe–Ti oxide) and chlorite, and the dolerite consists of plagioclase, hornblende and opaque minerals. Our data indicate that the Bathani mafic rocks have tholeiitic to transitional composition and are overprinted by greenschist facies metamorphic conditions; however, REE and fluid immobile elements preserve their primary geochemical signatures. The (La/Sm)N ratios (1.38–2.15) and chondrite-normalized REE patterns point to an enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB) mantle source. Geochemical characteristics indicate a mixed signature of MORB and arc tholeiite with enrichment of Ba, Th, Eu and Sr, similar to that of back-arc supra-subduction zone ophiolites. These mafic rocks are the product of MORB-like magma derived from a depleted mantle corresponding to < 2% partial melting of spinel lherzolite, enriched by subduction-induced slab metasomatism and melting. The Bathani mafic rocks are representative of the upper part of a supra-subduction zone columnar ophiolite section, which was emplaced onto the present-day northern margin of the CGGC during suturing of the northern and southern Indian block at c. 1.9 Ga during the Nuna amalgamation.

2021 ◽  
Lanita Gutieva ◽  
Annika Dziggel ◽  
Silvia Volante ◽  
Tim Johnson

&lt;p&gt;The Lewisian Gneiss Complex (LGC) in NW Scotland, a classic example of Archean lower crust, is mostly composed of deformed and metamorphosed tonalite&amp;#8211;trondhjemite&amp;#8211;granodiorite (TTG) gneisses, gneissose granite sheets, and subordinate mafic, ultramafic, and metasedimentary lithologies. It has been traditionally subdivided into three regions that are interpreted to record discrete ages and metamorphic histories, and which are separated by crustal-scale shear zones. A smear of concordant U&amp;#8211;Pb zircon ages from the granulite-facies central region has been interpreted to record metamorphic resetting of earlier magmatic and granulite facies metamorphic ages during a subsequent high-temperature metamorphic event. Here, we present U&amp;#8211;Pb and Hf isotope data collected via laser-ablation split-stream (LASS) analyses of zircon cores from twenty-seven felsic meta-igneous rocks from the northern, southern, and central regions of the LGC, as well as U&amp;#8211;Pb data from zircon rims within most of those samples.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In samples from the northern and southern regions, the crystallization age (i.e., from zircon cores) was calculated from the upper-intercept age, yielding age range of 2.82-2.63 Ga for the northern, and 3.11&amp;#8211;2.63 Ga for the southern region. Zircons in these samples generally have thin or no rims, suggesting an absence of a prolonged high-grade (granulite facies) metamorphic event in those regions. In the central region, zircon cores yield U&amp;#8211;Pb crystallization ages between ca. 3.0 Ga and 2.7 Ga, while zircon rims define a continuous spread of ages from ca. 2.8 to 2.4 Ga. Overall, the central region exhibits a continuous and overlapping smear of zircon core and rim ages, suggesting a protracted thermal event in which high-ultrahigh temperature conditions were maintained for &gt;200 m.y., and that discrete magmatic and metamorphic &amp;#8216;events&amp;#8217; are difficult to identify. Nevertheless, an estimation of the crystallization age of each sample is crucial for interpreting their Lu&amp;#8211;Hf isotopic signature. Zircon cores from the tonalite&amp;#8211;trondhjemite gneisses have broadly chondritic compositions with a range of calculated mean initial &amp;#949;Hf of +2.5 to &amp;#8211;1.2, potentially reflecting a mixture of juvenile material and reworked crust, with one outlier at &amp;#949;Hf&lt;sub&gt;i&lt;/sub&gt; = +4.5 perhaps indicating a renewed influx of juvenile magma. Granite gneisses also have near-chondritic values, although the range is larger and the two youngest granite gneisses have slightly sub-chondritic &amp;#949;Hf&lt;sub&gt;i&lt;/sub&gt; (&amp;#8211;1.5 and &amp;#8211;2.5), which indicates that pre-existing crust was involved in their formation. Since there is no significant difference in the Hf isotopic composition between rocks from the three regions, or between the TTG and granite gneisses, we suggest that the broadly chondritic &amp;#949;Hf&lt;sub&gt;i&lt;/sub&gt; in most of our samples reflects mixing of both depleted mantle and evolved crust during their generation. Despite the similarity of the U-Pb and &amp;#949;Hf data from the three regions, the data do not allow to unambiguously discriminate whether the LGC is composed of different levels of a once continuous Archean continent or discrete microcontinents that were amalgamated in the late Archean to Paleoproterozoic.&lt;/p&gt;

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-73
Evgenia Kozhoukharova

The Precambrian metamorphic complex in the Rhodope Massif is built of two lithostratigraphic units: the lower is an ancient granite-gneiss continental crust – Prarhodopian Group (PRG), and the upper one – a Neoproterozoic metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary rock complex – Rhodopian Group (RG). The lower stratigraphic levels of the RG are occupied by an ophiolitic association consisting of serpentinites, amphibolites, and metagabbros. The serpentinites constantly occupy the same level between the continental gneisses surface of the PRG and the base of the RG. The high degree of serpentinization (85–95%) indicates low temperature hydration metamorphism on the surface of an ultrabasic ocean plate. The formation of the Rhodope ophiolitic association has taken place in a Neoproterozoic supra-subduction zone in three stages: a. serpentinization at the ocean floor; b. obduction of serpentinite fragments, scraped from soft and plastic hydrated coat of the sliding ultrabasic plate; c. SSZ-type autochthonous Neoproterozoic (610–566 Ma) basic volcanism, including and covering serpentinite bodies. This determines a heterogeneous nature of the ophiolitic association. The lower granite-gneiss complex – PRG may have been a part of some microcontinent after the breaking of the supercontinent Rodinia. The formation of a supra-subduction zone – SSZ and the obduction of serpentinite fragments started during ocean closure preceding the amalgamation of supercontinent Gondwana.

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