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teaching laboratory
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S. Sheik Asraf ◽  
P. Pavithra ◽  
R. Muneeswari ◽  
Athira Rajan ◽  

Computer keyboards of a teaching laboratory were examined and bacteria were isolated from computer keyboards. The subsequent tests were done for the bacterial isolates: methyl red, vogus proskaur, citrate utilization, urease and TSI. This study paves the way to look at an inanimate object like computer keyboard as potential reservoir of bacteria.

Ronny Rodríguez Pincay ◽  
William Lino Villacreses ◽  
Nereida Valero Cedeño ◽  
Alfonso Jamil Cedillo Balcázar

Introducción: El Laboratorio de Docencia es un sitio donde el estudiante puede acceder a ella en su proceso de aprendizaje, al igual que el Laboratorio Clínico, están ligados a normas que se deben de cumplir para poder funcionar como sitio de enseñanza, un sistema de gestión de calidad son actividades coordinas para dirigir y controlar una organización con respecto a la calidad, están definidas por la Organización Internacional de Normalización (ISO), los indicadores estándar son aplicados de manera internacional y adaptables a cualquier tipo de laboratorio. Objetivo: diagnosticar los estándares de calidad internacionales en laboratorios de docencia una universidad ecuatoriana. Métodos: diseño de estudio descriptivo y analítico de corte transversal, se utilizaron fuentes bibliográficas basadas en fuentes primarias, secundarias y terciarias, el universo total fue de 4 laboratorios de docencia; para la recolección de información de utilizaron dos instrumentos validados por la OPS/HSP/HSE y el MSP del Ecuador. Resultados: Se encontró que, del total de indicadores de la primera encuesta, el 52,6% equivalente a 20 parámetros se cumplen, mientras que el 47,4% (n:18) no lo hace; en la segunda encuesta el 53,3% (n:16) cumple con lo requerido, mientras que el 46,7% (n:14) no lo hace. Conclusiones: los indicadores estándares son importantes a la hora de la pedagogía en los laboratorios de docencia de la Carrera de Laboratorio Clínico de la UNESUM. Palabras clave: Gestión de la calidad, Normas ISO 15189, Laboratorio de Docencia, Calidad   ABSTRACT Introduction: The Teaching Laboratory is a site where the student can access it in their learning process, like the Clinical Laboratory, they are linked to standards that must be met in order to function as a teaching site, a management system Quality are coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with respect to quality, they are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the standard indicators are applied internationally and adaptable to any type of laboratory. Objective: diagnose international quality standards in teaching laboratories an Ecuadorian university. Methods: descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study design, bibliographic sources based on primary, secondary and tertiary sources were used, the total universe was 4 teaching laboratories; Two instruments validated by PAHO / HSP / HSE and the MSP of Ecuador were used to collect information. Results: It was found that, of the total of indicators from the first survey, 52.6% equivalent to 20 parameters are met, while 47.4% (n:18) do not; in the second survey, 53.3% (n: 16) met the requirements, while 46.7% (n:14) did not. Conclusions: the standard indicators are important when it comes to pedagogy in the teaching laboratories of the Clinical Laboratory Career of UNESUM. Keywords: Quality management, ISO 15189 Standards, Teaching Laboratory, Quality

2021 ◽  
pp. 313-334
Luuk T.C.G. Van Summeren ◽  
Floris P.J.T. Rutjes ◽  
Daniel Blanco-Ania ◽  
Tom G. Bloemberg

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 2154
Efraím A. Serna-Galvis ◽  
Yenny Ávila-Torres ◽  
María Ibáñez ◽  
Félix Hernández ◽  
Ricardo A. Torres-Palma

Laboratory wastes containing Cd2+ and water polluted by pharmaceuticals represent an environmental concern. In this work, a proof concept, consisting of the use of teaching-laboratory wastes to synthesize CdS and its subsequent use as a photocatalyst to degrade fluoroquinolone antibiotics, was developed. The CdS was prepared by extraction with thioacetamide and calcination (at 450 °C) and characterized using several techniques. The photocatalytic activity of the CdS, to degrade levofloxacin and norfloxacin, was tested, and the routes involved in the process and the primary transformations of the fluoroquinolones were established. Moreover, the ability of CdS-photocatalysis to eliminate levofloxacin in simulated matrices of fresh urine and hospital wastewater was evaluated. The characterization analyses indicated that the CdS semiconductor was synthesized successfully. Effectively, the CdS acted as a photocatalyst toward degradation of levofloxacin, involving the action of superoxide anion radical, holes, and singlet oxygen mainly. The process induced transformations on the methyl-piperazyl moiety, plus hydroxylation of the fluoroquinolone nucleus on levofloxacin. Additionally, CdS-photocatalysis was highly selective for the elimination of the target pollutant in both tested matrices. Our research indicated the good potentiality of recycling teaching-laboratory wastes to generate photocatalysts to degrade organic pollutants. This work was presented at 4° Congreso Colombiano de Procesos Avanzados de Oxidación (4CCPAOx).

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