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Entropy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
María Jaenada ◽  
Leandro Pardo

Minimum Renyi’s pseudodistance estimators (MRPEs) enjoy good robustness properties without a significant loss of efficiency in general statistical models, and, in particular, for linear regression models (LRMs). In this line, Castilla et al. considered robust Wald-type test statistics in LRMs based on these MRPEs. In this paper, we extend the theory of MRPEs to Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) using independent and nonidentically distributed observations (INIDO). We derive asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators and analyze their influence function to asses their robustness properties. Additionally, we define robust Wald-type test statistics for testing linear hypothesis and theoretically study their asymptotic distribution, as well as their influence function. The performance of the proposed MRPEs and Wald-type test statistics are empirically examined for the Poisson Regression models through a simulation study, focusing on their robustness properties. We finally test the proposed methods in a real dataset related to the treatment of epilepsy, illustrating the superior performance of the robust MRPEs as well as Wald-type tests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (319) ◽  
pp. 141
Esther Barros Campello ◽  
Carlos Pateiro Rodríguez ◽  
Venancio Salcines Cristal

<p>En este trabajo realizamos un análisis empírico de la evolución del agregado monetario M3 y de sus componentes en Colombia, con el propósito de evaluar las propiedades de estabilidad de cada uno de los activos que forman M3. El análisis se realiza con base en pruebas de raíces unitarias y cointegración. La estacionariedad de las series se estudia mediante las pruebas de ADF-GLS y M-type test, así como con pruebas que consideran la posibilidad de cambio estructural. El estudio prosigue empleando el modelo de vectores de corrección de errores (VECM) y mínimos cuadrados ordinarios totalmente modificados (FMOLS) para estimar la relación de largo plazo entre los componentes de M3 y las variables macroeconómicas determinantes. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten afirmar que la estabilidad de la demanda de los diferentes componentes de M3 se mantiene, a pesar de distintos shocks que han afectado a la economía colombiana durante estos años.</p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center">THE (IN)STABILITY OF MONEY DEMAND IN COLOMBIA, 2003-2020</p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>An empirical analysis is made of the evolution of M3 and its components in Colombia during the period 2003-2020. The purpose is to evaluate the stability of each of the assets that make up the aggregate M3. Unit-root and co-integration tests are used. The stationarity of the series is studied by ADF-GLS and M-type tests, as well as with tests that incorporate the possibility of structural change. In the following we implement two different methodologies to estimate the long-run relationship between M3 components and the macroeconomic determinant variables [Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS)]. The results obtained allow us to affirm that the stability of the demand of the different components of M3 is maintained, in spite of different shocks that have affected the Colombian economy over these years.</p>

Haitham M. Yousof ◽  
Abdullah H. Al-nefaie ◽  
Khaoula Aidi ◽  
M. Masoom Ali ◽  
Mohamed ibrahim Mohamed

In this paper, a modified Chi-square goodness-of-fit test called the modified Bagdonavičius-Nikulin goodness-of-fit test statistic is investigated and the applied for distributional validation under the right censored case. The new modified goodness-of-fit test is presented and applied for the right censored data sets. The algorithm of the censored Barzilai-Borwein is employed via a comprehensive simulation study for assessing validity of the new test. The modified Bagdonavičius-Nikulin test is applied to four real and right censored data sets. A new distribution is compared with many other competitive distributions under the new modified Bagdonavičius-Nikulin goodness-of-fit test statistic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 2469
Rizal Ramadhani Nusi

AbstractThe auto pilot car is one of the latest innovations in the world of transportation thanks to technological advancements. With this system the driver no longer needs to control the vehicle as a whole because the control system has been taken by the system. In the operation of all vehicles or modes of transportation, they must comply and not violate the norms in UULLAJ. Including the auto pilot car, the car currently operating and being traded in Indonesia must meet the requirements in UULLAJ and related to the due diligence and type test as stipulated in the Ministry of Transportation Regulation. Is the existence of an auto pilot car on the highway while maintaining the safety of other road users or vice versa? How big is the government's effort in carrying out the mandate of the law to provide a sense of security, comfort for all road users ?. The results of this research show that there are still no regulations that are detailed in detail regarding auto pilot cars and to ensure the safety of road users the government's efforts have not yet appeared in addressing this issue.Keywords: Autopilot Cars; Transportation Law; Legality of Auto Pilot Cars; Government Act.AbstrakMobil auto pilot merupakan salah satu inovasi terbaru di dunia transportasi berkat kemajuan teknologi. Dengan sistem tersebut pengemudi tidak perlu lagi mengendalikan kendaraan secara keseluruhan karena sistem kendali sudah di ambil oleh sistem. Dalam pengoperasian seluruh kendaraan atau moda transportasi wajib sesuai dan tidak melanggar norma yang ada dalam UULLAJ. Termasuk dengan mobil auto pilot, mobil tersebut saat ini beroperasi dan diperjual belikan di Indonesia wajib memenuhi persyaratan yang ada dalam UULLAJ serta terkait uji kelayakan dan uji tipe sebagaimana diatur dalam permenhub. Apakah dengan adanya mobil auto pilot di jalan raya tetap menjaga kemanan pengguna jalan lain atau sebaliknya? Seberapa besar upaya pemerintah dalam menjalankan amanat undang-undangan untuk memberikan rasa aman,nyaman bagi seluruh pengguna jalan raya?. Hasil dari peneilitan ini menunjukan bahwa masih belum ditemukan peraturan yang mengatur secara rinci terkait mobil auto pilot dan untuk menjamin keamanan pengguna jalan raya upaya pemerintah masih belum Nampak dalam menyikapi isu ini.Kata Kunci: Mobil Auto Pilot; Hukum Transpotasi; Legalitas Mobil Auto Pilot; Upaya Pemerintah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Dwi Fitriani Rosali ◽  
Didi Suryadi

The development of the education curriculum in Indonesia makes students must have skills so that they can compete globally, especially in the 21st century. The development is closely related to technology and information. One of skills that support the development of technology and information is the <em>computational thinking</em> skills. This study aims to analyze students’ <em>computational thinking</em> skills on the number patterns lesson during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study was qualitative-descriptive research with the subjects of 4 students from 8th grade in Makassar. The instruments used in this study were a test of the <em>computational thinking</em> skills in the form of essay type test on the number patterns lesson and interview guidance. The results of this study indicated that all subjects met the first indicator of problem decomposition and one subject met the second indicator of problem decomposition, all subjects met the indicator of pattern recognition, three subjects met the indicator of abstraction and generalization, all subjects met the first indicator of algorithmic thinking and two subjects met the second indicator of algorithmic thinking on <em>computational thinking</em> skills. Thus, students’ <em>computational thinking</em> skills during the Covid-19 pandemic were still low, so an educational framework is needed to improve students’ <em>computational thinking</em> skills.

2021 ◽  
Manikandan Rajaraman ◽  
Sriraman Srinivasan ◽  
Pandurangan Muthu kumar ◽  
Gopi Kannan N
Test Rig ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 395-402
Septi Beladini ◽  
A.B. Susanto ◽  
Ali Ridlo

Paparan sinar ultraviolet yang terus menerus dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit. Upaya pencegahan dapat dengan menggunakan sediaan krim tabir surya. Rumput laut K. alvarezii adalah salah satu organisme laut yang diduga mengandung senyawa yang dapat dijadikan sebagai agen tabir surya alami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik krim tabir surya dari ekstrak K. alvarezii. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rumput laut K. alvarezii kering yang diperoleh dari PT. Rumah Rumput Laut, Bogor. Rumput laut K. alvarezii diekstraksi dengan pelarut yaitu n-heksana, etil asetat, metanol Krim tabir surya dibuat menurut Mishara, (2018), dengan menambahkan empat ekstrak rumput laut K. alvarezii yang berbeda, kemudian dilakukannya uji yang meliputi uji organoleptik, uji stabilitas, uji tipe emulsi, uji clycling test, uji nilai pH, uji nilai SPF,. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keempat ekstrak K. alvarezii memiliki serapan panjang gelombang pada daerah ultraviolet, untuk hasil analisis sediaan krim tabir surya menunjukkan krim tabir surya dari ekstrak K. alvarezii stabil secara fisik selama penyimpanan 28 hari, tidak ada perubahan warna dan bau, tidak terdapat pertumbuhan jamur, tipe emulsi  krim minyak dalam air dan memiliki nilai SPF >15 sehingga termasuk dalam kategori tabir surya ultra  Continuous exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause damage to the skin. Prevention efforts can use sunscreen cream preparations.seaweed K. alvarezii is a marine organism that is thought to contain compounds that can be used as natural sunscreen agents. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the sunscreen cream fromextract K. alvarezii. The sample used in this study was theseaweed K. alvarezii driedobtained from PT. Seaweed House, Bogor.seaweed was K. alvarezii extracted with solvents, namely n-hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and distilled water. Sunscreen cream made, by adding four seaweed extract K. alvarezii different, then do a test covering the organoleptic test, stability test, test emulsion type,test clyclingtest, test the pH value, test the SPF value, . The results showed that the four extracts of K. alvarezii had wavelength absorption in the ultraviolet area, for the analysis of sunscreen cream preparations showed that the sun cream fromextract K. alvarezii was physically stable during 28 days of storage, no change in color and odor, no growth. fungus, a type of oil-in-water cream emulsion and has an SPF value of> 15 so it is included in the ultra sunscreen category. 

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