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2024 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
J. S. Lima ◽  
G. L. D. Leite ◽  
P. F. S. Guanabens ◽  
M. A. Soares ◽  
J. L. Silva ◽  

Abstract Acacia mangium is a pioneer species with fast growth and frequently used in the recovery of degraded areas. The objectives were to evaluate insects and spiders, their ecological indices and interactions on A. mangium saplings in a tropical degraded area in recovering process. The experimental design was completely randomized with 24 replications, with treatments represented by the first and second years after A. mangium seedling planted. Numbers of leaves/branch, branches/sapling, and ground cover by A. mangium saplings, Hemiptera: Phenacoccus sp. and Pachycoris torridus; Hymenoptera: Tetragonisca angustula and Trigona spinipes, Brachymyrmex sp., Camponotus sp. and Cephalotes sp.; Blattodea: Nasutitermes sp. and Neuroptera: Chrysoperla sp.; abundance, species richness of pollinating insects, tending ants, and the abundance of Sternorrhyncha predators were greatest in the second year after planting. Numbers of Hemiptera: Aethalium reticulatum, Hymenoptera: Camponotus sp., Cephalotes sp., Polybia sp., T. angustula, T. spinipes, tending ants, pollinating insects, Sternorrhyncha predators and species richness of tending ants were highest on A. mangium saplings with greatest numbers of leaves or branches. The increase in the population of arthropods with ground cover by A. mangium saplings age increase indicates the positive impact by this plant on the recovery process of degraded areas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 254-268
Benedito Evandro Barros da Silva ◽  
Claudia Azevedo-Ramos ◽  
Hilder André Bezerra Farias

Public agents play a key role in municipal environmental management (MEM) under decentralised regimes. This study aimed to evaluate the MEM through the combined perception of municipal agents and the municipal performance previously calculated by secondary data in Pará, Brazil. A questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale was applied to environmental agents. The respondents (n = 75) from 53 municipalities were divided into poorly performing and well-performing municipalities. The perception of agents from poorly performing municipalities was more optimistic than shown by empirical data. Agents from well-performing municipalities prioritised “economic issues” as significant threats to management over the “institutional capacity” chosen by the other group, indicating a broader view of the reality. As the perception over land-use practices was vital to differentiate the agents from different groups, we concluded for the use of mixed monitoring methods and feedback information for agents for a better MEM, focusing on five variables (Rural environmental register – CAR, in Portuguese acronym; degraded area; deforested area; rural credit; and abandoned pasture) that differentiated the municipalities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 3422
Guilherme Matos Antônio ◽  
Francisco Sandro Rodrigues Holanda ◽  
Luiz Diego Vidal Santos ◽  
Bruno De Santana Mendonça ◽  
Rayssa Juliane Souza de Jesus ◽  

O Baixo São Francisco está em constante dinâmica hidroambiental resultante das alterações promovidas na calha do rio, representadas pelos processos geomorfológicos ou por ações antrópicas como a construção das barragens que por sua vez provocou mudanças geomorfológicas resultando na aceleração de processos erosivos nas suas margens. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a implantação de técnicas de recuperação hidroambiental com uso de bioengenharia de solos na margem do rio São Francisco. A área estudada compreende um trecho do baixo curso do rio São Francisco, localizado no município de Amparo do São Francisco, no estado de Sergipe, nordeste do Brasil, onde técnica de bioengenharia de solos, como enrocamento vegetado, foi implementada no ano de 2011. Três grupos de indicadores individuais foram selecionados que juntos contribuíram para a avaliação da Recuperação da Área Degradada relacionados à qualidade do solo, como resistência do solo à penetração e Velocidade de Infiltração Básica, à recuperação da biodiversidade como banco de sementes e a regeneração natural da área por meio de indicadores como composição e cobertura linear de espécies. A metodologia empregada contempla uma avaliação dos resultados originados do uso da biotécnica a partir da identificação da contribuição da vegetação que auxilia na contenção de taludes, uma vez que a cobertura vegetal protege a superfície do solo contra ações erosivas como o vento e a água da chuva. O reforço mecânico trazido pelo sistema radicular das plantas contra cisalhamento do solo se mostrou pela menor resistência à penetração do solo e maior Taxa de infiltração.     Evaluation of efficiency of the implementation of soil bioengineering techniqueA B S T R A C TThe Lower São Francisco is in constant hydro-environmental dynamics resulting from the changes promoted in the river channel, represented by geomorphological processes or by anthropic actions such as the construction of dams that in turn caused geomorphological changes resulting in the acceleration of erosive processes on its banks. The objective of this work was to evaluate the implementation of hydroenvironmental recovery techniques using soil bioengineering on the bank of the São Francisco River. The studied area comprises a stretch of the low course of the São Francisco River, located in the municipality of Amparo do São Francisco, in the state of Sergipe, northeastearn Brazil, where soil bioengineering technique, such as vegetated rockfill, was implemented in 2011. Three groups of individual indicators were selected that together contributed to the assessment of Degraded Area Recovery related to soil quality, such as soil resistance to penetration and Basic Infiltration Speed, to the recovery of biodiversity as a seed bank and the natural area regeneration through indicators such as composition and linear species coverage. The employed methodology includes an evaluation of the results from the use of biotechnology based on the identification of the vegetation contribution that helps to contain slopes, since the vegetation cover protects the soil surface against erosive actions such as wind and rainwater. The mechanical reinforcement brought by the root system against soil shear was shown by the lower resistance to soil penetration and a higher infiltration rate.Keywords: Degraded Areas Recovery, erosion, São Francisco River

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 146
Eugeniusz Koda ◽  
Kinga Rybak-Niedziółka ◽  
Jan Winkler ◽  
Martin Černý ◽  
Piotr Osiński ◽  

Landfills are elements of the waste management system, without possibility of further reclaiming, according to the requirements of a closed-loop economy, but with the possibility of transforming the area into other functions. The research combined monitoring of plant species, suggesting the composition of vegetation cover for pro-ecological management, analysis of functional and infrastructural incorporation of the landfill in the surrounding landscape, and proposals for reclamation and social application. An assessment of geotechnical safety was also made. Modernization of the landfill suggests that the pressure placed on other untouched locations should decrease. The designed space allows reintroducing socio-ecological life into this degraded area. Taking advantage of the character of the area, including variable development and significant landscape potential on the outskirts of a large city in the vicinity of protected areas, there is the possibility of creating new spatial quality following the standards of modern architecture-urban planning. One of the innovative elements of the project is the implementation of energy from renewable sources, including landfill biogas, photovoltaic panels and heat pumps. The development design includes social expectations and adaptation of new techniques to functioning in times of increased sanitary threats. The proposed design direction may be considered as a recommended trend for the sustainable development of urban areas.

Jamilie Brito De Castro ◽  
Renisson Neponuceno De Araújo Filho ◽  
Victor Casimiro Piscoya ◽  
Cristiane Maria Gonçalves Crespo ◽  
Renata de Oliveira Fernandes ◽  

The present work aimed to quantify the concentrations and biomass stock of fine andthick roots, in three areas in the municipality of Capitão Poço-PA, Brazil. The areas used were degraded area, recovery area and native forest. For soil sampling, 24 trenches were opened, measuring 70 x 70 x 100 cm. In these trenches, soil samples were taken at depths 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-80 and 80-100 cm and sieving was carried out.All roots and other underground plant structures that remained in the sieve were collected by manual collection. The roots were separated into two diameter classes: fine roots ≤ 5 mm and thick roots > 5 mm, kiln dried and weighed.In the analysis, higherconcentrationsofthickand fine roots were observed in an area of native forest at depths of 0-10 and 10-20 cm. In the areas analyzed in this study, the root density in the topsoil of 0-10 cm was mainly composed of fine roots.In the three areas analyzed in this study, it was observed that from a depth of 10-20 cm there were decreases in theconcentrationsofthick roots. The area under recovery approached the area of native forest in the concentration of fine roots, demonstrating possible improvements in soil quality and recovery is probably actually taking place.

Toxins ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 814
Leijane F. Sousa ◽  
Matthew L. Holding ◽  
Tiago H. M. Del-Rei ◽  
Marisa M. T. Rocha ◽  
Rosa H. V. Mourão ◽  

Differences in snake venom composition occur across all taxonomic levels and it has been argued that this variation represents an adaptation that has evolved to facilitate the capture and digestion of prey and evasion of predators. Bothrops atrox is a terrestrial pitviper that is distributed across the Amazon region, where it occupies different habitats. Using statistical analyses and functional assays that incorporate individual variation, we analyzed the individual venom variability in B. atrox snakes from four different habitats (forest, pasture, degraded area, and floodplain) in and around the Amazon River in Brazil. We observed venom differentiation between spatially distinct B. atrox individuals from the different habitats, with venom variation due to both common (high abundance) and rare (low abundance) proteins. Moreover, differences in the composition of the venoms resulted in individual variability in functionality and heterogeneity in the lethality to mammals and birds, particularly among the floodplain snakes. Taken together, the data obtained from individual venoms of B. atrox snakes, captured in different habitats from the Brazilian Amazon, support the hypothesis that the differential distribution of protein isoforms results in functional distinctiveness and the ability of snakes with different venoms to have variable toxic effects on different prey.

2021 ◽  
Vicente Toledo Machado Morais Junior ◽  
Laércio Antônio Gonçalves Jacovine ◽  
Eliana Boaventura Bernardes Moura Alves ◽  
Lauana Blenda Silva ◽  
Thaynara Pereira Albuquerque ◽  

Abstract Climate change is one of the biggest global concerns for scientists. Efforts to limit global temperature are still incipient. In Brazil, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can play a central role in achieving these efforts. In this sense, the objective is to show the Legacy of the Zero Carbon Program of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) for society, science and environment, in 10 years of operation, with a main focus on the ecosystem service related to carbon off-set. A description of the history, emergence and organizational structure of Zero Carbon Program (CZP) was made, based on research carried out over 10 years of activity in the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Five main methodological axes have been described to determine the current legacy of the program: (A) GHG Inventory during the Farmer’s Week (FW) at the UFV; (B) GHG neutralization during FW; (C) Development of GHG quantification and neutralization systems; (D) Collection of bibliographic data developed by the CZP; and (E) Survey of sensitized public. The results of the CZP showed that: 4,162 people became aware of the topic of climate change at and 26,186 people at other events; and those 63 scientific studies related were published. A total of 490.64 tCO2eq. GHG emissions were raised during the FW-UFV. Approximately 4,660 trees were planted in a degraded area in southeastern Brazil as a way to neutralize GHG from the event. The CZP presents opportunities for gains from ecosystem services related to responsive carbon management provided to different social actors.

Nativa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 438-441
Rubens Marques Rondon Neto ◽  
Fabrício Pereira de Jesus ◽  
Lucas Alves da Silva

Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a estratégia de uso de sementes pré-germinadas de pata-de-vaca (Bauhinia ungulata L.) na semeadura direta para restauração florestal. Os tratamentos testados foram: T1= Plantio de mudas em tubetes (Testemunha); T2 = Semeadura direta sem pré-germinação; T3 = Semeadura direta com pré-germinação; T4 = Semeadura direta sem pré-germinação e hidrogel; e T5 = Semeadura direta com pré-germinação e hidrogel. O experimento foi instalado em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições de 10 mudas ou pontos de sementes semeadas. Aos 100 e 210 dias de instalação do experimento foram feitas as seguintes avaliações: taxa de sobrevivência (Ts); altura total (Ht); diâmetro do colo (Dc); e número de folhas (Nf). A Ts e o crescimento morfológico de B. ungulata regeneradas pelo plantio de mudas não foram superadas pelas estratégias de semeaduras diretas utilizadas, mas a técnica demostrou ser promissora para futuros testes com outras espécies arbustivas e arbóreas de interesse à restauração florestal. Palavras-chave: área degradada; regeneração florestal; regeneração artificial.   Direct seeding of pata-de-vaca (Bauhinia ungulata L.) with pre-germinated seeds for forest restoration   ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the seed use strategy of using pre-germinated seeds of Bauhinia ungulata L. in direct sowing for forest restoration. The treatments tested were: T1 = Planting seedlings in tubes (Witness); T2 = Direct sowing without pre-germination; T3 = Direct sowing with pre-germination; T4 = Direct sowing without pre-germination and hydrogel; and T5 = Direct sowing with pre-germination and hydrogel. The experiment was installed in randomized blocks with four replications of 10 seedlings or points of seed sown. At 100 and 210 days after installation of the experiment, the following assessments were made: survival rate (Ts); total height (Ht); diameter (Dc); and number of leaves (Nf). The Ts and the morphological growth of B. ungulata regenerated by planting seedlings were not overcome by the direct seeding strategies used, but the technique proved to be promising for future tests with other shrub and tree species of interest to forest restoration. Keywords: degraded area; forest regeneration; artificial regeneration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-56
Cláudio Francisco Brogni ◽  
Heitor Amadeu Prezzi ◽  
Gustavo Eduardo Pereira ◽  
Abelino Anacleto de Souza Junior ◽  
Anderson Fernando de Souza

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0255275
Ricardo O. Manoel ◽  
Bruno C. Rossini ◽  
Maiara R. Cornacini ◽  
Mário L. T. Moraes ◽  
José Cambuim ◽  

Gene flow studies provide information on gene exchange between populations, which is essential for developing genetic conservation strategies. Such analyses enable a better understanding of the life history and seed and pollen dispersal mechanisms of plant species. In this study, we investigate pollen and seed flow in a regenerant population of the pioneer species Astronium fraxinifolium in an area degraded during the construction of a hydroelectric dam. We mapped, sampled, sexed, and genotyped 386 individuals in the regenerant population (RP), as well as 128 adult trees located along two highways adjacent to the degraded area; one in Mato Grosso do Sul State (MS) and other in São Paulo State (SP). Parentage analyses was carried out for 370 individuals of the RP population, using as putative parents 348 individuals from RP and all 128 individuals sampled in MS and SP. Based on parentage analysis and eight microsatellite loci, our analyses revealed that for individuals of the RP with an identified father (pollen donor), 1.1% of the pollen was dispersed up to 532 m, while for those with an identified mother (seed donor), 0.5% of seeds were dispersed up to 4,782 m. However, a large proportion of pollen (76.5%) and seeds (57%) immigrated from trees outside the sampled populations. Pollen and seeds were dispersed through a pattern of isolation by distance. Genetic diversity was significantly similar between adults of both highway populations and individuals from RP, with significant levels of inbreeding detected only in RP. Our results demonstrate that the nearest trees contributed pollen and seeds for the recovery of the degraded area, indicating reproductive spatial isolation among the sampled populations due to the damming of the river. Such results help to understand the process of regeneration for A. fraxinifolium in regenerant populations to inform strategies for conservation and environmental recovery with this species.

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