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P. S. Ucvatov

The article is devoted to the events of the first part of 1930-ies in the Mordovian Autonomous Region. The politics struggle between different groups of the soviet and party ruling elite, which accompanied the process of the formation of Mordovian statehood and the korenization of the State machinery are considering as well. On the example of Mordovian oblast committee and Saransk town committee of VKP(b) some features inherent in the regional Soviet nomenclature of the 1930s are shown. The article acknowledges that in Mordovia, the struggle between various groups of the Soviet and Party elite was significantly influenced by the national factor and the process of indigenization of the administrative apparatus. At the same time, there was tension between the First secretary of the regional Party Committee sent from the outside, who tried to rely on his own proteges, and the regional nomenclature clans formed from local national cadres. Meanwhile, in the existing system of close-knit corporate groups and bureaucratic clans based on personal ties and mutual responsibility, there was a rapid degeneration of Party and Soviet executives. This led to the spread of such negative phenomena as leaderism, embezzlements, abuse of official position, etc. In preparing the article, the method of analyzing historical documents, historical and systemic, historical and comparative methods were used. Archival documents (from the Central State Archives of the Republic of Mordovia), as well as materials of the Soviet periodicals from the newspapers Volzhskaya Kommuna and Krasnaya Mordovia served as the basis for the source base of the article.

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (IV) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Anum Riaz ◽  
Muqarrab Akbar

The arrival of nuclear weapons was detrimental in changing the nature of warfare; duringWWII, we used nuclear weapons on two Japanese cities. The catastrophic effect of nuclear weapons made the pioneers apprehensive about the spread of nuclear technology across the globe. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime (NNPR) is a set of international rules, norms, initiatives, agreements, arrangements, bilateral and multilateral treaties to curb the spread of nuclear weapons and technology. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is the backbone of NNPR. This paper discusses the significance of NNPR and will focus on how Pakistan fits into the bigger picture of the NNPR as a nuclear state. This research study will further analyze the prospects and challenges for Pakistan viz a viz the NNPR. It will specifically focus on Pakistan's official position on joining the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), and the two relevant Export Control Regimes (Nuclear Suppliers Group and Missile Technology Control Regime). Moreover, the challenges Pakistan faces viz-a-viz these treaties and arrangements will be highlighted. Recommendations will be provided based on the prospects of how Pakistan can overcome these challenges.

Сергей Владимирович Расторопов ◽  
Ксения Валерьевна Брежнева

В данной статье авторы раскрывают проблему противодействия профессиональной деформации сотрудников правоохранительных органов путем их приобщения к тюремной субкультуре, идеологии «АУЕ» (криминальная инкультурация) начиная от зарождения девиантных мыслей до совершения преступлений, а также рассматривают некоторые вопросы детерминации и профилактики данного явления. Авторы отмечают, что приобщение сотрудников правоохранительной системы России к идеям криминального мира является следствием одного из направлений тщательно продуманной деятельности криминальных авторитетов, находящихся как в местах лишения свободы, так и на свободе, в отношении действующих сотрудников силовых структур. В статье рассматривается возможность привлечения сотрудников к ответственности по ч. 3 ст. 282. 2 УК РФ (Участие в деятельности экстремистской организации с использованием лицом своего служебного положения). Авторами подчеркивается важность уголовно-правового предупреждения в рассматриваемом вопросе. В заключение авторы отмечают необходимость четкого разграничения таких неприемлемых идейных взгляды сотрудников ведомственных структур, как принятие, тяготение, приобщение, поддержание, потворствование, распространение и привнесение в служебно-деловое и бытовое общение норм тюремной субкультуры, с общечеловеческими понятиями: сочувствием, пониманием, сопереживанием, чуткостью, взаимоуважением, взаимопомощью, которые также могут проявляться в работе и с лицами, совершившими преступления. In this article, the author reveals the problem of professional deformation of law enforcement officers by introducing them to the prison subculture, the ideology of «AUE» (criminal inculturation), starting from the inception of deviant thoughts to the commission of crimes by them, and also considers some issues of the determination and prevention of this phenomenon. The authors note that the introduction of the Russian law enforcement system to the ideas of the criminal world is a consequence of one of the directions of carefully thought-out activities of criminal authorities, both in places of imprisonment and at large, in relation to the current employees of law enforcement agencies. The article considers the possibility of bringing employees to responsibility under Part 3 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Participation in the activities of an extremist organization using a person's official position). The authors emphasize the importance of criminal law prevention in the issue under consideration. In conclusion, the authors note the need for a clear distinction between such unacceptable ideological views of employees of departmental structures as acceptance, attraction, communion, maintenance, indulgence, dissemination and introduction into official, business and everyday communication of the norms of the prison subculture, with universal concepts: sympathy, understanding, empathy, sensitivity, mutual respect, mutual assistance, which can also manifest themselves in working with persons who have committed crimes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-104
Valeria V. Zabrodina ◽  
Anna G. Menshikova

The authors in the article consider the problems of establishing the qualifying feature use of official position when committing fraud. Based on the analysis of the doctrine of criminal law, clarifications of the highest court, materials of specific judicial practice, a circle of subjects related to persons using their official position is determined, as well as the procedure and mechanism for using official position in fraud. According to the results of the study, it is proposed to include in the current resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation On judicial practice in cases of fraud, misappropriation and embezzlement additional clarifications that reveal the understanding of the content of the sign use of official position. The authors propose to expand the understanding of the subject of official fraud. Such provisions will promote uniformity in law enforcement and helpavoid qualifying fraud using official position errors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Mercy Cherono Milgo

The current official position on compulsory mediation in England and Wales is that the courts do not have the power to compel parties to mediate but can impose cost sanctions on parties who unreasonably refuse to mediate. Nevertheless, the courts in England and Wales have ordered parties to mediate. Additionally, the courts’ application of the Halsey factors in deciding when a party’s refusal to mediate will be deemed unreasonable, has arguably created a body of divergent case law. This article argues that mediation should be made compulsory for civil disputes in England and Wales to remedy the existing state of uncertainty.

Vitaliy Balahonskiy ◽  
Sergey Markov

The article discusses the specifics of legal techniques in the formulation of legal definition. A comparative analysis of approaches to understanding the definition procedure in jurisprudence, philosophy, logic, mathematics and philology is carried out. The relevance of the topic under study lies in the absence in modern legal tech-nology of generally accepted approaches to understanding the methodological speci-ficity of the implementation of the definition procedure. The purpose of this article is to determine the methodological foundations of differentiation of axiomatic and con-textual definitions, the implementation of the critical analysis of the classifications of types of definitions in the modern scientific literature. The basis of the concept of definition proposed by the authors is the analytical study of the logicallinguistic operation of determination on the example of the defi-nition of «corruption» from the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ. There is a lack of legal recognition of corruption as a bribe, and criticism of the narrow definition. Corruption is defined as a criminal act of a social and legal nature, which is constrained by the nature of official crimes in conflict with the interests of society and the State, the essence of which is an obvious mercenary motive in personal en-richment (material and non-material) through the use of his official position (authori-ty) for mercenary purposes. The study is based on the methodological tools of systemic, structural-functional and comparative cognition methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (20) ◽  
pp. 18
K.O. Rozsokha

The article considers the current conditions in which such anti-corruption bodies as the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, and the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine have to operate. Based on the opinions of scientists and experts, it has been established that anti-corruption bodies now face the following challenges: constant pressure from the authorities, irresponsibility of the majority of people's deputies, which makes it very difficult for these bodies to work; most citizens of our state perceive corruption as a relatively simple way to solve problems quickly. Ordinary citizens are accustomed, so to speak, to solving either complex or simple issues (in health care or education institutions, courts and other public institutions) "mainly through bribes to officials of lower levels of government who abuse their official position, using it for the purpose of illegal profit or for other selfish purposes; obvious abuse of power by top officials, misappropriation of state property, land, concealment of wealth. In view of this, corruption has been perceived for many years by scholars and ordinary citizens as perhaps the greatest threat to the progress of socio-economic development of the state, its formation as a democracy. The problem of combating corruption as one of the most dangerous phenomena of modern Ukrainian society, which has penetrated almost all spheres of life, is extremely acute not only in Ukraine but also in many developed European countries, including Italy, Germany, Great Britain, etc.). It has been proved that anti-corruption bodies have never become independent and autonomous in their activities. They are often pressured by the Prosecutor General's Office, deputies, and interfere in the investigation, which, of course, alarms international partners and civil society

World Affairs ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 004382002110635
Azad Deewanee

This article explores the construction of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the People's Protection Units (YPG) in Turkish official discourse. In the article, I employ critical discourse analysis (CDA) to analyze written texts produced during the years 2014–2019 that reflect the position of the Turkish authorities. The article sets out the main narratives that construct the PYD and YPG as terrorist organizations and posits them as a threat to both Turkey and the international community. The analysis reveals that these narratives serve the purpose of delegitimizing the PYD and YPG and legitimizing Turkish military operations and violations against Syrian Kurds. It highlights that the Turkish official position regarding the PYD and YPG is driven by two ideological factors: first, the influence of Kurdish autonomy in Syria on the action of Kurds in Turkey, and second, the barrier that the PYD and YPG have created against the Islamist agenda of Turkey's Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Syria.

Екатерина Анатольевна Трегубова

В статье рассматривается вопрос о наличии коррупционной составляющей в деятельности уголовно-исполнительных инспекций ФСИН России при исполнении наказаний и мер уголовно-правового характера без изоляции от общества. Проведя анализ наказаний в виде запрета занимать определенные должности или заниматься определенной деятельностью, обязательные работы, исправительные работы, условное осуждение, автор отмечает, что при исполнении данных наказаний могут возникать правовые ситуации, которые позволяют сотрудникам уголовно-исполнительных инспекций, пользуясь своим служебным положением, допускать совершение коррупционных правонарушений. При этом в большинстве случаев коррупционная составляющая связана с наличием противоречий или неопределенностей в норме права. Устранение данных противоречий, неточностей в нормах права будет способствовать исключению случаев, когда для решения схожих ситуаций на практике возможно несколько вариантов. Также в статье отмечается, что наличие коррупционной составляющей в деятельности уголовно-исполнительных инспекций в немалой степени обусловлено удаленностью расположения от основного учреждения, что затрудняет осуществление контроля за деятельностью подчиненных сотрудников. В связи с этим есть и некоторые сложности в проведении мероприятия, направленных на профилактику коррупционных правонарушений среди личного состава. Автором делается вывод, что для минимизации коррупционной составляющей в деятельности уголовно-исполнительных инспекций необходимо привести в соответствие правовые нормы, которые содержат коррупциогенные факторы, а также уделять особое внимание лицам, которые назначаются на должности, связанные с исполнением наказаний и мер уголовно-правового характера без изоляции осужденных от общества. The article considers the issue of the presence of a corruption component in the activities of the criminal enforcement inspections of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the execution of punishments and measures of a criminal legal nature without isolation from society. Analyzing the types of punishments in the form of a ban on holding certain positions or engaging in certain activities, mandatory work, correctional work, a suspended sentence indicates that during the execution of these punishments, legal situations may arise that allow employees of criminal enforcement inspections, using their official position, to commit corruption offenses. At the same time, in most cases, the corruption component that may arise during the execution of these types of punishments is associated with the presence of contradictions or uncertainties in the rule of law. The elimination of these contradictions and inaccuracies in the norms of law will contribute to the exclusion of cases when several solutions are possible in practice in the same situations that arise. The article also reveals that the presence of a corruption component in the activities of criminal enforcement inspections is largely due to the remoteness of the location from the main institution, which makes it difficult to monitor the activities of subordinate employees. In this regard, there are also some difficulties in holding events aimed at preventing corruption offenses among the personnel. The author concludes that in order to minimize the corruption component in the activities of criminal enforcement inspections, it is necessary to bring into line the legal norms that contain corruption-causing factors, as well as pay special attention to persons who are appointed to positions related to the execution of punishments and measures of a criminal legal nature without isolating convicts from society.

2021 ◽  
Stephanie Lie Luxford

<p>“The History and Development of the Choice Principle” is split into different categories of Australian and New Zealand cases in relation to the choice principle: dividend stripping, tax loss grouping provisions, inflated deductions, and income splitting. It considers the official position of the Inland Revenue Department on the choice principle, and sets out arguments for and against the advantages of adopting the principle in New Zealand.</p>

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