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crystallographic preferred orientation
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Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1483
Monika Kučeráková ◽  
Jan Rohlíček ◽  
Stanislav Vratislav ◽  
Markéta Jarošová ◽  
Ladislav Kalvoda ◽  

Bivalve shells exhibit extreme mechanical resistance despite using a minimal amount of material. The shells thus represent an inspiration and a source of information for environmental, geological, and engineering sciences. In this study, two species of freshwater shells from the Unionidae family, collected in the Czech Luznice River, were investigated with respect to their crystallographic preferred orientation by means of X-ray and neutron diffraction. The observed texture was found to be of a strongly uniaxial type, with the strength increasing along the shell growth direction. The c-axis of aragonite does not change during growth and its alignment remains perpendicular to the outer surface of the shell

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 67-68
Uwe Kroner ◽  
Peter Hallas ◽  
Franz Müller

Abstract. For permanent nuclear waste disposal sites, crystalline rocks, especially granitic/granodioritic batholiths, are considered an appropriate host rock. Principally, three types of granitic plutons occur in the extra-alpine crystalline basement of Germany that were consolidated during the late Paleozoic Variscan orogeny of Central Europe: (i) Pre-Variscan voluminous granodiorites that are hardly affected by the subsequent continent–continent collision; (ii) voluminous granites in various tectonic settings intruded during the late orogenic stage of the Variscides; (iii) post-orogenic granites related to vast Permian intracontinental extension. Thus, in terms of the syn-intrusive tectonic setting and post-intrusive processes there are significant differences. Although it can be expected that different tectonic environments caused significant differences in the material properties, for Germany, however, there is no systematic study regarding the fabric of such plutonites. In order to find the most suitable “granite” we investigate the primary anisotropy of granites evolved during the emplacement and crystallization of the melt. For this we sample rocks of all three principal types and various syn-intrusive tectonic settings, i.e., compression, extension, strike-slip, transtension, and transpression. By means of combined measurements of the “Anisotropy of the Magnetic Susceptibility” and the “Shape Preferred Orientation” we characterize the syn-intrusive flow pattern, i.e., the magmatic foliation and lineation. The Crystallographic Preferred Orientation is analyzed by a combination of neutron time-of-flight experiments and electron backscatter diffraction measurements at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR, Dubna, Russia, and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg respectively. Furthermore, special attention is given to the systematic mapping of annealed microcracks evolved during late magmatic fluid escape and/or post-crystallization hydrothermal activity. In a second step we compare the primary anisotropy with the post-magmatic fracture pattern of the particular granites. Those fractures constitute probable fluid pathways and, thus, the first-order risk for a potential permanent nuclear waste disposal. All datasets are organized in a Geological Information System allowing for a complete traceability of the different investigation steps. The results of this study will serve as a basis for a future detailed exploration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 69-70
Rebecca Kühn ◽  
Michael Stipp ◽  
Bernd Leiss

Abstract. The physical properties of claystones, shales, and slates are highly dependent on the alignment of phyllosilicate minerals. With increasing overburdening, the shape and the crystallographic preferred orientation of these minerals are affected by uniaxial shortening as well as tectonic processes including recrystallization under elevated pressure and temperature conditions. The microstructural anisotropy expressed mainly by the alignment of phyllosilicates significantly predetermines the orientation of fractures, hence the shear strength and stability of clay-rich sediments and rocks. A quantitative analysis of phyllosilicate alignment is therefore essential to evaluate the properties and the mechanical behavior of these rocks. This can be carried out by analyzing the crystallographic preferred orientation (texture). Although texture analysis is a common tool in geosciences, it becomes more difficult in fine-grained rocks owing to for example particle size, heterogeneity, the polyphase composition, and difficulties in sample preparation. Methods such as electron backscatter diffraction, neutron diffraction, or laboratory X-ray diffraction are restricted with respect to preparation artifacts, sampling size and statistics, water content, etc. To overcome these issues, we successfully apply high-energy X-ray diffraction as available at synchrotron research facilities, e.g., at the German Electron Synchrotron Facility (DESY) in Hamburg, Germany, or the European Synchrotron Research Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. In combination with Rietveld refinement we analyze the bulk texture of phyllosilicate-rich rocks. Here we present the results of texture analysis from a wide range of these rocks: Pleistocene poorly consolidated mud (rocks), affected only by sedimentation and burial; more highly consolidated but tectonically largely unaffected Jurassic claystone from the Opalinus Formation of the Swabian Alb; Carboniferous shales from the Harz mountains representing low-grade metamorphic and deformed rocks. Our methodical approach to quantifying the microstructural anisotropy using texture analysis in fine-grained rocks allows for the quantification of physical properties resulting from the alignment of phyllosilicates. Furthermore, it enables the prediction of direction-dependent mechanical strength, which is crucial for the establishment of long-term repositories for radioactive waste in shales and claystones.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 995
Yuval Boneh ◽  
Emily J. Chin ◽  
Greg Hirth

Combined observations from natural and experimental deformation microstructures are often used to constrain the rheological properties of the upper mantle. However, relating natural and experimental deformation processes typically requires orders of magnitude extrapolation in strain rate due to vastly different time scales between nature and the lab. We examined a sheared peridotite xenolith that was deformed under strain rates comparable to laboratory shearing time scales. Microstructure analysis using an optical microscope and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was done to characterize the bulk crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO), intragrain misorientations, subgrain boundaries, and spatial distribution of grains. We found that the microstructure varied between monophase (olivine) and multiphase (i.e., olivine, pyroxene, and garnet) bands. Olivine grains in the monophase bands had stronger CPO, larger grain size, and higher internal misorientations compared with olivine grains in the multiphase bands. The bulk olivine CPO suggests a dominant (010)[100] and secondary activated (001)[100] that are consistent with the experimentally observed transition of the A to E-types. The bulk CPO and intragrain misorientations of olivine and orthopyroxene suggest that a coarser-grained initial fabric was deformed by dislocation creep coeval with the reduction of grain size due to dynamic recrystallization. Comparing the deformation mechanisms inferred from the microstructure with experimental flow laws indicates that the reduction of grain size in orthopyroxene promotes activation of diffusion creep and suggests a high activation volume for wet orthopyroxene dislocation creep.

2021 ◽  
Amicia Lee ◽  
Holger Stünitz ◽  
Mathieu Soret ◽  
Matheus Battisti

Unaltered mafic rocks consist of mechanically strong minerals (e.g. pyroxene, plagioclase and garnet) that can be deformed by crystal plastic mechanisms only at high temperatures (>800°C). Yet, many mafic rocks do show extensive deformation by non-brittle mechanisms when they have been subjected to lower temperature conditions. In such cases, the deformation typically is assisted by mineral reactions. Here we show that dissolution-precipitation creep (as a type of diffusion creep) plays a major role in deformation of gabbro lenses at upper amphibolite facies conditions. The Kågen gabbro exposed on south Arnøya is comprised of almost undeformed gabbro lenses with sheared margins wrapping around them. The shearing has taken place at temperatures of 690 ± 25 °C and pressures of 1.0 to 1.1 GPa. This contribution analyses the evolution of the microstructures and fabric of the low strain gabbro to high strain margins. Microstructural and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) data indicate that dissolution-precipitation creep is the dominant deformation mechanism, where dissolution of the gabbro took place in reacting phases of clinopyroxene and plagioclase, and precipitation took place in the form of new minerals: new plagioclase and clinopyroxene (with different composition), amphibole, and garnet. Amphibole shows a strong CPO that is primarily controlled by its preferential growth in the stretching direction. Synchronous deformation and mineral reactions of clinopyroxene suggest that mafic rocks can become mechanically weak during a general transformation weakening process, i.e. the interaction of mineral reaction and deformation by diffusion creep. The weakening is directly connected to a fluid-assisted transformation process that facilitates diffusion creep deformation of strong minerals at far lower stresses and temperatures than dislocation creep. Initially strong lithologies can become weak, provided that reactions can proceed during deformation; the transformation process itself is an important weakening mechanism in mafic (and other) rocks, facilitating deformation at low differential stresses and low stress exponents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 463-477
Valentin Basch ◽  
Martyn R. Drury ◽  
Oliver Plumper ◽  
Eric Hellebrand ◽  
Laura Crispini ◽  

Abstract. Melt transport mechanisms have an important impact on the chemical composition of the percolated host rock and the migrating melts. Melt migration is usually assumed to occur at grain boundaries. However, microstructural studies revealed the occurrence of polyphase inclusions along dislocations, subgrain boundaries and microcracks in single mineral grains. The inclusions are interpreted as crystallized melt pockets suggesting that melts can migrate within deformed crystals. Intracrystalline melt migration and diffusive re-equilibration can lead to significant mineral trace element enrichments when associated with dissolution–precipitation reactions. In this contribution, we study a body of replacive troctolites associated with the Erro-Tobbio ophiolitic mantle peridotites (Ligurian Alps, Italy). The replacive formation of the olivine-rich troctolite involved extensive impregnation of a dunitic matrix, i.e. partial dissolution of olivine and concomitant crystallization of interstitial phases. The olivine matrix is characterized by two distinct olivine textures: (i) coarse deformed olivine, representing relicts of the pre-existing mantle dunite matrix (olivine1), and (ii) fine-grained undeformed olivine, a product of the melt–rock interaction process (olivine2). Previous studies documented a decoupling between olivine texture and trace element composition, namely enriched trace element compositions in olivine1 rather than in olivine2, as would be expected from the dissolution–precipitation process. Notably, the trace element enrichments in deformed olivines are correlated with the occurrence of elongated 10 µm size polyphase inclusions (clinopyroxene, Ti-pargasite, chromite) preferentially oriented along olivine crystallographic axes. These inclusions show irregular contacts and have no crystallographic preferred orientation with the host olivine, and the phases composing the inclusions show similar chemical compositions to the vermicular phases formed at the grain boundaries during late-stage reactive crystallization of the troctolite. This suggests that the investigated inclusions did not form as exsolutions of the host olivine but rather by input of metasomatic fluids percolating through the deformed olivine grains during closure of the magmatic system. We infer that strongly fractionated volatile-rich melts were incorporated in oriented microfractures within olivine1 and led to the crystallization of the polyphase inclusions. The presence of intracrystalline melt greatly enhanced diffusive re-equilibration between the evolved melt and the percolated olivine1, in turn acquiring the enriched character expected in neoformed olivine crystals. Intracrystalline melt percolation can have strong geochemical implications and can lead to efficient re-equilibration of percolated minerals and rocks.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 842
Kouhei Asano ◽  
Katsuyoshi Michibayashi ◽  
Tomohiro Takebayashi

Deformation microstructures of peak metamorphic conditions in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks constrain the rheological behavior of deeply subducted crustal material within a subduction channel. However, studies of such rocks are limited by the overprinting effects of retrograde metamorphism during exhumation. Here, we present the deformation microstructures and crystallographic-preferred orientation data of minerals in UHP rocks from the Dabie–Shan to study the rheological behavior of deeply subducted continental material under UHP conditions. The studied samples preserve deformation microstructures that formed under UHP conditions and can be distinguished into two types: high-strain mafic–ultramafic samples (eclogite and garnet-clinopyroxenite) and low-strain felsic samples (jadeite quartzite). This distinction suggests that felsic rocks are less strained than mafic–ultramafic rocks under UHP conditions. We argue that the phase transition from quartz to coesite in the felsic rocks may explain the microstructural differences between the studied mafic–ultramafic and felsic rock samples. The presence of coesite, which has a higher strength than quartz, may result in an increase in the bulk strength of felsic rocks, leading to strain localization in nearby mafic–ultramafic rocks. The formation of shear zones associated with strain localization under HP/UHP conditions can induce the detachment of subducted crustal material from subducting lithosphere, which is a prerequisite for the exhumation of UHP rocks. These findings suggest that coesite has an important influence on the rheological behavior of crustal material that is subducted to coesite-stable depths.

2021 ◽  
Sheng Fan ◽  
David Prior ◽  
Travis Hager ◽  
Andrew Cross ◽  
David Goldsby ◽  

Kinking can accommodate significant amounts of strain during crystal plastic deformation under relatively large stresses and may influence the mechanical properties of cold planetary cryosphere. To better understand the origins, mechanisms, and microstructural effects of kinking, we present detailed microstructural analyses of coarse-grained ice (~1300 µm) deformed under uniaxial compression at -30°C. Microstructural data are generated using cryogenic electron backscattered diffraction (cryo-EBSD). Deformed samples have bimodal grain size distributions, with thin and elongated (aspect ratio ≥ 4) kink domains that develop within, or at the tips of, remnant original grains (≥ 300 µm, aspect ratio < 4). Small, equiaxed subgrains also develop along margins of remnant grains. Moreover, many remnant grains are surrounded by fine-grained mantles of small, recrystallized grains (< 300 µm, aspect ratio < 4). Together, these observations indicate that grain nucleation is facilitated by both kinking and dynamic recrystallization (via subgrain rotation). Low- (< 10°) and high-angle (mostly > 10°, many > 20°) kink bands within remnant grains have misorientation axes that lie predominantly within the basal plane. Moreover, previous studies suggest the kinematics of kinking and subgrain rotation should be fundamentally the same. Therefore, progressive kinking and subgrain rotation should be crystallographically controlled, with rotation around fixed misorientation axes. Furthermore, the c-axes of most kink domains are oriented sub-perpendicular to the sample compression axis, indicating a tight correlation between kinking and the development of crystallographic preferred orientation. Kink band densities are the highest within remnant grains that have basal planes sub-parallel to the compression axis (i.e., c-axes perpendicular to the compression axis)—these data are inconsistent with models suggesting that, if kinking is the only strain-accommodating process, there should be higher kink band densities within grains that have basal planes oblique to the compression axis (for low kink-host misorientation angles, e.g., ≤ 20°, as in this study). One way to rationalize this inconsistency between kink models and experimental observations is that kinking and dynamic recrystallization are both active during deformation, but their relative activities depend on the crystallographic orientations of grains. For grains with basal planes sub-parallel to the compression axis, strain-induced GBM is inhibited, and large intragranular strain incompatibilities can be relaxed via kinking, when other processes such as subgrain rotation recrystallization are insufficient. For grains with basal planes oblique to the compression axis, strain-induced grain boundary migration (GBM) might be efficient enough to relax the strain incompatibility via selective growth of these grains, and kinking is therefore less important. For grains with basal planes sub-perpendicular to the compression axis, kink bands are seldom observed—for these grains, the minimum shear stress required for kinking exceeds the applied compressive stress, such that kinks cannot nucleate.

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