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nasal bone
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Savitree Pranpanus ◽  
Kanokkarn Keatkongkaew ◽  
Manaphat Suksai

Abstract Background To establish the reference ranges and evaluate the efficacy of the fetal facial sonomarkers prenasal thickness (PT), nasal bone length (NBL), PT/NBL ratio and NBL/PT ratio for Down syndrome screening in the second trimester of high-risk pregnancies using two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound. Methods A prospective study was done in Thai pregnant women at high risk for structural and chromosomal abnormalities between May 2018 and May 2019. The main exclusion criteria were any fetal anatomical anomaly detected on ultrasonography or postpartum examination, abnormal chromosome or syndrome other than Down syndrome. Ultrasounds were performed in 375 pregnant women at 14 to 22 weeks’ gestation and the fetal facial parameters were analyzed. Down syndrome results were confirmed by karyotyping. The reference ranges of these facial ultrasound markers were constructed based on the data of our population. The Down syndrome screening performance using these facial ultrasound markers was evaluated. Results In total, 340 euploid fetuses and 11 fetuses with Down syndrome met the inclusion criteria. The PT, NBL, and PT/NBL ratios in the euploid fetuses gradually increased with gestation progression while the NBL/PT ratio gradually decreased between 14–22 weeks’ gestation. The NBL, PT/NBL ratio, and NBL/PT ratio all had 100% sensitivity and PT had 91% sensitivity. These facial markers had 100% negative predictive value for Down syndrome screening in the second trimester. The Bland–Altman analysis showed the intra- and inter-observer variations of PT and NBL had high intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) in both operators, with ICCs of 0.98 and 0.99 and inter-observer ICCs of 0.99 for both operators. Conclusion The facial ultrasound markers are very useful for second trimester Down syndrome screening in our population. These facial ultrasound markers were easily identifiable and highly consistent either intra- or inter-operator by using widely-available 2D ultrasound. However, the reference ranges for these markers need to be constructed based on individual populations. Trial registration Registration number: REC 61–029-12–3. Date of registration: 18 May 2018.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Ho Nguyen Anh Tuan ◽  
Nguyen Dao Xuan Hai ◽  
Nguyen Truong Thinh

In rhinoplasty, it is necessary to consider the correlation between the anthropometric indicators of the nasal bone, so that it prevents surgical complications and enhances the patient’s satisfaction. The penetrating form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation is highly impacted on human health, which has often raised concerns of alternative method for facial analysis. The critical stage to assess nasal morphology is the nasal analysis on its anthropology that is highly reliant on the understanding of the structural features of the nasal radix. For example, the shape and size of nasal bone features, skin thickness, and also body factors aggregated from different facial anthropology values. In medical diagnosis, however, the morphology of the nasal bone is determined manually and significantly relies on the clinician’s expertise. Furthermore, the evaluation anthropological keypoint of the nasal bone is nonrepeatable and laborious, also finding widely differ and intralaboratory variability in the results because of facial soft tissue and equipment defects. In order to overcome these problems, we propose specialized convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture to accurately predict nasal measurement based on digital 2D photogrammetry. To boost performance and efficacy, it is deliberately constructed with many layers and different filter sizes, with less filters and optimizing parameters. Through its result, the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) indicated the correlation between differences in human body factors mentioned are height, weight known as body mass index (BMI), age, gender, and the nasal bone dimension of the participant. With full of parameters could the nasal morphology be diagnostic continuously. The model’s performance is evaluated on various newest architecture models such as DenseNet, ConvNet, Inception, VGG, and MobileNet. Experiments were directly conducted on different facials. The results show the proposed architecture worked well in terms of nasal properties achieved which utilize four statistical criteria named mean average precision (mAP), mean absolute error (MAE), R -square ( R 2 ), and T -test analyzed. Data has also shown that the nasal shape of Southeast Asians, especially Vietnamese, could be divided into different types in two perspective views. From cadavers for bony datasets, nasal bones can be classified into 2 morphological types in the lateral view which “V” shape was presented by 78.8% and the remains were “S” shape evaluated based on Lazovic (2015). With 2 angular dimension averages are 136.41 ± 7.99 and 104.25 ± 5.95 represented by the nasofrontal angle (g-n-prn) and the nasomental angle (n-prn-sn), respectively. For frontal view, classified by Hwang, Tae-Sun, et al. (2005), nasal morphology of Vietnamese participants could be divided into three types: type A was present in 57.6% and type B was present in 30.3% of the noses. In particular, types C, D, and E were not a common form of Vietnamese which includes the remaining number of participants. In conclusion, the proposed model performed the potential hybrid of CNN and BPNN with its application to give expected accuracy in terms of keypoint localization and nasal morphology regression. Nasal analysis can replace MRI imaging diagnostics that are reflected by the risk to human body.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 506
Yu-Jin Seol ◽  
Young-Jae Kim ◽  
Yoon-Sang Kim ◽  
Young-Woo Cheon ◽  
Kwang-Gi Kim

This paper reported a study on the 3-dimensional deep-learning-based automatic diagnosis of nasal fractures. (1) Background: The nasal bone is the most protuberant feature of the face; therefore, it is highly vulnerable to facial trauma and its fractures are known as the most common facial fractures worldwide. In addition, its adhesion causes rapid deformation, so a clear diagnosis is needed early after fracture onset. (2) Methods: The collected computed tomography images were reconstructed to isotropic voxel data including the whole region of the nasal bone, which are represented in a fixed cubic volume. The configured 3-dimensional input data were then automatically classified by the deep learning of residual neural networks (3D-ResNet34 and ResNet50) with the spatial context information using a single network, whose performance was evaluated by 5-fold cross-validation. (3) Results: The classification of nasal fractures with simple 3D-ResNet34 and ResNet50 networks achieved areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 94.5% and 93.4% for binary classification, respectively, both indicating unprecedented high performance in the task. (4) Conclusions: In this paper, it is presented the possibility of automatic nasal bone fracture diagnosis using a 3-dimensional Resnet-based single classification network and it will improve the diagnostic environment with future research.

Khaled Badran ◽  
Amjed Tarifi ◽  
Amjad Shatarat ◽  
Darwish Badran

Objectives: Review of radiological images of the keystone area to assess risk of disruption to the nasal dorsum when separating the osseo-cartilaginous junction in septoplasty. Methods: A Cross sectional radiological study of adults who underwent CT scan of paranasal sinuses. Outcome measures included were: The Length of the keystone area (shorter length implies a higher risk of disruption) and a high-risk shape (high risk shape implies shorter keystone area) that can predispose to disruption of nasal dorsal integrity during septoplasty surgery. Certain nasal dimensions were evaluated to determine if they add risk to the dorsum. Results: CT scans of 343 patients were reviewed. The mean keystone area length was initially 10.42 mm that came down to 7.43 mm after adjustment in patients with high-risk shape. 31.5% of subjects were at risk of disruption to the dorsum due to short keystone area length <5 mm. Relatively shorter nasal bones (nasal bone length: overall dorsal length <0.49%) were associated with a shorter keystone area length (P = 0.004). Age, gender, septal deviation are not risk factors as they did not significantly influence keystone area length. Conclusions: One third of our patients (31.5%) had short KSA length < 5mm which carries higher risk of disruption to the dorsum integrity upon complete detachment of osseo-cartilaginous junction. We recommend preoperative CT imaging for thorough evaluation and precise measurement of KSA. Patients with relatively shorter nasal bones detected on examination (and confirmed radiologically), need to be recognized as they are more likely to have shorter KSA

Polymers ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 188
Fabricio Egidio Pandini ◽  
Fabíola Mayumi Miyauchi Kubo ◽  
Ana Maria de Guzzi Plepis ◽  
Virginia da Conceição Amaro Martins ◽  
Marcelo Rodrigues da Cunha ◽  

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the use of collagen, elastin, or chitosan biomaterial for bone reconstruction in rats submitted or not to experimental alcoholism. Wistar male rats were divided into eight groups, submitted to chronic alcohol ingestion (G5 to G8) or not (G1 to G4). Nasal bone defects were filled with clot in animals of G1 and G5 and with collagen, elastin, and chitosan grafts in G2/G6, G3/G7, and G4/G8, respectively. Six weeks after, all specimens underwent radiographic, tomographic, and microscopic evaluations. Bone mineral density was lower in the defect area in alcoholic animals compared to the abstainer animals. Bone neoformation was greater in the abstainer groups receiving the elastin membrane and in abstainer and alcoholic rats receiving the chitosan membrane (15.78 ± 1.19, 27.81 ± 0.91, 47.29 ± 0.97, 42.69 ± 1.52, 13.81 ± 1.60, 18.59 ± 1.37, 16.54 ± 0.89, and 37.06 ± 1.17 in G1 to G8, respectively). In conclusion, osteogenesis and bone density were more expressive after the application of the elastin matrix in abstainer animals and of the chitosan matrix in both abstainer and alcoholic animals. Chronic alcohol ingestion resulted in lower bone formation and greater formation of fibrous connective tissue.

Li-Yao Cong ◽  
Zhi-Feng Liao ◽  
Yun-Song Zhang ◽  
Dong-Ni Li ◽  
Sheng-Kang Luo

Abstract Background A comprehensive understanding of arterial variations around the midline of the nose is of great importance for the safety of filler injection. Objectives The aim of the study was to clearly define the 3D location of the arteries along the midline of the nasal bone. Methods The arterial structures overlapping the nasal bone along the midline were observed in seventy-nine cadavers. Results The present study found that 0~3 named arteries per nose segment could be identified. All of the arterial structures were located in or above the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) layer overlapping the nasal bone. The probability of encountering named arteries at five defined points, P1-P5, was 5/79 (6.3%), 4/79 (5.1%), 1/79 (1.3%), 6/79 (7.6%) and 9/79 (11.4%), respectively. The depth of the main arterial trunk was 1.2 ± 0.4 mm, 1.6 ± 0.6 mm, 1.8 ± 0 mm, 1.0 ± 0.4 mm, 0.9 ± 0.5 mm below the skin at P1-P5, respectively. Conclusions We confirmed that sub-SMAS injection along the midline through a needle is anatomically reliable and that a technique with one entry point through the rhinion via a cannula can easily keep the needle sufficiently deep for safe nasal filler injection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yunyun Liu ◽  
Xiaosha Jing ◽  
Lingling Xing ◽  
Sha Liu ◽  
Jianlong Liu ◽  

Background: We aimed to assess the clinical application of noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS) based on second-trimester ultrasonographic soft markers (USMs) in low-risk pregnant women.Methods: Data of pregnant women between April 2015 and December 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Pregnant women [age at expected date of confinement (EDC) of &lt;35 years; low risks for trisomy 21 (T21) and trisomy 18 (T18) based on maternal serum screening; presenting second-trimester USMs (7 types)] who successfully underwent NIPS and had available follow-up information were included in our study. Cases with positive NIPS results were prenatally diagnosed. All patients were followed up for 6 months to 2 years after NIPS, and their clinical outcomes were obtained. Subgroup analyses were performed according to the different USMs.Results: NIPS suggested that among a total of 10,023 cases, 37 (0.37%) were at high risk of aneuploidy, including 4 T21, 6 trisomy 13 (T13), and 27 sex chromosome abnormalities (SCA). Ten cases with aneuploidy (0.10%) were confirmed by prenatal diagnosis, consisting of two T21 and eight SCA. The eight fetuses with SCA consisted of one monosomy X, two XXY, one XXXY, one XXX, one XYY, and two mosaicisms. T21 was detected in one fetus with absent or hypoplastic nasal bone and one fetus with echogenic intracardiac focus (EICF). SCA was detected in five fetuses with EICF, two fetuses with multiple soft markers, and one fetus with echogenic bowel. The positive rate of chromosomal aneuploidy was significantly higher in fetuses with absent or hypoplastic nasal bone (6.25 vs. 0.10%, p = 0.017), echogenic bowel (3.7 vs. 0.10%, p = 0.029), and multiple soft markers (0.678 vs. 0.10%, p = 0.045) than in the total fetuses. The positive predictive values (PPVs) of NIPS in these three groups were 100%, 50%, and 100%, respectively. EICF accounted for 93.25% (9,346/10,023) of the study population, whereas the PPV of NIPS was only 20%.Conclusion: NIPS is an advanced screening test for low-risk pregnant women. In the 10,023 pregnant women sampled, SCA were more common than autosomal trisomy, and EICF was the most frequent USM but the least predictive aneuploidy. Further aneuploidy evaluation is suggested for low-risk pregnant women whose ultrasound indicates absent or hypoplastic nasal bone, echogenic bowel, or multiple soft markers. NIPS can serve as a second-line complementary screening for these women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 319-323
Ji Hyuk Jung ◽  
Yeo Reum Jeon ◽  
Joon Ho Song ◽  
Seum Chung

Background: Prophylactic antibiotics are used to prevent surgical wound infection; however, proper indications must be followed with careful consideration of the risks and benefits, especially in clean or clean-contaminated wounds. Nasal bone fractures are the most common type of facial bone fracture. The most common method for treating nasal bone fracture is closed reduction, which is performed inside the nasal cavity without an incision. The purpose of this study was to determine the need for antibiotic use in the closed reduction of nasal bone fractures.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted using data from the National Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital of the Republic of Korea between 2016 and 2018. The records of patients who underwent closed reduction of nasal bone fracture were reviewed and classified according to sex, age, comorbidities, perioperative antibiotic usage, postoperative complications, nasal packing, anesthesia type, surgeon’s specialty, and operation time.Results: Among the 373 patients studied, the antibiotic prescription rate was 67.3%. Just 0.8% of patients were prescribed preoperative antibiotics only, 44.0% were prescribed postoperative antibiotics only, and 22.5% were prescribed both preoperative and postoperative antibiotics. There were no cases that satisfied the definition of “surgical site infection.” Furthermore, 2.1% of infection-related complications (e.g., mucosal swelling, synechia, and anosmia) occurred only in the antibiotic usage group. The use of nasal packing, anesthesia type, and surgeon’s specialty did not show any difference in infection-related complication rates.Conclusion: According to the study findings, the routine use of perioperative antibiotics is not recommended in uncomplicated nasal bone fracture surgery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 269-273
Mohini M Joshi ◽  
Sushama K Chavan

The piriform aperture (PA) is the skeletal aperture located in the middle part of the face. There are many variations in morphometric measurements of nasal bones, piriform apertures and their shapes in different population. Objective of present study was to study morphological and morphometric features of nasal bone and piriform aperture. Adult human skulls available from collection of dried skulls were used for study purpose. Skull bones of unknown age and sex were obtained. Height, width of nasal bone, height, upper and lower width of piriform aperture, shapes of nasal bone and piriform aperture were observed. Height, upper width and lower width of piriform aperture were greater in male as compared to female. This difference was not statistically significant for upper width of piriform aperture (p=0.49) and for lower width of piriform aperture (p= 0.65) while the difference in height of piriform aperture was statistically significant. (p &#60;0.0001).Differences in Height and width of nasal bone were not statistically significant among male and female nasal bones. Most common shape of nasal bone observed was Type A followed by Type B and C. Most common shape of piriform aperture was triangular to oval (50.00) in both the gender. Majority finding of the present study are in concordance with Indian population studies while significant differences have been noted in comparison to the morphometric measurements of Turkish, Korean, Brazilian and Anatolian population. These variations might be because of differences in ethnicity.

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