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housing design
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 738
Branislava Stoiljković

Relations among neighbors are a key indicator of the strength of a local social community, contribute to social cohesion and are an important factor in achieving a higher level of social sustainability. On the other hand, the environment in which people live plays an important role in encouraging social contacts and developing relationships between people. In order to establish social interactions between neighbors within a multifamily apartment building (MFAB), it is necessary to provide adequate spaces for communication between residents. This was especially emphasized during the mobility restrictions caused by COVID-19, although this necessity is permanent. This paper analyzes the influence of the physical characteristics of common spaces in MFABs on the quality and intensity of contacts among residents of MFABs in the City of Niš, Serbia. In order to determine the current quality of these spaces as a physical framework for interactions among residents and to identify the wishes of users regarding interactions with neighbors in these spaces before and during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, a survey was conducted. The analysis of the survey results and numerous examples of housing design led to (1) the formation of guidelines for future designs of MFABs and (2) recommendations for redefining the standards regulating the field of housing construction in the region, both applicable during the period of the pandemic and after it.

Homa Bahmani ◽  
Wei Zhang

Although recent studies have provided explanations for the causes of success and failure in recovery projects following socio-natural disasters, there is a need for a concise understanding of how different combinations of factors may contribute to recovery failure or success. In this study, to examine the community recovery pathways after the 2003 Bam earthquake, we conducted a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis of 11 neighborhoods in Bam city and Baravat (the neighborhoods represent the division of the areas damaged by the earthquake, as presented by local government). The success of socio-natural disaster recovery projects is presented in three pathways in which the absence or presence of public engagement had a significant influence on the results. The results indicate that a recovery project should respond to the needs of the project within the continuous lifecycle of the project. Additionally, on the one hand, public participation and prompt rescue operations have a significant effect on project success. On the other hand, neglecting the needs of people and the area’s climate in housing design have led to project failure. It is expected that the findings from this study can be used to develop strategies for empowering people in recovery projects and to develop housing guidelines that respect residents’ needs while focusing on on-time and sufficient rescue processes. However, care should be taken when applying the present findings in practice, because every socio-natural disaster is unique and requires careful consideration of complex sets of features.

Designs ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Afaq Hyder Chohan

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a multiracial society with diverse housing and a potential real estate market. This study focused on users’ perceptions of the designs of available and affordable private housing stock in Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman, which are the most populated states (emirates) of the UAE. A literature review and case studies of low- to medium-rise residential buildings were used to determine the parameters defining affordable housing design, and a model was developed of 7 design segments (independent variables) with 39 dependent variables. The model consists of a matrix of 39 design variables, in which each variable is set in a survey tool with a Likert scale to evaluate user satisfaction levels with the designs of their respective buildings. Questionnaires were distributed among the inhabitants of several buildings at different locations in the emirates. This study found that 16 anomalous design factors failed to satisfy users. It is likely that the results of this study will provide a blueprint for dialogue between regional building designers and end users to improve the designs of new buildings. The resulting design assessment matrix can be used for the analysis of residential buildings in other parts of the Gulf Cooperation Council region.

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00005
Liang Chou Hsia

A sustainable animal production can improve the efficiency of animal production and recycle of animal waste, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It can be achieved by firstly, properly operation of animal production, such as improvement by animal breeding, synthesis of amino acids, improvement by animal nutrition, good housing design, phase feeding system, liquid feeding system, using left over of one day bakery and biscuit factory, left over of vegetable and fruit market, new methods to plant Leucaena or mulberry to feed goats, grass or fodder plant in hydroponic house for sustainable farming. Secondly, good waste management, such as transferring waste to no contaminant material and even to useful material, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, liquid waste management, and solid waste treatment. All these subjects also need to consider the interaction between knowledge, e.g. breeding and nutrition need to consider about environmental temperature factors; waste management needs to consider about nutrient requirement by vegetable, fruit, etc. A sustainable animal production is a kind of science integrated different knowledge together, then you can achieve some good results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 87-99
Philipp Wehage ◽  
Elke Pahl-Weber

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 412-424
Alejandro Daniel Murga González ◽  
Génesis Rubí Nájera Morga ◽  
Camilo Caraveo Mena

The Industry 4.0 is a consequence of the evolution in technological advances, which has allowed and the use of new tools for simulation, digital integration, fabrication flexibility, and personalization to achieve new product design solutions. The importance and actuality of this revolution have had a great impact on the engineering and design education system, and this is the case of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology Sciences (FCITEC), from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), where the implementation of gadget prototyping has been encouraged. This ongoing work is intended to delineate the methodological, pedagogical, and ergonomic aspects of gadget prototyping with platforms such as Arduino and NodeMCU, and its benefits to the Industrial Design (ID) Discipline. It is a project that started in 2018 with the scope of understanding interactivity, usability, and multidisciplinary collaboration, which are key for a designer’s profile. In this sense, User-Centered Design methodology is used as a framework for usable product development, with the aid of task, interface, and housing design. Specific tools of particular interest are persona design, interface analysis, and cognitive architecture outline. Important results so far include 1) student-made prototypes, 2) usability workshops in international congresses, 3) intellectual property registration, and 4) academic course designs.

Marion Reinosa

Deltaic settlements worldwide are facing unprecedented challenges. This is especially the case in the Mekong Delta, where high population density, capital, and service provision increasingly intersect to expose vulnerable communities to the adverse effects of climate change. Due to a limited understanding of climate change, the presence of unique hydrological phenomena, and anthropogenic actions, the complex situation of the delta and its settlements has led to the implementation of inadequate architectural and urban solutions. This has caused abrupt socio-economic changes, shifting from an ecological integration mindset to a normative and disruptive approach resulting in the imposition of unsuitable models. Community capacity, which includes low-cost, circular and reuse practices, can offer more ecological perspectives on sustainable building in the delta. Illustrating local in-depth environmental expertise, communities have developed socially and environmentally adapted construction cultures. This paper argues for an alternative paradigm in which cities and settlements promote and integrate local building knowledge to enable architectural and urban forms to play a leading role in the resilience of South-Vietnamese deltaic cities and to mitigate developmental impact on the environment. Findings show a diversity of options and capacities at the local scale and flexibility in housing design. They also show that persistent gaps in policymaking and inconsistent perception of risk affects architectural and urban climate resilience. The discussion and conclusion advance the potential of local capacity in the building of South-Vietnamese deltaic cities, the need to integrate local knowledge and community capacity into policy, and the necessity to better assess local perception barriers to formulate localised, integrated and multisector policies to build resilient and sustainable South-Vietnamese settlements.

2021 ◽  
Yukiko Kuboshima

<p>The ageing population is growing rapidly in New Zealand, and those with high-care needs are increasing at an even higher rate. Government policy calls for ageing-in-place,staying in their own home as long as possible, without entering residential care. Subsequently, there is a growing need for housing that accommodates the impairments and care requirements that typically correspond with ageing. Recently a reduced quality of life (QoL) was reported in one of the independent living options specifically designed for the elderly with care needs in New Zealand. Without change to housing that offers support and care for the elderly, the reduced QoLof residents is likely to remain a problem.  A review of extensive literature onQoL and the role of architecture identifies a number of gaps in existing knowledge about housing design that facilitates the QoL of those elderly with high needs. These gaps include that, while the role of architecture is already established with regard to facilitating independence and control, there have been only limited insights into housing design that facilitates a wider range of aspects of QoL such as facilitating personal identity, important activities, relationships and maintaining high quality of care.Given the absence of design frameworks that are useful for designing housing that improves the QoL of the high-needs elderly in New Zealand,this research develops a holistic framework for housing design that improves the QoLfor this cohort.  Two phases of survey are conducted in three types of senior housing complexes: retirement villages, and both public and private rental housing for the elderly. First, data on the current situations regarding these housing types, focusing on the models of care and physical environments as well as residents’ care requirements, are obtained through two types of questionnaires. This preliminary survey is followed by a qualitative, ethnographical investigation for the QoL of residents that relate to physical environments. Through semi-structured interviews and full-day observation of 30 elderly people who receive assistance in daily life and their caregivers, as well as documentation of physical environments, data are gathered on their perceptions and spatial use. Numerous themes for QoL emerge and are categorised into six main headings: Control in daily activities, Meaningful leisure activities, Meaningful relationships, Maintenance of possessions, Comfort and Quality of care.  A number of design requirements are then identified and discussed with reference to existing knowledge, which leads to the development of a design framework. Housing that improves QoL needs to accommodate a variety of needs that reflect diverse individual preferences, circumstances and types of impairments. There is a need for reorganisation of space to accommodate caregivers, valuable relationships and personal possessions. The careful design of micro space greatly improves residents’ control. The design of a complex is also influential on QoL, particularly for facilitating activities as well as maintaining both privacy and connection. Finally, the potential to implement the framework is examined through designing example models of housing units and complexes. The design framework developed through this research has great potential to improve a wide range of aspects of QoL for the high-needs elderly in New Zealand, thereby helping them maintain satisfying and independent living longer.</p>

2021 ◽  
Patrick Waller

<p>As the world becomes increasingly urbanised, cities are forced to manage significant population increases. Jakarta, in Indonesia, has a significant population that is visibly living below the poverty line which suggests the city was not fully prepared to accommodate the radical growth. With such a large number of people living in poverty, and there being a lack of affordable housing Jakarta faces an issue where a significant number of these people are forced to live in informal settlements, which are spread throughout the city. These informal settlements, known as Kampungs are typically made up of dense clusters of single or two story residential structures packed together in communal areas. The erection of these houses often results in unplanned but functional networks of footpaths. These urban arrangements normally have a lack of sanitary infrastructure. The government’s current plans to mitigate this issue are by forced evictions, and moving the informal settlement residents into subsidised social housing apartment buildings. Generally, people are against these forced evictions and in many cases they are forced to leave, or simply rebuild on top of the rubble of their old homes. How can architecture support the existing social connections within the community, while improving the living conditions of the residents in the informal settlements of Jakarta? This research proposes a community centre design which is able to provide necessary facilities to the informal settlements. Although the residents are not in need of a new housing design, this research focuses on providing facilities to improve the quality of life. The research takes into account extensive site, literature, and precedent analysis; to develop a design criteria which aims to produce positive neighbourhood development. Traditional Indonesian architecture has a heavy influence on the form and construction material, with the intention to give the opportunity for the community to get involved in the construction and maintenance of the building. The final design result is a community centre with a large auditorium space for community gatherings, and support spaces which include emergency accommodation, teaching facilities, exhibition space, workshop space, sanitary facilities, recycling management centre, and retail spaces. This architectural intervention provides a place for the community to come together and to have a better quality of life while still being able to live in their personally constructed and designed homes.</p>

2021 ◽  
Yukiko Kuboshima

<p>The ageing population is growing rapidly in New Zealand, and those with high-care needs are increasing at an even higher rate. Government policy calls for ageing-in-place,staying in their own home as long as possible, without entering residential care. Subsequently, there is a growing need for housing that accommodates the impairments and care requirements that typically correspond with ageing. Recently a reduced quality of life (QoL) was reported in one of the independent living options specifically designed for the elderly with care needs in New Zealand. Without change to housing that offers support and care for the elderly, the reduced QoLof residents is likely to remain a problem.  A review of extensive literature onQoL and the role of architecture identifies a number of gaps in existing knowledge about housing design that facilitates the QoL of those elderly with high needs. These gaps include that, while the role of architecture is already established with regard to facilitating independence and control, there have been only limited insights into housing design that facilitates a wider range of aspects of QoL such as facilitating personal identity, important activities, relationships and maintaining high quality of care.Given the absence of design frameworks that are useful for designing housing that improves the QoL of the high-needs elderly in New Zealand,this research develops a holistic framework for housing design that improves the QoLfor this cohort.  Two phases of survey are conducted in three types of senior housing complexes: retirement villages, and both public and private rental housing for the elderly. First, data on the current situations regarding these housing types, focusing on the models of care and physical environments as well as residents’ care requirements, are obtained through two types of questionnaires. This preliminary survey is followed by a qualitative, ethnographical investigation for the QoL of residents that relate to physical environments. Through semi-structured interviews and full-day observation of 30 elderly people who receive assistance in daily life and their caregivers, as well as documentation of physical environments, data are gathered on their perceptions and spatial use. Numerous themes for QoL emerge and are categorised into six main headings: Control in daily activities, Meaningful leisure activities, Meaningful relationships, Maintenance of possessions, Comfort and Quality of care.  A number of design requirements are then identified and discussed with reference to existing knowledge, which leads to the development of a design framework. Housing that improves QoL needs to accommodate a variety of needs that reflect diverse individual preferences, circumstances and types of impairments. There is a need for reorganisation of space to accommodate caregivers, valuable relationships and personal possessions. The careful design of micro space greatly improves residents’ control. The design of a complex is also influential on QoL, particularly for facilitating activities as well as maintaining both privacy and connection. Finally, the potential to implement the framework is examined through designing example models of housing units and complexes. The design framework developed through this research has great potential to improve a wide range of aspects of QoL for the high-needs elderly in New Zealand, thereby helping them maintain satisfying and independent living longer.</p>

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