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frequency index
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2021 ◽  
pp. 377-381
Е.Г. Юрченко ◽  
А.А. Лукьянова ◽  
И.В. Горбунов

Для понимания формирования закономерностей грибных сообществ и реакции ампелоценозов на усиление абиотических и антропогенных нагрузок изучение ассоциаций растений и грибов имеет важное значение. Целью исследований было установить количественный и качественный состав сообществ микромицетов, ассоциированных с однолетними побегами дикорастущих растений винограда в естественных условиях пойменных лесов Краснодарского края. В результате исследований было установлено, что на поверхности однолетних лоз численность грибных популяций достигала 837,6 КОЕ/г сухого вещества в образце, произрастающем на склоне и 1191,7 КОЕ/г сухого вещества в образце лозы произрастающей в пойме реки Псебепс. В комплексе микромицетов доля гифальных грибов составляла 93,7-95,9%, дрожжи занимали 3,7-5,9 и 0,4% - дрожжеподобные грибы. Гифальные микромицеты были представлены 7 видами и стерильной формой светлого мицелия. По частоте встречаемости первое место заняли грибы родов Phoma, Botryodiplodia, Cladosporium, Alternaria (100%), второе место - Coryneum (70%). Следующую группу микромицетов с частотой встречаемости 14% составили грибы из рода Fusarium и Aspergillus niger Tiegh. В качестве доминант на однолетней лозе дикорастущего винограда отмечены микромицеты родов Phoma (46,75%) и Botryodiplodia (43,15%). Доля видов рода Cladosporium spp. и Coryneum spp. в общем объеме микромицетов составляла 4,6 и 3,85 % соответственно. Различия в количестве и соотношении таксонов грибов, исследованных биообразцов связаны, вероятно, с различным режимом влажности. To understand the pattern formation of fungal communities and the reaction of ampelocenoses to increased abiotic and anthropogenic loads, the study of plant and fungal associations is important. The aim of the research was to establish the quantitative and qualitative composition of micromycete communities associated with annual shoots of wild-growing grape plants in natural conditions of floodplain forests of the Krasnodar Territory. As a result of the research, it was found that on the surface of annual vines, the number of fungal populations reached 837,6 CFU/g of dry matter in a sample growing on a slope and 1191,7 CFU/g of dry matter in a sample of a vine growing in the floodplain of the Psebeps River. In the micromycete complex, the proportion of hyphal fungi was 93,7%-95,9%, yeast - 3,7%-5,9% and yeast-like fungi - 0,4%. Hyphal micromycetes were represented by 7 species and a sterile form of light mycelium. According to the frequency index, the first place was taken by fungi of the genera Phoma , Botryodiplodia , Cladosporium , Alternaria (100%), the second place was taken by Coryneum (70%). The next group of micromycetes with a frequency index of 14% consisted of fungi from the genus Fusarium and Aspergillus niger Tiegh. Micromycetes of the genera Phoma (46,75%) and Botryodiplodia (43,15%) were registered as dominants on the annual vines of wild-growing grapes. The proportion of species of the genera Cladosporium spp. and Coryneum spp. in the total volume of micromycetes was 4,6% and 3,85%, respectively. The differences in the number and ratio of fungal taxa and the studied biological samples are probably related to the different humidity regime.

2021 ◽  
Vol 915 (1) ◽  
pp. 012006
L Shevchuk ◽  
L Vasilіeva ◽  
R Romaniuk ◽  
O Pavliuchenko

Abstract Species diversity and frequency index of bivalve mollusks’ of unionid family are researched within river basins of Ukraine. The largest frequency index of mussels is identified in the Prypiat and Desna basins (84 and 79% respectively), then (as the indicator declines) – the Dnieper and Severskiy Donets basins (74 and 67%), the Southern Bug and Danube (47 and 46%), the Southern and Western Bug (47 and 28%), the Crimea (17%). No mollusks were found in the Azov basin at all. Most often (33%) there were found groups consisting of only three unpretentious species (Unio pictorum, U. tumidus, Anodonta anatina). In general, settlements from one to three species make up 70% of all researched collecting sites. Settlements formed by four species are identified only in 23% of habitats. Only 6% of settlements consisted of five aboriginal species and about 1% – of six. Locations where six species lived together were identified only in the Danube and Prypiat basins. There are no settlements of five species in the Western Bug and Desna basins at all, and there are not any even four species settlements in the Crimea. The obtained data can be used for organizing environmental activities and assessing water environment quality

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-95
Chinmayee Panda ◽  
Urmila Bhanja

2021 ◽  
Vol 206 (Supplement 3) ◽  
Kevin Rychik ◽  
Max Edeson ◽  
Jeffrey Weiss ◽  
Wade Bushman ◽  
Jerry Blaivas

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-147
Laila Familiar

Qingsong Feng ◽  
Zhiye Liu ◽  
Jian Jiang ◽  
Xiaoyan Lei ◽  
Xiankui Wei

In this study, the possibility of using the rail vibration frequency to assess the longitudinal temperature force on the rail of ballasted track was investigated experimentally. An empirical formula was subsequently derived to link the frequency index to multiple factors, including the longitudinal temperature force, under-rail stiffness, and fastener spacing. Further tests were conducted to analyse the applicability and accuracy of the frequency index in continuous longitudinal force measurements under different line conditions (i.e. in the non-expansion zone and expansion zone). A technique for using the frequency index to assess the longitudinal temperature force was finally developed. The main results are as follows. (1) The first-order pinned–pinned modal frequency and peak frequency of the mid-span response are very close, and they both change linearly with the longitudinal temperature force on the rail. The rate of change in the vertical direction is larger than that in the horizontal direction. (2) Even if influenced by multiple factors, the peak frequency of the rail mid-span response is suitable for continuous longitudinal temperature force assessment under appropriate measures, and longitudinal temperature force detection could be realized with proper preparation. (3) Using the mid-span response frequency to detect the temperature force of rail located in the expansion zone causes deviation of the results, and under-rail materials whose stiffnesses are insensitive to temperature help reduce this deviation.

2021 ◽  
Minyahel Tilahun ◽  
Tena Alemu ◽  
Shimelis Mengistu ◽  
Wondessen Ayalew ◽  
Abera Hailu

Abstract Background Sheka forest is the last indigenous forest in Ethiopia. Plant species are important for the production of different honey types used for both consumption and healing purpose. Healing purposes of plant species used for honey production has not been well documented. Documentation of the community honey based ethno pharmacological knowledge can provide huge significance in the process of subjective interpretation. Materials and Methods The study employed ethnographic descriptive and explanatory research design which participate 40 healers from Sheka forest, Ethiopia Quantitative analytical tools such as relative frequency citation (RFC), use value (UV), cultural importance index (CI), relative importance (RI), frequency index (FI) and informants consensus factor (ICF). Results Six major plant species have been identified in the study area. Honey made from Scheflera abyssinica (Geteme) had higher relative importance (1.67), relative frequency citations (0.55), citation index and frequency index (100). Honey from Vernonia amygdaline (Girawa) was used basically to treat human ailments such as diarrhea and Tonsillitis. Honey from Ficus vasta (Sholla) was primarily used to treat coughing, itching and allergy. Syzgiu guineense (Dokima) and Guizotia schimperi (Meskel Abeba) honeys were primarily used as cosmetics and to protect skin from excessive cold. Scheflera abyssinica honey was used for treat of almost all of the above listed ailments. Ailments like cosmetics and excessive cold, Tonsillitis and Itching and Allergy had a higher Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) of 0.86, 22 0.82 and 0.80, respectively. Wound and Foot and Mouth diseases were the only two livestock ailments treated by five different honey types. Conclusion Six plant species used for medicinal honey production that treated eight ailments have been identified. Scheflera abyssinica (Geteme) honey used for the treatment of eight human ailments. Honey treatment for Tonsillitis and itching and allergy had a higher Informant Consensus Factor.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Xiaoyan Ning ◽  
Bo Zhang ◽  
Zhenduo Wang

IEEE Access ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 118996-119009
Vasco R. J. Velez ◽  
Joao Pedro C. B. B. Pavia ◽  
Nuno M. B. Souto ◽  
Pedro J. A. Sebastiao ◽  
Americo M. C. Correia

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