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metacognitive regulation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Haoyuan Zheng ◽  
Yang Dong ◽  
YuanKe Sun ◽  
Jie Yang ◽  
Chongbo Yuan ◽  

This study investigated the effect of metacognitive regulation (McR) intervention on attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) students’ astronomy knowledge acquisition and learning motivation. Through a cognitive-behavioural treatment design, this study selected 97 ADHD learners who had poor academic performance. This study divided ADHD students randomly into one experimental group and one control group. After 15 weeks of intervention, results showed that the experimental group students performed significantly better than the control group in scientific abilities, learning motivation, and metacognition. Results suggested that the McR intervention is an effective approach for improving the ADHD students’ science knowledge learning abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13083
Lourdes Viana-Sáenz ◽  
Sylvia Sastre-Riba ◽  
Mª Luz Urraca-Martínez

The current understanding of high intellectual ability (HIA) involves considering the multidimensional nature of the skills that comprise it. In addition, conceptual advances related to how individuals manage the high intellectual resources available to them may help explain the possible gap between performance and high levels of competence. Understanding the role of executive functioning and metacognition in relation to the management of these resources is essential. Nonetheless, to date, the trajectory of their study is diverse, and empirical and measured evidence in this regard is limited. Thus, the objective of this work was to understand the relationship between executive functions and metacognition (and its components), as well as the measurement of these factors and their reliability. The study sample comprised schoolchildren (n = 43) with an HIA and a control group (n = 46) of schoolchildren with typical intelligence levels. Network analysis revealed differential intergroup connections between the executive functioning components as well as between those of metacognition and for each construct. The greatest relational weight was for metacognition components, with the most robust relationship being found in the group with HIA with metacognitive regulation, flexibility, and verbal working memory versus metacognitive awareness and inhibition in the typical group. Measurement derivations and their application in educational interventions to optimise the expression of high potential are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
David Joachim Grüning ◽  
Hans Alves ◽  
André Otelo Paraíba Mata ◽  
Klaus Fiedler

The cumulative redundancy bias (CRB) refers to people’s difficulty to ignore the redundancy in cumulatively presented information. For instance, when people consider which of two teams is better, they should focus on the total number of points that each team has at the time. Yet, people are also influenced by the sequence of events that led to that accumulated score, such that if one team was ahead most of the season, people consider it better – even if those teams are currently tied. However, an opposite bias emerges when participants focus on performance trends (performance trend bias; PTB): When the trailing team is catching up to the leading team, people judge it as the better team – even if the other team is still ahead. In three experiments where we manipulated slope magnitude, we obtained both effects: the PTB was observed when the slope was big; the CRB emerged when the slope was small. These studies demonstrate a striking malleability of the cognitive system, flexibly weighing different cues. Results are discussed in terms of metacognitive regulation.

Tuike Iiskala ◽  
Simone Volet ◽  
Cheryl Jones ◽  
Milo Koretsky ◽  
Marja Vauras

AbstractThis study investigated how metacognitive regulation (MR), especially its forms and foci, was manifested in less and more successful outcome groups’ collaborative science learning in diverse learning contexts. Whilst previous research has shown that different forms and foci of MR exist in collaborative learning, their role in groups’ learning outcomes remains unexplored. Drawing conclusions from different studies has been difficult because these have used different conceptualisations and analytic methods. In the present study, the learning processes of less and more successful outcome groups from three diverse collaborative science learning contexts were scrutinised. The contexts differed in academic level, disciplinary subject, and national culture. The same theory-based conceptualisations, coding systems, coders, and analyses were used across contexts. In addition, the tasks studied were designed using the same guiding principles. Transcribed video and audio recordings of the groups’ verbal interactions for two distinct interaction segments from these tasks formed the basis of the analyses. Manifestation of forms and foci of MR were quantitatively and qualitatively illustrated in each context. The main findings show that the manifestation of MR of less and more successful outcome groups demonstrated similarities and differences in the three different learning contexts. This study contributes to a contextualised understanding of MR in collaborative science learning, and highlights the importance of using similar, rigorous analytical tools across diverse contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 103-115

Metacognition is a significant predictor of learning and academic performance, including foreign-language performance. However, variations in metacognitive competence can be observed due to several factors, potentially including personality. Analytic survey research methods were implemented to examine the relation between metacognition and personality traits and their interaction with foreign-language performance. Data were collected from 244 participants via the Turkish Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, Basic Personality Traits Inventory, and records of foreign language performance grades. Spearman's correlation and multiple linear regression tests were used for data analysis. Results confirmed that Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience, and Agreeableness explained 20% of metacognitive knowledge, and 16% of metacognitive regulation was attributed to Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. Compared to other language skills, it was merely reading performance correlating with metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation. On the other hand, language use was positively correlated with metacognitive regulation. Regression analyses identified that only personality traits but not metacognition predicted foreign-language performances. Conscientiousness and Extraversion predicted reading performance, and Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience were significant predictors of language use performance. These findings may suggest that personality influences foreign language reading performance, language use performance, and metacognition. Therefore, pedagogical implications may reflect individual differences, especially when delivering foreign language instruction or metacognition training modules.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1825-1833
Anggi Syafrudin

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kemampuan metakognisi mahasiswa pendidikan matematika pada setiap komponen metakognisi kepada proses metacognitive awareness, metacognitive evaluation dan metacognitive regulation; Data dikumpulkan pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2019/2020 terhadap 5 subjek mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Universitas Jambi.  Metode Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui proses metacognitive awareness, metacognitive evaluation dan metacognitive regulation dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan metakognisi mahasiswa belum berkembang baik hanya satu orang mahasiswa yang mampu menampilkan kemampuan metakognisi yang sempurna. Rata-rata kemampuan metakognisi mahasiswa dalam menampilkan proses metacognitive awareness telah terlihat dengan mahasiswa mampu menulis diketahui dalam pemecahan masalah, mahasiswa dapat menyadari apa yang akan dilakukan dalam menyelesaikan soal. Dalam menampilkan metacognitive evaluation yang merujuk pada suatu keputusan dari keefektifan berfikir mahasiswa tentang strategi yang dipilihnya untuk menyelesaikan soal hanya empat mahasiswa yang mampu menampilkan kemampuan tersebut, dan untuk metacognitive regulation hanya satu mahasiswa yang dapat memodifikasi pemikirannya untuk pemecahan masalah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dilakukan penelitian lanjutan tentang kendala mahasiswa dalam menampilkan kemampuan metakognisi dengan melihat dari pemprosesan informasi dalam penyelesaian masalah yang lebih mendalam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-71
Daria Makarova

Intellectual performance is influenced by many factors, besides intelligence and cognitive skills, including the type of motivation and metacognitive regulation. The authors of the arti- cle became interested in the question of whether there is a connection between productivity of metacognitive regulation and different types of motivation (extrinsic and intrinsic). Accord- ing to the self-determination theory (SDT), maintaining intrinsic (autonomous) motivation requires satisfying of one’s basic psychological needs. Also, SDT distinguishes the concepts of self-control and self-regulation (a particular case of which is metacognitive regulation) and postulates the existence of a connection between self-regulation and the level of subjective vitality. The aim of the study was to test the following hypothesis: the higher the level of satisfaction of three basic psychological needs and the level of subjective vitality, the higher the level of productivity of metacognitive regulation of intellectual performance. Participants (first-year university students, n = 116, 70 men) completed Russian versions of two questionnaires, created inside the SDT paradigm: “Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale” and “Subjective Vitality Scale”. To assess the productivity of metacognitive regulation of intellectual activity, a new modified version of the questionnaire “Features of intellectual activity” (D.N.Makarova, M.V.Osorina) was used. Multiple regression analysis was performed using SPSS to test the hypothesis. The final model, which explains 31.4 % of the variance of the dependent variable, shows that the higher the level of subjective vitality and the levels of satisfaction of need in autonomy and competence, the higher the level of productivity of metacognitive regulation of intellectual performance. The proposed hypothesis was partly refuted: no relationship was found between the level of satisfaction of the need in relatedness and the level of productivity of metacognitive regulation.

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