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post office
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Pepi Zulvia Zulvia ◽  
Niko Dwi Haryanto

The level of intense business competition makes a company must continue to be able to increase customer satisfaction, then the company is required to be able to meet the needs and desires of customers, when the company is unable to increase satisfaction later, competitors may seize the customer. This study uses CSI, IPA and PGCV methods to analyze the level of satisfaction, map service quality in quadrants and determine the order of priority for improving service quality at the Purworejo Post Office 54100 The research was conducted on 52 customers using the Accidental Sampling technique. The level of satisfaction through CSI was obtained at 80.6%. Through IPA obtained 8 indicators that are included in quadrant 1 and 5 indicators included in quadrant 3. From quadrant 1 and quadrant 3 obtained the top 5 rankings through PGCV, namely 1) Fast and responsive service, 2) Response to suggestions and complaints, 3) Providing information that is easy to understand, 4) Security from any loss or damage to goods that occurs and 5) Service procedures that are not confusing. It is concluded that the Purworejo 54100 POS office still needs to make improvements in service quality to the 5 indicators in order of priority.

2021 ◽  
Damien Kitto

<p>This research portfolio explores the role of adaptive reuse to support the preservation of mid-century modern architecture and facilitate new needs. Technological transformations of the 21st century have changed needs, making certain building typologies obsolete. Post offices are one impacted building typology currently declining. This project uses a mid-20th century post office in suburban Wellington to explore the creative opportunities presented by the adaptive reuse of such structures. Key authors argue that a critical synergy and layering of the old and new can create a dialogue in the architecture which is arguably more innovate and regenerative than any construction that disregards the existing. In many cases, continuing use of the old buildings is also a more sustainable approach. The project also contributes to the challenges and ongoing develop of conservation approaches to modern heritage. In this project, through analysis of the context and case studies an adaptive reuse framework specific to modern architecture heritage is developed to build a strategy for reuse. The framework is then applied to the chosen mid-20th century post office to aid the design of the buildings reuse. This forms an argument that the dialogue developed between old and new elements transform vacant modern architecture to living heritage ensuring continual use.</p>

2021 ◽  
Damien Kitto

<p>This research portfolio explores the role of adaptive reuse to support the preservation of mid-century modern architecture and facilitate new needs. Technological transformations of the 21st century have changed needs, making certain building typologies obsolete. Post offices are one impacted building typology currently declining. This project uses a mid-20th century post office in suburban Wellington to explore the creative opportunities presented by the adaptive reuse of such structures. Key authors argue that a critical synergy and layering of the old and new can create a dialogue in the architecture which is arguably more innovate and regenerative than any construction that disregards the existing. In many cases, continuing use of the old buildings is also a more sustainable approach. The project also contributes to the challenges and ongoing develop of conservation approaches to modern heritage. In this project, through analysis of the context and case studies an adaptive reuse framework specific to modern architecture heritage is developed to build a strategy for reuse. The framework is then applied to the chosen mid-20th century post office to aid the design of the buildings reuse. This forms an argument that the dialogue developed between old and new elements transform vacant modern architecture to living heritage ensuring continual use.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-170
Wahyuni Diah Ekasari ◽  
Suharnomo Suharnomo ◽  
Intiyas Utami

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi pengelolaan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada masa pandemi Covid-19 pada Kantor Pos Cabang Rembang beserta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi kritis dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, penelusuran dokumen, dan dokumentasi. Informan yang dilibatkan sebagai sumber data terdiri dari informan subjek dan informan triangulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kantor Pos Cabang Rembang sudah mengimplementasikan prinsip protokol kesehatan 5M. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan 5M pada Kantor Pos Cabang Rembang, meliputi sosialisasi, disiplin, kesadaran, pengawasan, tingkat pendidikan, tingkat kesejahteraan, dan adat kebiasaan. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini adalah meskipun protokol kesehatan 5M tidak mudah untuk dilaksanakan di lingkungan Kantor Pos Cabang Rembang, tetapi dengan adanya sosialisasi masif, kesadaran demi kepentingan bersama, dan kedisiplinan maka implementasi protokol kesehatan 5M dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. ABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the implementation of occupational health and safety management during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Rembang branch post office and the factors that influence it. This study uses a qualitative data analysis method with a critical phenomenology approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, document searches, and documentation. The informants involved data sources consisted of subject informants and triangulated informants. The results of this study indicate that the management of occupational health and safety during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Rembang Post Office has implemented the principles of the 5M health protocol. The factors that influence the implementation the 5M health protocol at the Rembang branch post office include socialization, discipline, awareness, supervision, education level, welfare level, and customs. The implication of the results this study is although the 5M health protocol is not easy to implement in the Rembang branch post office, but with massive socialization, awareness for the common interest, and discipline, the implementation of the 5M health protocol can be carried out properly.

2021 ◽  
pp. 289-319
John Dugdale

2021 ◽  
pp. 190-195
Jan Lemitz

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 141-149
Steven Kayambazinthu Msosa

Financial inclusion has become a topic of discussion in emerging and developing nations since the majority of people continue to lack access to either formal or informal financial services. In many countries, the post office is seen as a vehicle for financial inclusion due to its extensive network. In addition, with the decline in sales of their core business, traditional mail has exacerbated the need for the post office to venture into financial services whilst simultaneously answering the call to bridge the gap in society, especially for the un-banked and under-banked communities. Moreover, there is a need for post-offices to protect their long-term vitality as a business. This paper provides a theoretical perspective of financial inclusion, the role that the post office can play and the challenges preventing an effective rollout of financial services. This review can help postal managers, governments and policy-makers to understand how they can effectively use the post office to serve the un-banked communities. In addition, the study has enriched the academic discourse by providing literature on postal financial services and financial inclusion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 248
R. Siti Rukayah ◽  
Sudarmawan Juwono

Abstract: During the Dutch colonial period, Daendeles (1808) built a 1000km postal highway from Anyer - Panarukan. Now the road is known as the pantura (north coast route). The main function is to facilitate communication between regions controlled by Daendeles. One of the buildings that influenced the construction of the postal highway was the first post office in Batavia (1746) and the second post office in Semarang (1750). In the city of Semarang, along with the development of the city to the south and the existence of road infrastructure towards the kingdom of Mataram (Surakarta and Jogjakarta), several branch post offices were built in the Bangkong area and the Post Office Jalan Dr. Wahidin. The building is the center of postal services and operations in the city of Semarang and its surroundings. However, along with the development of the postal industry process, it has pushed service rooms to be more efficient, resulting in a reduction in the need for workspaces which results in a lot of space that can be used for other functions. This opportunity to revitalize the old post office building can be integrated with the potential of the Old Town area which has been developed as a mainstay tourism destination for the city of Semarang. Taking into account this potential, the purpose of this paper is to map and inventory the architectural potential of the Semarang post office which is very urgent to do. The method used is to conduct observations and interviews in a structured manner. The focus of the study is on the potential of architecture, including architectural space and character, as well as the potential of the existing environment or area. The result of the building inventory to preserve that not only focuses on the physical building but also how the activities in it are still attached to the function of the building.Abstrak: Pada masa colonial Belanda, Daendeles (1808) membangun jalan raya pos sepanjang 1000km dari Anyer - Panarukan dan kini dikenal dengan jalur pantura. Fungsi utama adalah memperlancar komunikasi antar daerah yang di kuasai Daendeles. Salah satu bangunan yang berpengaruh terhadap dibangunnya jalan raya pos adalah Kantor pos pertama di Batavia (1746) dan Kantor pos kedua di Semarang (1750). Di Kota Semarang seiring dengan perkembangan kota ke arah Selatan dan telah adanya infrastruktur jalur jalan kearah kerajaan Mataram (Surakarta dan Jogjakarta) maka dibangunlah kantor pos cabang di kawasan Bangkong dan Kantor pos jalan Dr. Wahidin. Bangunan tersebut menjadi salah satu tulang punggung pelayanan dan operasional pos di wilayah Kota Semarang dan sekitarnya. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan proses industri pos telah mendorong ruang pelayanan semakin efisien sehingga terjadi pengurangan kebutuhan ruang kerja yang mengakibatkan banyak ruang yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk fungsi lain. Peluang ini dapat diintegrasikan dengan potensi kawasan Kota Tua telah dikembangkan sebagai ruang publik dan destinasi pariwisata andalan Kota Semarang. Dengan memperhatikan adanya potensi tersebut tujuan paper ini adalah melakukan mapping dan inventarisasi potensi arsitektur kantor pos Semarang yang sangat mendesak untuk dilakukan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah melakukan survey lapangan dan wawancara secara terstruktur. Adapun fokus kajian adalah pada potensi arsitektur mencakup ruang dan karakter arsitektur, serta potensi lingkungan atau kawasan yang ada. Hasil dari inventarisir bangunan adalah upaya untuk melestarikan yang tidak hanya berfokus pada fisik bangunan saja tetapi juga bagaimana aktivitas di dalamnya masih tetap melekat dengan fungsi bangunannya. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Radka Dziedzinska ◽  
Petr Kralik ◽  
Omar Šerý

At the time of sampling (2020/2021), the number of new cases of SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals in the Czech Republic significantly exceeded the numbers in neighboring countries and in the EU. In terms of the number of deaths, the country ranked near the top of the list. Legislative orders required wearing masks indoors, disinfecting surfaces in public places, and limiting the number of people per sales area in commercial spaces. Due to an situation, most schools and shops were closed. The entire country anticipated a total lockdown. To assess the risk to public health regarding SARS-CoV-2 transmission, air and surfaces were sampled in two public places: a post office and a shopping center. Samples were also collected at the COVID-19 unit at the local hospital. Neither air nor surface samples were positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus particles in the post office or shopping center. Positive results were found in the hospital ward, with floors being the most and highest contaminated surface. Based on our results, we believe that public places do not pose a risk in relation to SARS-CoV-2 transmission, especially when epidemiological measures to reduce transmission are followed, such as wearing masks, using disinfectant or limiting the number of customers per retail establishment.

2021 ◽  
Bede William Robertson

<p>The traditional post office is a confusing and lost character within our urban fabric . Once a central part of towns both rural and urban it is now ignored by the communities it once served, a stagnant figure as communities struggle to figure out what role it still holds. This shift in its role raises larger questions about the shift in the way we view and use communication to express identity. Present day communication is largely conducted over the internet, and we primarily do so through our personal devices. Yet this is not a stagnant shift, with modes of communication evolving and multiplying ever more rapidly. It is through this aspect of speed that begins to address the complexities of this shift.  Paul Virilio’s writings on dromology discuss the connections between communication, geography and the virtual world. It offers a framework through which this shift can be viewed, looking at how these ever increasing speeds lead to a collapse of distance both temporally and physically. This results in a geographic disconnect that erodes our ability to engage in place identity. Architecture offers a way that this shift towards a virtual identity can be re-spatialised and authenticated, acknowledging the fractured identities we now hold in geographic and virtual realities.  To address this dromological shift this thesis looks at aspects of authenticity and performativity within the post office, investigating how they might offer a way to explore the intersection between old modes of postal communication and new ways of communicating through our cellphones. Through these architectural interventions the new post office is found, one that grounds modern communication within the wider chronological narrative of the post office.</p>

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