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survey methods
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2022 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-67
Bo Yu

ABSTRACT Introduction: The performance of basketball players is based on physical function and quality. In addition to genetic factors, physical function can also be improved through acquired training. Objective: The article analyzes the concept of body movement through literature data and a questionnaire survey. Methods: This article analyzes the mechanical characteristics of basketball technology from the perspective of physiology and proposes methods to develop the strength of basketball players. Results: Through the activation of different training actions, controlling the muscles that maintain the stability of the limbs to adjust body balance is beneficial to improvement of the coordination and sensitivity of the muscles. Conclusion: Pay attention to the principle of incremental load, the SAID principle, and comprehensiveness in strength training. The training method adopted is helpful to the improvement of the athlete’s aerobic metabolism. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

2022 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-45
Biqing Chen

ABSTRACT Introduction: Taekwondo is one of the main events of the Olympic Games. It mainly uses hands and feet for fighting or confrontation and the competition is extremely fierce. Therefore, Taekwondo is more prone to muscle, bone, and joint sports injuries. Objective: To understand the characteristics of taekwondo sports injuries. Methods: Using the literature and questionnaire survey methods, mathematical statistics is used to investigate the sports injuries of young Taekwondo athletes. Results: Among 100 young Taekwondo athletes, 93individuals had different degrees of sports injuries, accounting for 93%, and 7had no sports injuries, accounting for only 7%. The total number of injuries was 160 or 1.6injuries per capita. Conclusions: Athletes should improve their ideological understanding and training level and pay attention to the timely treatment of acute injuries, which can effectively reduce sports injuries. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

2022 ◽  
Vol 306 ◽  
pp. 114386
Shannon M. White ◽  
Martin Schaefer ◽  
Peter Barfield ◽  
Ruth Cantrell ◽  
Gordon J. Watson

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Benjamin Garner

Purpose Farmers’ markets have grown rapidly in recent years and at the same time consumers increasingly desire to eat healthfully and sustainably. This research aims to analyze the way consumers process information regarding local food claims such as sustainability and organics when shopping for local foods at farmers’ markets. Design/methodology/approach This research uses ethnographic methods that included interviews with 36 participants, more than 100 hours of participant observation and prolonged engagement over a two and half-year period. Findings The findings indicate that there are two dominant types of consumers at the farmers’ market, hedonistic and utilitarian consumers. Hedonistic consumers rely on heuristic cues such as aesthetics, their relationship with the farmer and other peripheral sources of information when making purchase decisions. Utilitarian consumers, by contrast, carefully analyze marketing messages using central route cues and tend to be more conscious of their purchase choices. Practical implications This study will help farmers more effectively position their marketing messages and help consumers be aware how they process information in this space. Originality/value Unlike previous studies of consumer behavior at farmers’ markets that primarily use survey methods, this study uses observational and ethnographic methods to capture in situ interactions in this complex buying context. Further, while much work has been done on broad concepts of local food and organic preferences, this study provides a more in-depth look at consumer information processing in the farmers’ market space that reflects a mixture of organic and non-organic food.

2022 ◽  
Carlos Izaias Sartorao Filho ◽  
Carlos Izaias Sartorao Neto ◽  
Ana Luisa Varrone Sartorao ◽  
Diogo Coutinho Terribile ◽  
Beatriz Balsimelli de Mello ◽  

Background: Limited research has examined mobile phone-based platforms for survey recruitment, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Our objective was to investigate the feasibility and representativeness of mobile phone-based advertisement during a preliminary study about COVID-19 vaccine hesitation in Brazil. Moreover, we evaluate whether the older population can be reached through mobile phone-based platforms of the survey. Methods: We conducted a study in December 2021 based on a preliminary survey about the COVID-19 vaccine hesitation in Assis, Brazil, Sao Paulo state. From a list of the adult population hesitant for the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, we sent a mobile phone-based advertisement inviting the participants to answer the survey for one week. The respondent's data were collected in a Google form platform. The comparison between the target population and the respondents was made using the Chi-squared test and the Welch's test, using a P-value of .05 as significative. Results: The response rate was 9.99% after one week. The mean age of the respondent group was 33.97 (SD 14.99) and 35.05 (SD 14.19) of the population, with a P-value of .192 and a Cohen's d coefficient of 0.0754, corresponding to a small effect size between groups. We demonstrate that the mobile phone-based survey is a feasible and representative strategy during the pandemics in Brazil. Moreover, the older population respondent was representative. Conclusion: We achieved a representative sample of respondents using the mobile phone-based survey in Brazil. Furthermore, it was representative in all sociodemographic and health characteristics assessed. Finally, these findings suggest the method is a highly feasible and economical means of recruiting for survey research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Usep Deden Suherman

This study aims to determine and analyze what factors influence consumer buying behavior in the era of citizen 4.0 and the most dominant influences on consumer buying behavior in citizen 4.0. This research uses descriptive and explanatory survey methods. Sampling was carried out using the Accidental Sampling sample technique. The data analysis technique used is factor analysis. The findings of this study are factors such as availability and price factors, promotion factors, comfort factors, varieties and comparison factors, after-sales service factors, and connectivity factors that influence consumer purchasing behavior in the era of citizen 4.0. Besides that, variety and comparison factors are the most dominant factors affecting consumer buying behavior in the age of citizen 4.0, followed by availability and price factors, comfort factors, promotion factors, after-sales service factors, and connectivity factors.

Jenny Callender ◽  
Pete Bridge ◽  
Flora Al-Samarraie ◽  
Daniel Blair

Abstract Introduction: The impact of COVID-19 social restrictions on mental wellbeing of health professional students during placement is largely unknown. Conventional survey methods do not capture emotional fluctuations. Increasing use of smartphones suggests short message service (SMS) functionality could provide easy, rapid data. This project tested the feasibility and validity of gathering data on Therapeutic Radiography student mental wellbeing during clinical placement via emoji and SMS. Methods: Participants provided anonymous daily emoji responses via WhatsApp to a dedicated mobile phone. Additional weekly prompts sought textual responses indicating factors impacting on wellbeing. A short anonymous online survey validated responses and provided feedback on the method. Results: Participants (n = 15) provided 254 daily responses using 108 different emoji; these triangulated with weekly textual responses. Feedback concerning the method was positive. ‘Happy’ emoji were used most frequently; social interaction and fatigue were important wellbeing factors. Anonymity and opportunity to feedback via SMS were received positively; ease and rapidity of response engendered engagement throughout the 3-week study. Conclusions: The use of emoji for rapid assessment of cohort mental wellbeing is valid and potentially useful alongside more formal evaluation and support strategies. Capturing simple wellbeing responses from a cohort may facilitate the organisation of timely support interventions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 153-158
Gita Ramadayanti ◽  
Khaola Rachma Adzima

The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of the use of zoom meeting applications on students' math problem-solving skills in online learning in class V. The method in this study uses survey methods. The sample in this study was all VA SDN Duri Kepa 05 students as many as 30 students. Instruments to collect data used in this study are the use of zoom meeting applications and tests of students' math problem-solving skills. The results of the study obtained using a partial test (t) that showed that a significant 0.00 < 0.05. These results showed H0 was rejected and H1 accepted, meaning there was a  significant influence between the use of zoom on students' problem-solving abilities.

2022 ◽  
Oluwaseun John Adeyemi ◽  
Ahmed A Arif ◽  
Rajib Paul

Objectives: Functional limitation from COPD manifests more from physical rather than respiratory impairment. To what extent health access affects the functional limitation among individuals with COPD is yet to be known. This study aims to assess the relationship between healthcare access and functional limitations among individuals with COPD. Study Design: Retrospective analysis of a cross-sectional population-based survey Methods: This study pooled 11 years of (2008 to 2018) data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, National Health Interview Survey (IPUMS NHIS). We restricted the data to respondents with self reported COPD, aged 40 years and older. The independent variables were sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics. The exploratory variables were measures of healthcare access ( healthcare coverage, delayed appointment, affordable care, and a usual place for care). The outcome variable was the presence or absence of functional limitations. Results: The age, race, educational attainment, marital status, smoking status, and poverty income ratio had a significant association with functional limitation (p<0.001) We found statistically significant associations between functional limitation and healthcare coverage, delayed appointment, affordable care, and a usual place for care. Poverty modified the relationship between functional limitations and the four measures of healthcare access, with the odds of functional limitation increased among the poor with no healthcare coverage, delayed appointment, unaffordable care, and no usual place for care. Conclusions: A strong relationship exists between the quartet of healthcare coverage, delayed appointment, affordable care, and usual place for care and self reported functional limitation among individuals with COPD. Poverty was an effect modifier, with the odds of functional limitation worse among the poor.

2022 ◽  
pp. 14-26
Regina A. Christen

Wetlands perform critical ecological functions and provide wildlife habitats. Yet, wetland degradation continues at a global scale. In Massachusetts, USA, wetland restoration has reached remarkable heights, partly promoted by the retirement of cranberry bogs. In this study, to assess the effectiveness of cranberry-farm restoration for conservation of native herpetofauna, we surveyed both retired and restored cranberry bogs in south-eastern Massachusetts. Using both visual encounter surveys and baited aquatic traps, we documented herpetofaunal species and their relative abundance. Both survey methods combined, the cumulative herpetofaunal species richness at the restored bogs (16) exceeded that of the retired bogs (11). Our trap surveys indicated that the amphibian species richness at the retired bog was significantly greater than that of the restored bog. In contrast, reptilian species richness as well as the relative abundance of both amphibians and reptiles were significantly greater at the restored bog compared to the retired bog. Subsequent analyses we performed identified that greater habitat heterogeneity emerging from active restoration intervention was the underlying driver of elevated richness and abundance. Most frequently encountered herpetofauna at the restored versus retired bogs were habitat generalists with broader geographic ranges and are not of conservation concern. Our findings suggest that the restored bog we monitored is still in the early-recovery phase after active intervention. We urge the need for long-term herpetofaunal inventories via systematic, standard surveys to assess restoration success.

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