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animal product
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 589
Mariëlle Stel ◽  
Janina Eggers ◽  
Stina Nagelmann

Zoonoses have become more frequent and intense. As intensive animal farming plays a role in the emergence of zoonoses, the increase in intensive animal farming increases the risk of future zoonotic outbreaks. This raises the question of to what extent people are aware that intensive animal farming poses a risk to zoonoses. Furthermore, if people would be made aware, would they be willing to take protective measures, such as reducing their animal food consumption? This was investigated in a representative descriptive study of 1009 Dutch citizens. We measured participants’ perception of the risk of intensive animal farming and their perception of the way animals are treated. We measured their willingness to consume fewer animal products and their opinions on governments banning intensive animal farms. Additionally, participants estimated the percentage of meat from intensive farms that they consume. The main results showed that most participants were aware that zoonoses can occur through intensive animal farming, but not where their meat comes from. The majority of participants were willing to change their animal consumption behavior if this could reduce future zoonotic outbreaks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Pooja Chaudhari ◽  
Jitendra Kumar Badjatya

Nutraceuticals are bioactive or natural chemical components that are been marketed all over the world. It claims to be disease preventing along with health promoting product with some of the medicinal properties. It is categorized as vitamin, mineral, animal product and health supplement. Nutraceuticals has the major advantage over the medicines as they avoid the adverse effects that are caused by drugs. Nutraceutical market is expanding day by day and the claim for the product is enlarging. Users are looking for alternatives for the prescribed medicines as well as the health product that will supplement dietary intake on daily basis. Different countries classified products into various categories depending upon their health claim. In Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) the Asian Alliance of Health Supplement Association (AAHSA) regulates the responsibilities to ensure that the nutraceuticals before marketing are safe.

2021 ◽  
Christopher John Bryant

Since our 2020 report, the evidence showing the impact of education interventions on animal product consumption has grown, including several peer-reviewed publications using real food outcomes. The Educated Choices Program continues to be one of the leading organizations delivering this proven intervention at a large scale.Our vast and ongoing data collection and analyses can provide further insights into the ways of maximizing the impact of education interventions for reducing animal product consumption. The following recommendations are based on data from 12,513 student survey responses.1. For presentations overall: a. Presentations positively influence students’ intended and self-reported diets. b. Health, animals, and the environment are the most important motivators. c. Taste and family diets are the most important barriers, but their importance is declining over time. d. The most frequently-mentioned theme was animals.2. To optimize content delivery: a. Healthful Eating and Ethics of Eating are the most effective presentations for inspiring change; Future of Food is least effective. b. In-person presentations achieve about 10% more change than online videos.3. To target the most promising students: a. Females, older students, and those in science classes are most open to change. b. More change is achieved in lower-income and more conservative towns, but less is achieved in more agricultural states.As we continue to monitor trends in survey data through the Living Lab, we will also expand our analyses to include follow-up surveys, control group comparisons, email outreach experiments, and experiments using actual food outcomes.

Future Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 100111
Emily A.C. Grundy ◽  
Peter Slattery ◽  
Alexander K. Saeri ◽  
Kieren Watkins ◽  
Thomas Houlden ◽  

А.А. Анисимов ◽  
П.И. Комахин ◽  
В.Н. Золотарев

Важнейшей проблемой продовольственной безопасности страны является уровень обеспеченности населения молочными продуктами. В связи с этим большое значение имеет опыт работы передовых хозяйств такого профиля в определённых почвенно-климатических и природно-экологических условиях. ФГБУ «Опытная станция «Пойма» является одним из наиболее эффективных хозяйств в Московской области по производству молока. Общая площадь сельскохозяйственных угодий составляет 6135 га, из них 2000 га пашни. В структуре посевных площадей 95% и более занимают кормовые культуры, в том числе 12–14% — однолетние травы, 68–70% — многолетние травы и природные кормовые угодья, 15–16% — кукуруза на силос. Основное производство кормов сосредоточено на высокоплодородных пойменных землях, на долю которых приходится 84% кормовых угодий. В статье изложены результаты системного применения достижений науки и передового опыта по стабильному производству высококачественных объёмистых кормов. Проведён анализ состояния кормопроизводства и животноводства хозяйства с 1982 по 2020 год, освещены научные подходы к увеличению производства кормов и животноводческой продукции. Системное освоение передовых научных разработок по созданию высокопродуктивных кормовых посевов и стабильному производству высококачественных объёмистых кормов, их рациональному хранению и использованию, техническая модернизация позволили увеличить среднегодовой надой на корову с 4079 до 9708 кг, или более чем в 2,3 раза, при одновременном снижении расхода кормов на 1 кг молока с 1,37 до 0,90 корм. ед. при повышении рентабельности с 16 до 28%. Food safety of the country is highly affected by the availability of milk products. Therefore, the experience of leading farms is of great importance under certain environmental conditions. The Research Station “Poyma” is one of the leading milk producers in the Moscow region. Its fields occupy around 6135 ha. The proportion of forage crops amounts to 95% including 12–14% of annual grasses, 68–70% of perennial grasses and natural forage lands as well as 15–16% of maize for silage production. 84% of the total cultivation area are high-fertile floodlands. This article focuses on the application of the latest scientific findings and advanced experience for stable production of high-quality bulk fodder. The efficiency of forage production and Animal Husbandry was analyzed in the period from 1982 to 2020. The methods and practices were reviewed to optimize forage and animal product resources. Average annual milk yield was improved from 4079 to 9708 kg per cow, or by more than 2.3 times due to the introduction of the latest findings into the production process including the cultivation of high-productive forage crops, stabilization of bulk fodder supplies, feed effective storage and use. Forage consumption dropped from 1.37 to 0.90 feed units for the production of 1 kg of milk, payback increased from 16 to 28%.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1260
Minglu Wang ◽  
Bruce A. McCarl

Livestock production is a valuable part of US agriculture as it contributes 50% of total agricultural value. Climate change is likely a threat to livestock production, but research regarding the impact of climate change on livestock sectors is limited. This paper examines how climate change affects livestock mix and location. Specifically, we examine climate effects on grazing animals and, in particular, on beef cattle, dairy cattle, goats, and sheep. We examine this in the US based on county-level data by using fractional multinomial logit econometrics. Our results show that climate is an influential determinant of where livestock herds are located and species mix. The impacts of climate vary by species and region. We also find significant influences from geographic characteristics and animal product prices. Subsequently, we project how climate change would influence future livestock mix and location. It reveals a likely growth in beef cow land shares across most of the US with the largest gains in the northwest. We also find substitutions between species as climate change progresses with dairy cows exhibiting the largest reduction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 265
George Valiakos ◽  
Ioanna Kapna

The objective of this review is to collect and present the results of relevant studies on an international level, on the subject of colistin resistance due to mcr genes prevalence in livestock animals. After a literature search, and using PRISMA guidelines principles, a total of 40 swine, 16 bovine and 31 poultry studies were collected concerning mcr-1 gene; five swine, three bovine and three poultry studies referred to mcr-2 gene; eight swine, one bovine, two poultry studies were about mcr-3 gene; six swine, one bovine and one poultry manuscript studied mcr-4 gene; five swine manuscripts studied mcr-5 gene; one swine manuscript was about mcr-6, mcr-7, mcr-8, mcr-9 genes and one poultry study about mcr-10 gene was found. Information about colistin resistance in bacteria derived from animals and animal product foods is still considered limited and that should be continually enhanced; most of the information about clinical isolates are relative to enteropathogens Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. This review demonstrates the widespread dispersion of mcr genes to livestock animals, indicating the need to further increase measures to control this important threat for public health issue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
David Hui-Kang Ma ◽  
Yi-Jen Hsueh ◽  
Kevin Sheng-Kai Ma ◽  
Yueh-Ju Tsai ◽  
Shiang-Fu Huang ◽  

AbstractPreviously, we reported a collagenase-based, animal product-free protocol for cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets for transplantation (COMET). Here, we reported the long-term outcomes of first 2 clinical cases. A 27-year-old man suffered from thermal burn, which resulted in symblepharon of lower fornix OD. COMET was performed, and the cornea remained clear with few peripheral NV and no more symblepharon 34 months postoperatively. Another 42-year-old man suffered from severe alkaline burn OD. He underwent COMET, followed by corneal transplantation half a year later. A biopsy taken two years after COMET showed stratified epithelium positive for keratin 4, 13, and 3 in the suprabasal layer. Staining for p63 and p75NTR was both positive in the basal layer. The graft remained clear up to post-OP 4 years. Our study confirmed the long-term survival of the transplanted OMECs, suggesting that collagenase-based spheroidal suspension culture is a promising technique for COMET.Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov, ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT03943797 Registered 9 May 2019-Retrospectively registered, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03943797.

2021 ◽  
Maya B Mathur ◽  
Jacob Peacock ◽  
Thomas Robinson ◽  
Christopher D Gardner

Background: Several exigent societal issues could be mitigated by shifting global consumption of meat and animal products toward predominantly plant-based diets. Methods: We conducted 3 randomized controlled experiments (n=217 to 574) to test the effects of a professionally produced and disseminated, theory-informed documentary that presents health, environmental, and animal welfare motivations for reducing consumption of meat and animal products. In Study 1, we primarily assessed participants' reported 1-week consumption of meats and animal products, as reported 12 days after random assignment to view the documentary or a control video. In Study 2, in a similar sample, we assessed effects on participants' immediate intentions to change their consumption of these foods, comparable to most past studies. In Study 3, we used the design from Study 1 but in a new sample anticipated to be more responsive to the messages; we also enhanced the intervention with activities designed to increase engagement with the documentary and to prompt concrete goal setting. In Studies 1 and 3, we introduced methodological innovations to minimize social desirability bias, a widespread limitation of past research. Results: The documentary did not decrease meat and animal product compared to the control video when potential social desirability bias was minimized (Study 1: -0.33 oz/week; 95% CI: [-6.12, 5.46]; p=0.91; Study 3: -2.46 oz/week; 95% CI: [-8.78, 3.85]; p=0.43). The documentary also did not affect reported meat and animal-product consumption among participants whose demographics suggested they might be more receptive to the intervention (Study 3). However, the documentary did substantially increase the percentage of participants who immediately intended to reduce consumption, consistent with past studies (Study 2) and prompted a majority of viewers to pledge to reduce or eliminate their consumption of at least one meat or animal product (Study 3).Conclusions: These findings suggest that past studies of similar interventions may have overestimated effects due to methodological biases. Novel intervention strategies may be needed to meaningfully shift dietary consumption away from meat and animal products.Trial registration: Study 1: https://osf.io/m3d2y/; Study 2: https://osf.io/etpvf/; Study 3: https://osf.io/n52yd/.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 246-258
Magdalena Wasielewska

A chicken egg is a valuable animal product that has served people for centuries. Research carried out over the last dozen or so years shows that society's knowledge about them is still relatively small. The research cited in the text shows that only 23% of respondents know that the color of a hen's egg shell depends on the breed of the hen, and not on the way it is fed. As a result, some consumers choose eggs in the store by choosing their color instead of the official markings on each individual egg. Chickens' nutrition has a direct impact on the quality of the eggs they lay. Chickens fed with fodder with antibiotics lay eggs in which we can find the same antibiotics that the animal ate with the food. It has many side effects, however, the greatest of which seems to be bacterial drug resistance, caused by the use of the same strong antibiotics in the nutritional industry and in human hospital medicine. Bacteria have developed various resistance mechanisms. For example, Enterococcus spp. Has developed resistance to vancomycin, Salmonella Typhimurum to tetracyclines, sulfonamides and fluoroquinolones. However, it is possible to use antibiotics in poultry treatment, but it is very important in this case to strictly observe the grace periods necessary to eliminate the antibiotic from the animal's body. Some of the world's governments, aware of the dangers of such a state of affairs, are trying to combat the phenomenon of feeding poultry with antibiotic growth stimulants by introducing new norms, orders and bans in their countries. Antibiotics such as avoparcin, zinc-bacitracin and spiromycin have been discontinued. Chicken egg producers are finding newer and newer ways to circumvent these recipes. Non-antibiotic feed additives such as probiotics, phytobiotics, and specific herbs are used. An effective way to combat this phenomenon may be to educate the public on this topic.

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