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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (13) ◽  
pp. 71-79
Hoàng Thái Hổ ◽  
Nguyễn Thế Hùng ◽  
Nguyễn Tuấn Minh

Tóm tắt—Bài báo trình bày một giải pháp sử dụng năng lực của mạng máy tính phân tán cho thám mã khối. Hệ thống có cấu trúc dựa trên 3 phần mềm. Phần mềm quản trị sử dụng cho nhập dữ liệu đầu vào, phân tích và chia khoảng không gian khóa và phân tích kết quả. Phần mềm thám mã trên CPU và GPU được cài đặt tương ứng cho các máy tính trong mạng phân tán có nhiệm vụ thám mã đối với dữ liệu phần mềm quản trị cung cấp. Kết quả được gửi về phần mềm quản trị để phân tích và giải mã. Quá trình thám mã được thực hiện cùng lúc trên toàn bộ máy tính trong mạng vào thời gian máy tính nhàn rỗi, không ảnh hưởng tới hoạt động hàng ngày của người dùng. Hệ thống bao gồm cả các máy tính có sử card GPU giúp tăng hiệu suất thám mã lên gấp 11 lần. Giải pháp đã được ứng dụng trong thám mật khẩu Windows qua mã băm LAN Manager. Abstract—This paper presents a method to use the capabilities of distributed computer networks in cryptanalysis of block ciphers. The system is structured based on 3 software. Management software for input data entry, analysis, and keyspace division. Cryptanalysis software on CPU and GPU is installed respectively for client computers in the distributed network is responsible for cryptanalysis of data provided by the management software. The results are sent to the administrative software for analysis and decoding. The encryption process is performed on all computers in the network at the same time in their spare time, without affecting the user's daily activities. The system includes GPU computers that increase the performance of the cryptanalysis by 11 times. This solution has been applied in Windows password detection via LAN Manager hash code. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 63-69
Satriani Satriani ◽  
Muhammad Hasbi

The service team provides solutions based on the results of an analysis of the situation and problems faced by partners to increase opportunities for youth members to be immediately accepted to work after completing their education at vocational high schools. In terms of the solution's form, namely training and mentoring for youth members to practice spoken English using the drilling and repetition method, the results obtained at the end of this service were: (1) positive and enthusiastic response from members of the youth organization; (2) increased awareness of the importance of spoken English proficiency; (3) willingness to take risks in order to participate; (4) increased spoken English vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation; (5) greater access to recorded voices of foreign speakers; and (6) more opportunities to practice speaking English in dynamic and enjoyable (but not monotonous) settings. (7) the availability of foreign speakers' voices in the form of mp3 recordings; (8) in their spare time, members of the youth organization are encouraged to listen to foreign speakers' voices, imitate them, and practice independently; and (9) after the training and mentoring is completed, the future availability of online sites for accessing and downloading learning media files.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-136
Awang Firmansyah ◽  
Muhammad Reza Aziz Prasetya ◽  
Setiyo Hartoto

Every parent's motivation for their child must be different and varied, but all of them are positive things for a child's development. In this pandemic era too, there are many sports activities carried out by various regions and various groups in Indonesia. One of them is the participation of their children from the age of 6 to 15 years, with boys and girls, and their ideal body weight in cycling activities. In this study, the authors examined a cycling activity as well as many parents who accompanied their children from the beginning to the end of the activity. The purpose of the study was to analyze the level of motivation of parents to involve their children in cycling sports activities. Descriptive quantitative research methods and data analysis using analysis with Likert scale calculation techniques. The results of this study indicate that 66.7%% of parents do cycling activities only to fill useful free time, 29.2% indicate for motor development, and 12.5% ​​to increase body immunity. It can be concluded that the level of motivation of parents to involve their children in cycling  activities to fill their spare time is included in the important category (66.7%).

Aziz Ahmed Saleh Nasser AL- Hasani Aziz Ahmed Saleh Nasser AL- Hasani

This research aims to clarify the importance of time, highlight the reasons that lead to the youth’s leisure, the activities practiced by the youth sample members in their spare time, the negative effects of the leisure on youth, and the solutions or treatments that address the negative effects of the leisure. To achieve the goals, and answer the questions, the descriptive approach was used by interviewing a specific segment of young people residing in the city of Sana'a as a sample for research. The sample size was 168 (researched) young people. Through the results collected from the field research area, their analysis and interpretation, a number of general results were reached, the most important of which are: The leisure hours vary among the sample members from two to five hours per day, and this is confirmed by the data of Table No. (4) and 75% of the respondents A total of 151 individuals from the sample. The results also showed that most of the sample members watch satellite TV channels to occupy their spare time, and this is confirmed by the data of Table No. (9), with 61% of the total research sample. As well as from the results that one of the negative effects of emptiness on young people is an increase in spending on the branches of the chat tree, in order to occupy the free time in eating and chewing the branches of the chat tree in the mouth for several hours, and this is confirmed by the data of Table No. (18), and by 81% of the total members of the research sample.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Zaqqi Ubaidillah

DM clients will continue to carry out daily activities like normal people in general, including driving activities. The most trips made by DM patients are to work, fill spare time, recreation and health services. However, there are dangers that can cause accidental diabetic clients, including blood glucose disorders, decreased visual acuity and neuropathy. The risk of accidents for diabetic clients is high. The purpose of this service is that this activity is expected to be able to increase understanding for diabetic clients and prevent the risk of accidents for DM clients. The sampling technique in this service uses purposive sampling. Diabetic clients who participate in this service generally experience problems in driving. The perceived disturbances include frequent fatigue, visual disturbances, decreased response, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. It is necessary to have periodic checks in collaboration with the puskesmas regarding this matter. Thus, diabetic clients who are still actively driving are prevented from having accidents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42

This research is presented to anticipate the future steps of class XII students in making a decision regarding their interests through the collaboration of teachers and counselors. Data collection in this study uses observation and interview techniques. The data of this study were obtained from BK teachers or counselors at SMAN 1 Patianrowo Nganjuk, East Java. Data analysis in this study uses narrative analysis. The subject is students in class VII of SMAN 1 Patianrowo. These findings reveal that many of the students have not been aware of their interests. Learners are directed more in academic matters only and have not led to the development of the potential of students such as direction of the students' interests. Few of the students can develop the interest they have because the teacher is more focused on academics and the counselor is more focused in dealing with problems experienced by students. The collaboration process of the classroom teacher and counselor is carried out in the form of recorded and unrecorded. Recorded collaborations such as the conduct of scheduled aptitude interest tests in class X and class XII early. While not recorded like communication between class teachers and counselors related to the interests of students through analysis in the daily lives of students. This is an effort to find out the interests of students from an early age which is then reaffirmed by the procurement of scholastic tests at the beginning of entering class XII. In conducting group counseling, counselors use the opportunity in spare time or when there is a class that is not in the learning process to do group guidance in the classroom. While for personal guidance, the counselor calls one student at a time. However, not all must be called, but many of the students voluntarily come to see the counselor by themselves for guidance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12(62)) ◽  
pp. 33-36
Maxim Borisovich Pichugin

This article considers the importance of physical training classes for specialists of institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Penitentiary Service, provided for by educational projects and programs. As well as the reasons for the need to expand the possibility of authorized independent classes of students in extracurricular time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 177-185
Editha Coșarbă ◽  
Alina Felicia Roman ◽  
Alina Costin

This study aims to assess the perception of parents of primary school children about the concerns they have, the knowledge they have about their child's skills. Starting from the educational and socializing function of the family (Jabbarova, 2020; Syamsuddin, 2021), we formulated the following research questions: What type of problems does a 7-11 years old child have to confront? According to parents, which are the necessary abilities a 7-11 year old child has to possess? How much do children participate in non-formal activities in their spare time? 62 participants completed a semi-structured questionnaire and participated in 10 interviews. The results reveal particularities of the reality of family life, such as the reduced time spent by parents with their children, the concern of parents for the time spent by the child in the online environment. Parents also reported the lack of interdisciplinary, non-formal, attractive programs and projects for children. The results indicate the focus of parents in the formation of memory skills and critical thinking and less on academic skills. Parents express concerns about spending their child's time online but are confident that they can still handle this. The study actually describes some parents worried about many aspects of a child's life, however they are not involved in parenting programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-105
Muhammad Danial Romadloni ◽  
Indra Gita Anugrah

Movies are very familiar to everyone, from children, adolescents to adults, whether just because they want to watch, a hobby, or fill their spare time. Movies that used to be watched only on television and had to wait months after release or directly to the cinema, with the development of technology, of course, it is increasingly easier for everyone to enjoy movies, now they can be watched through paid television services to smartphones. One of the websites that viewers often use to review movies they have watched is IMDb. The data review can be used to get an opinion or opinion mining from the audience, whether the title of the movie being reviewed is good or not. One of the algorithms that are often used is Naïve Bayes, apart from being easy to implement, Naïve Bayes is also known to be very fast and easy to use to predict classes on a test dataset. The purpose of this study is to see how much influence the Expectation-Maximization to increase accuracy on implementation of Expectation-Maximization algorithm in opinion mining movies review case studies. From the results of this study using the Expectation-Maximization method, it was found that the accuracy increased by 4% compared to using only Naïve Bayes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Wiwik Setiyani Khasbullah

The COVID-19 pandemic that has been going on for more than two years has changed most socio-religious activities of the community, including many academic communities, especially students. The fact that all educational activities must be carried out online has also changed their religious activities and socio-religious practices. Students use their spare time during the distance learning process with worshipping and doing some social activities at home. This article aims to elaborate on how students adapt to the new situation regarding their religious activities. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in this research are in-depth interviews with 18 student informants and collecting virtual data through google form. The results showed that students' religious adaptation in worship practices and social activities had helped increase their spirituality and closeness to religion. This conclusion is supported by an increase in the quantity of worship such as the intensity of reading the Qur'an, discipline in conducting obligatory prayers, and the involvement of students in religious-based charity activities in the community.Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia selama kurang lebih 2 tahun ini telah mengubah seluruh aktivitas sosial keagamaan masyarakat, tidak terkecuali segment pendidikan khususnya mahasiswa. Fakta bahwa seluruh aktivitas pendidikan harus dilakukan dalam situasi jarak jauh secara langsung juga telah mengubah aktivitas ibadah dan praktik sosial-keagamaan mereka. Mahasiswa mengisi waktu-waktu luang mereka selama pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan aktivitas ibadah dan kegiatan sosial di rumah. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi bagaimana mahasiswa melakukan adaptasi keagamaan di masa pandemi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap 18 informan mahasiswa dan diperkuat dengan data virtual melalui google form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adaptasi keagamaan mahasiswa dalam praktik ibadah dan aktivitas sosial telah membantu meningkatkan spiritualitas dan kedekatan mereka kepada agama. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan kuantitas ibadah seperti intensitas membaca Al-Qur’an, kedisiplinan dalam sholat wajib, dan keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam aktivitas charity berbasis keagamaan di masyarakat.

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