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statistical analysis system
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-140
Richard Gabriel Tapia Chávez ◽  
Rolando Venancio León Aguilar ◽  
Caridad Antonio Torres García ◽  

El rápido incremento de la población mundial ha hecho que el uso eficiente del agua sea una necesidad impostergable. La investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto del riego deficitario y la densidad de siembra en indicadores morfofisiológicos y productivos del cultivo de maíz híbrido Py 4039 con riego por goteo. Se desarrolló un experimento bifactorial con arreglo de 4x3 con 12 tratamientos, se evaluaron cuatro porcentajes de la lámina bruta calculadas con el software Cropwat 8,0 y tres densidades de siembra. Se desarrolló un experimento en parcelas divididas. En las parcelas principales se evaluaron las láminas al 120, 100, 90 y 80% de la lámina bruta total y en las parcelas secundarias las densidades de siembras de 66 666, 50 000 y 40 000 plantas por ha. Las variables morfofisiológicas medidas fueron altura de plantas, diámetro del tallo, número de hojas y altura de inserción de la mazorca y las variables productivas: peso promedio de los granos y rendimiento estimado. El uso eficiente del agua se estimó por la relación entre la producción de maíz obtenida y el volumen de agua consumido. Los resultados fueron evaluados mediante un análisis de varianza bifactorial, con el programa estadístico (STATGRAPHICS) Statistical Analysis System. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que con lámina de riego de 376,31 mm y densidad de 66 666 plantas se alcanza rendimiento medio de 13,49 t.ha-1, y una eficiencia en el uso del agua de 8,98 kg de maíz producido por m-3 de agua aplicado.

Curationis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
Warriodene Hansen

Background: The new role as professional nurse can be a difficult transition for the new qualified nurses. During this time, factors such as not being well prepared, working without supervision and a lack of guidance can be the result of a difficult transition.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the perceptions of newly qualified nurses on the guidance given by their preceptors towards becoming experts in practice at a Level II regional hospital in the Western Cape.Method: A non-experimental quantitative descriptive design was followed. Collection of data was done by means of a questionnaire, designed by the researcher, using a cross-sectional research method. Non-probability sampling produced a sample of 162 nurses comprising registered nurses (48.2%), enrolled nurses (32.7%), and enrolled nursing auxiliaries (19.1%). Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS), version 9.3.Results: The results of the research study indicated that respondents had more positive experiences than negative ones. The respondents indicated that for the role and characteristics of the preceptor, expectations were met for knowledgeability, professionalism and contribution to team work. Furthermore, the results indicated that the respondents would recommend preceptorship.Conclusion: Preceptorship is one of the major interventions available to support newly qualified nurses by easing the transition from student to practicing nurse and reducing the theory-practice gap. The findings emphasised the importance of ongoing support programmes for nurses after obtaining a new qualification or/and being a new nurse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (7) ◽  
pp. 1201-1206
A.U. Jibo

There had been a discernible shift in climate affecting the Sahelian zone of northern Nigeria. This attribute of drought influenced the rate of gum Arabic production in the North eastern axis. Therefore, these called for the studied of the Influence of drought on Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Gum yield within a Soil moisture gradient in north eastern Nigeria. Two studied areas were purposively selected based on the availability (Gujba and Nguru). Complete Randomised Design was employed with three (3) samples examined at six (6) levels in six different tapping periods. Also, systematic line transect of 1Km was laid at the middle of both plantations where 1m by 1m transect were further laid in four transect sample plots. The soil samples were collected with the aid of soil auger at different levels (0-25 cm, 25-50 cm, 50-75 cm, 75-100 cm, 100-150 cm, 150-200 cm). Data was subjected using analysis of variance with statistical analysis system and descriptive statistic was also employed. The results showed that mean yield of Gum Arabic is Gujba is higher than Nguru (45kg and 30kg) respectively. Furthermore, physiochemical properties showed that pH, aluminium calcium and magnesium in both plantations were very high which is harmful for plantation development. Therefore, there is need for proper conservation and silvicultural management for both study areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Abdulhameed Jimoh ◽  
Job Olutimehin Atteh

This study was conducted to quantify the effects of enzymes and their cocktails on the apparent metabolisable energy (AME) value of palm kernel cake to maximise enzymes’ advantages. There were eight treatments, each with three replicates in a completely randomised design with T1 as control. The experimental treatments had Xylanase, Multipurpose and phytase enzymes respectively for T2, T3 and T4, and a cocktail of xylanase and multipurpose, a cocktail of xylanase and phytase, cocktail of multipurpose and phytase, and cocktail of xylanase, multipurpose and phytase for T5, T6, T7 and T8. The feeding trial was done using the intubation method. Gross energy values were determined with calorimeter while calculated AME values were subjected to analysis of variance using Statistical Analysis System and treatment means separated by Duncan Multiple Range Test. Results show that individual enzymes, apart from phytase, significantly (p>0.05) improved the AME value of palm kernel cake. Treatment T8 was significantly (p>0.05) better than the other treatments. Each cocktail was significantly better than its respective individual enzymes except cocktail of multipurpose enzyme and phytase that was not significantly different from multipurpose enzyme but significantly (p>0.05) better than phytase. It was concluded that enzymes and cocktail of enzymes could be used to enhance the energy content of nonconventional feedstuffs thereby serving as a replacement to conventional energy feedstuffs. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Asep Setiaji ◽  
Nurfaizin ◽  
Binti Ma’rifah ◽  
Lilik Krismiyanto

The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of strain, density and their interaction on mortality and body weight of broiler chicken raised in the closed houses. The data was obtained from 60 broiler farms in the Central Java province. Three strains were Cobb, CP 707, and Loghman. The density level was classified into three groups:  £10,  >10 to <15, and  ³ 15 birds/m2. Parameters observed were mortality and body weight in the first week to the fifth week (M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5) and (BB1, BB2, BB3, BB4 dan BB5), respectively. Test of significance effect for strain and density was performed using Mixed procedure of Statistical Analysis System (SAS) University Edition V.6p.2. software. The results showed that density was significant (P<0,01) on the first week (M1), their interaction was (P<0,01) on M1 and (P<0,05) on the fourth week (M4), but not significant on body weight. The conclusion from this study there was an interaction between genetic and environment on mortality one week after chick in and nearly harvesting.

Renjithkumar Kalikkot Thekkeveedu ◽  
Nilesh Dankhara ◽  
Jagdish Desai ◽  
Angelle L. Klar ◽  
Jaimin Patel

Abstract Background The available data regarding morbidity and mortality associated with multiple gestation births is conflicting and contradicting. Objective To compare morbidity, mortality, and length of stay (LOS) outcomes between multiple gestation (twin, triplet and higher-order) and singleton births. Methods Data from the national multicenter Kids’ Inpatient Database of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project from the years 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, and 2016 were analyzed using a complex survey design using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary NC). Neonates with ICD9 and ICD10 codes indicating singletons, twins or triplets, and higher-order multiples were included. Mortality was compared between these groups after excluding transfer outs to avoid duplicate inclusion. To analyze LOS, we included inborn neonates and excluded transfers; who died inpatient and any neonates who appear to have been discharged less than 33 weeks PMA. The LOS was compared by gestational age groups. Results A total of 22,853,125 neonates were analyzed for mortality after applying inclusion-exclusion criteria; 2.96% were twins, and 0.13% were triplets or more. A total of 22,690,082 neonates were analyzed for LOS. Mean GA, expressed as mean (SD), for singleton, twins and triplets, were 38.30 (2.21), 36.39 (4.21), and 32.72 (4.14), respectively. The adjusted odds for mortality were similar for twin births compared to singleton (aOR: 1.004, 95% CI:0.960–1.051, p = 0.8521). The adjusted odds of mortality for triplet or higher-order gestation births were higher (aOR: 1.33, 95% CI: 1.128–1.575, p = 0.0008) when compared to the singleton births. Median LOS (days) was significantly longer in multiple gestation compared to singleton births overall (singletons: 1.59 [1.13, 2.19] vs. twins 3.29 [2.17, 9.59] vs. triplets or higher-order multiples 19.15 [8.80, 36.38], p < .0001), and this difference remained significant within each GA category. Conclusion Multiple gestation births have higher mortality and longer LOS when compared to singleton births. This population data from multiple centers across the country could be useful in counseling parents when caring for multiple gestation pregnancies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 9835-9849

El presente trabajo de investigación tiene la finalidad de evaluar el efecto de la variación meteorológica en el balance hídrico de la ciudad de Huancavelica en el periodo 2018-2019. Se utilizó la siguiente metodología: tipo de investigación básica, nivel descriptivo, método científico hipotético- deductivo con diseño no experimental, longitudinal. El instrumento utilizado fue estación meteorológica automatizada de la compañía Weather Link, Marca Davis Instruments, Modelo Vantage Pro y fichas documentadas. La muestra a estudiar fue no probabilística con muestreo por conveniencia. El procesamiento de datos fue mediante software Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 9,4. Los resultados fueron analizados con la estadística descriptiva e inferencial con significancia de 95% de confiabilidad mediante la prueba Anderson-Darling. Se concluye que, las variables meteorológicas del presente estudio siguen un comportamiento esperado para la ciudad de Huancavelica de acuerdo a las estaciones del año. Así también el balance hídrico en el periodo estudiado los meses en que se tiene reposición es decir acumulación de agua en el lugar de estudio corresponde a los meses de agosto, octubre y enero así también los meses de utilización son los meses de setiembre, noviembre, diciembre, abril, mayo, junio y julio.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-291
A. Setiaji ◽  
D. A. Lestari ◽  
S. Sutopo ◽  
Y. S. Ondho ◽  
E. Kurnianto

The purpose of this study was to examine performances and factors that influence the gestation length (GL) and litter size (LS) of New Zealand White Grade (NZW Grade) rabbits. Reproduction records of NZW Grade rabbits were taken from April 2020 to March 2021. Data analysis was carried out using the general linear model (GLM) procedure from Statistical Analysis System (SAS) University Edition V.6p.2. software. Farm showed a significant effect (P<0.001) on LS and significant season (P<0.05) on GL and LS. GL in the rainy season (31.56) was shorter than the GL in the summer (32.26), but the LS in the rainy season (7.06) was greater than the LS in the rainy season (6.37). Maintenance management should be improved to reduce the impact of the season on GL and LS NZW Grade rabbits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_6) ◽  
J Leung ◽  
J Leong ◽  
K A Yeung ◽  
D Hao ◽  
A Mclusky ◽  

Abstract Aim Guidelines on laparoscopic surgery are essential for providing guidance to achieve safe and effective treatments. In this systematic review, we investigated the true extent of the grades of recommendation which were supported by evidence in the guidelines and whether this extent depended upon the quality of the guidelines. Method We searched PUBMED and EMBASE for laparoscopic surgical guidelines published between 1st March 2016 and 1st March 2019.To determine the extent of the grades of recommendation supported by evidence, we determined the disagreement in the grading between the guideline author and independent evaluation. We used the AGREE-II Tool ‘rigour of development’ and ‘clarity of presentation’ domains to assess the quality of guidelines. We performed a mixed effects generalised linear regression modelling using binary distribution and logit link in the GLIMMIX procedure of Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software. Results We analysed 1905 guideline statements from the 63 guidelines retrieved. The median of the scores for the ‘rigour of development’, ‘clarity of presentation’, the ‘editorial independence’ domains in the guidelines were 0.43, 0.72 and 0.63. The interquartile ranges were 0.094, 0.25 and 0.38. The ‘rigour of development’ domain was the only determinant of disagreement in the grades of recommendation guideline statements between the guideline authors and independent evaluation. Conclusions There is variation in the grades of recommendation in the guidelines. The ‘rigour of development’ domain can be used to predict quality of the guidelines. Guideline users should use the ‘rigour of development’ domain to assess the quality of the laparoscopic guidelines before developing local clinical policies.

2021 ◽  
John Marshall ◽  
Peter Bowden ◽  
Jean Claude Schmit ◽  
Fay Betsou

Protein biomarkers offer major benefits for diagnosis and monitoring of disease processes. Recent advances in protein mass spectrometry make it feasible to use this very sensitive technology to detect and quantify proteins in blood. To explore the potential of blood biomarkers, we conducted a thorough review to evaluate the reliability of data in the literature and to determine the spectrum of proteins reported to exist in blood with a goal of creating a Federated Database of Blood Proteins (FDBP). A unique feature of our approach is the use of a SQL database for all of the peptide data; the power of the SQL database combined with standard informatic algorithms such as BLASTand the statistical analysis system (SAS) allowed the rapid annotation and analysis of the database without the need to create special programs to manage the data. Our mathematical analysis and review shows that in addition to the usual secreted proteins found in blood, there are many reports of intracellular proteins and good agreement on transcription factors, DNA remodelling factors in addition to cellular receptors and their signal transduction enzymes. Overall, we have catalogued about 12,130 proteins identified by at least one unique peptide, and of these 3858 have 3 or more peptide correlations. The FDBP with annotations should facilitate testing blood for specific disease biomarkers.

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