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direction of movement
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А.А. Коротышева ◽  
С.Н. Жуков

Отображение навигационной информации в виде проекции на лобовое стекло автомобиля или стекло мотошлема обеспечивает ее восприятие водителем без переключения внимания с дороги на приборную панель, тем самым повышая безопасность дорожного движения. Используемые в настоящее время технологии визуализации информации для навигационного оснащения автомобиля или мотоцикла достаточно дороги и мало распространены, поэтому создание простого и недорогого в разработке программного обеспечения с открытым кодом, повышающего эффективность обработки и отображения информации, представляется актуальным. Предложена архитектура построения подобной системы навигации с применением технологии подсказок водителю в виде объектов дополненной реальности и использованием открытых геоинформационных сервисов. Рассмотрены применяемые в технологии структуры и типы данных, а также возможный набор аппаратных средств визуализации навигационной информации. Алгоритмы визуализации динамических объектов дополненной реальности и обработки геоданных реализованы в программном коде на языке Python. Разработан интерактивный интерфейс, обладающий интегрированным эффектом от совмещения преимуществ навигационных систем и сервисов геоинформационных данных. Приведены результаты тестирования работы кода при визуализации направления движения по заданному маршруту в режиме реального времени Displaying navigation information in the form of a projection onto the windshield of a car or the glass of a motorcycle helmet ensures its perception by the driver without switching attention from the road to the dashboard, thereby increasing road safety. The currently used information visualization technologies for the navigation equipment of a car or motorcycle are quite expensive and not widely used, therefore, the creation of simple and inexpensive open-source software that increases the efficiency of information processing and display seems to be relevant. The article proposes an architecture for building such a navigation system using the technology of prompting the driver in the form of augmented reality objects and using open geoinformation services. We considered the structures and types of data used in technology, as well as a possible set of hardware for visualization of navigation information. We implemented algorithms for visualization of dynamic objects of augmented reality and processing of geodata in the program code in the Python language. We developed an interactive interface that has an integrated effect of combining the advantages of navigation systems and geoinformation data services. We give the results of testing the code when visualizing the direction of movement along a given route in real time

2022 ◽  
Thomas Pliemon ◽  
Ulrich Foelsche ◽  
Christian Rohr ◽  
Christian Pfister

Abstract. We have digitized three meteorological variables (temperature, direction of the movement of the clouds, and cloud cover) from copies of Louis Morin’s original measurements (Source: Institute of History / Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern) and subjected them to quality analysis to make these data available to the scientific community. Our available data cover the period 1665–1709 (temperature beginning in 1676). We compare the early instrumental temperature dataset with statistical methods and proxy data to validate the measurements in terms of inhomogeneities and claim that they are, apart from small inhomogeneities, reliable. The Late Maunder Minimum (LMM) is characterized by cold winters and autumns, and moderate springs and summers, with respect to the reference period of 1961–1990. Winter months show a significant lower frequency of westerly direction of movement of the clouds. This reduction of advection from the ocean leads to a cooling in Paris in winter. The influence of the advection becomes apparent when comparing the last decade of the 17th century (cold) and the first decade of the 18th century (warm). A lower frequency of westerly direction of movement of the clouds can also be seen in summer, but the influence is stronger in winter than in summer. Consequently, the unusually cold winters in the LMM can be attributed to a lower frequency of westerly direction of movement of the clouds. An impact analysis reveals that the winter of 1708/09 was a devastating one with respect of consecutive ice days, although other winters are more pronounced (e.g., the winters of 1676/77, 1678/79, 1683/84, 1692/93, 1694/95 and 1696/97) in terms of mean temperature, ice 15 days, cold days or consecutive cold days. An investigation of the cloud cover data revealed a high discrepancy in the seasons, where the winter season (DJF) (−13.2 %) and the spring season (MAM) (−12.6 %) show a negative anomaly of the total cloud cover (TCC), whereas summer (JJA) (−0.5 %) shows a moderate anomaly of TCC with respect to the 30 year mean of the Meteobluedata (1985–2014).

2022 ◽  
Vol 92 (3) ◽  
pp. 366
Shixin Zhao ◽  
Chengxun Yuan ◽  
А.А. Кудрявцев ◽  
Jingfeng Yao ◽  
Г.Д. Шабанов

The behavior in magnetic and electric fields of the Gatchina discharge, which is used mainly to create an analog of ball lightning in the laboratory in a normal atmosphere, is analyzed. Shown that in these studies it is possible to determine the sign of an uncompensated electric charge as in the active phase of the discharge, and in the forming long-lived luminous formations. Also shown that electric and magnetic fields can change the direction of movement of the forming luminous formation and even completely block its formation. The type and mechanism of existence firework ball lightning are considered, photos of which are presented in widely known monographs on the ball lightning.

Soft Matter ◽  
2022 ◽  
Anton Peshkov ◽  
Sonia McGaffigan ◽  
Alice Quillen

There is a recent surge of interest in the behavior of active particles that can at the same time align their direction of movement and synchronize their oscillations, known as...

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Sirajo Abdullahi Bakura ◽  
Alain Lambert ◽  
Thomas Nowak

In Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs), humans are the main carriers of mobile devices, signifying that human mobility can be exploited by extracting nodes’ interests, social behavior, and spatiotemporal features for the performance evaluation of DTNs protocols. This paper presents a new mobility model that describes students’ daily activities in a campus environment. Unlike the conventional random walk models, which use a free space environment, our model includes a collision-avoidance technique that generates an escape path upon encountering obstacles of different shapes and sizes that obstruct pedestrian movement. We evaluate the model’s usefulness by comparing the distributions of its synthetic traces with realistic traces in terms of spatial, temporal, and connectivity features of human mobility. Similarly, we analyze the concept of dynamic movement clusters observed on the location-based trajectories of the studied real traces. The model synthetically generates traces with the distribution of the intercluster travel distance, intracluster travel distance, direction of movement, contact duration, intercontact time, and pause time similar to the distribution of real traces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-134

Radar is a very powerful tool in determining the position, speed and direction of movement, horizontal and vertical extent of the cyclone. Besides, the radar observations can also be expected to provide more vital information on the shape, size and behaviour of the eye of a cyclone. These features are very important input information for cyclone forecasting, especially in assessing the intensity of the cyclone. An effort has been made here to document the above features of a cyclone that struck the east Godavari coast in November 1996.   The cyclone formed over central Bay of Bengal in the afternoon of 5 November 1996 and intensified into a severe cyclonic storm with a core of hurricane winds next day. The cyclone was tracked by Cyclone Detection Radar (CDR) Visakhapatnam from the initial stage of its formation till it crossed the coast near Kakinada. In this paper, the radar track of the cyclone over sea, along with the size. shape and behaviour of the eye as observed on radar have been discussed. The variation of other parameters like eyewall width, radius of maximum reflectivity and wall cloud height and relationship between eyewall width and eye diameter have also been discussed.

2021 ◽  
Gauranga Jeram Patel

<p>Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was developed as a treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and involves the patient thinking about a traumatic event while simultaneously moving their eyes from side to side. Despite substantial support for the efficacy of EMDR questions remain regarding how eye-movements contribute to therapy. One explanation is that eye-movements tax a part of working memory known as the central executive; however, the exact mechanism involved is still unclear. Previous eye-movement research has focussed on self-ratings of vividness and emotionality of negative memories as the primary outcome measures. The focus of the current research was to examine the effect of eye-movements on the suppression of negative autobiographical memories in addition to vividness and emotionality. Non-clinical participants were asked to recall negative autobiographical memories and then verbally reported ratings of vividness and emotionality. In the eye-movement conditions, which varied by speed and direction of movement, eye-movements were stimulated using dots on a computer screen. Participants were then asked to avoid thinking of their memories, and intrusive thoughts were measured by pressing a computer key. Six experiments found that, overall, the effect of eye-movements on self-ratings was inconsistent, but that eye-movements reliably improved suppression of negative autobiographical memories. The findings also support the central executive explanation for the effectiveness of eye-movements in EMDR.</p>

2021 ◽  
Gauranga Jeram Patel

<p>Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was developed as a treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and involves the patient thinking about a traumatic event while simultaneously moving their eyes from side to side. Despite substantial support for the efficacy of EMDR questions remain regarding how eye-movements contribute to therapy. One explanation is that eye-movements tax a part of working memory known as the central executive; however, the exact mechanism involved is still unclear. Previous eye-movement research has focussed on self-ratings of vividness and emotionality of negative memories as the primary outcome measures. The focus of the current research was to examine the effect of eye-movements on the suppression of negative autobiographical memories in addition to vividness and emotionality. Non-clinical participants were asked to recall negative autobiographical memories and then verbally reported ratings of vividness and emotionality. In the eye-movement conditions, which varied by speed and direction of movement, eye-movements were stimulated using dots on a computer screen. Participants were then asked to avoid thinking of their memories, and intrusive thoughts were measured by pressing a computer key. Six experiments found that, overall, the effect of eye-movements on self-ratings was inconsistent, but that eye-movements reliably improved suppression of negative autobiographical memories. The findings also support the central executive explanation for the effectiveness of eye-movements in EMDR.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 944 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
R Fauzi ◽  
I Jaya ◽  
M Iqbal

Abstract An unmanned surface vehicle (USV) is an unmanned vehicle that is operated on the surface of the water for certain purposes, for example, bathymetry measurement, underwater imaging, etc. These unmanned surface vehicles can be used in impassable waters for crewed vessels in dangerous waters. This research measures the movement of the vehicle acceleration and then calculates it as the USV roll and pitch values. The direction of movement and wind speed and the height of the water surface at low tide are also aspects measured in this research. An accelerometer is a sensor that can measure the acceleration of an object, both dynamic and static. Based on the observations, the highest roll value is 6.0° deep while the highest pitch value is 6.5°. The standard deviation value at roll conditions of 2.92 and the standard deviation value at pitch conditions of 1.25. The average frequency of roll conditions is 2.18 and pitch conditions of 1.13. The dominant wind moves from the south to the southwest with a dominant speed ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 m/s. The results of this research indicate that the USV has a good performance so that it is possible to collect data in the water.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Elia Mercado-Palomino ◽  
Francisco Aragón-Royón ◽  
Jim Richards ◽  
José M. Benítez ◽  
Aurelio Ureña Espa

AbstractThe identification of movement strategies in situations that are as ecologically valid as possible is essential for the understanding of lower limb interactions. This study considered the kinetic and kinematic data for the hip, knee and ankle joints from 376 block jump-landings when moving in the dominant and non-dominant directions from fourteen senior national female volleyball players. Two Machine Learning methods were used to generate the models from the dataset, Random Forest and Artificial Neural Networks. In addition, decision trees were used to detect which variables were relevant to discern the limb movement strategies and to provide a meaningful prediction. The results showed statistically significant differences when comparing the movement strategies between limb role (accuracy > 88.0% and > 89.3%, respectively), and when moving in the different directions but performing the same role (accuracy > 92.3% and > 91.2%, respectively). This highlights the importance of considering limb dominance, limb role and direction of movement during block jump-landings in the identification of which biomechanical variables are the most influential in the movement strategies. Moreover, Machine Learning allows the exploration of how the joints of both limbs interact during sporting tasks, which could provide a greater understanding and identification of risky movements and preventative strategies. All these detailed and valuable descriptions could provide relevant information about how to improve the performance of the players and how to plan trainings in order to avoid an overload that could lead to risk of injury. This highlights that, there is a necessity to consider the learning models, in which the spike approach unilaterally is taught before the block approach (bilaterally). Therefore, we support the idea of teaching bilateral approach before learning the spike, in order to improve coordination and to avoid asymmetries between limbs.

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