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2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (s1) ◽  
Syifa Hanifa ◽  
Diana Puspitasari ◽  
Cahyadi Ramadhan ◽  
Karina Oriza Herastuti

Due to limited availability, Indonesia’s coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination will be done in 4 stages until herd immunity has been reached. Yogyakarta, an education and tourist destination, needs to get a specific, spatial estimation of the exact need for COVID-19 vaccination without delay. This study sheds light on identifying which districts should be prioritized at each vaccination phase. Secondary data collected from provincial, and county-level statistical agencies were quantitatively calculated by the Z-Score method. The results indicate that the first phase of vaccination should prioritize Pengasih and Sentolo districts in Kulon Progo Regency, which have a large number of health workers; the districts of Depok, Banguntapan, Piyungan, Sewon, Wonosari, Gamping, Mlati and Ngaglik should be done in the second phase based on the fact that these districts have many public service officials as well as elderly people; Umbulharjo and Depok districts will be approached in the third phase since they have more vulnerable groups and facilities that may promote COVID- 19 transmission during their daily activities; while the fourth phase should focus on the districts of Banguntapan, Sewon, Kasihan, Gamping, Mlati, Depok, and Ngaglik due to the intensity of COVID-19 clusters discovered there. Overall, vaccination would be given the priority in the districts with the largest number of people in need, i.e., public service officers, elderly people and those likely to be exposed to the coronavirus causing COVID-19.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Agus Munandar

This study aims to determine the degree of accuracy of the Altman Z-score method in predicting the bankruptcy of a company. This study uses quantitative research with a descriptive approach through accuracy and error type tests. Where the samples used are companies that are members of the coal mining sub-sector during the 2015-2019 period. Purposive sampling method was used in sampling with a total sample of 19 companies. The Altman Z-score method has an accuracy rate and type error of 11% and 42%, which indicate that the method is not good for use in companies that are members of the coal mining sub-sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-254
Aries Maesya ◽  
Evi Sopiani

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai kesehatan keuangan mitra menggunakan metode Z-Score untuk memprediksi kesehatan keuangan mitra atau calon debitur. Subjek penelitian ini di tiga mitra atau nasabah dari PT Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura dari sektor manufaktur dan perdagangan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Metode analisis data menggunakan model Altman Z-Score dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan nasabah PT Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura dari tiga periode atau lebih. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, Data Mitra A dikategorikan sehat dengan Z-Score 3,80, Data Mitra B dikatakan tidak sehat dengan nilai 0,52 dan Data Mitra C dikatakan Grey Area karena memiliki angka di bawah 2,60, yaitu 2,33. Hasil penelitian ini mengimplikasikan bahwa Keterkaitan antara Metode Z-Score dengan hasil keputusan tingkat kesehatan keuangan cukup membantu dalam menganalisis laporan keuangan dan dapat menghasilkan keputusan yang tepat dalam menilai kesehatan keuangan mitra. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to assess the financial health of partners using the Z-Score method to predict the financial health of partners or prospective debtors. The subjects of this study were three partners  of PT Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura from the manufacturing and trading sectors. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data analysis method uses the Altman Z-Score model by analyzing the financial statements of PT Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura customers from three or more periods. Based on the results of the research conducted, Partner A's data is categorized as healthy with a Z-Score of 3.80, Mitra B's data is said to be unhealthy with a value of 0.52 and Partner C's data is said to be gray area because it has a number below 2.60, which is 2.33. The results of this study imply that the relationship between the Z-Score method and the results of financial soundness decisions is quite helpful in analyzing financial statements and can produce the right decisions in assessing the financial health of partners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (12) ◽  
pp. 793-800
Kantanut Yutrirak ◽  
Woraphat Ratta-apha ◽  
Pittaya Dankulchai ◽  
Panate Pukrittayakamee

Objective: The primary aim was to compare the psychometric properties among the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) (both including and excluding somatic symptom items), the depression subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-D), and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) in detecting depression in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy. The secondary aim was to investigate the prevalence of depression in this group of patients.Materials and Methods: Overall, 198 participants with cancer diagnosis from a radiology clinic took part in the study. They completed PHQ-9, HADS-D, and CES-D questionnaires and were interviewed in line with the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.) to confirm the diagnosis. The PHQ-9 was analyzed for three scoring methods: sum-score, inclusive (including all items), and exclusive (excluding 4 somatic symptom items) methods. The psychometric properties of each questionnaire were analyzed. The prevalence of depression measured by the M.I.N.I. was evaluated.Results: The sum-score method of the PHQ-9 had an equal sensitivity (100%) to the HADS-D and CES-D, and had a slightly higher specificity (91.1%) than the HADS-D (87.4%) and CES-D (90.6%). When compared results within the PHQ-9, the sum-score method had greater sensitivity than the inclusive (71.4%) and exclusive (42.9%) methods, and had a slightly lower specificity than the inclusive (96.9%) and exclusive (97.4%) methods. The prevalence of depression assessed by the M.I.N.I was 3.5%.Conclusion: The sum-score method of the PHQ-9 seemed to be the best tool to use for depression screening in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy due to its excellent sensitivity and specificity.

Huaizhong Yu ◽  
Zhengyi Yuan ◽  
Chen Yu ◽  
Xiaotao Zhang ◽  
Rong Gao ◽  

Abstract The earthquake tendency consultations in China, which have been carried out by the China Earthquake Administration for more than 40 yr, are really forward prediction of earthquakes. The results, experiences, and data accumulation are valuable for seismic researches. In this article, the annual, monthly, and weekly predictions produced by the regular earthquake tendency consultations and the rapid postearthquake tendency prediction derived from the irregular ones are presented systematically. In the regular predictions, the areas where earthquakes tend to occur are identified by specific space–time windows. To evaluate the efficiency of the predictions, we apply the R-score method to all the medium-to-short-term efforts. The R-score has been used as a routine tool to test annual predictions in China, in which the hit rate and the percentage of spatial alarms over the whole territory are taken into consideration. Results show that the annual R-scores, during the period of 1990–2020, increased gradually, with the average of 0.293. The examples in 2018 indicate that a considerable proportion of earthquakes with the Ms 5.0 and above were detected by the annual prediction; some earthquakes were detected by the monthly prediction, whereas just only a few earthquakes could be detected by the weekly prediction. The corresponding R-scores are 0.46, 0.11, and 0.002, decreasing obviously with reduction of the prediction time windows, and the smallest one, which is very close to zero, may suggest the minimum time scale for an effective earthquake prediction. We also evaluated efficiency of the irregular predictions by analyzing the practices of 29 Ms≥5.0 earthquakes since January 2019 and found that it is highly possible to do rapid postearthquake tendency prediction in China.

2021 ◽  
Dorothy Ella Roulston

<p>This thesis analyses educational trends as reported in five major New Zealand daily newspapers from 1988-1999 when the New Zealand education system underwent radical policy reforms. Newspaper reporting of the educational reforms was set alongside and compared with a range of academic and professional critiques. The role of newspaper reporting differed from the academic literature in two inter-related ways. First, newspapers had to appeal to a ‘reader audience’ so as to achieve their second function, commercial viability. Commercial viability was achieved by a process of ‘gatekeeping’ whereby articles were selected for their publishing suitability. Gatekeeping took into account the reader audience, time constraints and the employer’s political orientation. The key argument of this thesis was, that because of those restraints, reporting on complex educational issues, which required time to investigate, analyse, reflect and theorise, were too difficult and therefore, were largely ignored. A mixed research methodology was used to identify the similarities and differences between academic and professional concerns with those educational articles found in newspapers. Five newspapers were surveyed over 12 years (1988-1999) on the basis of every 11 days, but omitting Sunday. This resulted in 1680 newspapers being identified. Educational articles were coded according to their story content and substory content and scored according to their prominence using the ‘Budd Score’ method. The key findings were that articles about education, in the new global media market with its focus on the commodification of information, were superficial, narrow, unquestioning and given low priority. Such ‘dumbing down’ was seen to have effectively muzzled the ‘watchdog’ role that the media claimed to have upheld. As a result a ‘cultural bricolage’ had led to an unequal power distribution that, based on the evidence of the literature review and the Budd score analysis in this thesis, was arguably anti-social, anti-Maori, anti-feminist, anti-competitive and therefore, anti-democratic.</p>

2021 ◽  
Dorothy Ella Roulston

<p>This thesis analyses educational trends as reported in five major New Zealand daily newspapers from 1988-1999 when the New Zealand education system underwent radical policy reforms. Newspaper reporting of the educational reforms was set alongside and compared with a range of academic and professional critiques. The role of newspaper reporting differed from the academic literature in two inter-related ways. First, newspapers had to appeal to a ‘reader audience’ so as to achieve their second function, commercial viability. Commercial viability was achieved by a process of ‘gatekeeping’ whereby articles were selected for their publishing suitability. Gatekeeping took into account the reader audience, time constraints and the employer’s political orientation. The key argument of this thesis was, that because of those restraints, reporting on complex educational issues, which required time to investigate, analyse, reflect and theorise, were too difficult and therefore, were largely ignored. A mixed research methodology was used to identify the similarities and differences between academic and professional concerns with those educational articles found in newspapers. Five newspapers were surveyed over 12 years (1988-1999) on the basis of every 11 days, but omitting Sunday. This resulted in 1680 newspapers being identified. Educational articles were coded according to their story content and substory content and scored according to their prominence using the ‘Budd Score’ method. The key findings were that articles about education, in the new global media market with its focus on the commodification of information, were superficial, narrow, unquestioning and given low priority. Such ‘dumbing down’ was seen to have effectively muzzled the ‘watchdog’ role that the media claimed to have upheld. As a result a ‘cultural bricolage’ had led to an unequal power distribution that, based on the evidence of the literature review and the Budd score analysis in this thesis, was arguably anti-social, anti-Maori, anti-feminist, anti-competitive and therefore, anti-democratic.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 919 (1) ◽  
pp. 012029
E Sinurat ◽  
Nurhayati ◽  
D Fransiska ◽  
J Basmal

Abstract Caulerpa racemosa grain was a healthy product and high nutrition. This study applied study was applied Caulerpa racemosa grain in the beverage with the addition of alginate powder. Thus, the present work was aimed to determine the properties of beverage C. racemosa grain formulated with the alginate concentration was varied (0; 0.025; 0.05; 0.075; 0.10 and 0.125 %). The testing of quality beverage C. racemosa viscosity was analyzed using viscometer methods. The colorimeter investigated the colour. The sensory acceptability hedonic and score method (colour, appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and overall acceptance) used a 5-point. Results showed that alginate used alginate 0.025%, the highest preference, aroma, and appearance scores. The addition of alginate increased alginate was increased the viscosity of beverage C. racemosa grain. The colour of C. racemosa grain progressively became light as the level of alginate grew. However, the increased alginate is not significant enough to change the redness and greenness value of C. racemosa grain beverage. The panelists have preferred to drink the selected Caulerpa grain beverage (concentration sodium alginate 0.025%), with slightly viscous.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 167-175
Lidya Dolores Alulima ◽  
Leonor Margarita Mena Chiluisa ◽  
Emma Claudina Guevara Vallejo

Es necesario que los profesionales del sistema educativo proporcionen información sobre discapacidad intelectual y aprendizaje, más allá del contenido encontrado basados ​​en evidencia y su percepción como docentes, sino también instrumentos para evaluarlos. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue validar el cuestionario sobre discapacidad intelectual en el aprendizaje de estudiantes que cursan la Educación General Básica y Bachillerato General Unificado. Este estudio fue realizado en el Ecuador (Sur América) bajo la percepción de docentes y autoridades académicas, donde se realizó la validación de contenido por revisión de expertos y el método V-AIKEN de manera piloto, además, se aplicó el índice Alfa de Cronbach para evidenciar la fiabilidad del cuestionario y finalmente se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio. El cuestionario piloto de 15 ítems fue aplicado a 180 docentes y autoridades. El método V de Aiken evidenció una validez de contenido del 90% al 100% en los 15 ítems. La fiabilidad indicada por el Alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,960, del mismo modo, se determinó dos componentes basada en el porcentaje de varianza representado por cada factor. El primer componente representó el 69% de la varianza y el segundo componente en las sumas de rotación obtuvo un 32% de varianza, en tal sentido, el componente 1 se denominó percepción de la inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual con una integración de 8 ítems y el 2 se denominó percepción sobre el desarrollo de aprendizaje con 6 ítems, obteniendo una correlación de interfaz de 0,76 y 0.64, lo cual reveló una correlación positiva moderada entre los dos componentes. Se concluye que la validez es un proceso continuo, por lo mismo, la validación demostró que el cuestionario es apto para conocer la percepción de docentes sobre discapacidad intelectual y aprendizaje.  Abstract. It is indispensable that professionals enrolled in the Education System provide information about Intellectual disability and Learning, this information should go further than the evidence found and teachers perceptions. It is also necessary to have access to the assessment instruments. The main goal of this research was to validate the questionary about Intellectual disability for students   of Primary and Secondary Education. This research was done in Ecuador (South America) the participants were teachers and school authorities of different schools. The contents of this questionary were validated by experts and V-AIKEN score method as pilot test. In addition, Cronbach’s alpha measure was applied to measure the reliability of the questionary and finally the exploratory factor analysis of the results. The pilot questionary consisted of 15 items and was applied to 180 teachers and school authorities, the V-AIKEN method reveled 90% to 100% of reliability of the 15 items. The accuracy showed by Cronbach’s alpha measure was 0,960 in the same way, two components were determined in the variance corresponding to each fact. The first component   constitutes 69% of variance and the second component the results gives 32 % of variance. Thus, the first component nominated Inclusion of students with Intellectual Disability integrates 8 items and the second called Learning Development involves 6 items, this generated an interaction of interface of 0,76 and 0.64. This revealed a moderated positive correlation of both components. In conclusion the Validating Search Processes is continuous. Therefore, this process demonstrated that the questionary is appropriated to learn about the teacher’s perception on intellectual disability and the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Zizhe Zhang ◽  
Li Zhang ◽  
Lili Sun ◽  
Bangxuan Wang ◽  
Yongting Yuan ◽  

Abstract Background This study aimed to develop a novel indicator associated with hypertension in Chinese children and adolescents, the relative children’s lipid accumulation product (RCLAP). Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018. A total of 683 students aged 8–15 years were recruited via a stratified cluster sampling Methods. Anthropometric indexes (waist circumference (WC), Body mass index (BMI), Waist-height ratio (WHtR), logarithm children LAP (LnCLAP), RCLAP per height (RCLAP-H)) were standardized using a z-score method (standardized variables: SWC, SBMI, SWHtR, SLnCLAP, SRCLAP-H). A logistic regression model was performed to evaluate the association of the above indicators with the outcome of hypertension. Results The overall prevalence of hypertension was 5.7% (5.5% in boys, 6.0% in girls). SWC ≥ P75, SBMI ≥ P75, SWHtR ≥ P75, SlnCLAP ≥ P75 and SRCLAP-H ≥ P75 significantly increased risk of hypertension, with odds ratios (OR) of 2.21 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.13, 4.30), 2.30 (1.18, 4.49), 2.64 (1.35, 5.14), 4.43 (2.28, 8.61), and 4.49 (2.31, 8.71), respectively. Conclusion RCLAP is a novel indicator associated with hypertension in Chinese children and adolescents, and it performs better than WC, BMI, WHtR and children LAP.

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