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Irriga ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 722-729

EMPREGO DO SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO PARA ANÁLISE DO USO E OCUPAÇÃO DO SOLO NO PERÍMETRO IRRIGADO VÁRZEAS DE SOUSA-PB     LEONCIO GONÇALVES RODRIGUES1; ANA CÉLIA MAIA MEIRELES2 E CARLOS WAGNER OLIVEIRA3   1Mestrando em Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável, Universidade Federal do Cariri-UFCA, Rua Ícaro Moreira de Sousa, nº 126, Muriti, 63130-025, Crato, Ceará, Brasil, [email protected]. 2 Professora titular do Programa de pós graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável, Universidade Federal do Cariri-UFCA, Rua Ícaro Moreira de Sousa, nº 126, Muriti, 63130-025, Crato, Ceará, Brasil, [email protected]  3 Professor titular do Programa de pós graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável, Universidade Federal do Cariri-UFCA, Rua Ícaro Moreira de Sousa, nº 126, Muriti, 63130-025, Crato, Ceará, Brasil, [email protected]     1 RESUMO   O perímetro irrigado várzeas de Sousa (PIVAS) é um grande produtor de culturas como coco, banana, sorgo, algodão dentre outras. Tem grande importância para o desenvolvimento econômico da região do alto sertão da Paraíba. Possui características impares como a distribuição de água para todos os lotes por potencial gravitacional. Para a sustentabilidade do perímetro é necessário o monitoramento constante de suas áreas, para se poder desenvolver estratégias que auxiliam no desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesse sentido, o sensoriamento remoto é uma ferramenta ideal por permitir a obtenção rápida e precisa de informações sobre uma área, o que pode auxiliar na tomada de decisão. Partindo desse pressuposto, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um conjunto de técnicas de sensoriamento que possibilitem o monitoramento de áreas irrigadas ou ambientais. Para tanto foi determinado do uso e ocupação do solo, o índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) e o índice de vegetação ajustado ao solo (SAVI) para o PIVAS. Onde se observou que as técnicas de sensoriamento remoto auxiliam na compreensão de áreas no espaço e tempo.   Palavras-chave: monitoramento, manejo, satélite.     RODRIGUES, L. G.; MEIRELES, A. C. M.; OLIVEIRA, C, W. USE OF REMOTE SENSING TO ANALYZE THE USE AND OCCUPANCY OF THE SOIL IN THE PERIMETER IRRIGATED VÁRZEAS DE SOUSA-PB.     2 ABSTRACT   The floodplain-irrigated perimeter of Sousa (PIVAS) is a major producer of crops such as coconut, banana, sorghum, cotton, among others. It is of great importance for the economic development of the upper wilderness region of Paraiba. It has unique characteristics such as water distribution to all lots by gravitational potential. For the sustainability of the perimeter, constant monitoring of its areas is necessary, to be able to develop strategies that help in sustainable development. In this sense, remote sensing is an ideal tool as it allows for quick and accurate obtaining information about an area, which can help in decision making. Based on this assumption, this work aims to present a set of sensing techniques that enable monitoring of irrigated or environmental areas. For this purpose, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) were determined for the PIVAS. Where it was observed that remote sensing techniques help understand areas in space and time.   Keywords: monitoring, management, satellite.

2021 ◽  
Yulong Zhang ◽  
Binbin Pan

Abstract Traditional Production-Based Accounting (PBA) principle does not consider the embodied carbon emissions in export and import trade. A multiregional input-output (MRIO) model is constructed to estimate the embodied carbon dioxide emissions of 41 countries and regions worldwide, based on the PBA and shared responsibility approach in this paper. The results indicate that the embodied carbon emissions in 2018 in China's export trade were 1326.1 million tons higher than that of import trade. Through the empirical analysis of the embodied carbon emissions in China's import and export trade, it can be seen that China is a major producer of carbon emissions, not a consumer country, and has taken more carbon emissions responsibility for the world. And it is more reasonable and impartial to assign developed and developing country’s carbon emissions responsibility in the light of the shared responsibility method.

Blood ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 138 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 4237-4237
Lekha Thangada ◽  
Manoj Kumar ◽  
Satish Sekhar Pilli ◽  
Rinku Majumder

Abstract Background: The increased thrombotic effects of estrogen-based oral contraceptives and obesity have been documented independently. However, obesity and oral contraceptives combined are associated with a far greater thrombotic risk, but we have a poor understanding of the mechanism of this greater effect. Increasingly, women are using oral contraceptives, and the national obesity rate has been skyrocketing. Thus, it is imperative to explain how obesity and oral contraceptives work together to significantly elevate thrombotic risk. We know that hypoxia-inducible factor 1-ɑ (HIF-1ɑ) and the estrogen receptor (Erɑ) bind to the promoter of the Protein S gene; binding occurs at sites within ~450 nucleotides of each other, and the two transcription factors downregulate Protein S expression independently. We hypothesize that the two factors, by binding the promoter simultaneously, synergistically downregulate Protein S to a degree much greater than the downregulation mediated by each factor separately. Aims: The goal of this project is determining whether estrogen and obesity-induced hypoxia work synergistically to downregulate Protein S transcription and increase thrombotic risk. Methods: We measured the effects of obesity and oral contraceptives on hepatocarcinoma (HEP G2) cells because the liver is the major producer of Protein S. Estrogen of varying concentrations (25-150 μM) was used to mimic the effects of oral contraceptives, and cobalt chloride of varying concentrations (25-150 μM) was used to stimulate hypoxia and HIF-1ɑ expression. Cells were exposed to estrogen only, cobalt chloride only, and estrogen and cobalt chloride together for 24 hours, after which the cells were harvested and subjected to q-PCR and immunoblot blot analyses to measure Protein S transcription and protein expression. Although cobalt chloride is a reliable inducer of hypoxia and HIF-1ɑ expression, we also performed hypoxia experiments by incubating cells in a chamber with varying O 2 concentrations (20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, 1%). Results and Conclusions: Immunoblot analysis of cells treated with either CoCl 2 and estrogen supplementation revealed a ~20% reduction in Protein S levels compared to control conditions and a more significant reduction in (~60%) Protein S expression in cells treated with estrogen and CoCl 2 together. These results supported our hypothesis that obesity and estrogen-based contraceptives increase thrombotic risk by downregulating anticoagulant Protein S transcription and subsequently decreasing Protein S level. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 96-123
Angélica Durán-Martínez ◽  
Hillel David Soifer

ABSTRACTMost literature on drugs and conflict focuses on how the drug trade affects insurgent behavior, paying little attention to its effect on state behavior in conflict settings. This article begins to address this gap by analyzing the impact of drugs on state violence during the internal conflict in Peru (1980–2000), which, in the 1980s, was the world’s major producer of coca for the international drug trade. Drawing on literature on criminal violence and on drug policy, this study theorizes militarization as the main channel by which drug production affects how state forces treat the civilian population during internal conflicts, though it also explores a second channel associated with corruption. The analysis finds that, all else equal, drug-producing localities saw increased state violence in ways consistent with the militarization channel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 10946
Michael A. Rimmer ◽  
Silva Larson ◽  
Imran Lapong ◽  
Agus Heri Purnomo ◽  
Petrus Rani Pong-Masak ◽  

Seaweed farming in Indonesia is carried out throughout much of the archipelago and is mainly undertaken by smallholder farmers. Indonesia is the largest global producer of the red seaweeds Kappaphycus and Eucheuma, which are used to produce carrageenan, and is a major producer of Gracilaria, which is used to produce agar. Seaweed farming is attractive to farmers in rural coastal communities because capital and operating costs are low, farming techniques are not technically demanding, labour requirements are relatively low (allowing farmers to engage in other livelihoods), and production cycles are short (30–45 days), providing regular income. Using reported values for seaweed-farming income, we conclude that seaweed farming can, but does not always, lift rural households above the Indonesian poverty line. In addition to direct financial benefits, seaweed farming also contributes to human and social capital within seaweed farming households and communities. Achieving continued economic and social benefits from seaweed farming will require additional policy development, as well as research and development to support improved and more consistent seaweed productivity and improved product quality at the farm level, provision of effective extension and technical support services, and diversification of the existing value chains in order to reduce the impacts of price fluctuations that are associated with limited global commodity chains.

Binay Kumar Samanta

Abstract: Mining is the most dangerous peacetime profession and coal mining is more so because of fire by spontaneous combustion, methane explosion, etc. Out of 7 subsidiaries of Coal India, Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. have maximum environmental challenges. The authors have studied the critical issues of management and presented summarily how the problems are being tackled. CIL has strongly fostered the belief that people living in mining areas are important stakeholders in the process of mine development and taking various activities for the development of the area. In this paper, the roles of different stakeholders in a coal company are analyzed for all-around development and cooperation. The global scenario on CSR has also been studied. In this paper, the authors have described special studies in sustainable mining with stakeholder engagement in Bharat Coking Coal Ltd, a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd, a major producer of valuable coking coal in India. The results ensured trouble-free operations among highly unemployed people in the mining areas, because of the closure of uneconomic mines. Keywords: Mines Fire Control; Pollution Control; Impact of Mining: Corporate Social Responsibility; Stake-holders role; Inclusive Growth.

India is the major producer of the banana crop in the world. Banana is divided into two types. First one is desert type and the second one is the cooking type of banana. Cooking banana is the stapple food in many parts of the India especially in Kerala. Major problem in cooking variety is that these varieties are highly susceptible to rhizome rot disease. To control this integration of physical method (collection and destruction) and chemical method (application of fungicide and bactericide) was used at an interval of 7 days and 14 days. The results showed that combination of physical method and application of MetalaxylMz (4 mgL-1) + streptomycin (1.5 mg/10L) at 7 days interval had resulted in survival percentage (96.03%), average number of the fingers/hand (12.67), average number of the hands/bunch (9.27), average weight of the bunch (29.67 kg) and yield per hectare (61.58 t/ha) in first crop. on the other hand, ratoon crop had recorded maximum survival percentage (99.83%), maximum average number of the fingers/hand (13.00), maximum average number of the hands/bunch (8.53), maximum average weight of the bunch (28.41kg) and maximum yield per hectare (59.45t/ha). This experiment concluded that rhizome rot can be completely control by the integrated physical and chemical method of disease management.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 2159
Andrew Marcus ◽  
Glen Fox

The beer industry is a major producer of solid waste globally, primarily in the form of brewer’s spent grain (BSG), which due to its low value has historically been diverted to livestock as feed or to landfills. However, its high moisture content and chemical composition positions BSG as an ideal candidate for further processing with microbial fermentation. Recent research has focused on filamentous fungi and the ability of some species therein to degrade the predominant recalcitrant cellulolignin components of BSG to produce valuable compounds. Many species have been investigated to biovalorize this waste stream, including those in the genuses Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhyzopus, and Trichoderma, which have been used to produce a wide array of highly valuable enzymes and other functional compounds, and to increase the nutritional value of BSG as an animal feed. This review of recent developments in the application of filamentous fungi for the valorization of BSG discusses the biochemical makeup of BSG, the biological mechanisms underlying fungi’s primacy to this application, and the current applications of fungi in this realm.

Andrew Marcus ◽  
Glen Fox

The beer industry is a major producer of solid waste globally, primarily in the form of brewer’s spent grains (BSG), which due to its low value has historically been diverted to livestock as feed or to landfills as waste. Its high moisture content and chemical composition positions BSG as an ideal candidate for further processing with microbial fermentation, and recent research has focused on filamentous fungi and the ability of some species therein to degrade the predominant recalcitrant cellulolignin components of BSG to produce valuable compounds. Many species have been investigated to biovalorize this waste stream, including those in the genuses Aspergillus, Pennicillium, Rhyzopus, and Trichoderma, which have been used to produce a wide array of highly valuable enzymes and other functional compounds, and to increase the nutritional value of BSG as an animal feed. This review of recent developments in the application of filamentous fungi for the valorization of BSG will discuss the biochemical makeup of BSG, the biological mechanisms underlying fungi’s primacy to this application, and the current applications of fungi in this realm. As the majority of these studies are at lab-scale, the challenges to scale-up and more widespread application and will be discussed as well.

Margarita Castillo-Téllez ◽  
Beatriz Castillo-Téllez ◽  
Luz María Hernández-Cruz ◽  
Gerardo Alberto Mejía-Pérez

The drying process is very intensive in energy consumption. Mexico is a major producer of food, especially of varieties of chilies, with quality culinary and medicinal properties. The 65% of the national market as a dry product, which gives a benefit. In the drying process, the convective technology was used, using a horizontal tunnel with direct solar heating air. The kinetics of the solar dryer with direct heating is possible, with an average drying time of 16 hours of solar irradiance. The tests were performed in Temixco, Morelos, Mexico, located at 18 º 51 'of LN and 99º 14' of LO, with average values of 850 W/m2 irradiance maximum. The chamber temperatures were in a range between 31 and 45 °C. The air velocity range was set between 1.3 and 2.4 m/s. Final moisture contents of the dried chili were obtained in a range between 8% and 6% h.b. with an average drying velocity of 4.7 humidity degree/h. The solar direct drying is a technology that allows recovering and trying different agricultural surpluses and could promote the establishment of agro-industries.

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