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space planning
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Land ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 102
Małgorzata Gerus-Gościewska ◽  
Dariusz Gościewski

The appearance of urban space is most often determined by planners, urbanists, and officials who fail to consider social preferences in the planning process. According to recent scientific research, spatial design should take into account people’s preferences with regard to its shape, as it is they who are the target audience. Moreover, legal regulations in many countries require the public’s inclusion into the space planning process. This paper outlines the legal status of the issue of social participation in spatial planning and provides an overview of the methods and techniques applied in the research into preferences. The aim of the article is to determine the strength of the relationship between the features adopted for the study using the grey system theory and to investigate the model’s behaviour for varied input data. It also presents the results of a study into the effect of geospatial features on the perception of the sense of security within urban space. The features were extracted using a heuristic method for solving research problems (i.e., brainstorming) and the survey was conducted by the point-scoring method. The survey results were processed by the grey system method according to the grey system theory (GST) of the grey relational analysis (GRA) type to yield a sequence of the strength of dependence between the analysed features. The study was conducted five times, with the order of entering the survey results being changed. The conducted analyses indicated that a change in the order of data from particular surveys applied for calculations resulted in the order of the epsilon coefficients in the significance sequences being changed. The analysis process was modified in order to obtain a stable significance sequence irrespective of the order of entering survey results in the analysis process. The analysis results in the form of a geospatial feature significance sequence provide information as to which of them have the greatest impact on the phenomenon under consideration. The research method can be applied to solve practical problems related to social participation.

Land ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Elke Mertens ◽  
Richard Stiles ◽  
Nilgül Karadeniz

Green infrastructure is presented as a novel and innovative approach in the current environmental planning discourse, but how new is it really? An historical overview of planning ideas in both the urban and the rural contexts indicates that the concept, if not the term, “green infrastructure” has a very long and distinguished pedigree in the field of landscape and open space planning. To determine how far the concept is indeed new, definitions of green infrastructure from the literature are examined. While “green” has long been loosely used as a synonym for natural features and vegetation in the planning context, “infrastructure” is the part of the term which is really novel. Infrastructure is otherwise understood as being either “technical” or “social”, and the common features of these otherwise very different forms are considered in order to gain a better understanding of how they might also relate to a new interpretation of green infrastructure. A number of international case studies of different “green infrastructure” projects are then presented, again to better understand their common features and potential relationship to other infrastructure types. Finally, the necessity to consider green and blue areas together and to take them as seriously as other forms of infrastructure is emphasized. The developing climate and biodiversity crises underline the urgency of implementing a flexible and multifunctional green-blue infrastructure system. This must be carefully integrated into the existing fabric of both urban and rural landscapes and will require an appropriately resourced administration and management system, reflecting its beneficial impacts.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Chunyu Pang ◽  
Zhen Guan

In the context of rapid economic growth, people’s living standards are improving day by day, and China’s urbanization process is also gradually accelerating. Urban renewal is a very complex project. The renewal and expansion of most cities in the country usually involve demolishing and rebuilding. This way of urban renewal only pays attention to the renewal efficiency of cities and towns, and ignores the health needs of residents, which will make community residents lack a sense of security, pleasure, comfort, and belonging to the community, and greatly reduce the quality of life and physical fitness of community residents. Building a healthy city is an important goal of today’s society, and community is the basic unit of a city, so it is urgent to build a health-promoting community. We should pay attention to and study the social environment, the external space environment of residential areas, and the interaction between them, so as to make develop them in a healthy direction and create a healthy and positive community. Therefore, it is an urgent task to improve the community residents’ attention to the above problems and build community outdoor space, which has very important practical significance. In this paper, we use the cloud resource scheduling mechanism and the Internet of things to study the healthy role of community outdoor space planning. Through the transplantation of embedded Linux system, the development of communication interface and the external acquisition sensing device, we collect the information of working status and running status, and transmit it to the database built in the cloud through the 4G module on the motherboard. Then, HTML + java script + CSS + JSON + Ajax technology is used to write the display interface and logical relationship, so that the data can be displayed on the mobile terminal and PC, which can provide a useful technical exploration for outdoor space planning. The community Internet of Things technology realizes the intelligent community environment detection, and the community cloud resource scheduling mechanism combined with the community Internet of Things can obtain the residents’ help information in time and allocate the community outdoor resources in real time, which can not only meet the health needs of community members but also be conducive to the sustainable development of a health-promoting community. In addition, the cloud resource scheduling mechanism and the Internet of things also provide new ideas for the study of the health promotion research of community outdoor space planning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Eila Lindfors ◽  
Juha Jaatinen ◽  
Sara Wendelius ◽  
Miika Uljas

Perusopetuksen käsityön oppiaine on uudistunut opetussuunnitelmallisesti ja käsityön oppimis- ja työympäristöjen tilaratkaisut vaativat uudenlaista pohdintaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan käsityötä opettavien opettajien (N = 11) näkemyksiä heidän omiin kokemuksiinsa perustuen. Näkemyksiä taustoitetaan käsityön suunnittelu- ja valmistusprosessin luonteeseen, fyysisen oppimis- ja työympäristön erityispiirteisiin ja tilasuunnittelun periaatteisiin liittyen. Tilasuunnittelussa suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan fyysistä oppimis- ja työympäristöä lähtökohtaisesti pedagogisen suunnitelman pohjalta. Aineistolähtöiseen sisällönanalyysiin perustuen opettajat tarkastelivat käsityön fyysisen oppimis- ja työympäristön kehittämistä tilasuunnittelun osalta kolmen pääluokan avulla: käsityötilojen rakenne ja sijoittuminen, kalusteet ja välineet sekä opettajien osallisuus ja resurssit tilasuunnittelussa. Tutkimuksen tulokset korostavat opettajien osallistumisen tärkeyttä tilasuunnittelussa sen alkuvaiheista lähtien. Opetussuunnitelma vaihtuu kymmenen vuoden välein, mutta käsityön tilasuunnittelun ratkaisut tehdään vuosikymmeniksi.   Towards new learning and working environments in Craft, Design and Technology education – Teachers' views on planning and construction Abstract In Finland the curriculum of subject Craft, Design and Technology (CDT) education is renewed and there is a need to reconsider how to plan and construct learning and working environments in the future. This study bases on the CDT education teachers' views (N = 11) on workspace and workshop planning and construction. The content analysis based on interview data revealed that teachers consider space planning construction as a combination of structure and placement in schools, as a combination of equipment, tools and furniture and their own possibilities to participate in the planning process. It would be very important to invite teachers to be part of a space planning and construction process as early as possible to avoid pedagogically fatal mistakes and problems in construction of physical spaces. Keywords: learning and working environment, space planning and contruction, craft design and technology education, basic education

L.V. Kachemtseva ◽  
D.D. Tymchenko ◽  

Abstract. Today, researchers' interest in the architecture of the USSR during the late 50s and early 70s of the 20th century is growing rapidly, since these years have left behind an outstanding architectural heritage. Many aspects of industrial architecture are being studied, one of which is the phenomenon of the emergence of atypical author's public buildings. The paper discusses the features of the creation and the current state of the Cinema and Concert Hall "Ukraine" – one of the unique objects of the early 1960s, built in Kharkiv. To achieve the goal, the authors formulated the following research objectives: to consider literary sources that provide general information about the CCH "Ukraine"; find and analyze authors' articles and publications written by a design team of architects, as well as experts in various fields; to classify and summarize the received material; analyze the current state of the structure. The article describes the design site in the city garden named after T. G. Shevchenko, on the site of which there was a summer open-air musical stage, in need of restoration due to the impossibility of its use. Presented is a group of architects who developed the project for the new building, and under whose leadership the construction was carried out. The author's concept of the design solution and the stages of its implementation are considered. The main purpose of the project was showing films, holding concerts of symphonic music, performing by pop groups and soloists, as well as organizing rallies and meetings. The features of space planning (composition, functional zoning) and architectural (interior, external design) solutions of the investigated object are revealed. An innovative, for that time, constructive solution of the structure was analyzed in detail and described – hanging cable-stayed structures of a saddle shape. A brief history of this constructive system is given. Particular attention is paid to the current state of the CCH "Ukraine", since on August 12, 2021, the facility was opened after a long reconstruction. Presented and described are the project proposals for reconstruction, made by the Ukrainian architectural bureau.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1796
Xiangqi Kong ◽  
Yan Sun ◽  
Chengyang Xu

Urban parks provide multiple ecosystem services as an important element of the urban space and improve human health and wellbeing. This study used the Gaussian-based 2SFCA method to evaluate the spatiotemporal distribution of and changes in park accessibility within the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing over 15 years. The study also used bivariate correlation analysis to analyze the relationship between urbanization factors and park access. The results showed that the overall park accessibility in both quantity and proximity had increased from 2000 to 2015, but there were still certain areas (percentage) that had limited access to parks. The inequity of distribution in park accessibility had been detected accompanying the rapid increase in park quantity in 2015. Furthermore, the development of urban parks mismatched that of urbanization in terms of urban land increase. The correlation between accessibility changes and population urbanization is not significant. Proper urban green space planning based on the distribution of population density and urban land use is indispensable in avoiding the aggravation of inequity in the process of urban expansion. This study contributes to the assessment of the current park allocation efficiency and helps urban planners and policymakers make prompt adjustments in the rapidly urbanizing process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-62
Timur Bashkaev

Transport interchange hubs (TIH) combine the features of public buildings and transportation facilities. Their functional diversity and technological features dictate their uniqueness and the inability to use standard space-planning solutions. Classification and research of the TIH will help to successfully develop and implement a large number of objects simultaneously. The author describes an approach to the TIH classification according to the following features: capacity (volume of passenger traffic), composition (number of modes of transport), functionality, location in the city and planning structure.

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