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В.И. Николаев ◽  
Ю.Г. Пастернак ◽  
В.А. Пендюрин ◽  
С.М. Фёдоров

Предложена конструкция приземной многолучевой антенной решетки на основе линзы из гранитного щебня, позволяющая одновременно формировать до нескольких десятков лучей в длинноволновой области УКВ-диапазона волн. Эффективная диэлектрическая проницаемость гранитного щебня оценивалась с помощью формулы Лихтенекера для мелкодисперсных смесей; ее величина приблизительно равна 3. Для оценки величины замедления поверхностных волн в линзе использовалась методика анализа дисперсионных характеристик зеркального диэлектрического волновода; при высоте линзы 1.8 метра эффективная диэлектрическая проницаемость эквивалентного зеркального диэлектрического волновода равна 2.1. В качестве облучателей линзы - несимметричные электрические вибраторы, расположенные на окружности по периметру линзы, диаметр которой составляет 30 метров; диаметр подстилающей стальной поверхности составляет 40 метров. Предложенная антенная система характеризуется потерями в щебне около 3 дБ при диаметре линзы около 3,8 длин волн; показано, что коэффициент направленного действия у каждого луча может составлять около 15,5 дБ, при ширине главного лепестка в азимутальной плоскости по уровню половинной мощности около 10 градусов We propose a design of a surface multi-beam antenna array based on a lens of crushed granite, which makes it possible to simultaneously form up to several tens of beams in the long-wave region of the VHF wave range. We estimated the effective dielectric constant of crushed granite using the Lichtenecker formula for fine mixtures; its value is approximately equal to 3. To estimate the magnitude of the deceleration of surface waves in the lens, we used a technique to analyze the dispersion characteristics of a mirror dielectric waveguide; at a lens height of 1.8 meters, the effective dielectric constant of the equivalent mirror dielectric waveguide is 2.1. As irradiators of the lens - asymmetric electric vibrators located on a circle around the perimeter of the lens, the diameter of which is 30 meters; the diameter of the underlying steel surface is 40 meters. The proposed antenna system is characterized by a loss in rubble of about 3 dB with a lens diameter of about 3.8 wavelengths; the directivity of each beam can be about 15.5 dB, with the width of the main lobe in the azimuthal plane at half power level of about 10 degrees

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Nelson J. G. Fonseca ◽  

This vision paper provides a brief overview on recent developments related to a new solution of quasi-optical beamformer, referred to as the water drop lens. This parallel plate waveguide beamformer, which is a revisited geodesic lens with a shaped profile, is attracting attention for applications in the millimetre-wave range, where more conventional dielectric lenses prove to be too lossy and standard geodesic lenses are still too bulky. On-going investigations include satellite and terrestrial communication systems, radar systems and imaging systems with wideband operation at centre frequencies ranging from about 20 GHz to over 120 GHz.

2021 ◽  
Nazar A. Nikolaev ◽  
Alexander A. Mamrashev ◽  
Valery D. Antsygin ◽  
Dmitry M. Ezhov ◽  
Dmitry M. Lubenko ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (7) ◽  
pp. 972-977
V. E. Shaposhnikov ◽  
V. V. Zaitsev ◽  
T. V. Simonova

2021 ◽  
Vol 2094 (2) ◽  
pp. 022013
A O Zhukov ◽  
E G Zhilyakov ◽  
I I Oleynik ◽  
S G Orishchuk ◽  
P A Fedorov ◽  

Abstract The possibility of ensuring the safety of flights of aircraft, such as helicopters, at low altitudes, where there is a high probability of unauthorized appearance of small-sized objects such as unmanned aerial vehicles, is being considered. The possibility of solving the problem of detecting such objects on the basis of radar soundings in the resonant frequency range of the UHF radio wave range is considered. Sub-band processing of the received signals is proposed, based on the division of the spectral definition area into sub-bands, for adaptation to the frequency response band and noise filtering. The mathematical apparatus of sub-band signal analysis using sub-band matrices has been developed. An optimal solution to the problem of filtering responses in given sub-bands is obtained. A procedure for processing the received signals is given when making decisions about the presence of a response in a given sub-band. Estimates of the probabilities of erroneous decisions are given for a given probability of errors of the first kind.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2067 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
N A Nikolaev ◽  
A A Mamrashev ◽  
V D Antsygin ◽  
D M Ezhov ◽  
D M Lubenko ◽  

Abstract We present the thorough studies of optical properties of BiB3O6 (BIBO) crystal in the millimeter-wave (subterahertz) range. We observe a large birefringence Δn = nZ -nX = 1.5 and the values of absorption coefficients of all three axes to be less than 0.5 cm−1 at the frequency of 0.3 THz. The difference from visible range in angle ϕ between the dielectric axis z and crystallophysical axis X is found to be more than 6°. The simulated phase-matching curves in the xz plane of the crystal show the optimal value of the angle θ to be around 25.5°±1° for an efficient millimeter-wave generation under the pump of 1064 nm laser radiation.

2021 ◽  
Thippesha D ◽  
Pramodh B R

The Hexagonal split-ring resonators (HSRR) are one of the prime elements of metamaterial and patch antenna design in the millimetre-wave range. Even though it's widely used there is no particular mathematic model is available for it. This analysis presents the mathematical nature of the relation between split widths, resonance frequencies; reflection (s11) and mutual coupling (s12) by identifying tend of the data with the aid of machine learning algorithms. The predicted relation will help to design efficient metamaterial, antennas and related appliances.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (10) ◽  
pp. 1148-1154
Yu. B. Bashkuev ◽  
L. Kh. Angarkhaeva ◽  
D. G. Buyanova ◽  
V. P. Mel’chinov

Grigor Dabaghyan

Crystalline silicon substrate visible light reflectivity is finely modified by a discrete growth of carbon nanofilm (CNF) on it by nanosecond pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. It is established that 71 nm thick CNF effectively reduces the high reflection of the substrate on average to 5% in the visible light wave range. The exact values of the thickness and refractive index of the carbon nanofilm are also determined via an analysis of reflection spectra.

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