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speech therapist
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2021 ◽  
pp. 185-206
Sylwia Suchocka

Speech plays an extremely important role in interpersonal communication. Often times, speech does not develop according to the norm. The time of the pandemic is a very difficult time for specialists. Not an easy moment for a quick, reliable diagnosis. The article clarifies the issues of diagnosis and speech therapy. It talks about a reliable diagnosis, which is determined by many factors, opinions, and specialist research. The article focuses on specific conceptual terminology in the field of speech therapy diagnostics. It allows for the emergence of a consistent diagnostic procedure. He brings us closer to the difficult time of therapeutic work during remote learning. It shows us the difficult access to medical specialists such as a neurologist, ENT specialist, phoniatrist and others. Speech therapy care is designed to preventive and diagnostic measures. The work of a speech therapist is taking preventive measures to prevent speech defects and disorders. Supporting preventive activities, including in the field of teachers. Speech therapist Conducts screening tests to determine the speech of students. Organizing speech therapy assistance. These are activities in the field of living word culture. First of all, it shows us how many students use speech therapy in educational institutions. The aim of this article is to show the difficult work of a speech therapist in times of a pandemic. With what obstacles on the way to beautiful Polish pronunciation a modern specialist. Under what conditions do therapists work, wanting to further fulfill themselves as therapists who want to help.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 247-262
Barbara Skowronek

Hearing impaired people have serious communication problems: both with (full) understanding of reality and with learning the first language. In order to counteract communication exclusion, they compensate for the deficiencies with an increased use of other senses. They learn the first language consciously with the help of a speech therapist, compensating for hearing dysfunctions, e.g. wide-angle vision. Karpińska-Szaj calls such learning inclusive; they can be successfully used in teaching foreign languages.

2021 ◽  
pp. 96-109
Hafidz Triantoro Aji Pratomo

Background: Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is an important component in clinical practice of a Speech Therapist. Students can develop critical thinking pattern using credible literature. The sustainable implementation of EBP can improve practical quality of Speech Therapist, particularly in clinical decision making. EBP use in speech therapy clinical setting has been unknown in Indonesia. This research aims to identify the implementation of EBP by speech therapy students in clinical setting. Methods: The respondents employed in this study consisted of 35 students. The research was conducted using survey method. Survey was distributed online using Google form application. Sample comprised last-year students of Speech and Language Therapy Applied Bachelor Study Program. The students were those who have undertaken clinical practice in hospital, clinical, or other healthcare service facilities. Analysis was conducted descriptively with correlational analysis technique. Results: Descriptive analysis shows that students’ perceptions are varying. Inter-variable cororelation was analyzed using correlation test. The result of analysis shows coefficient of correlation (r) > 0.2, meaning that there is a correlation between case experience, EBP level knowledge, knowledge on EBP, speech therapist’s attitude and role, and EBP implementation Conclusion: Survey informs that scientific literacy culture is still weak. This study found the correlation between experience, knowledge, attitude, and EBP implementation. In-depth investigation is required on the different data appearing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-62
Amna Asghar ◽  
Tayyaba Dawood ◽  
Ghulam Saulain ◽  
Aqsa Irum ◽  
Rabia Zaman Khan ◽  

Background: Cochlear implant is a miraculous surgery to improve hearing in profound hearing-impaired children who derive no benefit from hearing aids and consequently present with speech and language disability. This study aims to explore the parental perspective regarding compliance to speech therapy and its potential benefit in hearing-impaired children with cochlear implantation. This will help understand parental concerns and plan recommendations for providing appropriate speech therapy sessions after cochlear implantation. Subjects and methods: This cross-sectional study using purposive sampling recruited 217 parents of hearing impaired cochlear implanted children of both genders, aged 1 to 15 years. Sample was collected from Audiology Department of Riphah International University, Combined Military Hospital, Bahria Town Hospital and Alam Audiology Clinic, Lahore, Pakistan over a period of 6 months. Basic demographic sheet and self-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. SPSS Version 22 was used for data analysis. Results: Results revealed that both parents of 120 (55.3%) male and 97 (44.7%) female cochlear implanted children entered the study. A poor compliance was noted with only 88(40.55%) parents got their children consulted with a speech therapist for post implant needs and of these only 75 (84.23%) received regular speech therapy. There was significant association of those who received hearing aid trial and consultation to speech therapist (p=0.01) and length of speech therapy with regular therapy sessions (p=0.03), speech language improvement with the thought that regular speech therapy was important (p=0.04) Conclusion: By and large parents are not very compliant to speech therapy needs of their implanted children with only 40.55% consulted speech language therapists and remaining remained indifferent. Of the 40.55% who consulted speech language therapists 84.23% followed speech therapy for their children. Study also revealed a significant relationship between regular speech therapy sessions and early speech and language development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Aris E. Ignacio ◽  
Mark Angelo A. Ligot

Autism has a very wide range that influences people, specifically children in general. Usually, it affects a child’s social interaction, communication, behaviors, and interests. Providing a complete device for treatment which is planned to be used by kids with autism needs to be taken into consideration. There is no software available that will adhere to the main areas of autism. The development a multidimensional software that focuses the main areas of kids with autism was a specific goal that the paper is being addressed. It is planned from the viewpoint of several specialists: more particularly speech therapist, occupational therapist, Special Education (SPED) educator and an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) specialist. The specialists’ focused objectives were lengthily included into the planning of the software. The development of an application for the young with autism that would completely attend to all the main areas that are initiated by autism and serves as an addendum to treatment is the primary goal of the study. Interviews from, speech therapist, occupational therapist, SPED teacher, ABA therapist and a SPED therapist will serve as a basis and the prototyping methodology for system development. With the implemented system, the intended users gave an approval on the application to be integrated in the teaching of children with autism. Suggestions on the improvement of the application comprises of including video recording for API 22, implementing the system in the iOS environment, and concentration on older autism cases were recommended.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Alexander N. Sereda ◽  
Sergey N. Puzin ◽  
Servir S. Memetov ◽  
Vyacheslav V. Kim ◽  
Ruslan G. Ilyukhin

The development of rehabilitation at the present stage is one of the priorities in the field of health and social development. Not only medical organizations, but also other organizations can take part in carrying out medical rehabilitation activities. A prerequisite for the implementation of rehabilitation activities is the availability of a license for medical activity with an indication of medical rehabilitation work. Of great concern is the issue of staffing of medical organizations, especially primary care, by such specialists as a doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine, a doctor of medical rehabilitation, a medical speech therapist, an ergorehabilitation specialist, etc. In the absence of these specialists in medical organizations, it is impossible to form interdisciplinary rehabilitation teams, and in their absence, the solution of medical rehabilitation issues is questionable. The article contains an analysis of the current legal framework for medical rehabilitation. The stages of medical rehabilitation in medical organizations are reflected in accordance with the scale of rehabilitation routing. Four groups of medical organizations carrying out medical rehabilitation have been identified. The shortcomings of the current legal framework for medical rehabilitation are indicated, since a comprehensive rehabilitation system is currently being formed in the Russian Federation. For its successful development and implementation in the practical activities of medical organizations and social institutions, a regulatory and legal framework is being developed and improved. The approved Procedure for the organization of medical rehabilitation will allow to systematize and organize this work at a qualitatively new level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3C) ◽  
pp. 658-668
Liudmila Nekrash ◽  
Anna Zamsha ◽  
Olha Babiak ◽  
Oksana Fedorenko ◽  
Nataliia Babych ◽  

The article aimed to form a theoretical and practical basis for pedagogical support for families raising children with early developmental disabilities. The article included methods of analysis and synthesis to form the theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogical support for parents and children. This article provides an analysis of the stages of stress and reactions that arise in parents at the birth of a child with developmental disabilities: 1. The expectation of the child. 2. Shock. Daze. The decline of strength. 3. Denial. 4. Feelings of anger, guilt. 5. Emotional adjustment or acceptance. Finding resources in overcoming. A study of successful experience in the field of early pedagogical support shows that comprehensive support for children and their families is effective when an interdisciplinary team including doctors and specialists in psychological and pedagogical support (a teacher-defectologist, a speech therapist, a special psychologist, a social pedagogue) works. These two groups of specialists perform different labor functions and must have different competencies. Teachers and parents need to use the basics of remedial education in the educational and pedagogical processes.

H. M. MYTSYK ◽  

The practice of using the professional qualifications names which are awarded to higher education applicants is examined in the article based on the analysis of educational and professional programs of specialty 016 Special education with specialization 016.01 – speech therapy of the first (bachelor’s) higher education level of some higher educational institutions. It is noted that the availability of recommended list of professional qualifications of the specializations which are established of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the Standard of higher education of Ukraine of the first (bachelor’s) higher education level of specialty 016 Special education is a more important issue and therefore requires the attention of scientists. It is found out that questions of using professional qualifications names in educational and professional programs of specialty 016.01 Special education (Speech therapy) are solved differently. Mostly in such programs, direction to assigning to higher education applicants, who have successfully completed it, the professional qualification of «speech therapist», to a lesser extent – «teacher-speech therapist assistant» is observed. It is stated that not one of directories of the qualification characteristics workers’ professions operating in Ukraine does not contain the qualification characteristics of a speech therapist and the requirements for the educational degree of the employee required to hold the position of a speech therapist have not concretized enough. The absence of qualification characteristics of a speech therapist to a certain extent causes problems in determining the list of main jobs that are inherent to this position (profession). Taking into account the level of complexity of the problems which to be solved by a speech therapist and teacher-speech therapist assistants in professional activity, the idea was proposed of orienting educational and professional programs of specialty 016 Special education with specialization 016.01 – speech therapy of the first (bachelor’s) higher education level for preparation only speech therapists awarding its graduates the professional qualification of «speech therapist». In turn, the preparation of teacher-speech therapist assistants should be carried out according to the educational and professional programs of the initial level (short cycle) of higher pedagogical education. Of point of view the existing close connection between a teacher-speech therapist and a speech therapist, it is proposed to reconsider the qualification requirements for the primary position of teacher-speech therapist, providing the possibility of its occupation by persons with a bachelor’s degree. Key words: educational and professional program, educational qualification, professional qualification, speech therapist, assistant teacher-speech therapist.

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