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precipitation anomalies
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2022 ◽  
Lu Wang ◽  
Jie Jiang ◽  
Tim Li

Abstract The southern China (SC) exhibits a strong intraseasonal precipitation variability in boreal winter, but so far the relative contributions of the tropical Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and the mid-latitude intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) is unclear. This issue is addressed through a cluster analysis. The result shows that 53% of strong intraseasonal precipitation events are unrelated to the MJO. They are caused by southward propagation of a low-pressure anomaly in the lower troposphere from higher latitudes. Southerly anomalies associated with the low-pressure system transport high mean moisture from South China Sea, leading to moisture accumulation over SC. 47% of the events are accompanied by the MJO, and they can be further divided into two groups: one with enhanced MJO convection over the eastern Indian Ocean (termed as IO group), and the other over the Maritime Continent (termed as MC group). For the IO group, the SC precipitation is triggered by low-level southerly anomalies associated with an anomalous anticyclone over the western North Pacific (WNP) in association with suppressed MJO convection in situ, as well as the upper-tropospheric divergence related to a wave train excited from the MJO convection. For the MC group, both the upper-tropospheric wave train related to MJO and the southward propagation of low-pressure anomaly from higher latitudes in the lower troposphere contribute to trigger the SC precipitation.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-63

Abstract Motivated by the strong Antarctic sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in 2019, a survey on the similar Antarctic weak polar events (WPV) is presented, including their life cycle, dynamics, seasonality, and climatic impacts. The Antarctic WPVs have a frequency of about four events per decade, with the 2002 event being the only major SSW. They show a similar life cycle to the SSWs in the Northern Hemisphere but have a longer duration. They are primarily driven by enhanced upward-propagating wavenumber 1 in the presence of a preconditioned polar stratosphere, i.e., a weaker and more contracted Antarctic stratospheric polar vortex. Antarctic WPVs occur mainly in the austral spring. Their early occurrence is preceded by an easterly anomaly in the middle and upper equatorial stratosphere besides the preconditioned polar stratosphere. The Antarctic WPVs increase the ozone concentration in the polar region and are associated with an advanced seasonal transition of the stratospheric polar vortex by about one week. Their frequency doubles after 2000 and is closely related to the advanced Antarctic stratospheric final warming in recent decades. The WPV-resultant negative phase of the southern annular mode descends to the troposphere and persists for about three months, leading to persistent hemispheric scale temperature and precipitation anomalies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 3193
Maxsuel Bezerra do Nascimento ◽  
Janaina Aparecida Cezário ◽  
José Ludemario da Silva Medeiros ◽  
Tássio Jordan Rodrigues Dantas da Silva ◽  
William De Paiva ◽  

O estudo do clima vem se intensificando desde o século XX com o intuito de verificar as variações climáticas no espaço-tempo” em todo o território brasileiro. Deste modo é notório tentar entender como há uma grande variabilidade pluviométrica, principalmente nos estados do nordeste brasileiro. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é verificar e avaliar a variabilidade pluviométrica da microrregião do Curimataú Oriental no Estado da Paraíba, através da análise espaço-temporal mensal e anual da precipitação. Identificou-se assim os períodos secos e chuvosos da área estudada com o auxílio do Índice de Anomalia de Chuva (IAC). Os dados pluviométricos utilizados na pesquisa correspondem às séries mensais de precipitação no período de 1994 a 2017, fornecidos pela Agência Executiva de Gestões das Águas do Estado da Paraíba. A microrregião do Curimataú Oriental apresenta dois períodos distintos, um de sete meses chuvosos e outro com cinco meses secos. Completa-se ainda que o IAC é um instrumento de expressiva importância na análise desses dados, pois demonstra eficiência para averiguar os períodos extremos (úmidos e secos) e para realizar o monitoramento da precipitação de uma determinada região, município e/ou bacia hidrográfica.     Employment of the Rain Anomaly Index in the Pluviometric Variability of the Micro-Region of the Oriental Curimataú in the State of Paraíba A B S T R A C T The study of climate has been intensifying since the 20th century to investigate space-time throughout the Brazilian territory. Thus, it is notorious to try to understand how there is a great climatic variability, mainly in the states of northeastern Brazil. The main objective of this work is to verify and evaluate the climatic variability of the eastern Curimataú microregion in the State of Paraíba, through the monthly and annual spatial-temporal analysis of its precipitation. Thus, the dry and rainy periods of the studied area were identified with the aid of the Rain Anomaly Index (IAC). The pluviometric data used in the research correspond to the monthly series of precipitation in the period from 1994 to 2017, provided by the Executive Agency for Water Management of the State of Paraíba. The Curimataú Oriental microregion has two distinct periods, one with seven rainy months and the other with five dry months. It is also completed that the IAC is an instrument of significant importance in the analysis of these data, as it demonstrates efficiency to ascertain the extreme periods (wet and dry) and to verify the monitoring of a certain region, municipality and / or hydrographic basin.Keyword: Precipitation anomalies, Periods, Variability.

Christopher E. Holloway ◽  
Charles JR. Williams ◽  
Gui-Ying Yang ◽  
Rachel Stratton ◽  
Malcolm Roberts

Abstract Observational studies have shown the link between Convectively Coupled KelvinWaves (CCKWs) and eastward propagating rainfall anomalies. We explore the mechanisms in which CCKWs modulate the propagation of precipitation from west to east over Equatorial Africa. We examine a multi-year state-of-the-art Africa-wide climate simulation from a convection permitting model (CP4A) along with a parameterised global driving-model simulation (G25) and evaluate both against observations (TRMM) and ERA-Interim (ERA-I), with a focus on precipitation and Kelvin wave activity. We show that the two important related processes through which CCKWs influence the propagation of convection and precipitation from west to east across Equatorial Africa are: 1) low-level westerly wind anomalies that lead to increased low-level convergence, and 2) westerly moisture flux anomalies that amplify the lower-to-mid-tropospheric specific humidity. We identify Kelvin wave activity using zonal wind and geopotential height. Using lagged composite analysis, we show that modelled precipitation over Equatorial Africa can capture the eastward propagating precipitation signal that is associated with CCKWs. Composite analysis on strong (high-amplitude) CCKWs shows that both CP4A and G25 capture the connection between the eastward propagating precipitation anomalies and CCKWs. In comparison to TRMM, however, the precipitation signal is weaker in G25, while CP4A has a more realistic signal. Results show that both CP4A and G25 generally simulate the key horizontal structure of CCKWs, with anomalous low-level westerlies in phase with positive precipitation anomalies. These findings suggest that for operational forecasting, it is important to monitor the day-to-day Kelvin wave activity across Equatorial Africa.

2021 ◽  
Liwei Huo ◽  
Zhaoyong Guan ◽  
Dachao Jin ◽  
Xi Liu ◽  
Xudong Wang ◽  

Abstract Eastern China has a large population with rapid development of the economy, where is the important crop producing region. In this region, the spatial and temporal distribution of autumn rainfall in Eastern China is uneven, which has important societal impact. Using the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis and other observational datasets, it is found that the spatial distribution of the first EOF mode of autumn rainfall anomalies in eastern China is consistent across the region, with significant interannual variabilities. Pronounced interdecadal variations are presented in the relationship between autumn rainfall anomalies in eastern China and sea-surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) over the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO). The interdecadal changes have been analyzed by considering two epochs: one during 1979-2004 and the other during 2005-2019. It shows weak and insignificant correlations between the autumn rainfall anomalies in eastern China and SSTA over SETIO during the first epoch. On the other hand, they are remarkable and positively correlated with each other during the second epoch. The inter-decadal changes of the above relationship are related to the warming of SST over SETIO during the second epoch. It causes stronger low-level convergence and ascending motion over SETIO, with the co-occurrence of enhanced western Pacific subtropical high and anomalous abundant moisture over eastern China carried by a low-level southerly anomaly originating from the South China Sea. Simultaneously, the local Hadley circulation over eastern China becomes weak, corresponding to the anomalous ascending motion. The collaboration of anomalous water vapour transport and ascending motion strengthens the connection between the SETIO SSTA and the autumn precipitation anomalies in eastern China, and vice versa. In the boreal autumn of 2019, entire eastern China suffered extreme drought. It suggests that this drought event in eastern China is strongly affected by the negative SSTA over SETIO, which is consistent with the statistical results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-47

Abstract The longitudinal location of precipitation anomalies over the equatorial Pacific shows a distinctive feature with the westernmost location for La Niña, the easternmost location for eastern-Pacific (EP) El Niño and somewhere between for central-Pacific (CP) El Niño, even though the center of the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) for La Niña is located slightly east of that of CP El Niño. The mechanisms for such a precipitation diversity were investigated through idealized model simulations and moisture and moist static energy budget analyses. It is revealed that the boundary layer convergence anomalies associated with the precipitation diversity are mainly induced by underlying SSTA through the Lindzen-Nigam mechanism, that is, their longitudinal locations are mainly controlled by the meridional and zonal distributions of the ENSO SSTA. The westward shift of the precipitation anomaly center during La Niña relative to that during CP El Niño is primarily caused by the combined effects of nonlinear zonal moist enthalpy advection anomalies and the Lindzen-Nigam mechanism mentioned above. Such a zonal diversity is further enhanced by the “convection-cloud-longwave radiation” feedback, the SST-induced latent heat flux anomalies and the advection of mean moist enthalpy by anomalous winds. This diversity in the longitudinal location of precipitation anomalies has contributions to the diversities in the longitudinal locations of anomalous Walker Circulation and western North Pacific anomalous anticyclone/cyclone among the three types of ENSO.

Teresa Vegas-Vilarrúbia ◽  
Juan Pablo Corella ◽  
Javier Sigró ◽  
Valentí Rull ◽  
Isabel Dorado ◽  

The Mediterranean is one of the regions of the world where human-induced climate warming is expected to have large impacts on water and environmental resources. To predict shifts in the current climate system, more regional climate records, including seasonal-to-century scale variability spanning longer than the instrumental periods, are needed. To help fill this gap, we provide a reconstruction of autumn precipitation variations for the Central Pyrenees range since 1500 Common Era (CE) using the varved sediments of Lake Montcortès. To assess the suitability of the calcite sublayer width of the sediments of this lake as a proxy for precipitation anomalies, we performed an analysis and smoothing of the temporal structure of the width series, calibration of the new series with the available instrumental climate records, calculation of a transfer function and testing and comparison of the reconstructed series against available empirical data.The prediction model was statistically robust and showed that the climatic signal was captured in the calcite sublayers. The reconstruction provides the first estimations of regional autumn precipitation shifts in the Central Pyrenees at annual resolution, since 1500 CE. Pronounced interdecadal shifts in precipitation were noticeable; no increasing nor decreasing linear trends or periods of extreme precipitation events were identified. The reconstructed precipitation anomalies suggest a decrease in rainfall during the coldest phase within the coldest period of the Little Ice Age and also during the 20th century, probably associated to current Global Warming. Correlations between autumn precipitation and the North Atlantic Oscillation, Western Mediterranean Oscillation and Southern Oscillation indices were weak to moderate. A potential relationship with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation pattern is suggested. The reconstructed autumn precipitation trends are coherent with other palaeohydrological reconstructions in similar Mediterranean settings, and consistent at a regional level.

Xi Cao ◽  
Renguang Wu ◽  
Ying Sun ◽  
Zhibiao Wang ◽  
Yifeng Dai ◽  

Abstract This study reveals a connection of summer–fall (JJASO) tropical cyclone (TC) genesis over the western North Pacific (WNP) to preceding boreal spring (MAM) North America snow cover (NASC). Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropical central Pacific and subtropical eastern Pacific play a crucial role in relaying influence of the MAM NASC on the following JJASO WNP TC genesis frequency. The increased NASC leads to a decrease in upward sensible heat flux and the atmospheric cooling over the North America. The atmospheric cooling enhances the meridional thermal contrast and geopotential height gradient, which is favorable for the occurrence of lower-level westerly wind anomalies and positive precipitation anomalies over the tropical eastern Pacific. The lower-level northeasterly wind anomalies over the subtropical northeastern Pacific as a Gill-type atmospheric response to positive precipitation anomalies induce ocean surface cooling via the enhanced wind speed. A positive feedback between the northeasterly wind anomalies and negative SST anomalies leads to a westward extension of the easterly flows to the western Pacific. The easterly wind anomalies along with the negative specific humidity anomalies and negative lower-level vorticity anomalies, and enhanced vertical wind shear suppress the TC genesis over the WNP during JJASO.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Ruili Wang ◽  
Hedi Ma ◽  
Ziniu Xiao ◽  
Xing Li ◽  
Chujie Gao ◽  

Both the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the 11-years solar cycle had been identified as important factors that may influence the wintertime southern China precipitation (SCP). However, the interactions between these two factors remain less noticed. In this study, the combined effects of the ENSO and the solar activity on mid-winter (January) SCP are investigated using observational and reanalysis data. Results suggest that both the ENSO and the solar activity are positively correlated with the SCP, although exhibiting distinct spatial patterns. Under different combinations of the ENSO and solar phases, the SCP anomalies show superposition of these two factors to some extent. Generally, the ENSO-related SCP anomalies tend to be enhanced (disturbed) when the ENSO and the solar activity are in-phase (out-of-phase). But this solar modulation effect appears more clear and significant under cold ENSO (cENSO) phase rather than under warm ENSO (wENSO) phase. Further analysis suggests, during the wENSO phase, solar influences on the Northern Hemisphere circulation are generally weak with little significance. In contrast, during the cENSO phase, the solar effect resembles the positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation but with an evident zonal asymmetric component. Its manifestation over the Asia-Pacific domain features by negative geopotential height anomaly over the West Asia and positive geopotential height anomaly over the East Asian coast, a pattern that is favorable for the SCP, thus causing a significant solar modulation on the cENSO-related precipitation anomalies. Further, the potential physical causes of solar effects on circulation are also discussed. Our results highlight the importance of considering solar cycle phase when ENSO is used to predict the East Asian winter climate.

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